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Show TVtvW Kf r jS&MSv,- - My !1U THE ENSIGN, PEBIISHEQ EVERY FRIDAY ISTephi Juab Co, AT THE ENSIGN. TT.T. subscription bates? FEILD.& RobtO PbCtlSIIERS. 'Prompt attention paid to al! communica-rtionAddress: The Ensign, P. O. Box Utah. Nephi, , One Year, Six Months, Three Months s. 2 'Vol.II ISTPHI, UTAH, FRIDAY SEPTEMBEK PROVO Hill & Tolton, photographers, have located their Palace Photographic Car on the old Love property whare they are prepared to do the best of work in their line. They are exceptionally well recommended and press public by wherever .they have been. See their ad. in .this issue. NEPHI MARKET. 14, 1888- ITEMS. Itfo 15 ' - PumKisins Notice. 1.25 75 Rates fonvarded p 0,1 WASHINGTON LETTER. 1SS8. FIRST NATIONAL The of the Nephi Mill Ed. Ensign. (FROM OCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) and Manufacturing Company are reBelong. Buying. I again attempt to write you a few of quested to pay up their delinquent asWool, i yrs. growth, $ ft 10 to 14 of rqj' thoughts in regard to Provo. In Washington, D. C , September 7th, 1S8S. sessment on their capital stock it once 1 he Chinese question is uppermost this or the same will be advertised for sale. reference to the streets, I would say week. It is believed that the By order of the Board generally OF that the owners of these artesian wells treaty has been rejected, although the Alma Hague, Secretary. S'ate ot F. K. Morris and Simon Bamberger put a bad fi.ee on the looks the streets Department has just received a from the United States Minister have seed the S. P. V. Ry., the former and even of the sidewalks for a number telegram to China, saying that he has no positive FOR SALE. for money claimed to be due for services of yards around each well; and also information they Paid Capital on the subject. The un$50,000 renderd as secretary of the road and the make their A good wagon, team and harness. For places of business look dirty. official news was good enough for the latter for payment for furnishing material House: wells run where this office. at let these Surplus Representive Scott prepared a particulars, inquire just and constructing track front the coal They 12,500 mines to the main track of the S. P. V chance will let them, and as is the case short aud sharp restrictive bill and Geo. C. Whitmore, President Ry. In all amounting to nearly $100,000. w'ith all of them, there is a puddle of promptly railroaded it through the House JonasH. Erekson Vice Pres. without a divison, and when it got over L. S. Hills if Yesterday nt orning Mrs. J. J. Carter of mud and water, that looks as so many to the Senate some of the Senators wantII. Mynders, Jas. ed to is Tint!.-in On suicide had rush them. , in by abeen rolling Eureka, attempted hogs right through the same E. Clinton. James but with way, husbands her her th.roat fortunately for the good name cutting their main thoroughfare the sidewalks ol Alma Hague, Cashier. the country, more conservative counpocket knife. Si'ie bled profusely, and are in a dilapidated condition, weeds of sel is still alive but ve ry low, and the chanprevailed and the Senate contented Deposits received subject to sight draU ces are against her' recovery. Mrs. Car eveiy description growing on the edges, itself by passing a reslution introduced ter has been in a demented condition for and rocks lying here and there dirt by Mr. Sherman requesting the President or check. many months. She would often exclaim that has been thrown out of some door, to inform the Senate wehther the recent COMPRISING 15 MUSICIANS, to kill with her. China She also lies treaty that a mob was comi ng has been satisfied by' Money loaned on approved security. there, making the walks look the government. This would have has only one child, about eight years Collections made with been ASSISTED By prompt returns at old like some forsaken and back yard. the proper course for the House to have old. Enquirer, Sept. .11. lowest rates. Of course there are a few exceptions; taken in the first place, but no member WILLARD WEI IIE, Violinist, In Sait Lake City at 12; 05 p. m. on We sell exchange on leading cities of the these I am not alluding to. Will not of either party seems to have had nerve Monday last, a young woman who had to make the suggestion, enough United tates, also furnish sight drafts or We been raised in Nephi and who was very some of the Provoites clean their portion can certainly afford to wait untill we TROF. KENT, Clarionetist, remit get funds to all prominent points last. thed her of walks brea business the make the the and official news of the rejection of the highly respected here, NELLIE DRUCE PUGSLEY, Vocalists Europe. Elizabeth J. Ockey Mackin tosh died of street look before like the of w law treaty rest the a hicli will something passing MISS BESSIE DEAN, .33 ran and shorts 13 cwt pnuemonia at her residence in Salt Lake town? There is another 90 thing that is abrogate a treaty now in existence. City at the above stated time. She was Correspondents JOS. McINTYR Accompanist. the daughter of Ester and the late Ed- badly needed, and that is to have the Senator Stewart continues to make New York, Kountze Bros. ward Ockey of Nephi, .and was always a trees trimmed so that a man of ordinary war in the General Land Office. His latVill give a GRAND CONCERT strong and hearty woman but sickness size can walk under them without hav est move was to offer a resolution in the Union National Bank. the NEPHI MEETING HOUSE Chicago, in Senate for the She is appointment of a select grappled with her and she gone. Lake off. And of taken his Salt head the Citv, Deseret National Bank ing top 26 was in the prime ol life, being o nly committee to investigate the rejection of on TUESDAY EVENING Sept. San Francisco. Pacific Bank. Cash or Merchandise paid for fat calves years ol age the 16th of last anuarv. also have their ditches bridged with the la ws relating to public land and tim18th 1888. She leaves one child. Her husband L'an'l more than one rotten slab. The writer ber depredations. iby R. F. Barr. Mackintosh is an employee of the U. C. while attempting to cross one of these has that The Enquirer says The members of the House are all Diptheria Admission and special rates were given to those des25ds. .and fell, and badly anxious to get home, therefore it was not no existence ia Provo now. P. D. SCHOEBER SURVEYOR AND iring to attend her funeral. Several from slabs, slipped Reserve Seats that socts. his the ankle. resolution fixing the Upon being asked surprising sprained CIVIL ENGINEER. Goods sold cheaper than ever for cash Nephi went. how he did it, he said, "I was trying to 20th instant for adjounment was receivsale For the , or produce at R. F. Barrs at stores and at principal ed with There will be two entertainments in cross one of general Office: by the House. first door south of Court your patented bridges and The members applause wanted to vote on the the door on the night of the entertain- House. H. M. McCune & Co. are the agents for NeDhi next Tuesday evening, one in the fe'I. answer The came, "Oh youll get resolution at once, but the speaker refer- ment. All classes of surveying and the celebrated Iron Fire Proof Paint Meeting House and one in the Social leveling Hall. Of course it is out of the question used to that. Now as for getting used red it to the committee on nays and done at reasonable charges iGive them your orfers. Performance at 8 oclock. where it will probably remain unto think that both will be well attend- to means, is a is that my ankle, thing spraining til! the Senate shows The speakers at General Eldredges ed, although it is possible in the town to veather it is in It these bridges, sidewalks, and earnest about passing the substitute for funeral on Sunday were Apostle Moses give a fair audience to each. Use your absuid. would were Provo fixed, be almost the Mills bill, which is to be reported own judgment as to which you will at- trees Thatcher and President Jacob Gates. next week. The democratic leaders of tend, so that you will have no one to perfecL Conductor Jacobs, of the Utah Cential, blame, if at the close you wish you had the House, while anxious to inMr. rumored is It Walter get away, that Scott A few CHOICE RAMS are offered for sale from the herd of the late do not believe it would be good ,has given up the puncher for a position attended the other. politics tends moving to Nephi to live. in the companys office in Salt Lake City. to take the initiation in tne matter of ad- D, M. BROWN? Also 100 or more as fine Bills are up about town announcing a The B. Y. A. boys seem to have a ma- journment. They will leave that for the 0n account of extra work, G. E. of entertainment consisting grand variety ever imported to nia for collecting in liitle groups of an Republican Senate. This is presidential will remain in Nephi with his Negro Irish and Dutch sketches, clog year, you know, and politics enter into this Territory. These rams were in on street cornets. till tomorrow been sumhave evening shipped May, gallery photograph dancing, comic jokes, acrobatic performeverything. mered As our on one the Hence of evening. Tuesbe Hall will streets Social etc. passes at next along the ranges. ances, acclimated and fitted tat) thoroughly Mr. Randall is greatly missed in the for service. A comicality, entitled Provo he heats comments of himself on The judges of election appointed for day evening. in wondeiful House The feats and Humpty Dumpin', all sides. appropriations committee, the August election will serve Tuesday, light For particulars inquire of jW. I. Brown, or A. M. Everts. of whiqh he is chairman, has and heavy balancing are also prompassed a November 6, 1888, at the election lor ised as also has Salvation at The last the Army got resolution expressing regret at his ena great act by an iron jawed delegate to Congress. Nephi, Juab Co. Utah. man. Price of admission, twenty five and better of the hoodlums ol Pi ova.' There forced absence and hoping for his speedy will Preformance return. ma-- ; fifty cents. commence law has a to been the and Shoe Boot effect that, .Peter Rasmussen, passed all boys under the age of 21 shall be arker, is the place to take your orders for at 8 oclock p. nu To use the language of the street, the .good cheap and substantial work. One The abilities of Kents Mibtoary Band rested if they are caught at the place Republicans have got onto the- - demodoor south of Peoples Meat Market. aie so well known throughout the Terri- making a noise or disturbance of any cratic racket of lighting the trusts, ajid are now trying to outdo them in introAll parties knowing themselves indebt- tory that they need no puffing from us, kind. bills against those obnoxious con- ducing ed to the undersigned aie hereby re- as are also the assistants they will have in ihexuucett tfty.be. 4dy Eh jiext Tuesday .. The, King of Healers was baptized last cerns. But unfortunately for the people accounts call ' quested tosave .c n" Professor Kent wtliT.is Wdnytaegum m ir'- -y Tnngr-.evening.it ni further trouble. .once and Willard Weihe with his violin, Nellie tized once before, but had the idea that "of the bills becoming law piitil alter the t '4 DruCe'Pugsley and Miss Bessie, Dean as he was not baptized by a Mormon, but election. Trusts are wealthy, and they are also liberal contributors to the camC. S. Tingey requests all parties who vocalists and Jos. McIntyre as piano aca Josephite. He thought that it " ' ,, j paign funds. may have pigeons tor sale to call upon companist have no surperiors and but by few equals in the '.territory. Ther are would be proper to make sure, so he him at his place of business the The debate in the House on the Canseveral highly accomplished soloists in got baptized again accordingly. furniture store just wtst of Hyde & adian Retaliation bill shows that the Re the band as well as the other attractions, block. Nephite. publicans are to smart too oppose the and a grand musical treat is awaiting those H. Carter has established a cider mill who attend the concert in the meeting granting to the President of all the authTHE WHEAT SUPPLY. ority he wants, although they all took two blocks west of Prices corner on house next Tuesday evening. occasion Main Street. He is prepared to make express the opinion that Mr. we present Clevelandtowould Without details, into going not make use of additicider, apples furnished, at 5 cts. per gal; The Democrats ol Manti held a in the following compilation what ap, ,ion. Patronage solicited. meeting in the City Hall last night, pears to be a fair estimate of the outlook onal authority after he got it and inas w hich was well attended. much as the fishing season is over for F. R, Kenner, Orders from Washington are to stop chairman of the Democratic County Com- for wheat p reduction this season, based this year, they are probably right. There with on lattest evideiice, compared work on the brick yard in Salt Lake lo- mittee, was chairman of the will no for retaliation, but and 1SS7the and average production, in bushels: therebewill beoccasion cated on the Fort Douglas military res- J. P. Madson secretary. Themeeting no harm done by passing first speak1888. :SS7. Average. of employ- er was S. A. Kenne r, who occupied an ervation. This throws out the bill. It will have a good effect on Millions Millions Millions. the ment nearly eighty men. Canadians. hour in a discussion of the tariff, thorcountries 1,191 3,125 1,227 European national the oughly platform endorsing the India 267 240 233 genial host, Dont lorget to give Senator Ingalls gave Senator Teller a calling on those Republicans who United States 456 460 rebuke tor making personal allusions to Geo. Peterson, at the Arcade Chop and 400 their were such believed because they 160 144 Representative Scott in Ins remarks ,on Others countries 140 Housq a call when you want an oyster local interests were assailed by the Mills the Chinese Restriction bill. The presid supper. Oysters served in the best of bill to reconsider and look at the ques2,035 ing officers of both Houses should do this 1,952 2,056 Aggregate any and all styles. tion in the new light presented. Brief Australia and In this calculation, India oftener. There have been entirely too T. L. Foote goes to Levan one week speeches were also made by Thomas are reckoned as for the late harvests of personalities indulged in on the from next Sunday. He has been em- Judd.J J. Taylor and William Luke,atter those countries, already marketed to a many floors of both Senate and House during which the of trustees that school meeting adjourned. ployed by the considerable extent. this seasom olace as school teacher for this year. The aggregate lor these countries was He will open school Monday morning, in and bushels 1886, Senator Blair amused the Senate by about 2,029,000,000 SAD CALAMITY. Senator Sept. 17th. expressing sympathy with The following special to the Neivs 2,009,000,000 in 1S85. If the estimates for 1888 be approxi- Reagan because he was almost as much The Enquirer says our Provo corres- will bring feelings af sadness to the many of a crank as himself. Mr. Reagan said mately correct, the deficiency will be pondent takes the cake for gathering friends of Bro. Rasmussen in Nephi. 104,000,000 bushels, compared with that the suggestion that he was a crank Monroe, Utah, September 10th, 188S. news. He referred last week to Bp and about 33,000,000 below an was the hardest thing ever said about Booths recovery. Our typo made hint Saturday, September 8th, W. Rasmussen, 1S87, which would indicate less him. He did not, care to be in the same PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. average schools at Headquarters at SPRING-VILLof late district the principal say Bp. Smoot had recovered apd this than cent, deficiency. The rye category with the Senator from New 5 per and Richfield, tickled the other Provo scrioe. Henry Hague, of Elsinore, Branch Galleries at Nephi and Manti Utah. while on a pleasure tripin Monroe Cany- crop of Europe is considerably short, Hamphsire. rent, below the For the second time Dr. Seynour B. on, were rolling rocks for the funnf seeing probably near 20 per which is about 1,065, , The Senate went into the advertising Young has been discharged on old charge. tnem roll aud splash m the waters be- average production, business this week. Among the benifit-e- Copying and Enlarging Pictures a scialty. Views of RESIDENCES. STOCK, bushels in the aggregate. He had his examination before Commis- neath. While Brother Rasnvussen was 000,000 should were Mr. McKee, the author of a be approximately 20 per sioner Norrel last Friday, on a charge of in the act of rolling a rock, his foot slip there MACHINER ETC., made on short notice. Orders by mail wilt receive would be book called "Protection echoes from the .unlawful cohabitation and was discharg- ped, or the earth gave way beneath him, cent shortage, the deficiency ol and the the ol in bushels publishers this over Capitol,' 200,000,000 grain ed, the evidence not being the right kind and he fell from a precipice 55 feet high, all about prompt attention. Address Springville Utah. P.O.Box 3. 300,000,000 bushels of wheat Washington Post , the St Louis Post .to warrant a convicion. killing him instantly. As he wrnt down and Louis and the St. below Dispaih, repaverage production, rye he struck on a jutting crag, and his .The new Union Hotel is to have a throat was cut and a piece of hit? cheek resenting a deficiency of 10 per cent. in the shape left on a rock. His left shoulder was The average quality of the grain will be "house warming Representative Foran has introduced ,of a grand ball and supper. Tickets $1. broken and his clothes were nearly all lower than usual. a bill providing that the Chief and In States the United of distributed have been placing invitations affair crops .each, torn off. It was such a shocking of the Bureau ol Engraving with a prolific hand, but The Ensign has that it has cast a gloom over the whole wheat at 400.000,000 bushels, it is be- and shall be either practical enPrinting full this is will a that estimate. lieved To cold. It ibeen left in the keep its community,. plate-p- r or inters. gravers can 0 be ere butabout it added this for amusement 15,000,-00big dollar and spend bushels of old grain as an available NOTICE OF PUBLICATION in other ways. Both parties have opened offices in the No 3070. quantity, making s supply of say 415,000,-00- city to receive contributions to the camAGENTS FOR THE Democratic Territorial Central Combushels of w hich the domestic reLand office Salt Lake City Utah. lunds of their respective parties. paign of 1S88. mittee held a meeting in Salt Lake city at rate the quirements, September, 8th, consumption By the way, it is said that Clevelands deCHAMPION IOIEKS, REAPERS ARB BIRDERS, m late years, will call for about 345,000,-00Notice is hearby given that the Saturday afternoon, at which it was $10,000 contributions was a "fake. filed cided to hold the Territorial convention amed his has of notice settler bushels, leaving 70,000,000 as the exto nominate a delegate to Congress, at intention to make final Commutation portable surplus, but reducing reserves There are rumors among the demoAND Provo, on October 3d. The Provo thea- proof in support of his claim, and that to a minimum point, at the end ot the crats that Mr. Clevelands letter of acfor the purpose. said proof will be made before the Clerk year. Cincinnati Price Currant Aug 31. tre has been rented ceptance will contain matter that will The Enquirer thinks it is probable that of the County Court at Nephi Juab Counmake a great sensation, but the most perthe convention will last two days. ty, Utah, on Monday October 22d, 1888, sistant inquiry has so far lailed to discovN E No 6227 for viz: Jedediah M. Grover er of what nature the sensation is to be. NOTICE. A merchant after selling and using an the SJ of N WJ and NJ of S WJ Sec 20 IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF By mutual consent the firm of Booth articel for years knows something ot its The Republicans are greatly elated 12SR2WSI- - M. merits. Mr. W. D. Haller, druggist, Blair, TpHe names the follow ing witnesses to & Broadhead is dissolved this 13th day of over their Moline Plows, Imperial Chilled Plows, Buckeye Rakes, Grain Drills, 1S88. Broadhead & Co. will grain in Vermont. They are Neb., says: I have used Chamberlains prove his continuous lesidence upon, September, now claiming every northern State. Ail business. the continue and Spring'ootji IIarrows, Springfield Threshers, Engine and Cultivators accounts, Diarrhoea and Remedy, and cultivation Colic, Cholera ot, said land, viz: both owing to and owing by Booth & confident If all democrats as were and do not hisitate to say, that I think it the Horse Don M. Bigler, James Bigler, Daniel Broadhead are Powers, Kelly Feed Grinders, Buggies, Carriages and Road Carta hereby transferred to of succes as Mr. Cleveland is, there would the best of all medicines for diarrhoea M. Miller, Charles Love all W. of & Nephi Co. Broadhead Sold Hardwood, Wagon and Champion Machine Repairs, no doubt about the result. and Dowel complaints generally. Juab County Utah. Thos. CASH .TRICES. Provo, Sept. 12th, stock-holde- All rs NEPHI. rriA H KENTS MILITjUjY BAND I LOCAL ITEMS. AMS! MAMS!! MAMS!! ED VERMONT RAMS REGISTER- 0FMM & IPYJPIGM find-set- tle wf'i lit - tTarTd-ne- f Ai t, V' Co-o- p Whit-more- 's latifi-catio- n DEPOT STREET, NEPHI, UTAH. , 00 Fo AIFJRM E, d 11 , Globe-Democr- ht J. W. SCHOFIELD & CO. t- - 0 following-n- 0 FISH BROTHERS by D. Q Miner, Nephi. D. Webb Register. Booth, W. G. Broadhead. '1! WAGONS. P, O. Box 369. Nephi, Utah. ' IS , k |