Show THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION or B Y Academy Holds Annual Meeting flat Ban Banquet Bar Barquet and Ball Bal I I Commencement flay Uny Ni No Dun of Special Correspondence Provo Utah County May Brigham Young Academy bay alumni asso elation cia held hold lon Its loth annual meting yes e In tho thee Brigham Young Acad Cray emy ny with wih a el ery large lorge attendance The Thee meeting was waa held In tn col logo lege mail hall hal President John C Swenson presiding The Thee following pt gmO was wae given givenA A selection electon was as rendered by tho the academy orchestra The Invocation was vas offered o red by Prof Irot Enoch Jorgensen and n Acord Acon rendered one of ot their beautiful b vocal ocal selections which pleased the audience so 80 well that an encore was given RIen President Swenson delivered nn me able ablo ahl reviewing the history of ot thee tha academy and of ot the alumni calling attention to the tho good work ac accomplished by thee the alumni association Individually and collectively and anu en encouraging encouraging couro Increased unity and mutual help in order that In the future still greater results re would be He lie le recommended recommend ell that thiata a committee commit Ice be bl ap sup appointed pointed to revise the constitution con llullen and ond formulate bylaws of ot the association that an nn be b secured In the Acad Academy cad cadem amy emy em where nil all ni records of ot the tho ton lon could bo tee kept that the White and ond Blue Due published hed by the tIre students of ot the Brigham Young Toung academy be adopted as os the th organ Ot or thee the association and that two additional bo be elected viz an editor edior and un sun associate editor edior to 10 have charge of ot thee the alumni de dc department 1 In isi the White and Bue Prof Albert Miller ler favored the au with a n violin solo which was inlaid highly appreciated Miss May Moy Ander Anderson son recited very effectively Convict II B l GOC 66 Prof Prot N L L Nelson delivered the ora era oration lion tion lon speaking on and ond ondI Involution Evolution I voluton He lie referred to 10 thee the un unpleasant unpleasant pleasant Ideas Idels connected with the tine word In the minds of ot people of ot the tine world send nn to the thee fact foet that hot evo eto evolution lution Is ls not generally accepted na see true tre treby by the for ter tir the purpose of showing that much depends upon a n word ord Following this the thee speak speaker pak er proceeded to elucidate that tient the prin principle prInciple ciple of ot eternal progression taught by Is the thee highest form of ot evolution S Accepting this theory ther ex hearted horl the tho alumni to advancement morally intellectually and spiritually to o thee the end that they and mankind may grow row In social life and become prepared ed Id for tor the tine higher her lIfe le Intended by ly the Ho lIe 10 read rear from the tho News New the he report of oC Dr Thompsons remarks remark In InIx InIs Los Is Ix Angeles That Mormonism can came cannot not be civilised cl I led ed cannot be bo educated cannot be reformed and ond ames must be bo des do les royed troyed and ald Impressed upon the tho alumni their duty to take to the world a n true lre knowledge of 01 Andelin rendered a n solo BOO which was wan horty encored and a 1 see sec second IC ond wed number was as given Elder Eler Dennis Harris spoke briefly of oC early days thays In tile the academy after otter which a n selection election was rendered by the acad academy nod ems emy em choir Tho Tine benediction rac er was offered by b Prof I A A line fine banquet was wu joyed Prof 1 I II Ia K E I l g noted acted nw as ni toastmaster r and ond Interfiling interesting responses vere tere made Ildo to tn tin following toasts The PIts e of ot 76 time the academy was wal organized In 1878 1870 SenatOr Meaner Meaer Memorial ci U UThe I IThe The 1903 I 03 aun time lUr Constitution C S 8 Mr Mrs and Her Banquets 0 e A Glazier The Committee of ot Fifteen K 16 I e B TUB TIlE lI BUSINESS mINO After Atter tho time a I business meeting wan waR hole held and the th hit following vere wele elected for tor the ensuing y year ar President Joe JOB It n Murdock of ot Char Chor Charleston leston nut vice president Caleb Tan Tarn Tanner nor ncr Provo second vice Ioe president Mm Mrs 8 S Taylor aylor Provo l Mi Miss s Alice Reynolds corres corresponding secretary Miss Mis Sues BUSt Talmage Provo rou treasurer Thomas 8 S Court COUlt Provo executive committed co 1 1 Iel president andu vice presidents pre Simon P 1 I Kg Eg I I I gertsen nod Mrs Ir May Uny A Booth The appointed a n year ago agoto agoto to 0 provide for tor tho ito erection of ot a Meaer memorial was W as retained five OVo members to tu constitute a n quorum to transact bust buti bU bustness White W Into tend and nd Blue the tire ness nesa oe The rha hl lue pa paper paIle paper per Ile published by the tue academy students student was the thee official organ orrAn of ot the tho as ae association In tine the evening an un alumni ball bali bal wait vara wal given glen In the gymnasium hall hl DAY The students assembled at ot their var val otis class clay rooms rora In ire II the academy nl at 9 a It 1 m fir today and marche to the tire tab tabernacle lb tabernacle where the thee following program was vas rendered Singing 81 nIl II congregation led by b Pi of Lund Iund prayer er Academy Male Mal Chorus Ir commencement oration Dr J JM JM JI M I Tanner violin violine solo oIo Prof Albert Miller Miler presidents report to the hoard board B D duff Jr vocal clI solo sulo Prof A C Lund awarding of ot certin certificates cates cites and aud diplomas diploma ulloma and arnul conferring of degrees degreed piano solo Miss alice EthIc 1 le 11 Ice we addresses by of ot th Ih ties board rend and Ind visitors organ solo Holo Prof C e W V R neld ld NO APPOINTED The Tire city council did ild not a n city marshal to succeed Marshal Tuck Tucker er r resigned at nt the tho ho meeting last eve eo evening ning neing as oa It I was expected would be done doneA don A motion to thee the acceptance of or Tuckers resignation was made anti and d Thin rids was followed by another motion molon to defer dote considers consideration tRw tion lon ot of Marshal Tuckers resignation which also niep carried cante Thee Tho of ot Mayor Taylor Myron lyron c e Newell marshal tu to tuI nil I thee the vacancy caused canned clu ell by b the resignation tion lol of ot Marshal Tucker was WOI titan then taken tak n from Crol tine tho Ihl table and amid Ind thee the recorder er was WI Instructed In to return It to 10 the tho mayor with wih the thee statement that thero U Is it no vacancy In ire the This eO the th resignation of ot Marshal Marshal Tucker stilt to 10 tobe tobe be l acted upon Ulon No further was DHAWN DIA WN The Thee following Juror juO nave teave beeme drawn for tor the tho June term of me the Fourth l ills dis district court In Utah county lount re returnable Juno JUM 16 10 Provo Hugh Mooney Moone A B fi Buckler George Taylor Tolor flee Oeo Oe W tV Gee Gl M I I r Pratt Pr t Alma George Willis li g Strong Pleas PIon Pleasant ant Grove Otto Mah Mahew w John S B Hold awny an Iehl m fluff Ot Colon M 10 11 IYer l o Y Meyer Meyers l W tV Booth Hyrum Sterling Payson Henry B E I Gardner GardnerJr O Jr George Lake rake Hy Hyrum rum Ar le George Anderson Anton Ameri American mer can Fork Alva A Groom Green GreenWILL Oren WILT WILL TRY THY TIt AGAIN AGAI Wm J 3 Douglass of or Payen who sho was 08 In April In n it suit Bult brought against l the j Mfg Co Cd CoTor C for Tor 12 alleged ol ge to be le duo due him helm from loot 1901 when ho ire ht was IS au the agent of oC thee the company at Payson has hns brought an another another other suit against tire the caine Ellne company for or the amount this time alleging that he time amount Is la thee due him helm as os commissions which were vere overlooked by b unintentional ion l al ol mistake at ot the time he and the th com oom company cm pan pany had heath a settlement BOARD OF OI O EDUCATION The he board Loar of at education has hens selected eol te L I duff for tor tho the free tr i I conferred by the University Un of ot Utah Elite Klile Pearson hens has been blon employed ns as asa a o teacher In the Franklin school ut at uta US 45 a n month The Jlee outing at the time lake to be given the tho pupils and which has been postponed on account ot of the rain has been heen set net for Juno June Jun C MEMORIAL DAY Memorial day dl will wi be observed obere under uncles the auspices of at the Wm T P Sherman post No 6 G A It n who hove have arranged ed 0 the Ihl following program The a O A R n veterans and citizens will wili wi meet at 9 a m rn sharp shor nt at the corner of ot Academy avenue and Contor COtor streets A procession lon will 1 be formed to march to the cemetery where patriotic ser ocr service Ir vice will wi be hI held preliminary to dec del eating cating the graves Carriages have be been n provided for tor such auch of at the thee veterans who do not carp care to march M 10 M 10 Kellogg Kelogg will wi officiate as o r rot of ot the tire day with wih Bunt Supt of ot Schools flaw Raw lings and ant Marshal as a aids Prof J 3 II It I 10 will wi lead led the tha song at the tine cemetery WEDDING Eric Brio I 1 27 of ot Spanish Fort and Inu Annie Hanson 21 of ot Lake Shore have hao taken out n a 1 license to wed wl GARDEN CITY CIT NOTES Mr and Mr Mrs Ir W B N Bassett have hoe gone rne I to Idaho to attend the tho funeral of at Mr L father Company 0 n 1 N 0 G U V left lett this after afternoon noon flown for tOr Unit Snit Lake Inke to tale take part hart fart In th hi Roosevelt parade inn sado |