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Show MV FTO BAIL CLAFClAFSr.lB NOTICES. Oowalt CkHinty CLrk or th ; fr further lnf.rmU.u. fc'jr-r- Notcce of Guardians Sale of Real und Personal Property. rT a . Red EIoli. E tat of Eli Na y. minors. Tb undersigned rill r!l at private in and salt, an undivided 9 to the folloiug diciib-- d leal ami personal property, to wil: i 10 shares of the capital sU ok of the inurt 4-- Ouuuhou Irrigation Co., aubj-- ct to a head of boreo ;2 milch lieu of $390 cows ; 1 farm wagon ; 2 set of hutucM ; ; 1 of buggy lumen; lit Binder; Sulky plow 1 1 If arrow ; ; lLay-ot- f 1 1 plow reaper; I llud plow; ; 1 muw r ; furiuuture; 15 share fo the capitals tuck ol the UnuuKcc High laud Crutl Gj ; 1 Promissory Houfe-hol- d note for 5150. of 8. L. M. nod containing s0 acre Parcel 8. Beginning at a point 11.32 chairs X. nml 4.79 chain E. from the SV corner of the SVVJ of See. 32 loT. 19 S. of It. IE of 9 L.M., tlu-rc- t tleg. 30 min. E. lOenain- - ; Theuee X. hSdeg. 15 min W. 10.5 chains ; 89 deg. E 1.13 chaius 30 min. E 1.80 ehmus ; theuc ; thtnee 1 de," X i 3 l.t J ' deg. W 1 55 clvtu ; n.l chains to place of 2.15 acies. containing 10.90 12. at Parcl 'aiull 2 Begiuuiug at the XE1 chains S Aeginumg e X i;f from the E 0 ru- -r of Sec. 5 iu T. 20 3. of It. 5 in T. 20 S. i f R 1 E. v t 3. L. M. : E of S. L. M. Thence ruouing W, XT 33 dg. miu. E! .!' Tnenaius; Thence 8. 9$ chains; thrnice ruui.iug 1 10 u S eti on' li 8 tbeoce chaius ; g H. 10i ebaias; thence X. thence S 89 deg. W SO maim ; hence 10 weg E 13.11 chains to cbe place W 9.70 chains tou pmnt of k chain cf beginning, and containing 19.95 E from center of c.!nl ; theaen X. acres. 18 deg. 15 mm, E along a hue $ of Parcel 3. Beginning at the SW cora chain K from center of caatil 11.30 ner of the SWi of Seo. 32 in T. 19 chaius; thence X 15 deg. E along h S. of It. 1 E. of 3. L. Al. ; thence line 4 of a chain E from cenlef f runniug X. 1.72 chains ; thence E. canal 1 eh.uiib; tbenca 3.90 chain 3.57 chains ; thence S. E. to a point thence .S 2neg. 15 min. E nclihiue; 4.23 chains E. from the place of thence E l.l'J chains to gb.co of bf ; thence Y. 4.23 chains to ginning, and cnitainiug20 il aert-tthe place of beginning and containOn or after De Oibr 2Ut. 1907, aud ing .63 of an acre. will bo received at the Parcel 4: Beginning at the NW corner written bids of tho residence undersigned e.t Ce:t- of the NNVi of Sec 5 in T. 20 S. of tcrhtld, Sanpeto County. Terms of 1 1, 1 E. of S. L. M; Thence running 1C per cent of bid, to bo paid t S. 8.24 chains; thence E. 9.17 sale, of bid, balance on confirmation chaius ; thence NW7 to a point 4.23 time of fale,of tho real estate, all the bid chaius E. from the place of beginfor the peraoeal property. to ning ; thence VV. 4.23 chains place MLLLISSA E. XAY of beginning, and containing 5.85 C'uardi.u . acres. 2nd, 1907. Parcel 5. Beginning at the X. E. Dated corner of the NE of Sec. 6 iu T, 20 S. of d. 1 E. of S. L. M. Thence W . running S. 8. 21 chains; thence 6 23 chains ; theuca N. 8.30 chains ; thence E. 5.77 chains to place of beginning. and containing 11,48 acres. Parcel 6 Being the S 4 of the X The WJ of the SW and the SEof ihe SWi of Sec. 10 in T. 20 S of B 1 E. of S. L. M. and containing 160 acres. Parcel 7. Being the SV of the SW of Sec. 3 and the NW of the NW 1 of Sec. 10 iu township 20 S. of R. Xneucn X. 1 deg. W- - If' chaioa to place of b glutting, and containing lOj acres'. & Parry Sons, HA SORS and STONE CUTTERS. thence running E. 15.30 chains ; thence S. 6 30 chains; thtnee V, 15.32 cluius ; thence X. to place of begiuuing, and containing 8.1 acres. Parcel 9. Beginning at a point 20 chains E. and 5.88 chains X. from from the XW corner of Sec. 5 la T. 20 S. of It. 1 E. of S. L. M., thence ruuoiug S. S3 deg, E. 1.55 chains ; thence X. 1 deg. 30 min. E, 5.20 chiinsjthe X. 89 deg. W. 4.6s chains; thence S. 5.20 chains to place of beginning, and containing 2.10 acres. Parcel 10, Beginning at a point 1 72 ebaioa X. anil 11.10 chains E from from the SW corner ef tbeSWJ of Sec. 32 in T. 19 3 of K 1 E. cf S. L M., thwoco running X .4.70 chain ; thence E 6.90 ebaine ; therce li 1.77 chaiLS; theoce W 5.90 cbiina t.i place cf beginning and containing it E L ESTATE. Parcel lEgiuuiug ut pr.int 7 .30 2.77 Rcree. chains E. aud S!0of achaiu S. 1 ring. K, from thXV corner of the i'AkcLLll. Beginning at a point 20 chains E and l.S chaius X from the N ..f Sec. 1 iu T 20 S, of It. 1 E. XV corner of See. 6 iu T 20 S of K 5 D. M. Tiieucn running X. S3 deg. lEoiS. L. M., running Si 30 min E 10.10 chaius; 1 hence 8. 1. L. Granite andCMartle Monuments. Headstones. Mamies, Grates, IRON and STEEL! FENCES. Sanpete Cv. itlANTI. UTAH. c!vig,'s on, ra P'fVVi'H TCPd.OF I .OiAiv! .... rf VjlOlCC " . 1 th-n- ea j crur I i i ! be-giuu- -- s FjpjtinC RpgUfCOT Gil 11111 fu 011f lltllll VV A Real Wonderland. South Eikota, with its rich silver mii e, bonanza farms, wile ranges aud range natural formations, is ft vt viable wonderlaud. At Mound City ill the home of Mhe. D. E. Clapp, a .v ;;; rfui case of healiDg has lately occ tried. Her son seemed near death Ex- with lung and throat trouble. ha iGiing coughing spells occurred Mrs. Clapp every five minntes, writs when 1 began giving Dr. Kings jSTvv Discovery, the great medicine, tUHt saved his life and completely-curehim. Guaranteed for coughs' hnd colds, tfcr- at. Bud lung troubles. 50c and $1.00, .by all druggists. Trial bottle tree. -i j- - . - e r--f 'ft rf fl A dse at bed time usual- j y relieves the most severe case before morning. yWJW P fi atiL, i Satisfaction 30 days treatment for $1.00. guaranteed or money refunded. 80LD BY PAUL VOX X rsr w OR DECK 8 t ir STORK, |