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Show CARNEGIE MUSEUM AS FROM THE DEAD I - A' 1 " My husband, and turning quickly weeks have The the few last saw that Mrs. Curry bad just witnessed the PROVING BUSY HIVE OF SCIEN two museum from of the shipment fainted, whilst the conductor, with on TIFIC RESEARCH. similar replicas, one presented as a hand clasped to his forehead, reeled back Into a vacant seat. In a few gift by Mr. Carnegie to tbo German I of Failure of Sudden moments he seemed to recover emperor, the other presented by him Rmarkable Case Great Thing Which Are Being At- to the president of the French repuband of Its Equally Sud- self, and In words choked with emo-deInvesDone and the German lic. the to The In of tempted by Presence gift tlon, exclaimed: emperor Recovery In will be the Museum in installed Ellen my wife. the Pittsburg Itoyal Loved One. tigators In Berlin. The gift nf Natural History When later John Curry told his Institution. to the president of the French repubThe first scene of this drama be-- story, he bad little to relate beyond The visitor to the Carnegie museum lic will be exhibited In the Great Na- gan In July. 1S9S. Then It was that at ritsbun; who passes through Its tional museum at the Jardln des the Liverpool papers announced: Mr. galleries and corridors secs here and Plantes. John Curry, a gentleman well known there upon doors the words, No Ad Director Holland, accompanied by In shipping circles, has disappeared mission.' This sign placed upon a door Mr. Coggeshall, has sailed from New In mo6t mysterious circumstances. announceinvariably Indicates that the apart York for Berlin where ho will set up Such are the ment Is one which Is set aside for spements of the press that conceal a cial work:, or for the storage of reserve world of romance. Fortunately the collections, which are only accessible usual Inference of money troubles upon a permit from the directors of could be easily refuted. Thus the disfice given to students who may desire appearance of John Curry became a to consult them. still greater mystery In that no cause be assigned for It could of rooms which the the Many upon No Meanwhile, at his home, a wife sign, Admission, has been placed for her husband. Was he mourned are workshops, or, as the French ' would say, "ateliers, In which the dead, or was he still alive? The latter thought scented scarcely conceivpreparators, the taxidermists and other employes of the museum are able, but It was not without possibility. Yet, If her husband were Indeed busily engaged in doing the work of their calling, living, why had he thus brought sorrow to her so cruelly and unexpect- It Is not possible for any museum edly? to display in Its cases all of the treas Thus his widow, for such at limes ures which It possesses, and In fact It she felt she must be, at others that Is not desirable or proper that everyshe could not be, mourned and at the thing which a museum has should be same time by advertisements In alopen to public view. To attempt to most every paper sought to glean do this would be simply to bewilder hews of her lost husband. Yet 6ome rather than to Instruct. Collections none was forthcoming. are made' covering an entire science Months went by and then a year. In a and museum certain Mrs. ICurry decided to leave Liverpool portions of these collections which to and Da. join her sister, who was living xJ.ffOLLTiND In llustrate the major-truth- s are put upon New York city. Having sold her view. The remainder are stored upon the specimen intended as a gift to the shelves and In trays where they are German emperor. The w'ork will con- husband's business and invested the accessible for students who may de- sume four weeks for its completion. proceeds, she set sail for America. sire to prosecute their researches in After the specimen has been set up In Years passed on; somehow the conviction that her husband was dead, Inextenso. Berlin the director will at once repair stead of being strengthened by the Take for Illustration the matter of to Paris and there install the specimen of diminished. In Its place time, lapse collections of birds. In the great col- intended for the French people. , herc - at Drf cherished lection at the British museum there The Carnegie museum, by leaps and I muEt have oc- that 80melhlnS are at present placed upon exhibition bounds, has outstripped all other hoie to him curred that prevented his com,n the glass cases, where the public foundations of this sort in Pennsyling back to her for some time. can see them, about 12,000 specimens, vania. Visions crept up before her eyes of of the The splendid collections representing the different families and his return one day, and she felt a classes of birds. In what is known as Academy of Natural Sciences In Phila- Mrs. Curry Had Just Fainted. at the delphia, which represent the labors of the Study Series WeV s'tef had ey'w naa inter-- ! British museum there are preserved a century, are far surpassed-Iincreased even more than if it had what had happened during the last 540,000 specimens. been in her husband's former busi- - eight years. It seemed that suddenly In the same way at the Carnegie ness. What a joy it would be to tell he was bereft of all thought He museum there are at the present time of this should he come back. f him knew of his not even nothing past life, placed on view about 3,500 mounted was an had in it he interest been that until he Indirectly married, birds. In the study series there are to works on that wife his met what good that Christmas pass brought day arranged and accessible to students follows. It happened on Christmas In' the tram car. In a flash every-daabout 30,000 birds, representing collecmore than eight years since the thing came back to him, and he re-a- " tions made in all parts of the world. terrIble day that was 80 vivldy numbered that he had been something paper lusV published by Dr.'severin ImPrlntedJuIy Any student of onnithology who deon her mind. Mrs. Curry more in the past than a tram sires to consult the study seXes at the of the Royal museum in Brussels, he aad ber slster had arranged to dls- - ductor. the National museum In WashCarnegie museum is freely accorded The happiness of the wife to whom tr,bute Presents to poor children at permission to do so at the office of the ngton the American Museum of a a bazar. tram entered her husband had been so miraculously They charlty Natural History in New York, the car. director. : a her was only equaled by the sister heard restored Suddenly About three years ago a replica of Field Museum of Natural History in of the husband himself. the huge diplodocus found in 1899 was Chicago and the Carnegie museum as presented, at the suggestion of King the four great representative museums Edward VII., to the British museum. of America. THE MAN OF WHEELS. I met him in Paris a year Robinson. or two ago, and he was running a They were sitting In the cosy cor- flying machine business then. He had Not Quite Clear. SAUSAGE COMEDY. and he Your little boy, said the professor, ner of the club and talking about mu- done the biggest fly tual acquaintances. had thoughts of winning the big He ear music. a for remarkable has Gretchen, the beautiful and buxom By the way, asked Jones, does prize. daughter of Fritz Frankfurter, the has a great future before him. Its a wonder he should have So? rejoined the father. Which is anybody know whats become of Jigs-by- ? great sausage manufacturer, was to dropped out of sight, a genius like to do learn to play th6 elope. Even then Hans Shongartens he likely that! said Brown. I seen him for said havent a or learn to ages, big machine stood in the shadows of piano and become genius,nuisance?--ChicaHes still about, remarked a litSmith. go the giant sausage factory. But acci- whistle and become a man puffing a big pipe. Saw him tle It appeared that Jigsby had dropped Daily News. dents will happen. last Sunday. Looked awfully melanout of everybodys ken. Great Bismarck! shouted Hans, and woebogone. I pitied the choly Haste. for Reason Such a clever chap he was, too, We are waving his hands in despair. Cleverton (who has hired a taxi- went on Jones. He was a marvel poor beggar. doomed. Der left front tire is lost meter cab to What? Is he doing nothing now? propose in) Say yes, with machines, understood all of em, und your fadder was due mit his shotOh, yes, hes still in the machine darling? and could do anything with em. gun in fife minutes. and to me Give wheeling line still successful, time Miss Calumet Quite a genius with wheels. But Gretchen was as resourceful think. too successful, in fact. When I saw said him he was Oh, a genius, no doubt, as she was beautiful. Rushing into Heavens! But not in here! Con- Brown. pushing a perambulator He a broke all with she records big sider the grabbed the sausage factory with twins in it! Life. expense! the pneumatic bike. red bologna and the next minute she I never saw a bicyclist like him! was twisting it around the tireless Almost Destitute. He was a wonder. Go! A Great Financier. rim. Please,' would you be so kind, sir, He was the first man I ever saw With a parting snort the machine as to assist a poor man, sir. Besides Hyker That fellow Jiggsmith said Robinson. certainly an able financier. vanished down the muddy road. this ere bludgeon, loaded with lead, I riding a motor-bike- , Goot! whispered Hans, as he drew have nothing in this wide world to The inventor took it to him, and Pyker Why do you think so? 20 had mastered minutes. in it Not long ago he married her closer to his manly bosom. Jigsby Hyker call my own. Royal Magazine. He was clever with the motor cars, penniless orphan, and a weok later Yah! laughed Gretchen, as she he The grand hall of the recent Bor- too. He was the first man to do 60 got her a position that yields him an watched for the lights of her fathers .for miles an hour on the road. Safed by a sau- deaux exposition will be income of $100 a month. --Chicago pursuing machine. ! Marseilles His the said didnt exposition. genius stop there, sage Daily News. him-Memor- y, n 1 cold-bloode- well-ordere- d arf of-Bird- hf s y, I con-class- es joy-cry- up-to-dat- e, re-erect- ed |