Show J JNO NO iii LOADING WOOL TillS THIS YEAR I Seems tobo to ho be Decided Such is s Con Gon Contrary Contrary to New Law S1 M NO TODAY A V Ir enl livo Were ur but liti N Ni u ut IIII hll t i AVa II M Tf The rho T 1 Ting ba liau be n i since In the th ing ln th II Iv i 41 l 1 4 men ruM t Ii ii I the tha h f W last la t month of lit wool thin ti 11 l thi Ihl i i in n fl leading 1110 i HOI h u Infraction ot It the t Elk ElkIns ElkIn I ti Is I iaU we load wool I 1 Ins jn In in in I I 01 l I ur 01 not 1 It bam t I to l j ik h HS as though il l I I j I lIln r th tr I i I Il Willi Ii 1 lILt hilt l II n It N 11 und lind i r ta b IIII tIt that link hilI I tik k iii Lu up UI iV Y l n j Trull VI in 11 i 01 oj U I h Jad IlI 11 I I Ih s Luke lim 1 it I ll h LII I U in Ii Ut Iak II r ini ciu EU non on i F Ud ng tin III tind t li liI tw IH J of fI 1 I fir I f d LI r the 11 t h sentiment Is i gaining gal n fl thre tb ri will wi b n ii loading of ot bales baIe baIer wool marking no weighing no non noting 01 no 10 r 10 i the th part of at o n II ting ling as f u goL In fl on oIl Ilat the We anti and RII no 0 II j payment Or of un haw or ur 01 monty moncY mony by ly y tho the traveling freight this iti I SIn OI us 11 8 It IS 10 yet t early arly to make any ay I II i announcement In the matter the opinion ion express j H freight ulah yf vt finals to 10 tho tile New News tila 1111 was Wi that I the loading of ot wool by IJ 1 is Ii II nn of It the bill as us till all tariffs I published distinctly al stipulate that nil all ni carload freight shall tinli Ihal be Ie loaded unloaded by the ship Pets pern If I wo we 0 load wool declared one onee aie ler 1 re e must mu t loud load carload lots of or furni furl L tur hm and other commodities If IC wo arc aru Ee going to 10 stud In II In this dl 11 nation wo wI will wi havo to tu hire a I number ot Ut gangs of freight handlers and trans transport F port them around the country every even event t I lime a man wants u ii 1 carload lot of stuff loaded because It if we load lod for Cor the wo Vo must mu t do the Ihl tt seine same for tor every evely y shipper of products prod On oft 0 tho Ih othor hand there Ih fe are ar I of oC lines Inel in this city Who aver that In IU absence of tiny any Iny tell definite r l tiRe nite Instructions from on tim HIP III matter maier that they will 1 continue load Ioui loading ing wool as lS In previous neurons That Ll tho sentiment against the continuance of Df this practise Is II l growing rim can be es estimated s however when It 1 In Is stated that two wo Ig systems which were figuring on putting un tin 11 extra freight f solicitor for this thiEf nUl In this thie territory have now apparently changed their minds Loading wool 01 on the Ilott of 1 need nc d railroad m mn n who are Ire drawing a n good Hilary tae has long been en looked looke gnor upon as ns being Infra dig IOs nothing of vr r the Iho doing of IC some Home lome laboring man mil out lut lutot nf ot u I t dayH labor The rhe lines linea Inel take tak takeI the Ih Initiative In tji Il putting down this I l lor will wIl always retain u it I rm in tile hearts of ot the tue average tra tm traveling tr freight agent If IC not of ot tho the gen cen general eral enl public |