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Show VOL. VI. UUXMSON, UTAH, I'lMDAY, Relative to the Manti Forest Reserve Work. Notice Smallpox Again. Tbn smallpox trouble is with us onoo mere, A, J. Hobbles, F. L. Oapeoiug and Frank Jensen being effected with tie disease. Tho fact became known Saturday, when the health board ordered the residences of them p .rsons quarantined and a thoMUgh iuvenigatiou made of the .xp ur:s, who were also promptly detain d under tho rtgulation. Xo La- cava hard broken out during tin week, but the patients, Mr. Copenwg, have tho Application for tho grazing of horses, cattle and sheep upon the Manti forest reserve for the year 1105, will close MouJav, February lUtb, nw. xo. i; 10, LOCAL ITKMS. William Metcalf is c Man! today. ; Wednesday's blizzard was a big t change from the accustomed weather Attorney A. II. Clmu n l. of of the past few weeks. Manti is in Gunnison tod) chief! n n R on legal business. Mothirs' class of Gunnison will n a Parties desiring mnrbl .rk for incut at 2 oclock p. m. next Thursday, February ltith, in tue R. 8. Hall. spring delivery should write me card at once. Aanint ILsaic, R ch R r. r If there aro any perxoui who have not received application blanks, and 17 Dout miss seeing "Tho Girl From field, Utah. have requested the Fume, they will at at Ounubou opera house once notify tho forest supervisor ht Klondike." Last uighta big but gentle iuv Saturday evening, February 11th. Ephraim, Utah. was R R R smile storm certainly a Very respectfully, A. W. JENSEN. dbeU'-it: quite were form, and Money to Loan on water stock. stretcher to the farmer. About eight Forest Supervisor. ihi ir families will in ell probability Large or small amounts. F. L. inches of the beautiful covered the JW ground this morning. CorcxiNU. coma tlj'vu. As stated the exposures, K tt so far a known, urn under quarantine Notice. Th Black Ilawk reunion, which and a few dajs m)ro will determine E. II. Clarko was observed upon ad been set for the 17th, Las brn whether i r no they have escaped tho All parties knowing themselves in- the quarantined premises of A. J. postponed for nt leat ten days or. .me lady. debted to Farmers Exchange, of Robbius Monday. Ho was promply i Yho Gazette i nsked by the health Centerfield, must settle their Recuunta arrested and taken to answer before account of the smallpox outbreak. it t: board to warn tho citizens against before tho 1 5th of February. 1905. Justice Fwaiu, who imposed a light breaking of the quarantine. People Accounts unpaid then will be given lino o' 22.50. By letter fom Forest Supervisor are cautioned a, fail at leaning on in tho bauds of attorney for collection. Jensen, published in another column, R R it fences or t nteriug upou places that A1 so, all scrip on this store must be Remember the theater Saturday persons desiring to graze hore. of for tho on the Mrnti reserve an tiro quarantined in boforo said date or it will not be purpose uight, L vau Dramatio company in infracSuch articles. honored. taking away "The Girl From Klondike." This given uutil February 2i'h in which to will bo Ifiv tho cf tions efid to the superJOS. 2. MILLER, Proprietor. vigorously excellent satisfaction make application, company gave situa-tioif Tho found visor at out. Ephraim fqf necessary blanks. piovcuted on its last visit to Gunnison. R tt R calls for a strict enforcement of Crave Trouble Foreseen. K R R tho quarantine law, which all should The effort is still being made by The Gunnison Irrigation companys It needs but little foresight, to tell, feel Ij observe. the of Gunnison to gut capital that when your stomach and liver are annual stockholders meeting set for to people n put up sugar factory there, and trouble is ahead, last Monday was adjourned dor one affected, grave badly is it When .You Have a Co!J. reported that tho capital has been unless you take the proper medicine woek, owing to tho reports not being guaranteed and that the terms for The iirt-- action when you havo a yor your disease, as Mrs. John A. in readiness. Quite a number of the getting the factory are more liberal cold should ba to relievo tbo lungs. Young, of Clay N. Y., did. She says : stockholders came out, and about than those held out for the factory by This is l:st accomplished by tho free "I had neuralgia of the liver and three hours were spent in discussing tho Utah Sugar company. It is likeuv of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. stomach, my heart was weakened, and pertinent questions. ly that an effort will be made to get Ibis Remedy liquefies tbo tough I could not eat. I was very bad for a R R R tho other portions cf the two counties nueus and causes its expulsion from long time, out in Electric Bitters, I The local of the Singer to co operate in this project and be business dhe air colls of tho lungs, produces a found just what I needed, for will be looked after by Ed assured of a factory next season. If they free expeeiorarion, cud opens tho quickly relieved and cured me." company of this city, who Gunnison would como into the field A complete cure soon Best medicine for weak women. Sold Anderson, formerly secretions. returns here from liichliold for the with something like 1500 or 2000 This remedy will cure a under guarantee by Paul von Ncrdeck follows. purpose. He is a good experienced acres for sugar beet culture, there is severe cold in Iocs time than any other druggist, at 50c a bottle. man and will ably fill the vacanoy not much doubt that a factory will be treatment and it loaves the system in caused by Mr. Young's removal to forthcoming. Richfield Reaper. a natural and healthy condition. It Idaho Falls, Mt. Pleasant Pyramid. R R R SNOW ACADEMY NOTES. counteracts any tendency toward et t It The following story is published in pneumonia. For side by Gunnison At the meeting given by Student's The town council met in regular Machinery : A circus train was pullsociety last Friday evening President session Saturday evening and besides ing out of Spokane, Wash,, a lew C. N. Lund of Mt. Pleasant gave an transacting routine business filled the weeks ago when suddenly the injector At a recent meeting of the British lecture upon the subject interesting appointive offices for the year, all ex- "broke and persistently refused to Ornithologists club were shown the of 'Revelation," of beConsistency that of the clerk, whioh was de- take up water. After working with it legs of three lapwings, demonstrating lief in this principle was made clear cept ferred. The officers holding laBt year a few minutes the engineer ordered the extraordinary injuries that are inwith the numerous speaker proofs were reappoiuted. an examination made of the tank; it dicted by the accidental entangle- by from the Bible. A short musical was found nearly empty, although K R R ment of sheeps wool around the feet the evenings filled at the water crane but a short In one instance so program completed of the birds. I. W. HARPER WHISKEY. program. time before. No explanation of this Pronounced by the Worlds best tightly had the wool encircled the The Academy baEd assisted greatmystifying condition was apparent birds foot, that one of the toes had in calling out the people to attend experts The Worlds Best Whiskey until water in numerous streams ly was mortified and had dropped off, while the meetings of the quarterly confer- Grand Prize Highest Award St. seen running from tho elephant car in another case the bird had lo9t all ence held fast and Sunday. Louis Worlds Fair. Sold by L. next to the Saturday tender, aud then the cam-waits toes from this cause. The birds The academy was favored Monday Ludvigson, Gunnison, Utah. found. "Jumbo" had armw b become entaogled with the wool while R R R with the presence of a nummorning himself by leaching his trv:.k dying among bushes and shrubs up-o- ber of the leading brethren, promi- OhamberlalJtg Stomach eoS Liver Tablets through tho open end of his car .mo the animals grazing ground, and nent Uaesualled for Constriatbrn. them being President among the manhole of the tender and .also when they settle upon the Bheeps A, H. Lund and Rulon S. Wells, Mr A. R.iKane, a d drug ing up the water, vvith which"'- ijaoks, and their beaks are not of whom addressed the students gist of Baxter both Springs, Kansas, says deluged the oihur animals in i. c r strong or long enough to reeducational matters, secular 'Chamberlains Stomach and Liver upon : .! They looked like abound-move the strands from their feet. and religious. Tablets in are, my judgment, the and needless to a iy had is. "Scientific American, most superior preparation of any t Ling involuntary baths no m..in use today for constipation. Get Succor from America. They trainmen had tho delay. Peter Christiansen has received a sent to back The are sure in money action and with by no tun. new stock of Shoes. They are cheap- Italians in the United StatesItaly is the dency to nauseate or sale For gripe." er, according to quality, than can be financial salvation of many communT i : i (JcNM-o- r . G.. by Gunnison Co op. k ad elsewhere. At the shoe shop. 45 ities in southern Italy. r - o nr.it cat-tloorshe- u m t Co-o- p. n - t suf-&ent- 1 1 ly : ' ' , - - - -- : : ; |