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Show FROM SUFFERED CATARRH Of LUNGS SO COMMON IN WINTER, CURED BY PE-RU-N- A. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. r IS j&TJS January 12. Despite the announcement made by members of the Legislature that feu Vv new Jaws arc needed, new bills of various kind are being (submitted, These submitted at todays u were: fining housr breaking to the entering of rtMims. apartrmnts and tenements: to tax the output of roal, eoke and minerals not taxed at present. By Austin, making it a misdemeanor to threaten or Intimidate employees of any Individual or eorporation. By Ktuhier, providing that munUI pal judges may call In Judges pro tom I r appointed from the bar, when reason exists for a change of venue; to authorize the services of civil process from municipal eiurts by city ofilc.-rs- : extending the Jurisdiction of munhlpal judges In civil matters to the county In which the court Is sit uat d. for the apBy Cart oil. providing fire of pointment inspectors In roun ties outside of lncorHrated towns. By Thompson, to establish experl mental farms to demonstrate the best method of reclaiming dry or arid THE LUNGS THREATENS TO BECOME SERIOUS. A COLD ON I ' A. V A PLAIN TALK a Plain Subject On In Plain Language. The coming winter will cause at least of the women to have catarrh, colds, coughs, pneumonia or consumption. Thousands of women will lose their lives and tens of thousands will acquire some chronic ailment from which they will never recover. Unless you take the necessary precautions, the chances are that you (who read thisj will be one of the unfortunate ones. Little or no risk need be run if Peruna is kept in the house and at the first appearance of any symptom of catarrh taken as directed on the bottle. Teruna is a safeguard, a preventative, a specific, a cure for all cases of catarrh, acute and chronic, coughs, colds, consumption, etc. For free medical advice, address Dr. 8. B. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. one-ha- lf 3IE II. It. No. Bb To prohibit the use of explosive oil and to regulate the use of powder In roal nnd hydrocarbon mines. At 3 oclock the senate xvent Into rxeeutlve session to consider the appointments that had hern made by the governor since the close of the last session. The long list xvas read and the action of the governor was In dorsed In every particular. January 13. m l.v S Til if Ily Joseph, extending the M.ituti de- lands. Mb-!- -- 0 La st-io- n each iSStKv.wo Arapahoe fauScilititi FAILS. Boat Cough Syrup. Taataa Good. . Sold by druggists. Ui NftUMRTlON lium.f f J. W. Wail, Super-utnd-- nt of Street Ky., Lebanon, it : "My nightly rot was broken, owing I to Irregulaitties of the kidney. suffered tiiietiMly from pain In the small of my hack and through the kidneys and was annoyed by painful passage of abnormal secretions. Doctors failed to relieve me. 1 began taking Doans Kidney Pills and I exrelief. perience! quick and lXvanrt Kidney Pills will prove a b!es-In- g to ail sufferers from kidney disorder who will give them a fair trial." Fohter Milhurn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., proprhtor. For sale by all druggist, price 30 cent per box. la-tlc- K Not Patentable. That French savant who announces that gold taken internally good for what all you I not exploiting a theory altogether novel. Certain remarkable cure have been effected by tho mere external npplieation of wads of dirty, old microbe bill. 1 UlbMGUBING ULCER People Looked at Her In Amazement Pronounced Incurable Face Now Clear as Ever Thanks Only about one-hal- f Kx-Preside- nt vise-los-s 5V4-pou- d d Gov-erno- iLnW house. Bills were introduced by Mr. Fish-burof Box Elder, changing time for taking school census in cites and counties; also one by Edward, providing for the establishment of schools of agriculture and domestic science in n MEXICAN Liniment Mustang cures Sprains and Strains. C GREAT AVID KIDNEY AMO LIVER CUAf FAVORITE KENNEDY'S Wnt for fro World riiaoai. NTCXDTD W. N U.. Salt Lake-N- o. D0N8 MapI AOKDOUT, W. 3. 1005. 100,000 lbs. Salzers Billion Dollar Grass... 50,000 lb. January 17. 1,000 bu. The election of a senator to succeed Falzers Pedigree Potatoes Now such yields pay and you can have Senator Kearns was the first ousiness before the house, Mr. Sutherland re- them, Mr. Farmer, in 1905. SEND IOC IN STAMPS ceiving 42 votes and Judge King 3. and notice this to the John A. Sakor Seed The bill appropriating $25,625 for La Co., e Crosse, Wis., and you will get the purpose of defraying ti expenses of the National Guard in Carbon coun- their big catalog and lots of farm seed free. W. N. U. ty in 1903 and 1904, was passed in he samples SfSsSKSKSSSySSS 0 t Hi na NO BETTER ONES CAN BE MADE 51-0- I, of the members God for Cuticura. of the senate were present, the absent ones having gone to their homes, nnd Mrs. P. Ilackett, of 400 Van Buren but little business was transacted. Sen Y says: "I wish ator Lewis introduced senate joint me- St., Brooklyn, N. to give thanks for the marvelous euro morial No. 1, which has In view the of ray mother by Cuticura. She had to of congress sustain 7 am pleased to endorse Peruna , as memorializing s severe to in his efforts Roosevelt ulcer, which physicians had President I took It about a year ago and It soon increase Ineffectiveness of the the pronounced incurable. It was a terbrought me relief from a cold on my terstate commerce commission. rible disfigurement, and people would lungs which threatened to be serious. The flood of hills In the house con- stand In amazement and look after The lungs were sore and inflamed, I tinues. eleven being introduced at Friher. After there was no hope from coughed a couple of hours every night, days session, making the total for five doctors she began using Cuticura and I felt that something must be done days just twenty-eight- . A committee before my lungs became affected. clerk appointed from Ogden caused the Soap, Ointment, and Pills, and now, Peruna was suggested by some of sensation of the day In the house. It thank God, she is completely cured, my friends who had used it, and acting Is alleged that his ignorance of short- and her face is as smooth and clear upon their advice I tried it and found hand and typewriting make him as ever. that it was able to bring about a speedy as a committee clerk. An attempt cure. You have my highest endorse- was made to have him appointed read A Remarkable Dinner, ment and thanks for the good it did me. Ing clerk. This met xvith opposition A remarkable dinner was served reand a rnoficn was made to discharge Sounding the Praises of Peruna. cently by a farmer near Ault, Col. The him from on further the attendance Mrs. Frances Wilson, 32 Nelson St., table was set for twelve and tho menu house. Clinton, Mass., writes: potato, one consisted of one Had you seen me at the time of my chickone January 16. cabbage, illness and now, you would not wonder In both houses of the legislature en, one one turnip, that I take delight in sounding the much attention was given to the onion and three pies made from a Impraises of reruna. bounty fraud cases which have been pound apple. r My ailment was a severe cold which unearthed in Salt Lake county, attacked the bronchial tubes and lungs. reCutler presenting a message S. IJept. of AKficuItnre 7 followed your special directions garding the matter. A committee of rivesTheto r.Fakers heailiest enand after using six bottles of Peruna, I three members from house and a like dorsement. FakersOatsNewits National Oats was on my feet again. I think Peruna pumber from the senate was appointed 130 300 bu. 1904 to from in per a wonderful medicine. to investigate the frauds. A bill was yielded acre in 30 different States, and you, Mr. Introduced in the house by Mr. Thomp- Farmer, can beat this in 1905, if you will. son which would repeal the bounty law. The crop of bills aggregated twelve three In the senate and nine in the house. Joseph came in with three mining measures, including one for Speltz or Emmer, above illustrated, the inspection of metalliferous mines. gives 80 bushels grain and four tons hay Cromar introduced a measure creat- besides per acre. Its wonderful. Faker's seeds are pedigree seeds, bred up through ing the office of boiler inspector. Sen- careful selection to big y ields. ator Lewis introduced a measure apPer Acre. propriating $23,000 to pay back money Faker's Beardless Barley yielded 121 bu. borrowed to defray expenses of main- Falzers Home Builder Corn... 300 bu. 80 bu. taining the National Guard in Carbon Fpeltz and Macaroni Wheat.... Falzers Victoria Rape 60,000 lbs. county during the coal strike. Brings Speedy Relief. PalMrs. II. K. Adams, New of writes metto Club, Orleans, La., from 110 Uarficld Court, South Bend, Ind., as follows: Pe-ru-- . Sample by mall receive prompt attention. Placer Gold, Retorts and Rich Ores Bought. DENVER, COI Street, 1725 i LASTING RELIEF, Falzers Teosinte Fodder JOHN OGDEN ASSAY CO. y ; VJ X counties. The voting for a successor to United States Senator Thomas Kearns and preliminary steps to scalp the bounty law occupied the major part of the time of the senate. A bill was introduced by Johnson to meet outstanding indebtedness of Louisiana Purchase exposition exhibit. Chinese Lack Two Notes. The Chinese voice lacks two notes; its scale has six notes, instead of eight. The fourth and the seventh notes are the missing ones. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative llroino yulnlne Tablets. All droi gluts return! the money If It fall.- - ttcuro. H. YT. Grove signature is cm each box. '25c. Look for Christmas Day Omen. Many English people believe tnat 1$ the sun shines bright at noon on Christmas day, a plentiful crop of apples may be expected the following year. |