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Show Flu Gunnison Gazette. Lu PnJtoJ matt' lJUt ode. 511 TuNhom It MT CUr. Uth, April gJ. - brwl.y slven ibai Uw , lUUr P.iblUUtvl vtry Friday Hi liuo-mot- Mmu of Umh Ima filt h In lUU officeunder Me land, eidtiuetl by theAct of lti IS Uuh. of nnJ C llon Siupt'j I'ity, follow. vU: K4; EH'V N"M: July 16. B34 as ! Vi:.rtT K !4 S W 4 Rc, 1 : N H N W W : N Vi; N I. Vi ; K'i N'VX Roc. H.T.W JL OLCDUILL KNOX. PatlWiff. I M.. ifnhrwtd In List No. M LtilvrUey. II; N EM N R? SKM ; N WHMVH .. . I. XI. T. 4 ?. Rue. 23. and NKl-- l NW1-t LO X uLf.UIULl, Mane uf uikJ V R. I M.. etnbruivd la LUt No. 63 Dt NEM; RH Nr.l llutab Asylum. N'VJ-. t. ; 9V 4 ; RKl-- 4 R W N W1 4 ; REM : N U-- I 4 NKI-NO-1- : K4 N'VM; REM: 33. RCl-- 4 N KI-All tc. 2.No--T. 1 . 31: m. flXO Oat I W. R. b. M., mbrutfil Iu List ,r j kJ Ld I- l' Uyo-frn:-Ni- s. THE PLACE TO Notice. General Merc H ano CunRit-it't.RPprovv- 1 b'j. ' 1- -4 Dry goods 4 Vir R-r- -4 1 -- ! -- 4 .il Agn-cultur- LCD i:x Months RWM Thr u Month ; JUNG FRIDAY. Hi. 4H-C.3- JT. NEl-- bits -4 ; eelebra-l- i RWM; REl-4- El-- 2 NW1-4- T. 9 REl-- 4 : RW1-- 4 RI-- 2 s 13 RL 2.NW.-- 4: REI 4 MC. 1. 2. 3. 4. REI-4- : R'VI-- 4 20. El 2 NEl 4; 8tc. 1; 4 Rj:i 4S.C.4; 1 : NEl 4: j MH. Ar we going to have any on th Fourth of July? If )ii h.'r , it b tium to make a mate iu that di.ctiun. The nmiiveruy of our 4 -- -- Rtc. NVTi-4 JULY. -- 2; Wl-- 2 FOURTH OF 'VI Si ' . It. I W.. '' . E- - t Notions. 'V i A'1 'E. Cs.llr-- . re I a Jo to oi-bri . Ajfrlcuitnral far u lby of idJ JUt. tK'MTlllvu subdivision, ohvu . ir.ic' by for In tll 1tii eouspU'uouhly n palcd and d. by rsou lnurtst lnsnvilon by any iu lb- - i.ubV K nt r.iliy. Tlds notice will o' for 3 .successive weeks, utiocr pulillslH-- d In KHt x-- C birth should bo KOT.iii.u of April vivry u y, tmvu ami h.itnitt through- (liiriic i Ids i.' bd. Iir.it sv or ontests acalnst of tbe tract or out this j;n ut icpublic. Why wot II, i fi ibii oi i l;t it io nnyocM'idls'd, on tbu su'rtJi. Isiiios lu relols foru for Vuluabltf commence Lots JuoOJ Is until l.istduy! jiTtiiil.d tl.ut lb wi.l iiariot; & RW1-- 4 I RK1-- Rc. RW NW1-- 4 34; sE Wi4 RE. 4: RWM Rt-It. I W; U.u3and 4; Rl ; Kl rWI-I- ; 3; Lot I; 5 El 4 N Nl-- 27; REI 12 .NKI-- REM: RWM sc?. 22; N4; REM; Nl-- 2 RW V! 4: ob-uTVe- d M-- of mi,,! Ml than for tide ir..; d iicro-u- , porsse. whiliwj i.e-vaa- l.avo pleat l r.rthid p-i- tu roii-nilner.- il re-o.- .ib-je- lJa ,f July ci'Miration, anil wo hope the oilizetiH of Guunlfcoa wiil have one of which wo will all feel proud. June 3. UfR. NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. (1S0LATLD THACl). No. ijUi.l . above-describ- busy, to be persevering, patient and untiring in the pursuit or calling you are following. The busy oue9 may now and then make a mistake, but it is better to risk this than tj 1)3 idle and inactive. Keep doing whether it be at work or seeking recitation. Motion is life, and the buhitst are the happiest. Cheerful, active labor is a blessing. Idleness, when long indulged iu, promotes grief and often selfishness., Help such by encouraging them to be np and doing ; rouse them to a sense of the duties that await them and the welfare of ot hers who depend on them, and you have done more to comfort them perm men tly than you could by many words. ed Gunnison Irrigation Company. Principal place of business Gunnison, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors held May 29ih, 1908, it was decided to sell stock of JGGOO shares of the tieasury the company at $10.00 per share. Van D. $paldiDg and Livingston purchasing Thirteen (1300) hundred snare--- . Three hundred shares being held iu reserve for 30 days for stockAny and holders of the company. all waters of the auove amount not taken by said stock by the 1st day ol 1908, will be iold to. the above Jul, n rob tut WILLIAM METCALF, President. J, H. ROY LANCE, Secretary. Buclilens Arnica Salve Wins i j ciuiy iti i e a j lee . y f f - ' ty 4- - Tom Moore, of Rural route 1, Coch- X ran. Ga., vuites ; I had a bad sure ci n.e on the instep of my loot and could fiud nothing that would heal it y y until 1 applied Bucklens Arnica y Less than half a 25 cent box I Salve for tne by affecting a wimtluuay hi y Choicest Meats Fruits and y ed.t lor lining yot.r at all druggists. Sold under guarantee r 4- - Vegetables - CALL STAR J, AT MEAT II. FERRE. s 0. B. BERGLUNB y y Mary Public. y y y Gunnison, y y y JOSEPH HIGH AM y y4 Utah. Practxaf Weaver.. X j perfect cure. b. SLouIj ftnov. uitiSv-- r one tailoring Lvjje that Her? are three things the good dressi-- r should insist upon gives a guarantee that is legal and Fashionable patterns, correct style binding, aad that, is the Biy&l Tailors-anof Chicago and Now York, nw shrink. All Taylors would be glad if they could guarantee these things to you. it Many of them can give you the Erst and second, but when it come3 to takes all the shrink out and that won't means that jour clothes will hold guaranteeing that your suit ' their style and good fit until they are shrink, they balk. Or pei haps soma of them will give worn out. vou ablulf guarantee that doesnt Nearly 500 smart 6pricg styles to show you. aieau anything. GEO. S. FRANCIS. Agent, Gunnison' Utih. y parties. , out tfce merchant who vses statioumy lecoittted with axei giease, bakiug iowdor and other cheap adversetieuis ns, to ( he home punter, whaij ne the mail older housn is to the Facts Every Good Th-iei- Notice of Sale of Water. rs When people by of their home merchants they me thereby bhanug u the proiits of their own 'purchase-uni contributing to the welfare of ami bueral prosperity of the comm u ml v, May R;luht fjalt Lake City. Utah. Laud Oil ice A pl 27.1J'JS. Notlceis hereby jrive.ii that, as direct! d by llie ttm.ifesUuier of tho General Lund Of!h;i under provisions of Act of congress upprot cd June 27, l'.Kiti, Iublle No. 3c3. we will oiTernt public sale, tr the highest bidder, at. Uoclotk H. m on the latli day of June, 1:H. next, at this ollice, the follow Iok tract ot land, td wit: RE N W sec, 8. T. ID R., It. 2 East, R. L. Mer. claiming ad versely the persons Any lands are advised to file tin Ir clulnis, or objections, on or before the day above designated forsaie. E. I). It. THOMPSON, Register. M. M. KA1GMN, Receiver. Tint pub. May 13, last Juno 12 all your might. Work, when feeling a httlo out of sods. in a eurer cure than any medicine the doctor can give A busy person is not often you. tumbled with tho blues. There is nothing better to keep mischief out of the head than to keep the hand employed. The secret of success in life euf-fere- l'lrst pub. m lUIlLIC LAND SALE. Work, says au exchaugi. is the b?-- t o autedote for woe. When in pas-ibltrouble of any kind, go to .work with is to keep rt ry Utah. Gunnison to tbu for r and Eai.d rice at V . Oemral wHIiin fc) make all armgunentH IttlluroM) to pioitsl or conn-."nsal-ro- il suilUdeiit c B wlil tirm spciilied, fur a grand nlebratioc. of all I l.o non of evldt I lie tool. Isii'M Otheri'in holer! tin and trarts. There h uotbiug butter calculated wise free from . tton. will be nued for of the UiH minds tc iii'-ti- l approval. iulo young. E. I). E. Tlluid IRuN. KeisM r. a Fourth than nud lty pitrioiism rit .)nCi tribble W.H i Carpets V ( Ffih THE MARKET. Rropr. Main St., Gunnison, Utah. GUNNISON, fyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy J. ii All. |