Show cc no J I t 4 lJ f tw G A 10 it Wl t It tW I li I I i g NatIons 0 fa faI I I I I AND ALL OTHER VISITORS I r k V ALT LAKES Great Eventful Day of 1903 will be President Visit Tomorrow Our Store Stoe will hill be Closed till One that our r r I S SALT Employees May tiny do Honor to our President and arid take part in the Celebration of his ilis Visit to our City Well also Close Saturday all al day Decoration 1 1 Day This means but One Half Flail Day left to do two days selling so after paying your respects to the Chief Executive of our Country start direct for fort t UE RB A 0 S and participate in the thet I t j Exceptional Money Saving Event e PLANNED PL For Y i t I Our Towel Dept Silk Department De SHIRT WAISTS Graduation Hats LADIES VESTS Linens I Linens I Boys Clothing Special For Tomorrow Friday Special For Tomorrow Friday Special For Tomorrow Friday Special For Tomorrow Friday For To Mar row Friday Special For Tomorrow Friday Special 11 For Tomorrow y yI 1 i I to toO 0 D pm I to 0 p m I I to 0 pm I to toO 0 pm I to 0 D pm I to 0 pm I to oO D nm pm Ito ICO dozen Ladies low neck sleeve In our wash goods 1 1000 Hemstitched Bleached MAlt MAHr 35 96 pieces Genuine Natural 10 dozen WHITE LAWN IA WN tOUR Ous Oua White Vile 1 lIe S Z 7 2 3 IMS 1 98 veil t with cotton ollon In loop f trimmed of 0 ards department BOYS CI DE AHTI yards Dress Urese MENT lIEN I t und and 1 tole I 00 values 1 Uis for or N M n a n Ull I el er 11 I cult gult It Purchased I TOWELS LS l size ilze links M 26 to lu U Inches W Wide I e the late II It very ery WAISTS In various arlous styles In values tape French I I pe drown I ribbed neck k and In rill I 10 1 In J n Pure Iuro Ilex In the natural today lodaY from frum U 2 U M ta Up will 11 be entitled d Measure S Inches good value ut at heat beat quality free of oC China ChInn tiles lUce Our Misses s WIllie Wilto Trimmed 05 3 77 72 ko or fancy famy W lute lace weaves 1 Color to tn b n W IL 1 l lAPS al alsOc N sOc JOc Oc at n a prior price sell soil them till nil allIn ranging tonging from SL I 2 35 to 10 your our Hats fiats 1500 values for j In White I Pink 11 or r Blue superior s u We Regular price 25 Just Juat WAIST Dust Dusl value and d 9 Oc grades on sale tomorrow Friday for tor u In fn each one afternoon at ut 10 ji C On Sale Bale at lit C t a 11 yard yard ard 63 JG C choice tomorrow Friday utter after afternoon Our Mines ses White While Trimmed 4 98 1 to 9 at lit Uc stated tomorrow uLon and ut at u the th yard pros Wn l 1 U c IAU LAIt I All TIlls THIS SEASONS l S ti GOODS r lu noon Wean each u ut Hats ij o values olues tar for tor tU each Our Shoe Dept Our Lining Dept Great Specials in Cloak and Suit Dept Wash Goods Dept p White Goods Dept pt F For Tomorrow r w Friday Special For Tomorrow Special For Tomorrow Friday Special For Far Tomorrow orro Friday Ito I to 9 0 w Friday y F I 1 11 d Suits S in Venetians r pm I to D 0 pm m I 1 to 0 D pm I Ito to 0 pm Forty alar a e In LADIES SPLENDID IH QUALITY GO 50 36 EB Inch double old fold ex extra and an d Serge S erge small sma II sizes sizes only on I y for lor r Misses n 14 Wash Gauze Goods floods Novelties The prettiest In Our WHITE GOODS DE 1 brought out this sea Ren season TO 1 to t 9 8 VICI KID mD Ku OXFORDS 25 GOODS tra tm line fine quality solid colored Mer Mercerized 16 to and 18 years and Ladies 32 to 34 latest 6 9 5 son eon on an elegant assortment n of color colorings P M WASH oun EXTRA SPECIAL sheds value lIlue Mr 3 street strait and a nil ei blouse styles Suits that sold from t 1250 ings Inge price On tu tale sale 50 O Inches wide worth 50 c r on saliH saliHa sal Q tomorrow per lIer lC G 29 1 I pattern to I a t ta 1 45 a to 1850 Your choice for e yard ard 1 C per yard old GC Limit 15 0 yards to a customer Fifty Silk Taffeta Waists in black and andall ESTABLISHED EST A 8 LIS H E J all an colors all sizes 32 to 44 14 that sold at 2 95 ESTABLISHED EST A B LI 5 tl E 0 r S oo and Your 1 our choice t for 1 One hundred Childs Coats in all sizes from 2 to 12 years in red blue and Castor CastorO I r 2 00 P Pt O t 1 coats that sold from 3 50 5 o to 6 50 Your f NL PRICE RICE TD TO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD choice for PRICE TD TO ALL NEVER 0 M i i s HEBER J CRANT CO No Vo More it t a 10 8 A PRICE RIC SAVING VING 4 d Dread of o f the th nos t I Ilia ON N U t I Jl sal nal and rid old DOYS I l Le BOYS pJ SHOES Dental Chair for emit soap teak i leg Inc and INSURANCE AGENCY There Thera ts nothing tetter Ietter than Jap y ores lit Ua 8 week neck wo place pious on nn solo a lino or of the heat r 8 SHOES ij j se 1 o Banket In i winch Tb The of tiU tEy Buys t 81 At solid I t v l 11 Extracted and an Filled Absolutely to Turk park lunch when ging un o a hat has mode Only iho price will he h n Cho i picnic or nr traveling rat they th arc clean I all j I sixes alUN from frum I 1 r j I 1 fh Without Pain to 14 II V rue rim to nil all ego ago boy hu bo y a The Then near nat n a durable and cheap Ki to 1 nI k I hoc arc ago good cooil tilt lor laugh boys boj bo not nol hall had n nn for r OUR COMPANIES i Ii JIM 11 Ii f to urle Silt Co milt rny cosy ra y boj boys bOTtI B get t your Tur moneys worth world and ae flatten nattan Suit S t Cit Is iu tamped p 4 then Ih R The Tho Hartford of or Hartford Hertford Ct Ing tog poly only Z ounces Prices 1 low luv nn no the lid e I loft sneer for tor It and anil Uk M a Hh North British 5 j i Mercantile Lo London do net t i iII Edinburgh I r I II Pennsylvania Pe of Pt Philadelphia I f lm mr mm Northern of 00 London r M Meredith r s Im Factory i ANNIE D t Fire Association of Philadelphia a r l St I i OSTEOPATHS of oC New Orleans and ei I i J THE Tn HOME NOME FIRE INSURANCE CE CO C OF UTAH All Vork WOT r h Guaranteed GU For ForTen d df 1 Ten len Years CEMENT CE WORK RK If T 4 Full St Set Teeth CIO j I f BIGELOW I TT LO W CA CARPETS l I Be Work ork coo A G C L G I Silver SJ Ic r 50 ro ADVERTISERS 1 I HI Ht W N ta 8 a aa I Gold Crowns Gold 11 10 1 0 g a Paona h In bk I I I nis Jr low art are superior to any hIgh price Ca e mai fae JIK lIl lured and lid aHns f are produced in designs eni and sad coloring adapted t to ell ments And styles In decoration I SHOULD USE THE THE TF Vf Nf lf W I I s The name I Is woven OTon In the back of the goods coo Is al t the repeat of f 0 I j Y each figure for the n of at the customer r I SEMIWEEKLY SEM I NEWS NEW S ar old by all 1111 dealers d toU b t tb YORK YO ilK DENTISTS T S t tt MANUFACTURED BY DY II H t tt t to roach roath the Ilia people st lIS S MAIN on one OM door south tl t elt 1 t s N u t tm State eI IIo W T Tens TAI U Keith n hores or BIGELOW B I G EL OW CARPET iota In la the their bogies a m to J 9 p m UN COMPANY D to 11 56 h i t I I NEW NEV TORK 1 Lady aluara in t CIRCUlATION BOOKS BOO OPEN TO ADVERTISERS uk halt your roW deal stater r for tor w Am I i J I |