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Show r. - X . I V VTIE THE ENSIGN, PUBLISHED tlSTephi FfciLD & EVEBlTEIDAr AT Juab Co, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: TT.T. One Year, Six Months, Three Months Rollo Publishers. prompt attention paid to .all communications. Address: The Ensigk, P. O. Box Utah. Nephi, 2 CASH Vol. NEPHI, UTAH, FRIDAY JULY II Misses Lena and Annie Schroder can their business of dressmaking at their new place of business on Main Street.one half block south of the Court House corner. fc'EPHI MARKET. now be found ready for F.RICESi. Congratulations are in order for Mr. Win. Allen. I Ie was recently wedded to Miss. Bull. We extend the usual congratulations and wish the young couple a long life of happiness and prosperity. The Provo American has undergone another change of management. Mr. H. C. Goodwin has sold his interest in the paperto his partner Mr. Henry A. Noon, who will continue the business as heretofore. MFRCHHANDISE With thanks we acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to be prepent at the reception to be given ip the Nebo Hall to night in honor of the wedding of Mr. William Shimjnin and Miss Lizzie Hickman. PRICES. ENSIGN. YVe learn from the Enquirer that Mr. Aaron Johnson, well and favorably known to the people of the south, especially the theatre goeis, met with a very seiious accident on Tuesday last. He was coming dow n Elk Horn Canyon with a heavy load of gieen ties which, with the wagon, upset on a sidling road, throwing Mr, Johnson under the heavy weight. He remained there sometime and was final ly taken out insensible. He marvelously escaped serious injury and expects to be up again in a few days. Washington, The Senate committee on judiciary has decided to report back the nomination of Melville W. Fuller, to be chief justice, without any recommendation. Under the supervision of the rules for an hour and a half the reading clerk was uninterrupted in his monotonous reading of the bill, but then the proceedings were diversified by Bland, of Missouri, with a motion to adjourn, which was, however, declared out of order pending the reading, and again the weary clerk resumed his task. 1888 0, PUBLIC NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEET- ING. XTo BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world ior Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fetfer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Eof sale by Hyde & Whitmore. Thos. Ord J. W. Paxman A. Cazier The many cases of rheumatism cured by Chamberlains Pain Balm during the' past few months, have given the people great confidence in its curative properties, and have shown that there is one preparation that can be depended upon for that painful and aggarvaling disease. Mr. Geo. C. Davenport, one of the leading retail druggists of St. Paul, Mink In regard to Chamberlains Medsays: icines. 1 am pleased to say that I can recommend them with confidence, that they will do as much for a person as anything in the market. Especially am I pleased with Chamberlains Pain Balm. No one afflicted with rheumatism can use it without beaefit. For sale by D. O. Miner, Nephi. ; r v Trustees of School. J- - District No. 2,Juab Co. EVERYBODY HEAD THIS. Gardner Cool your water with Can- ton Ice. For sale at wholesale and re- Leave orders at residence, one half block north of the Nephi House. Salisbury & Sons are still busy at their old trade, that of burning lime and dont forget it, They have a few loads of ash lime. which will be sold cheap. D. Salisbury, of this firm is agent for the Monarch Fence Machine. It will weave anything from a lath to a small fence pole Your orders for any of the above are solicited. tail by D. Salisbury. 1.25 7S Advertising Rates forwarded plication. 5 The registered voters of School District No. 2, in Juab County, Territory of Utah, are hereby notified that a school Meeting will be held in said district, at the Central School House, beginning at eight oclock p. m. on Monday the ninth day of July, A. D. 1888, for the purpose of electing a Trustee for the term of three years. Dated at Nephi, Juab Co., June 12, A D., 1888. $2.00 on ap- FIRST NATIONAL AN OF NEPHI. TJT.A EC Paid Capital Surplus - $50,000 - 10,000 Gcq. C. Whitmore, President I 1oinu.ll. Erekson Vice Pres. j Directors. Jas. II. Mynders, Thomas Wright, Jr. Alma Hague, Cashier. Deposits received subject to sight drati or check. Money loaned on approved security. Collections made with prompt returns at What is the use of the street Lamps when they are never lit? Either light lowest rates. them of nights or take them down say We sell exchange on leading, cities of the we. There is room for four or five on Last week in speaking of the meeting the south end of Mam Street and they to be held in the Central School House United tates, also furnTsh sight drafts or would render good service. remit funds to all prominent joints in next Monday evening for the purpose of District Mr. J. M. Sjodahl and wife passed electing a Trustee for the School Europe. a mistake 17i through Nephi last Monday on their way No. 2 in this county, we made Breakfast APPLICATION FOR PATENT. confusion. little some has caused that will be Mr. where Lake 7l to Salt Sjodahl Ham Imported Correspondents be was to stated the We that meeting in Notice No. 1708. " 15 engaged for some time overseeing the Home Cured i2j notice the when on 2d, held July Monday, IUnited States Land Office, New York, Kountze Bros. 9 Bran and shorts $ cwt printing of his translation of ihe Book ofh in the same issue from the present trustSalt Lake City, Utahfjune 8th, .1888 j Chicago, Union National Bank.1 Doctrine and Covenants into the Sweed-isWe were said 9th. Shilohs Cough and Consumption ees, Monday, July Notice is hereby given that the Amerlanguage. given credit for the mistake and the ma- Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It ican Eagle Mining Company a Corpora- Salt Lake City, Deseret National Bank The cures Consumption. Miner & Co., Ne- tion by Arthur Brown its Attorney infact, San .Francisco, Pacific Bank. The celebration of the Fourth at Salt jority were governed by the notice. Lake City is reported as having been the meeting takes place next Monday even- phi. has made application for a United States Patent for the Copperopolis No. 2 mingrandest success of anything of the kind ing at 8 p. in. Be there. Hothe is Provo in Roberts The the Territory. The ever attempted House, ing claim situate in Tintic Mining .DisDO AND CAN WE accommoda best tel at which you can get speeches were all first class and the one luab County, Utah Territory, contrict, NOTES. LEVAN for it Guarantee has Blood Elixir Ackers billiards tions. Telephone connections, delivered by Prof. Talniage of Provo, is of 1092 linear feet of theSode, and sisting been o! demonstrated the to fully people referred to as a master peice of oratory. and bath rooms at disposal of guests. surface 554 feet wide, being Lot Mr. H. C. L. Jorgensen of Levan made this it all other No. 160 ground country that is superior to W, D. Roberts. Proprietor. in the field .notes described and Mr. J. M. Sjodahl, who, although a for- us a very pleasant call this week. From preparations for blood diseases. It is a plat of the official survey on file in eigner, is a very able literary worker, has him we learn that the honey and bee positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, and severed his connection with the editorial crops are very good this year. He has Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It puri- this office, with magnetic variation at 16 TO ALU columns of the Manti Home Sentinel. had twenty swrarns, besides considerable fies the whole system and thoroughly degrees 30 minutes east.as follows; Comdiscovery point of the If you wish a good naeal, cal! at the The public will be glad to learn however honey already. He would like to know builds up the constitution. mencing at claim and running thence S to deg 8 min Arcade Chop House. Spring Chickens. that he has not gone out of the literary if there is an association of bee growers E 636 feet to a point on the south end Trout, Veal and the best of Porter House field. His able work is appreciated and in Nephi; if there is he would like to of the claim; thence S 77 deg 36 min meet with them and if there is not he Stakfe always on the bill olara. Meals needed in Utah. can be so hue That Hacking Cough feet to Post No. 1, the south one for the quickly cured by Shilohs Cure. We E 229 like would to help organize to suit all and at all hours. The manager of the Arcade Chop .- . ,east corner of the claim from which U. S. .Necounty& it. Sold Co Miner by guarantee Mineral Monument No, 1 bears N 10 deg house, Mr. Peterson, has hit upon the Hot. We also learned that that detestible min E 954 0 feet distant; thence right plan upon which to run a restaurant nuisance, the petty thief, has made his phi. 35 Fat Calves wanted at Wright & Cos in a town like Nephi. He gives meals rfroni Post No 1 running N 77 deg 36 min in each in Levan. Parents appearance e You cents up. that cost from twenty-fivW 554.feet to Post No. 2; thence N IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? every town should exert the utmost Who is making ready for the T wenty-Fourt- can get a good meal for a quarter, and and 8 mm W 1092 feet to Post No 3; thence S caution to be sure their children Not if and care you go through the world a dys- 77 deg 36 min E554 feet to Post No 4; if you want a better, you can have it by do not take part in this petty thieving. for it. peptic. Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets are a thence S 10 deg 8 min E 1092 feet to Post paying at in Sateens reduction IIyde Great The crops in Levan are likely to be positive cure for the worst lorms of Dys- No x the place pf beginning of exterior Last Monday, executive clemency was .& Whitmores. are pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Con- bounds, containing an area of this season. Grasshoppers M. light F. to extended by Governor West stipation, Guaranteed and Sold by DiJ acres, expressly excepting and excluding farmer of are and labors the on house the court walls new of the feasting The and Thomas Tidwell, once of Nephipbut there water is scarce, being only Miner Nephi. however, from theiboveso much therevery now of Emery County. It will be re.up past the first story. of as is in conflict ifith the Hungarian two thirds of the usual amount allowed time these some membered ago, that, ' The Band boys report a lively time at Lot No 164 which is .a 0 acres. men were convicted of murder in the to the acie this year. Area or and for which patent is one killed jSilver City on the Fourth. second degree for having work is being done in tin Main Street, convenient and suitable asked applied Considerable acres. Said claim being ip Hofi. W. H. King of Fillmore passed Gus Sorensen. the canyons. Many are employed get- for a small or moderate sized family lies m the E J of N W i and Lots 1 and 2 south his on yesterway We cannot deny that for a few hours ting out lies for the U. C. Ry., through Nephi of Section 30 Jjp 10 S R 2 W Salt Lake day. each day at this season of the year the Meridian. a lots Also choice few in building the canyon Peter While working weather is uncomfortably hot and that The said mining claim being of record Hot weather with an occasional gust of the wind sometimes Iloff'aus cut his foot quite badly, but is all blit for blows in the office of the Recorder of said minwind to throw dust in our eyes by way of that our climate cant be well. now is very witli doing choice The lots are each stocked surpassed. It ing district at Silver City, in Juab County, variety. healthy. The mornings, evenings and Utah. The nearest known locations beis generally fruit and shade trees. health the of The people particulars apply to D. Salisbury ing the Hungarian Lot No. 164 and Wanted at once: Two girls. Good nights aie simply grand, and plecsunt good and if it were not for the poor out- oneForhalf block north of the Nephi House. the Mammoth Lot No. 37. look for crops caused by the grasshopwages given. Apply at theArcade Chujj beyond description. I direct that this notice be published C. C. Richards, of Ogden, Elias Smith pers and scarcity of water they would be House, Nephi. in The Ensign, Nephi, the trewspaper W. T. Hammond of happy and content as usual. of Lake Salt thirtv-tw- o City, More than A Power. Great J. F. Woods is selling at The Nephi Logan, Robt. C. Lund of St. George and nearest the said mining claim, thousand public schools of the Uni- published ol sixty days. for the Bakery, breal of the best quality, made John Pdge of Parson, members of the period with each been have ted Slates supplied from roller mill Hour. D. Webs, Register. Territorial Board of Equalization of taxSULPHUR! SULPHUR! Diccopy of Webster's Uuabridged Au l7 E. B. Critchlaw, Atty. Think what that means. If H. M. McCune & Co. are the agents for es, passed through Nephi on their way tionary. Hyde & Whitmore have just got in a there is an average of 50 scholars to each They will be here the celebrated Iron Fire Proof Paint. to Manti yesterday. to attend to busines in this county next Car Load of Sulphur and will give school, it means that constantly a million Give theca your orders. Monday. and a half of American youth have the prices on application. Our corresponLevan celebrated. privilege of consulting and studying this It is sincerely to be hoped that the dent furnished us a Teport, but it is un- Twenty-Fourtwork in the course of their educa- PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. great in Nephi in h will not Headquarters at SPRING-VILLpass avoidably crowded out. tion. Who can estimate the power for the same manner the Fourtli did. It is A Ladys Pocket Book lost in Nephi, intellectual stimulation and development r, is celeBranch Galleries at Nephi and Manti Utah. true that if the- - Twenty-FourtPeter Rasmussen, Boot and Shoe which is thus actively at work all the will we for as it evening, July 2nd between How- time? Monday orders brated is the place to take your now, though appear Ameriof the The preeminence cared more for the Church than for the ards corner and Chas. Houses, contain- can good cheap and substantial work. people for general accuracy and faNation, but appearances will have to go ing about $40.00 in cash; a New York in the use of the English language The Provo American says, The elec- until another year rolls by when we can draft for $75.00 paydble to Sada Little cility and a note lor$i7o.oopayable to the same is not likely to be lost. Well and truly tric light scheme is not dead, but sleep prove the contrary. Views of RESIDENCES, STOCK, called The Copying and Enlarging Pictures a specialty. person. A reward of TEN DOLLARS has Noah Webster been ,th. Same, Nephi water works. In Provo on the 2nd and 3rd each bus- will be given to the finder for leaving the Schoolmaster of the Republic. MACHINERY, ETC., made 011 short notice. Orders by mail will receiue Cash, Qish, its hard to get cash. iness firm did an unprecedented business; same at the First National Bank. These are the sentiments of everybody this was also the case in Payson, Nephi, July 2nd, 1888. prompt attention. Address Springvjlle Utah. P. G. Box 3. AN EPIDEMIC. about town. Still business seems to be caused by the their coining celebration. dull Morbus A Violent form of Cholera In Nephi, these were two as lively. days as the business men care to expeuenee. It at Belnap, Iowa, Frustrates learn we WITH GRIEF. Fourth oc the Eureka ACQUAINTED At is plain to be seen why the business men Tyn whole Community. was burned. Suphouse that a boarding can affurd to bear tne main burden of fYou all cast down seem at dont by of A the overturning plain statement of the facts by a Leadposed to be caused bv conducting a celebration. the length of the sentence the judge has ing Merchant of the Town. ,a lamp. said a sympathetic bystandis the way the Provo American given you, This Last summer we had an epidemic in er to the sad eyed German who had just At last the fire cracker season is over our ratification. us been condemned to twenty years of ser- this community in the form of cholera and parties desiring, can now take an gives it to about The Nephi Demociats held a ratifica- vitude iu the state prison. morbus. Nearly every man woman and evening ride with much less anxiety as tion meeting on Monday night at which the prisoner wearily, child was prostrated by it, and it seemed No, replied to safety, ( R. Thurman and others spoke of the do not at all it mind.l have thirteen years to be a very violent form. We tiied evJunius F. Wells, after haying been to principles of the party and arrainged the the poofreader on a German newspaper ery medicine we had or could find withSan Pete to a ionference qf the Y. M. M. Republicans. As most of the Nephi citi- been. out relief. I then went to Ottumwa and JBOUGIIT AND HANDLED ON COMMISSION. I A., passed through Nephi, on his return zens are 111 favor of high wool tariff the Blake, Burce and Co., wholesale drugratification was not altogether a how ling home last Monday. gists, adviid me to take home Cham Furniture Co., Nephi. success. TAKE NOTICE! berlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtea Office with Co-op One week agpffast Smithy, Mrs. J. A. told it so? I did so and distributed it and Who Remedy. Represented by JOHN, F. LEE. The a On and after Sunday, July 1st, we, the it Hyde gave burth to a davg'nter. relief immediately; it worked like gave Social old atthe informed that are We severe child, is doing well, and veiy I ordered more of the remedy at undersigned, will charge for all shaves on tack qf illness having passed, the mother Hail is perfectlylieSdfe for all purposes tois Sundays and Holidays the sum of 25 cts, magic. once, and sold it during the day at my The it which building may put. as progressingifairly. each. store, and at night at my home. I sold shabby, but so constructed that no F. C. Teasdale, as much during the night as I did during Each and every registered voter of the amount of dancing will shake it down H. M. McCune. the day. The people here can not say at should be the in in consideration this We made statement Peoples Party Nephi at conenough in praise of Chamberlains Colic, we time some of the fact that night promptly Social Hall ago IJNT Cholera arid Diarrhoea Remedy. J. II. S oclock. Read the notice. veyed the idea that it is dagerous, by Merchant, Belnap, Iowa. Sold PARTY Hellwig, PRIMARY. it. PEOPLE'S afraid of are that Many many The genial Uncle Henry now sports stating by D. O. Miner, Nephi. are afraid, but their fears are ungroundThe Registered voters of the Peoples a new and elegant hack. Passengers to ed. and from the trains need no longer ride Party of Nephi Precinct in Juab County, in a cramped up buggy 01 lumber wagThe celebration at Provo was an en- Utah Territory are hereby notified that articles in Cash price for lie They will pay the thusiastic one and a success in every there will be a Primary Meeting held in on. in Hall said Social at the a have We Juab word. Nephi, synop e sense cf the The thermometer showed only 105 de- sis of it, but our limited space forbids its County, on Saturday July 7th, 1888 at 8 ship WOOL 01 xommission, and malt literal milk delivered daily in or they Good fresh and she Fourth the on shade in the of Suffice it to say that the pro- oclock p. m. for the purpose electing insertion. grees seems to have a great liking for that cession was well gotten up and imposing, eight delegates to attend the County Con all CmsipEits. any part of Nephi for mark on the dial, for she doesnt get very and that the exercises m the Theatre vention to be held at the Social Hall, in on far away from it. house The order. Juab County, Saturday Nephi, wet? of the highest decorated and crowded in all July 14th, 1S88 at 10 oclock a. ni Cnarevoix. Mich., Forrest fires are was well for candidates County offi Two fire engines parts. The oration by Geo. Suttrerland to namina'e raging in this vicinity. been cers and the to lor voted be at interest much with Aug to coming a quart, or three quarts for working since .from this place have was a grand peace of work. The music, ust election. lumber save the to afteraoon yesterday And also to nominate at said Primary songs and speeches were all good esyards and mills. pecially the speech of II011. S.R. Thur- meeting .candidates for Precinct officers precinct. The Salt Lake Times hasnt lost any man on the Constitution. The fireworks for Nephi showing Heury Adams, Orders left at Mrs. Pitchforths resof its enthusiasm over the brilliant out- in the evening themade a grand Precinct Committee dance, ,was also a suc- F. W. Chappell, look for the capital. ;She keeps booming, and the finale, idence, one block east, of Thith-in- g .the wee Wm.il.t Bryan, Which they will sell at Salt Lake TRICES. tio says the Times very emphatically in cess lasting until quite far into OfUce. srjia 00x3. liuo .every hup - LOCAL ITEMS. th, io-de- h. BOOMS 65-10- 18-id- o TO RENT. FOB SALE (Go LOST, 1L AMBEMS0N h ma-Ike- ln.JN'BPlii Gallery will open noxt May J. W. SUMMERHA.YS & GO., Salt Lake City and Nephi, C. Andrews & Co., D33AXiIimS WOOL, HIDES, FELTS . MILK! MILK!! urlel fill AND GRAIN. ata aira 1 lOcls. 25cts. They also carry the BAIN and MITCHELL WAGONS and the Woods Mowors Harvesters |