Show SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr r Mrs r S B n IL Tuttle Tuile entertained at n a most mO l delightfully dinner r ron on Thursday evening in a honor of tt Mr Ir 1111 ant Mrs Irs J 1 J The Die Te color scheme Wil In pink and an green a n candelabra hr with pta tk similes shades shedding hed a n cot col color coi cotor or over tho table decorated with wih pink hyacinths and maiden maden hair 11 lr ferns The Tho menu was vas perfect In every detail Those were Mr tr and Sirs tirs 11 o Dern Der Mr lr nn Mr Trucy lIC Mr Ir and Ind Mrs Ir I M 1 MacGregor Mr I Mr Mrs Irl J 1 P V Merrill 1 Mr lr nail tind Mrs AV W 0 n Tuttle Mr r and Merrl Mrs MII J J 3 lUl anti and lie host bust anti 8 Mr and amid Mr Mrs S I U ii Tuttle ute The rue lle latter hattem part of the evening wul In Ping pine I po 1 and music S Mr and nn Mrs Irs Charles enter fter mined 1 at It n a n ran party uart on Thursday evening the decorations de dug ly carried out In the Bt St 81 Patricks Idea Id n The Tho were Nero In green tho the ecres Th tallies w Wie were re with typical cot cal Inch h ant snakes snake and shamrock Ices Icee figured In the tho refresh refreshments ments The warp ser won n t b Ity y Mrs Mr lintz Mrs At ama anti ami nn weN Mies MIM Jeas a God lard dard L I IA B S V Y Shelp and Arthie Mehle a t C P Mr Ir end and Mrs Joseph Josph K E 1 enter tamed no last Jut aH aught In honor of Mrs tr Frank s u S S Miss MIM Lottie of St at Louis will willlie wl willbe lie be Ilo lure hue to ta her aunt Mrs Mr H Ii I 1 1 as Francisco Mr anti nn Mrs Mn ore are Da In San Bw s e C I ot of Miss of St hC end Mr Ir 1 i C lieber Heber or of fit cIty takes pace pineo title evening at th hn The They 11 make their hOte home In Salt Bait 1 Lake ke S S I Miss u Florence lorence Cu entertained very fry ul on ever evening ng ngn delightfullY n 0 and nn dancing dancinK were th tea fM totes turu of f 11 the hC evening anti and a wy very delicious l being laM for ng a as served torl covers 11 Fior were I the he e 1 Tb h p erl Allt t Lave Teas Ivl nee cart Seti et Tn Florence tN 1 Cue ting an nIHl Null Not Nut Frank Jert Wi wilt an cad harry arn T The given Sinn at nt the Art Arl Institute last Jt night by Mr Ir J WM va hoard by u a nd was wima Wil mo mot most t Mr Eans number of oC I large tho Of 01 the eastern spoke Tib urn upon th mentioning a n artists III Ii tb this artlis number n o of th the he most mOt prominent ones Tonight hi his hll talk will wm deal with the re to remainIng ones oni oniT t 55 t T TI music section 0 of the I fi I cub club Jam James cor M Mrs meet met lh rt and streets nn at U IY 1 will Sili t be the b A Mil full I of ot the for Cor the ulay Cul section is I lay most moet durable lt a IP Mrs l F W Jon Jones entertain anti Mr Ir ot of their sit at their ed cd a street 1 South Slate r e Th tables 11 were ThursdaY h with th carnationS An elaborate supper wa and smia AId for tor shout hout tS t l covers served Cnn was remainder of th the evening i I The Tho affair ras th anti I in gameR thoroughly b by 11 all I |