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Show Tun' i cwil fur nil itrm si d1 ib nature of ioiu nrrtt uud sur.tb. Arrive. Depart n.ci. 3:40 p.m H ;u0 a.m. 3:40 p.m Fayette North k Bouth 311 p.m. IQTGa.m u .TO 3tntpifmld Fayette La no Sunday mail. All other muiib arc daily. IUlksa Iuuhneh. P. M. Washington Letter. February I. Barely twenty working da) b remain for the present ejugr ta. Of course the next three wet La vull be much given to night Mhimm aud hurried work which, i( it were not irreverent as to applied minus congress, Bi It will be pass ad that ehuild become laws and laws forw hich there ha long be u a ening need will be put ofi, it may scamp.d work. Lc for years. 3 Says Worse Is to Come. The present upheaval in Ilusia .Hill Schedule. Opened STOCK A Seasonable Goods! Of ba Ku-ia- Just We Have forrtcld by Kaphar-l- , a Londou aftreloger, m month ago. In his (r r'cat for 1005, publish'! early last fall, he foieahadowed a revolutionary uprising in the ciar'a empire, which he pmlictel will continue until November of this jear. Of the czar aud of Itnshia he aid : black one The year 1005 will i the anuals tf Russian history. inRevolutionary moverrenta will crease by lepaa and bound, and this v.vir, entered into with eo light B tart, may turn out to be the herald of history for the Russian people. The planetary influences effecting the czar are evil, he itaya. His predictions for nearly every month of the year contain propiucies In Jan- f f direful events in ary he sajs Russia is under moat malefic influences." For February irreat political upheavals aro pretlict-d- . For March he writes: Rusia is under a cloud, and at homo events will occur which will stir i he hearts and souls of patriots and In Juno he says the people. to Rusplanets are especially sias welfare. September is to be the most tragic month of all, and then alone but other groat pownot ers are to Milbr. Kings uml will bo he prnphtsieH, Haia -- N. Y. World. v.a PATRONS ALWAYS FIND QUALITY OUR AND PIUCB RIGHT WITH. US. AIM TO SATISFY IS PROVERBIAL. THATS WORTH REMEMBERING - - . YOU AKE .. INVITED TO CALL AT t Of all the administrations since George Washington, that of President Roosevelt keeps the openeat house, INcepliona at the executive mansion to which invitations are issued by the K ; teas giveu by Mrs. Roosevelt a ittle more select as the saying is, to which are thousands of in vitatious ; cabinet dmuers which, at the request of the president, havel Another Case cf Rheumatism Cured ty b )en oi irged co ns to include others Ctamterla.'n's Ptin Balm. th m the cabinet families; entertainThe efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain nmuU given by Balm in the relief of rheumatism is senator-cilizens member, private being demonstrated daily. Phi Iter tu others make the congressional Triplett, of Grigsby, Va., says that a nocturnal rout a perpetual Chamberlains Pain Balm gave him f ir quite unfitting legisla- - perm&ueut relief from iheumatism in unity tors who at its functions for the the back when everything else failed, serious work for which they are and he would not be without it. For t.chosen. Sale by Gunuisou Coop. The question of another Dew cabinet officer ii agsiu under discussion in, Detective Stories Are Good. ctrU.u cotem. Since ,tWhy tte fcct that (rom the verJ. the acquisition of Hawaii, Porto Rico, nature of their subject matter the Philippines and our tive stories must begin in the middle is robbed or the victim suzerainty of (Juba, the secretary ttet gives this type an in bK u,i u, (Jo iu care of our Otranf0(l . over higher forms lUMtlar interests than with the army 0f fiction. The Bookman. propr. Them in nueJ for a eecretary of insular dffairc and it ia possible J lhat a new cabiuot officer with this title will nor tier or Inter Iw appointed, fose3 t0 ,,rlrik mIlk .... Tbcrn b.w ulnnys linen jealousy eight Jays, on the principle that the between religious denominations and clf'r of the liquid does not harmonize charitable institutions, but especially Witl ei mental gloom, between the Catholic and Protestant 4 churches with regard to' favoritism in ppropriatious, aud the Protestant C lurches are now claiming that the Catholics during the recent. campaign 4 were giveu moie than .tbor share of the appropiiitions'for IciuUn schools than they were entitled to and for the purpose of securing the Catholic vote, Mr. Ch 'des J. ii nfuarte of is a friend and .n.iuirer oi the Caihoiic president and a vcr aidi-nand civil sol vin' fitd,j uitr. The THEODORES ho-ti- le Gunnison, UtsiH. Ru-fcl- i ern-lt-ror- th-r- o , Highest Price Paid for Grain and Produce. -- im k'JM wkl jLo. Li - multi-millionair- e , ii H a 1 ry Store tf T 4- - .8-tl THE PLACE TO GET t YOUR detcc-Pauamaau- MONEYS 4 WORTH. t 4- -- s d ofl" HATS Shirt Waists You may have your ty P per cent pick of the few left at A D o:r Gowns ar.d Underwear. i t t 1 y . t ; 4 4 4 4- 4- - 4 4 4 444 on Clothing, Underwear and Gents Furnishings. NOW IS t e 4 and SLASH SALE t , P.aiti-mor- 4 4 i CUT I . 4 4 Read Dress Skirts t I- YOUR CHANCE TO GET A BARGAIN. THE PRETTIEST LINE OF DRESS t4 44 44 PATTERN IN THE t t4 CITY. t ; presidents ordr peiipu.tug cf fo.ouui iho ; com-misoion- 4 4 to make fhLool 1uk hJ'-iu- contract'- with J. 4 Ceiuoli'e been attributed to dhe tn.h. ti.ee of Air. Bone i.:. rtf. - Yours for business, Agonizing Antiq-.:.-- A drinkh-.- g ; Grit.!rt0 Cup. c;ii, j, o.i;. ,uriccd by lV British museum to i !. has been found in a -! at Sb i:i: y field, Essex. It is iio.v ;l;y Chiao f!nrd museum yt-a:- . s Absolutely PUF0 MS NO SUBSTITUTE W. EDWARDS, Burns are instantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Bueklens Arnica Salve. C. Rivenbrk. Tr., of Norfolk, Va., writes : I burnt my knee dreadfully ; Propr. that it blistered all over. 44 4 Bucklena Arnica Salve stopped the pain, ami healed it without a scar. Also heals all wounds and sores, 25c at Paul von Nordecks druggist. |