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Show IliG lasiga. INTELLECTUAL) WORK. Work is fhe wealth-producof the vorlcj. It takes its motives from the wants ofnjan and then it 'continues till it produces wealth.' Alan is. a hems' of Jnany wants Out of his wants spiings Jiis work to gratify them. Q:rt of his work come the goods which he calls jvealth. AncJ in older to keep peace and prosperity, a maids wants should not be gratified nof weaUh allowed to get into Jjis hands without work of his being giv-p- n to the world in some fuini another er by him. vvoik lies with his business id wealth-makin- Mans the World. In doings of, the ncighboihood and the world and gives tood of a live nature to satisfy the hunger that has been created by the taste for reading that has been cultivated. ' The intellectual laborers of the woild are infringed .upon by inferior products as are the physical laborers, but in addition to these, they have to fight a very stlong opponent which gets before the woik in garments patterned after their own. Especially is this so with literary nypi and the public should help them figlit this opponent. Woik of any kind that produces anything or helps others to produce, should be encouraged and we hope it will be seen by the above that the intellectual workers are a very iniportanilaetoria the woild in this regard. or that broader business of maintaining life, increasing happiness, and elevating his lie finds before him nothing condition W .1. ft' l(y, but tha nket planet on which he lives, his own and physical and intellectual which ate his, .only through the povigrs, mercy and bounty of God, given by Him to be used, ancf used properly, The entire field and problem of mans work jnust be found in these. Ihys'cal woik to be beneficial or profitable must be done in cohnection with intellectual work, that is, the mind must work with jibe body in all sorts of manual labor Whether it be that of agriculture, mining, fnanufacture, house building, cloth making, commerce or service woik of any kind. Cut there are two great fields of woik that one m which the use of the physical powers predominate, called physical work and that in which the use' of tfya intellectual powers predominate, called intellectual work. It is of the lat' ter we wislf to speak. Apart from the aid of capital each kind of work has its value to rpankind and sjiould be paid for accordingly.' Physical, woik is geiieially appreciated and paid fijlr, unless by trusts, monoply companies, etc., sufficiently well, iut, intellectual work although apprecia-ed- , generally is valued py the majoiity away below par. The field Of intellectual woik takes us out of the domain of material gpods into pie sphere of mans intellectual life and powers. Hurpan eilort? do not expend themselves wholly upon the outer woild; there is a world within, a world of ideas, in which man is a worker. There aie industries of the intellect just as onerous and a3 important as those of the physical powers. Iudepd, all proper industry begin, with a mentgl movement; and the physical effort only gives form and effect to what llye minij had already shaped in (ilea. orpe knowledge of natures laws must precede the mastery of her forces and the proper use of her materials. There can be no question as to the pipt that these intellectual'powers and products play in the world of the indushe scientific investigator and extries. plorer gometimes discovers tacts which revolutionize induljtry and lend to it a manifold greater than productiveness that which it had previously possessed. The discoverer of the magnet made modern commerce possible. The studies of Galvani and his successors have given to Us the telegraph and telephone, electroplating,' electrotype, and the powerful electric light, ' They and bid fair to give us, ere long, a motor force which shall surpass all others, and lift us to achievements heretofore impossible. The inventor.who is also an intellectual worker, turns the woik of the investigator to account, and harnesses the new found fact or force to its task in the arts. offices of Europe and JKe great'arepatent lull of t'ieir work; and govrecogernments, by their Ietters-oaten- t, nize the property value of their ideas. Authors, scholars, ora tors, teachers, lawyers, poets, preachers, artists, and statesmen all belong to the guilds of intellectual workers, and all have their place in the world of work. All are counted and worthy of wages by their fellow-methqir wages re relatively large. Tine 'number of intellectual workers always increases as civilization advances; and one of the plainest results of'our modern improvements in the arts, is the telease of men, more and raoie, from merely physical toil and drudgeiy; and their elevation to the position of brainworkers.' Arms of iioh and lingers of steel now do the hardest of the wcik, while the human lahoier furnishes the eves to watch the processes, and the hand to arrange the task anJ summon the power. THE SCHOOLS. which The school year of 1SS7-dosed Fiiday June 22nd, marks a new era in the educational progress of the District Schools of Neplii. Never have the schools accomplished such exThe attempt cellent results before. nude by the Trustees to giade the schools has proved beyond all contio-Vers- y a complete success, notwithstanding several unsuccessful attempts to grade the schools liayu begn made before. I shall not weary the patience of, the patrons of our schools by presenting a long list of statistics but in this direction shall simply state that the enrollment has been greater than during any previous year, more studies have been taught and better insults attained. The principal reason of the improvement has been the grading of the schools into three grades, primary, intermediate and high,' and by this means enabling the teacheis to devote so much more time to each class. By way ofillustraiiou.et us imagine a school wherein are enrolled sixty pupils divided into five grades or classes, each class reciting five lessons eveiy day, which, you see, would make thi'ty recitations tube conducted by the teacher in about four hours: for you ivust know that about two hours uf each sdioolday are spent in the opening and closing exercises, intermissions and in calling and dismissing classes. From the above explanation it can bq seen that we should have about eight minutes far the healing of each of the thirty class recitations. Under our graded system or bools last year the first, second, and third readers tvete enrolled in the primary department. The fourth, and s vine fifth uiadeis 8 id iu July. In a word, current prices many wotlis imremiin-rauve- . repairs j are to outgo of gold has not been large mid hn1 been more than met by Treasury disbursements m purchase cf bonds and otfierwise, winch have exceeded receipts by about fa.ooe.coo for the week. Nev- eitheless foreign trade continue' in such shape that gold must go abroad largely. unless the outward movement of secxrri-t'- e .continues unchecked. In three weeks exports from New York have fallen 8j per cent, below last y cats, while tiicie has been an increase heie in imports of 6 per cent. . .Money is everv-i- t !'1k: . ill vv Shilohs Yitai.wer is what you need for Consumption, loss of Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms ofDyspepsia. Price in and 73 cents per bottle. Sold by Miner and Co., Neplii. S.-2- Druggists, Neotii. & Co., 9.-o- Fountain Green , 9.40 " n.-oArrive at Ncphi GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE. , going south And always have a 'bottle of Ackers Leave at Nepiii in the canhouse. You English Remedy not tell liuvv soon Croup may strike you Fountain Green " little one, or a cold or cough may fasten Moroni itself upon vou. Due dose is a preven- An he at Chester tive and a few doses a positive cine. All Stages connect at Chester for all far Throat and tung troubles yield to its Ckoite, Whoopim; Core 11 raid Bron- treatment. A s.miple bottle is given you of tpanpete and Sevier. chitis .mmediately relieved by Shilohs free and the Remedy guaranteed by Dr. THEODORE ERUBACK, Gen. Manager. Miner. Cure. Sold by Miner Cc Co., Nepiii. H. S. KERR. Gen. Superintendent. one-thu- , A CHILD KILLED. A HEALTHY GROWTH. .Vkers Blood Elixir has gained a firm Ar, ether child killed by the use of opiates given in the foitn of Soothing syrup. Ik Id on the American people and is ack- t J be superior to all other' Why mothers give their children, such nouiedge-I: is a positive cuic for all deadly poison is surprising when they piepaiatious. an relieve the child ei its peculiar trout)-- Blond and Skin Diseases. The medical Ackers Baby S joiher. Ir fraternity ir.doiseaud prescribe it 110 Opium or Morphine. Sold antecd and sold by Ur. Miner, by Dr. Miner. i 1 les by using I .Guar-cjntait- Fur lame back, side or chest, usp Shilohs Cough 'and Consumption lohs Porous Plaster. Price Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. cities Consumption. Miner & Co Q O s3 It Miner N Co., Diuggists, Nephi. Ne-nh- 25 is a ! s . O U 0 rrannn i ll ii X Fan '0 apo O 10 O Passenger Trains leave Nephi daily asp follows: Shi- cents ' f. Going North at 5:4s a. m. and2:25 p. m. S null 8.18 11:35 Ariive at Salt Lake io a. m. ik 6:40 p. m. i. O 1 On -- 1 N. 1 TIME CARD. find after August 17,1887, trains will leave daily, Sundays excepted, as jot Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and tows: Going North Leavts Liver Complaint? Sh, lobs Vrtalizer is C hrstcr at a. m guaranteed to cure you. S fid by Miner Moroni 1 WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE. l RAILROADS. HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot gif hand in hand if vve look on the dark side of every little 'obstacle. Nothing will so Saikeu life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets will cine the wost form of Dyspepsia. Constipation and Idigestiou, and make lde a happiness and pleasure.' Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Dr. Miner. doubtlest be the policy of the Treasury to prevent any stringency, but unless business ln.corp.es much m .re active, little tt to that end will be needed for the next two months. failures occurring lb ough The out the the country during the last seven days, as reported to R. G. Dun & Co., Fri lay, The Moreau tile Agency, by telegraph, number for the United States 76 and for Canada, 28, or a total of 2t.( failuies, as compared with 232 last week, and 035 the week previous to tire last. Fur the corresponding week of last year th'e tigures were 197 made up ol 171 m the United States, and 26 iu Canada. l he Racine States, with 40 casualties, d ot and Canada" with 2S, furnish the total number of failuies tins week. New York, Saturday, June 23, 1S8S. . Coriesponclence E.viu Catarrh Cvred, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilohs Catarih Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. .Miner & Co., Neplii. I EhJW 1 1 S H Kb iu,j si 11 u. Wii. Tiie country is waiting, and the inac p ZZS J tion m tiade lesemblcs midsumCO t mer duluess. Aii. ety ..bom crops has CL C' m gieat measure aha. ed. Emancu! unU) 1 n certainties have but l.ttle present iniiu 'i. elite, because tile naiiowing industrial n c K; and connneia.il demands leave large acrli J W City ofcumulations unemployed at financial unities. The political uncerta'niy engiuv,-e- s CCS v l: err attention, and llieie is hale pio-gwCL that it will diiim. sli until the. ballots nave CO b ea counted m Nuvunbei. A Volume ot bus'iit-ssl.lt continues, winch would have been called huge a few (ears ago, tl Cl n? -- p b at falls mole than 10 per ca.t. below that cf last year. Trie latest .cpoils of were enrolled in the iutuimeJ'ate de- e.u'lumge:. show a uecre.uc f u per cent in com,, .a a :. uuiilisi. :ii li.u .1 :,u. partments and ali the high grade e ' M readers wpre enrolled in the high school, year, anu a d n we ot 7 pt lent, sarv of New Ymk, w.th twenty ifiicc out ji thus facilitating the labor of the teacher, of thiitj-eiih- i cities a sm mirAcn i) , C and promoting the piogress of the pupil. age. At St. Lotus, lepoitmg i wiliaU ; ' L W .u.d R The teacheis have held meetings during New Olleuns, tlx re ale gains, hat at 0 the school year wheie plans andpio-gramnie- s Flnladcipm.! a t.ho '.case of ry ; er tyni., 9 3 ut Cincinnati ,;t Chicago of 7, at m, inhave been arranged and the Boston ot 6. ..mi .it New York of 12 per :o terests of the schools deeply and earnest- curt. V Tiie shrinkage in volume of busim ss is Under the old system ot ly considered. S3 mixed schools and wheie the teacher iiccompan.cd by a decline in jikcs o! cuimuodnics generally, and an advance depended upon the tuition for his salary, in piices ot secuuut... Giaiiig.es down Cl) HU the only object seemed to be how to ob- and stocks go up with some le.iwui, w her. Ta $ tain the greatest palionuge; for upon that nop prospects decidedly improve, and ei.ia O Q aIa'-the favoiuble weather ol lale Ins chang?r. Suit T.ttlce Cilv. depended the amount of the teneners ed Cv Northwestern ally. mate). expectations o saw occasion. to salary and if one teacher heat , cm n and o.tls have e.u .i declined 0 10 prohibit cexlain conduct in his school about 3j cents duini, pa-week, and the students did not choose to obey, without the henvv tiading wir oh would in many instances the- - students would nmik the downwind tendency as mainly speculative in dun ictei. l.aui has falls and the complain to their parents en 30 cents per molds., with no eh 11. go would allow them to go to another in hogs. 0.1 has ded ned 3 cents; hutier rn School thus completely nullifying the halt a cent, eggs x cent, and c. liee lull a is but three cotton cent: sixteenths rules established by the teacher for the Ciirmw demand havmg stronger, the pre-egovernment of liis school. ThtTe is still mire milucnce t trail tiie pungectiv e very gic-a- t opportunity and necessity for yield. Tiie general aveinp; of pticeCu is vYilGLl'KALE ANT) IIKTAITi DUTCUKI improving our schools and if the teacheis declined during tile wcea about dime :Icps are united in their efforts and suppoited quaiteis ol I per cent. from intenor a:e points Repoits by the people much good can be accomfin ira'de m tone, ft r toe pi,.sp"t t SAUSAGES BEEF I:; u i A. SElfi'ltj u ,0 at m si is tin plished. cneeni.g. erv faithful p..mi's Inc pieSe.it tr oisacco:., .no :;i The Trustees have been volume. An in in discharging their duties, kind and obin Season. 7UH . ill shaiji dem rnd, and tr.e compla m fv LAIIB, ill teacheis have la'ooied U Ail and to the liging slow ness in col'ecu- ...s c.ie nu.ei: i. ,s ru- ddigently to promote the interests of merous tins week. Good imp. g..e education. On Friday, June aid, the Confidence as to llie f.ilu.e, e.eu v!u,.- TPZdCS TELL 5 3 U zZ 41 1 5 n schools were all taken to the Social I fall are in ict, ;iy is ri"w m tire mole imp. itant bi.mcl.es ( t tiaic n O and united in spend. ng a happy day togreat change is seen. Colt, n Go. ds 1: l P: gether. During the morning Innus from in Lle.ul but m 'derate 10 oclock until twelve songs and lcdta-tiun- s Cloths aie siiong at ecn'.s f r 6; ; but P. 0 BOX. 43 111 im ns and wouien'sl given and in the alteinoou all trans.ictii us .ue Good Woolen u1.. ,le n'e, vv .'1 pii-at ctoenjoyed themselves in dancing to the liilnig below last year; v I'eie tutiul ,1 7 sweet stiains of Sperrys- baud. 1'? uompetitwn is lell. The Woo! Mnae' ? vl S LA W i . woo! new ulfir hollers because F. W. C. lulls sparingly at present quota'.. oil'., i..ui , fmh in De'ter piices altei the fin.r ti aj TT CO ITS LAND REVIEW. i is!'!. u hi; cli.ui ;v t! Una li.is theie h s ,me ln.piovcnrei.t in ti.c l;.,uj A ll 'omen's Rights I 'mil r t':c Iome- and Snne Tin !e, ar.tl t.,e ;.io'em"ct is I V tf ?' siti.A I lli, t.mly g . d. in;-- ; now tiie ir ;n 'uine to be' Unm.uxied vv mien, wid ws, m.ii lens' J f sftss 43 and deserted waves, w iio me over I it1 ( oiis.tl. : c.l ui . i.i.e' in tm vfi ::au yearn, aie eiuah'd to r,p;ov,-.age ot twenty-on- e wkiti- fil .1, si 5 1 I oe s. a t mad. t.e . all the rights, pnvJeges am1. lv..en:s unabout $1.25 per '.'iul at .l laws tiu. c m beDTONF.OFSXN il'f! E der the 1. ; t'l'- p.e, snt tioas by men. v f f !y. .1 t XL' Tiie mother of a living eh. Id or Gid- .Hiem es proiim-'L i. , I J. . Jv iN .. gn I: ant is the M .re vauce. wife dier, whether widow, deserted ir demamlio! 'nvrsin,.nt '.uMfiics S) un'ouuuate single person, may acquire new ami title to land as the head of a tamily, paiuciilarly for !i aids , linsing load-.- and yet th mIciii oul is .101 though under the age of twenty-unT Widows of deceased enUynie'u suc- to appear f r a time whenever nuicuv.: p. .. K.S fl fill; I. A ue.lt ui 1.1 ,:.e" n ti ceed io die lights ot tlie.r husbands ami C s l.'.dus' i . K may make final proul m.vl take t.tie ml .v e; I w lo d .u ut ll ten lloeL.e t CXZ) their own n lints. U is n, alisolutilv' eve: loUu s iiecessaty tli.U they should i r . Han , Lde L' the land aiie: the lentil ol the lim I'i I I, me-- : n re. as ies:Jc uce m uluvnU m tor ih :a o. t t .s ell cfiu.nn.L' i 11 L siibed tune ! i i 11 e t. Fti.e Tv'.!"t S ice i fed! i i ue cf . .1 r : Widows ami mm , D. is. X'ne wid nv of a served uhj peison I er 11 mes k) f r iiintev d.r.s or more dining iae w..i Uiungn-- , Sy Ingei ( tc. et , ,ile;p, Ti villa u :y tn it tae rebellion in the Im'. id .States Ami',, VoE 1 tl'v bv the ounce or bolt in .Bk.uc F;v Navy or Mamie Coi; s an cl ed iiripor led :.ti Dome Mir (be: iaic kit m an ike an uiuy the m.iking entry, nuy ' ' n i 1 - cr Ikutl ok same ns tier husband, sf bvtng, nugni do, J';' lvr enp.ioniOOgei O.s a.ivi Cigatcus fit i last 1. inrst to the 545 same vt.ir and 111 making Ima! proof receive ciei g, ag '"'elate, and snipnieuts only 4. tons in lieu of residence on the land tor fully Conijioiniib'il, t e !..st year, bier .is. ug ot (0 husband's tiie not lo agnru-- 7 period seivice, lieliiL-.e- d. iv? iety to sell p:g .1011 is unfed; CO. exceed lour veais. Nk Irave i.e.n bai and tne The deserted wie of a homestead en- - hem fi:::i..v-elv ; v 11 stop Main Street, Nephi, tryman may nuke final pruol as j,! Penns;, a:,;a steel work Fiona Leave Salt Lake City at 7:20 a. m. and 4 p. m. Trams dai!v' tl,! t,e NvJ u'. to 'Connect w itli ti U. P, Ry. and the U.K N. Ky.,at 8:20 a.n. N 4.10 pan. and anive fii Salt I.ake City tt rx 10 a, m. and 7.20 p. 111. tufiis leave Nephi for th Noiili at 5.25 a. 111. and for the south at 7 20 p. n' t Francis Cope, Gen F. & P. Agt 1o n Sharp, Gen. Supt. i eiei.eml Oifiees, Ma.u Street, Salt I.akp SU: j 1 1 Citv. 'jpoirz. DL'.W'KU AND rJ RioCrande'W JLULWAV. os'ern cnn.-sal- a ' n isiiori 'y H, J , tiid; with O "o- - i LA, r n 0 F MA nt Sill ike City I Blncha.mand alia tkvins I.e:ue Salt Lake City, 7.25 a. m. Return-- , ing, Air;ve Salt Lake City, to - . .a' 1 wn Go., e - MJt-cr- .(, - ' rA :1j n IX . iLLli inuiiienisfi-j- ; 1 Mi 1 0 iDOIix l-- Tablets. ittlifl ddi is . ; c 1 n,rL - ' j , r P r r riu T, . E' i , : . . T IN ER & ' L . , ( m. mliilti lUfil SL u r vf t,y ds S Pocific- - for all nervous, ,es, such as Weak iMemoiy, guaianteed tine L ss A Brain Power, Hysteria, J Iv.i'ladie, la n in tiie Back, Wakefulness, Leucoi' tiau, Univc.is.il Lassitude, firpoU i.ey and geneial loss power of tire Gcu.,::itive Organs;' in either Sex, caused by indiscietion or over exriion, and w Inch ultimately lead to Preinatme Old Age, Insanity and con- -' 'sump. 'on. $.. oa box or six boxes fur Soul by ui.ul on receipt of t, pice. Full pAuleuhus in sent Lee to every applicant VVr Gl AUANfi L Sl. liyXLS to erne airy case. For eveiy 5.00 IArrslI order leccived, we send six boxes, vvilli, a v. iitic-- gii.uantcL- to lelund the money af our Specific does not eltirct a cure. Ad fiess all conunmiiration to the Sole M eiufiiftineis. THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Kansas City, 'Mo, Call on or add re is I Ivin: K Whitmore' S de agents, Nli-iii. pnisn',1,,1 s, 1 I ' p.un-p'c.k'- - . J. W. BROWN & CO. P! ! ( 4.30 p. D. C. DODGE, J. H. BENNETT, General .Manager, Gen. Iass. Agt. F li i- Ogden con-.nier- . No. 7 No. 9 Lv. 4. to p 111. 6.40 a. m. 5 55 p- nf. 825 a.m. Ar. 7 20 p. 111. 9.50 a. in. Provn Stock in nil kinds oi De: 8o 1 Wilt Bound Trains i PEOPLE'S p.n-eiK- . No. 8 No, 10 Lv. 9.20 a. in. p m., Lv. iu.50 a. 111. xo.io pan. Lv. 12.50 p.m. 1 50 p. m. Ar. 8.45 p. ni. 7.00 a. in. Salt Lake City Provo Denver v 6 Bound Trains Ogd.en ill ASKS & GAS ADI 1 lioin-estea- Civilization cieates many wants that man in his savage state knows nothing o'f. The result from the use of intellectual powers intellectual products satisfy hfe majority of these wants. These products 'must be bought and as the wants are of a high order the products which gratify them are nccessanly. or at least shu'uld be, dearer than those which gratify wants of an infeiior older. The statesman makes latvs under which we can live in peace, joy and liecdom. Artists give their labor to satisfy our wants!,' Poets and authors labor fo die gratification cf wants of the highest kind as do' preachers and orator;. Lawyers help mankind in their affairs wtych happen to go wrong and the labor of the' teacher cannot be too highly Nor must the newspaper man be forgot as he satisfies a very craving appetite of humanity, to know the agent and have palant issue in tire name ot her husband or she may contest his entry On the giouiui of abandoi jjpent of the laim and'after cjnccllatiou.euter the laud in her own name. H he Jotter is the wiser course, lor many reasons. An unmarried woman (widow or oth erwise) having initiated an entry may to the mairy without atfecting her right land, provided she complies w i'h the legal requirements. Should, she marry prior to tiie tune when sue might, make tier proof and pcilect her claim, ieave the tnd to res.de with uer band elsewhere, the entry would be ia- ble to cancellation f ir abandonment but not on account of the mat tinge. Where .a man and a woman cadi make a homestead entiy and many before making final proof one of the entries must be relinquished, c'r commuted, at their choice, if they live together on one homestead, the entiy cov eiing tire other homestead will be liable to Contest fornbaudoijneut, even though the land be cultivated and improved. The homestead law inquires tnree tilings to give final title, fust, honest les. deuce; second, good cultiva'jbn, 10 cions or ollieivvi.se, and thud, fa. r improvements in the matter of buildings, leiicCs and the fke. Compliance with only one or two of these requirements will not satisfy the law. Full compliance v ith all three must be satisfu toiily shown tor (he entiie period at the date when tile final proot is nude. The daughter ut a ' deceased soldier, sador 01 iiuiine, if otherwise qualified nuy enter land in her own oglu, notwithstanding an entiy may have been made bv her gaurdian and perfected for her benefit, during her imr.oilty She can thereby secuie two homesteads. A widow, as tin: legal lepreseMntive f her deceased hudund may continue to cultivate lus h uustcad and at the same tune nuke an entiy 111 her own name. woman lus this advantage over a man. She can thus secure two homesteads while he is allowed only one.' The widow ot a deceased entrymair may purchase, under the act ol June 15, ftjSo, the land embraced m a homestead entry in cases wheie that act is applicallLN'KY N, Col'l. ble. O. STORE no -- M. INI V'WGTf.Yf.fS OF and SKIRTING LARlGO SHOE, IaTuATIITR Which they dfir at Chicago Prices The pun luser thus saving freight. ll.isterii per cw t. lull at t.ic T.tnr.erv, S mth-We- st low rate of ?4-5- part ofNeph : 1 ; ;7-.'- rrrTO ar:-th- 7.civ is.i3.ic Dk. JOHNSON'S Essence of SUMMER ufF COMPLAINTS. ot the day for the THE ereatost J positive cure of Colic, Cramps. Cholera , MoRtius, D.arrhcea, etc. JtMrrrftui: 'Ihi joe all stores. V. 1'.. Johnnonmfr Salt Lake City CO-OPUR S. ILL , 1 T 7 PPL NLP ! |