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Show DRANK WITH HIS FEET. NORTHWEST NOTES A New Line of Leather Goods Clergyman Knew the Beit Place to Put the Whisky, i Chairman Taggart ha appointed John Sundoilaml of Reno national There was no fire in the tonnking lHmieratlc committeeman for Nevada car and everybody was blue and tremto uected John If. Dennis, deceased. ulous with cold. VV. F. "My feet fairly aehe," said a clergy-man- . Dupe. who was shot at Tort land by John Wynne, died shortly nf Then a drummer, winking at Ills ter reaching the hospital. A charge of murder will be lodged against neighbors, pulled out a flask of whis- lias just arrived, and whilt tlie quality is the very finest the prices are about the same asked for inferior j 1 ; ! ky. Wynne. Imult Added to Injury, An organ grinder had been playing before the bouse of an irascible old gentleman, who furiously and amidst ' wild ordered him to mote cm. The Italian stolidly stood his ground and pla)ed on, and at last was arrested for causing a disturb-ante. At the coutt the magistrate asked him wh) be did not leae when he was requested. "Me no understan' mooch Inglese, was the reply. "Well, but ou mu-- t hau understood by his motions that ho wanted you to go," said tlu magistrate. "I link ho come to dance," was the rejoinder. Heres the best thing going for cold The First National bank of Sara goods. Shopping hags and toga, Wyoming, ha betn authorized feet, friend, he said. And the clergyman extended his to begin bushier with $2.1, ikm) capital, ladies; wallets irUTMIller purses hand for the bottle eagerly. I prefcldint and Gurtavq You let Jt is." said he. and hill hooks for Jensen cashier. He a huge drink into the poured Judge Wolvcrton, In the federal lifted it glass, court at I'ortlaud, removed Georg H. with a "Here's toward atthe drummer looking jou, sir," and Hill as receiver of the Title (luaran off hi boots, emptied then, slipping tee and Trust company, and appointed the whisky Into them. K. C. Means, cashier of the Hanker In two minutes my feet," and Lumbermen's bank, to succeed ho "wlil he in a warm glow. said, him. Into the boots warms Whisky J. Holman Iluck, the editor of the the feet poured like a hot stove." Mina. Nevada, Miner, who Phot and 170 killed Francis 1 Hurton at that place, BLACK, ITCHING SPOTS ON FACE. , MAIN ST. has been released from by SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. order of the district custody alattorney, Physician Called It Eczema in Worat Form Patient Despaired of Cure though the coroners jury failed to exhim. onerate Cuticura Remedies Cured Her. hFLDH Pet on earth, TREES rut aio. Intern'l A new coal company which has beAgent Wanted. "About four years ago I was a filleted gun development work on their prop-citblack splotches all over my face with In Rock the Springs section of For the Cosy Corner. a few covering my body, which and deAn elderly man from the country. Wyoming, has spent $200,000 la Intent on purchasing some furniture, . velopment work the past summer, and produced a sever itching irritation, which caused me a great deal of proceeded to the city to put his sk!Il. feprtslbal n,!le 5p,,ndId vdn4 have and been uncovered. suffering, to such an extent that 1 was for bargaining to the test. On enter- forced to call in two of the leading In the explosion of the engine of a lng an "old curiosity shop he found Positively cured by . After a thorough himself confronted by the proprietor. Northern Pacific freight train near physiciaus of these Little Pills. After turning over the stock the old Bozeman, Mont., Fireman John Welch examination of the dreaded complaint They also relieve Distress from DysllNl-man purchased a chair. A few days was instantly killed and Head Brake-ma- they announced it to bo skin eczema and Timi Hearty later the purchaser returned to the Veyno seriously Injured. Yeyno in the worst form. Their treatment A remEaling. did me no good. Finally I became deshop again with the chair in about was hurled 100 feet from the engine, for IMzzIiichh, edy spondent and decided to discontinue half a dozen pieces. The proprietor and is probably fatally hurt. Drowsiness, Had their services. My husband purchased Taste In the Mouth, Coatlooked at them very gravely and exIn the United States court at Car-soed Tongue, laln In the a single set of the Cuticura Remedies, amined them all over, then suddenly City, Nevada, Senator Williams which Tounn Liven. side, entirely stopped the breaking They regulate the Howcln. Purely exclaimed: "Ah, my friend, I see and his brother, (leorge B. Williams, Vegetable. what Is the matter; somebody has indicted for illegally appropriating out I continued the use of the SUHLL SM1LI BOSE. HU. SUIll MICE. Remedies for six months, and been sitting on It! government land, through their attor- after that ever splotch was entirely Genuine Must Bear ney entered a pica of guilty to the gone. I have not felt a symptom of CARTERS Entertains and Instructs the Boys. five indictments against them. Signature tho eczema since, which was three OlTTLE Hob the Hanger and On the Twenty-threnew freight engines, Trail of the Arabs, two books by purchased this month by the Salt Lake years ago. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge, 540 IflVER 4 PILLS. Herbert Strong, the celebrated En- Route, announcement of which was Jones Ave., Selma, Ala., Oct. 2S, 1905. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. glish writer, recently published by made by former United States Senator NASTY. l Indianof the company, W. A. Clark, president of the line, re apolis, Ind., are two stories of ad- cently, will be delivered to the comventure that are bound to prove fas- pany within the next three weeks. cinating and Instructive to the averBelieving that the investigation by FOR SOLDIERS AND HEIRS age boy, the kind of clean, whole- the officers of the interior department A11 federal soldiers and sailors who served 00 some youth who has a longing for day between Mil und ItsTAiand who homesteaded lesstban adventures of all kinds. Mr. Strang into the charges of graft against cer acres before JuneJ, a re entitled to additional homestead rights which I buv. If soldier Udad. hi is a writer whose stories have at- tain officials in connection with the heirs can sell. Talk toold soldiers, widowsand lieirs. Crow was Indian Kind of some soldier re'ative who went West or outh thousands of Montana, attention the reservation, tracted after the war and homes caded government land. a H. in William of interested Hunt farce, Judge providing boys persons Get busyand make someeasy money. Write He.nht N. Core, Washington, 1. C., for further particulars with reading that Is at once whole- Helena has ordered the federal grand some and entertaining, and whose in- jury to conduct a complete probing of formation is accurate and whose the allegations. is above reproach. While both The sleeping apartment of Mrs. Jas. He Do you think glasses would stories are entertaining enough to tie A. of this paper deA. Y. P. commiswife of the Wood, me look more intellectual? make READERS the most fidgety little fellow to the siring to buy anyto the Jamestown exShe Well, if I were you Id try hearth-sidthing advertised in during its perusal, each sioner general Its columns should Insist upon having was at entered Seattle by them. They certainly couldnt hurt has an instructive and educational position, what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. turn that is truly delightful and burglars, who, after striking Mrs. any. Wood over the head with a revolver Whenever you see a man in distress and threatening death if she interFlowers as a Cult. In him your fellow man. of robbed her recognize valuable several fered, One of the most practical plans for pieces of jewelry. Seneca. inculcating among the masses a taste The unusual height of th-- breakers PILES CUHEIi IN O TO 14 DAYS. for plants and flowers has been hit at Santa Cruz, California, resulted in PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case MERRY GO ROUNDS of little the upon by the city fathers Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in the drowning of Jf n Day of Globe, 6oftoItching, 14 days or money refunded. 60c. We also manufacture Hazzle Dazzle. Strikers, ete. each Hessian town of Alzey, where an engine on the Gila ValCO., General Amusement Arizona, OutPtters. Iiept, M JNijktu Tunow Met N. Y. girl In the public elementary schools ley railroad. He Vvas visiting Santa would it is both blind Justice, seem, receives every spring two plants to and deaf. his and by Cruz, niece, accompanied W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 51, 1907. care for. Inspectors at the end of the was The from Treasurer fishing pier. season make their report, which is breakers washed him off and he wTas invariably good. drowned before help could reach him. Five hundred men, members of the The Pepper Family. Miners union, seized a miner Butte Five Little Peppers In the Little on the new Bell telephone at work Brown House, by Margaret Sidney, as a carpenter and escorted Drove all the snakes from building author of the famous Pepper books, him disman hall. Later the to their which have gladdened the hearts of appeared. At one time a riot seemed many thousands of juvenile readers, imminent. The Bell company had has recently been issued from the been boycotted by union labor in Monpresses of the Lothrop, Lee & Shep- tana because of the strike of linemen ard Co., Boston. By the art of the and begun last March. operators, in author, Margaret Sidney, private The Colorado State bank of Duranlife Mrs. Daniel Lothrop, who lives Drives all aches from the body, in Concord, Mass., in The Wayside, business go, Colo., has suspended cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and made famous as the residence of Na- pending reorganization. It holds dethaniel Hawthorne, the irrepressible posits of $500,000 and its capital is CONQUERS PAIN Pepper children with their many hu- $75,000. The officials of the bank Is25c. ALL DRUGGISTS 50c. man and lovable qualities have become familiar acquaintances, and the sued a statement in which they assert that the assets of the bank are presentation of situations is so genuunimpaired and depositors entirely eninely humorous that all ages are will be paid In full. tertained. The recent addition to the Pepper family is equaly as good as Its predecessors. ; ; j ' for i I ; , j i j ice-col- d I IS Nnr-rlr- a, y SIGK HEADACHE n v Nail-Hc- n Cutl-cur- a Tit-Hit- Fac-Simi- lc e Dobbs-Merril- JtX) En-Iglis- 1KT4, h e e S30 m DOUR UKKHCIlliiLL-SPiLLMA- N . ST PATRICK IRELAND S' JACOBS Oil a, |