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Show meet your mothers id tlstcr on equa and Intimate term? "She I a lady. She ha merely been unfortunate. She had no father to protect her, was what the aca an jfflZffiJ) C Habits and Idlosyneradcs Betrayed in the Laugh. Anthropologists say that the ability to laugh cmies to the child as It v we red. Still the Elder Graham showed no grows older. The first smile la observed when the child Is about forty sympathy. "Youre n fool," ho said again. "No, to sixty days old. but It does not be I won't take your answer now. PI gin to laugh until some time after five minutes." that. give you He turned to the private secretary, Children uni women laugh more some of letters and began to dictate than men, rot because the cares ol no Importance, bolding his watch In life lie less heavily upon them, but bis hand to note when the five min- because tho the former are more exutes were up. At length he raised bis citable. nnd because the moderating head. iowcr of the cerebral hemispheres Is "Well?" he said. less In them than among men gen"I gave you my answer. 1 will work erally. for Belle Dumont." Profound study makes men serious, An expression of admiration flitted and so foolish people are sometimes for a moment over the elder man's roted for laughing Immoderately. face, only to pass away. He started Yet laughter Is not so much an Index io speak, but a messenger opened the to Intelligence n it is to tho condidoor and banded Walker a telegram. tion of health. Healthy, vigorous peoHe tore It open and read; ple are proverbially of I were Smith married and joyous, "Percy laughing natures, while the an hour ago. He has no parents. For- "sallow, gloomy-eyedyspeptic" is a me. Dumont Smith." Ilclle give description rcicntifically accurate. his The envious, wicked and malevolent The young mans lips quivered, face turned white, he read the tclo rarely laugh, because, phrenologists gram again, half dazed. The father say, they are Impregnated with bile, held out his hand, nnd the young man and are, therefore, morose. The passed him the telegram. The elder haughty, the vain nnd the awkward also laugh very little, for fear of losing their dignity. The Spanish people, proverbially grave, are a good ex- (Opyi Ight. 1904. by PAlly lory Iub. to. ) "1 want you to meet her, Percy. And greeting, and he half heard a mur! want you to he the best man at our mur "Im so glad to see Walker wedding next week," said Walker friend," while his head turned dizzy, Graham, as he and his college friend and his heart beat light against his white waist coat. Then she sat down stepped into a hansom cab. "Then you really mean to marry opposite him, and Graham drew a her in spite of your father's opposi- stool to her side, and the three talked tion?" and Percy Smith, carelessly and laughed together. She bad a way flocked the ashes of bis cigarette as of putting men at their ease and yet he spoke. never letting them forget her beauty "Yes. Pm sorry he does not want nor the fact that she was a frail, dell me to, but he has never seen her. lie catc little woman, whose cruel husband 6he had Just been forced to direfuses to see her." vorce. and that she needed man's proold man?" ho cuts you off, "8upposo can and friendship. And Percy felt tection "I work." a his heart expand with sympathy for "Yes; but doesn't she expect good his friend Graham, and a sympathy deal?" "She loves me. My father worked also for the little thing who would for my mother, lie made all his probably bo "cut off" with Graham. money. 1 will make money too. If I Then Graham ran down to get some fresh flowers for the vases, and Belle have to." Percy Smith said no more, but ho Dumont unburdened herself. "You see, his parents do not fancy mentally thar.kcd the gods that bis was the own. his then Just me because I am divorced," she said money hansom stopped before a smart little And I love him too well to Injure his family hotel, and the two young men prospects and yet, what can I do? alighted. Soon they were In a dainty Smith did not know, and neither tittlo parlor, filled with pretty tdts of did she, but he promised to come over Inexpensive art, and a few pieces of that night to talk it over with her and world famed art work, and a tall mar had a dim notion of "putting Walker lie bust c f Adonis, on a marble ped up In business for himself. If his fath estal. Graham paced nervously up er cut him off," and promised to tell and down the small polished floor cov- her about it, and see if she thought ered with rugs, while Percy sank Walker would like the plan. Then languidly on an Oriental divan piled Graham returned, and soon the two left. Graham went back a moment to say goodby alone, and as he looked Into those clear blue eyes he promised that nothing should come between them. And then the two young men entered the hansom and rode back to town, each one In a spell of admira tlon and sympathy, and both silent The next morning as Graham was waiting for his gig to drive over and take Belle for a ride across the boulevard and through the park, there "You made your decision." came a telephone call summoning him t once to his banker fathers office. man read it The expression on his Graham Pater was alone except for face passed from indignation to scorn, his private secretary, a slim, sallow to contempt, to rigid unfeeling. IIe young man, who had given all the soul passed it back. "You made your decision, he said. he had to his work. Every great man He passed the will to the secretary. has just such a secretary, and de"File it mands just so much soul. The secretary sells his soul at so much per and holds his job, and learns to eat at seconPatrta. d-class restaurants, and travel In not even would I ask my heart to say seconPullman coaches. The work and If I could love another land as well d-class restaurants and Pullman As thee, my country, had I felt the spell Italy at birth, or learned to obey coaches take the place of the soul un- Of The charm of France, or Englands til the great Reckoning and perhaps mighty sway; I would not be so much an Infidel they do then. As once to dream, or fashion words to The Elder Graham wore his most tell, What land could hold my love from most was look sanctimonious which A young woman entered. thee away. terrible and He held like a lawof nature in my blood with silken cushions. Graham kept a parchment in his hand. He ad- For I feci thy sweet and secret sovereignty. And like a birthmark on my soul thy his eye on a doorway draped with a dressed his son: I have just made my will, Walker sign. red and gold brocade portiere, while My life is but a wave, and thou the flood; I a will tear and Graham. it make up be over I a leaf, and thou the mother-tree- ; am his let eyes wander Percy should I be at all, were I not Nor file new one an in or this half one, room, and summed up what pieces of thine. art his wealthy friend had contributed hour." Henry Van Dyke, in Colliers. Walker nodded, and took a tall and what pieces evidently belonged to the lady herself. He whistled softly leather chair opposite the flat mahogAuthor's Minute Handwriting. every time he made a decision, and any desk of his father. Of all authors, Henry Harland probIn this will I have cut you off with with his beat the Blue Danube writes the smallest hand. So even dollar, went on the Elder ably an on Soon knee. his the portiere fingers minute are his letters that infinitely I have also provided that raised and a young woman entered. Graham. on one page he has more words than Graham almost ran to meet her, while your income cease now, never to be usually cover a dozen pages of ordiPercy sat surprised, admiring and ex- continued, and instead of the $10,000 nary manuscript. His chirography is a year, you will not have 10 cents. I pectantly waiting. very difficult to decipher and it reThe young woman was scarcely five will tear this up and let the old one an expert to make it out. The feet high, exquisitely built, and hard- stand, giving you half my fortune, quires typist who transcribes his books for ly 22, with a nose and mouth like the and shall double your income if you him regularly uses a magnifying glass. chiseled bust of Adonis, and a mass will give up that woman. The young man was silent. of golden hair brushed back from her What are you going to do?" InVanderbilts Not Society People. white temples. Her color was like the Pater. Graham a Vanderbilt seldom goes her and Frederick of white and eyes rose, quired pink to I Venam Dumont Belle of in blue of the marry going .of the shade society. He dislikes it sky anywhere week. next a of and wore it is said that lie freShe ice. simple gown extremely had Graham Elder the If softened; quently absents himself when his gray, betted in around her small waist, and falling in soft clinging folds about if he had shown one sign of affection wife has house parties. They are a her slender figure. On her breast was or of sympathy. But he never had, so devoted couple and Mrs. Vanderbilt herself is not much taken with socia red rose, that rivaled the red of her he could not begin then. was a he said. what Youre fool, She is fond of literary ety of lips. I divorced then for let Will to that and woman, of and nodded put Percy ghe entertaining men and people, as enter in one knows no his white hand what, my home, women of brains. her little strong . ,r awe-inspirin- GOOD INDEX TO CHARACTER. g. to-da- y. good-humore- ample. People who have lines extending downward from tho angle at the mouth toward tho chin well marked rarely laugh, and, moreover, show a tendency to pensiveness In youth and melancholy in nftcr life. Those who have lines raying outward from tho eyes are, on the contrary, people who laugh a good deal, especially when tho upper lip is rained by two deep furrows running down in the mouth. BEST POSITION FOR WORK. Facing the East Is Recommended by an Authority. To test the truth of the assertions of many persons that they sleep better with their heads pointing to the north, work better facing the east, and so on, Dr. Charles Fere, who is well known for his studies in physiological psychology, has constructed a delicate machine which he calls an ergograph, with which he has achieved some Interesting results. This machine registers the number, rapidity and quality of the movements of the Index finger when writing or performing any accustomed work. He announces that Ills experiments with It prove that work done by a person facing the west or east Is better by 25 per cent than similar work done by a person facing the north or south, and that when working facing the west it is about 25 per cent better than when facing the east. This matter of orientation seems to have an influence upon the nervous system, due largely, It Is believed, to the fact that the earth is a gigantic magnet. Many learned men have noticed that they sleep best with the head to the north and work better facing the west, while at least one famous pianist finds he plays with the greatest ease when the piano faces the east. It may be that the great migrations of the human race, all of which have been from east to west, and the observed tendency of trees to develop in the same general direction are in some way related to these phenomena. .Chinese Sailors for Hills Ship. Two hundred Chinese are coming to Victoria on the steamship Empress of India to join J. J. Hills mammoth steamship Minnesota when she calls there about the middle of this month. They will serve as deck hands, firemen, oilmen, sailors, servants, etc. Long Service in India. A British regiment recently landed in Southampton after twenty years' service in India. Only six men of the regiment that sailed from England re- turned wltb iL |