Show CLUB C LU B CHAT C I The last Iut meeting of or time thc of ot Utah Pioneers Pioneer prior to the election of ot for tor time the ensuing two years yearn pars will wi be hold March 21 24 at nt 3 S p in mu I at nt Mrs IH 31 Y residence All 11 1 Dougals Al morn mem hers bers wishing to vote voto nt at the tho election electon should intro have hlo their application forms filled out and antl presented at nt tho time next meeting S S The Tho Te club met In time the Wo Womans Womas o omans mans mas Exponent Templeton empleton build building ing on Monday March 15 Tho The pro program gram consisted of or three Interesting papers tho the Life of ot hr Great by b Ml Mice MIs J A Druce Druc History of time the Druids by Mrs Sirs K 1 J and n a I History of ot the tue Pranks Franks Fanks by Mrs litre Mary Mar A Hardy Hard The he Keepers club will 1 hold hol their next meeting at nt time the homo home of ot Mrs 11 B J Stevenson No Ill 1 south First l West street on Monday March Marchi SO 80 O OAt At the Ladles Literary club yester yesterday yesterday day da Mrs Mr White gave pava a paper laier on Mo Morocco Morocco rocco macco and Macedonia nUll and Mrs Irs E U A reviewed the work of ot Stephen Philips S S S e The meets meet on Tuesday T with Mrs litre f Weil and tho tIme topic topic Life Lito and amid Works of ot George accrue Elott will bo ito given shen by ty Mm Mrs ra H It 1 L 14 L A Culmer S Time The now noW club time the Tourists IH or organized organIsed by b tho the ladles ladies at Fort Port Douglas promises to b b be of ot Interest to a I great many Ian The study stud at present Is I Japan Jan and affords much Interest S The rhe Reviewers will 1 meet on Monday Monlay with Ith Mrs Loomis and tho the topics will willbo willbo 1 bo given Riven by Mrs litre Mr mien Ellen Elen Elliott I and Miss Snow SI t t tAt At the Womans club this week Mrs Mr read rad an nn Interesting pa paper I III per ier II r treating of or French history from 1702 to 1795 Including various Important |