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Show CACHE AMERICAN. LOfJAN. UTAH News Review of Current Events the World Over ' A Pre'id nit Slums Confidence in Tiiwell hy Promoting Him High Tax Senators Win a Victory hearing will begin May the senate coiiuiilitc oa arid eleulon oil privilege for the removal from ofilie of lluey P. aiig. senator from Halter P. Geotge of gav out nolle Hint only charge auflleleiil in mihManee and form" and wliii li were led conii.di red hy Hi In campaign com( mute lat year Would he Investigated, Not lee were ent to Mr. Ilildi Plielp fliniimniid Mr. Ruffin !. Plea-aSlid former Governor of I.oiiU ana John M. Iaiker, all of whom have filed ptHilon seeking removal of Hie kliictlsh, In tlie run off Iienim-rnHprimary in Hi Sixth laiuislana l to fill the vuianry cnii-e- d hy the deaih of P.ollvnr E.- Kemp, Senator candidate. Harry D. llon, wa (hiUliely beaten hy Jared Y. Sander. Nomination In Hie primury li equivalent to election. OPEN Scenes and Persons in the Current News Ilowe About: r&CLUJ) pitl-tlon- a More Holidays Taxes Bad Habits I yUll.cmt IRCKSIEIRS W HILLS -- Well all what read In the paper, or what I c hi re, (Have to ee It here, fur r.KVKRLY know la J u it r nt f t! j A v H I 'i fr c do-trli- RepreKi-iitiitlv- . 1 Ey ED HOWE National Milk Control Program Withdrawn. PTcv.i til people are really I havtnt l SJU t UylllT to achieve la every a anywhere ( ruieoJL ( ! Christof the lo W. Fourth PICKARD day July, By r.I)WAKI) Been mas, Ijilmr day, W aalilngton birth a keeping the dent T RoosEV KI.TS repoints nut. only hy Interna day, Sunday, Mothers day. New Ne. tlolial agreement whereby al the ears day holidays merging Into ply to I In' til tatki on Retford tor working each other; every mornings aim to Ou y Tuswvll. lili li wer renewed hy signatory nations would admit silver pretty steady, lo their reserves agnlnsl which pa ilgi-up a new day when we will eiqionentt of H.f administration a'l-o- r been reherlng r la Issued money have mulling to do but get Into our the Wirt atory with a show, In Ih lavmlon economic and mnn ears and attend a picnic, m mad public, mean a stage emm In the form clary ronferenc Senator Key Pittrally, or show, of eounve. a few how. that we of promotion for man offered sin h a plan, proposing must work, to operate filling elare going to hot the head of the that cent rul hanks keep 20 per retd, like. dog stain! and the tion, out hare at play or one of or cover their metal bn fifth, brain trust. lie 1 IIN HIM INGElt, the notorious That can he attended to by making 1 Eau Francisco V- reserve for currency In silver The boon toning ae hm sluves of the rhh we enpture and and lais Angtlts two or three weeks secretary of proHis,il was not aried on at the Ida gnus fought their way out of putting them to work. eai b. or till they get wise to us. a trap laid hy federal agent and agriculture, and la conference. And say you have to learn liu.-s- , now advanced 1 by Irauleln Gertraud Luther, daurMr of the ambassador from Germany, whose engagement to Gerrll poasemen ten ml let The excuse for public extrava-gniu-- e not my lines, but Eugene O'Neil's o. head of the to lit 1resldt the davis. east ot Mnultnwlah. von Haeften, allmhe of the embassy, Im teen announced In Washington. 2 William Waldorf la the United Males is Hi.it Rues. 11a la that hlrh brow Ciir.srni Adjustment Astor, Son of writer, adminlst rathe newly created In northern Wlsmn-sin- . Lord and Astor, who la lo the lulled Slates familiarizing himself with his father' realty holdings only Hie well to do pay luxe, and and 1 have a bit of trouble quite tion. announced that the nntlonul de threi 3 Memliers of clan the position of 1901 of (l of I! irv ird. President Roosevelt's dims, with their families at a garden party that taxation Is the quh k and prop, r,,a(lmg em niuth lMS it.arD!ng em of agri- milk control program designed to r punishment for otindn-ls- . penile gun bnltlet at the While House given by Mr, and Mr. Roosevelt. For Instance, "So thuts whole you had farmers been with Im reused bla help dairy were culture, salary being three men If the reader will call on me I drive tho Tumbril from and piled A drawn hecinmn we do not feel that to lin.tuo a jeur. from eight and killed will show him the MMirest man I poor old Bierpout In It. new assistant aisretary ran now be It liu sulllcli-n- l support from the wounded, and Ihe have ever known. He lost his farmers. If sentiment changes It e Mr. W'ul sort ot saying la Now that la ciiied In bandits aptsilnled who will re home lutely through a tux sale after from Carlyto's French Revolace and Mr. Tugwell of aome of may he revived later, but for Ihe to the wood. Three $VJ) In taxes on It during thue pnylng present, only minor fentures are to their heavy diHle. The department lution. but that word Tumbril, what women who had a long and draggling ownership baa been ronaldereil understaffed. lie cnrrli-- out. These Include dairy been with tin fill you boys (ruin the Forks of the He had eight lots. They were asTbe pot of undersecretary wa cre- piircli'ises for relief purposes ami linger gang were sessed at ton each, although he creek going to do with that? 1 could-en- t reduction In tbe number of dlsen-e- d ated b) a reci-n- t ai t of congress. handle It. They say it means a arrested Two olh originally paid only $iiO for all of cattle. r were believed kind ot ccuveyaiue, a sort of an V-' no time during his ownTugwe'l'a appointment will have at them; The program, worked out after to have lied with the deeradncs, to lie conllrmed In the smote, and ership were the lots worth half the early day Ford, 1of the French lliese two came from Minneapolis the lie months of study and argument, It was considered type. Imagine Its sorler amount at which tiny were rilled for lieneftt pa moots of from and were thought to have warned hl.o an old backboard with the slats piihlUans would lake advantage nf SKk'i.tssi.iSN) to $ iisi.isKHNN) year after year. to dairy, Dilllnger of the lniiemlliig raid on out. the opportiinU) lo make frc-- li men who Joined In the plan. In rethe rntnp where he had bceo fot ks on him and lus theories of Course this piay "Ah Wilderness I do know not how h nun turn. the product r were to redure several longer I is day. government. preuy sane outside of a few ot hull he here, I have a shorter extheir milk (low 10 per rent In Some hours after the battles also advanced the The President those "iumbiils." Its juat a boim ly than months of the pectation peak many others, being H iKcnnstn three members oi the Thomas Jefferson Coolldge, a I.os Older, hut I am determined while old family aialr that laid uround gang were seen by three deputy ton hanker, from assistant secretary period. New England In 120G. Its tho play here to pursue tlie course I As In the case of other farm pro sheriff In S suburb of St. Puul to undersecretary of the treasur). that Is supposed to receive the lo produce most comfort funds the for licucfit grnms, M A pay n. in ensued since vacant fight which position has leen running gun r Prize for the year. The PulitI am still able to were merits a come to hands from my keep procone of the gangsters nppnr and Riivimuid Molej stepped ouL The zer Prize is the Kentucky Derby out of the fire and prevent unneceshe This to was cent one lax. essing ersnnnel cf that depart' ently was wounded, but the trie higher sary and painful hums; I am still Winner of tlie drama, and la tho r a pound on hullerfnt nod the figure escaped and stole nn automobile in Is now being plared on a New York Company Georgia Cohan aide to avoid shooting those of my was to lie r.iKcd to Ihe which they headed for the bridge gradually ma.'vnt basis for the first time sime cents a pound. with whom I disagree, or macio the hit of his life In it, neighbors Its Hie across became river. Mississippi lleury Morgeulhmi, Jr., A statement breaking Into their houses. hy Ihe farm Such but he can do mine things, and do tend, Federal and hual olllelals throughactions would land me in Jail where cm wi than any man on the Ameriadministration said the milk decision id In hi cord with the ad out all that region were on the accommodation are poor; I can can stage during our generation. So MEMBERS of the Amerlrnn ss nilnlsir.illoirs lived policy to at lookout for Hie Dilllnger gang with better afford to practice honesty He Is a freak. For years and years Kdior t I w. he tacit under standing that flip de Newpior , Ji no and remain at home with all Its natprogram adjustment he lias written every word of h's heurd a tempt ' s fk semhled In I v , Osj,, y j, pern does would be shot on sight which does not have the support ural discomforts. I hoie to continue own mi'U.il shows, all tho music, warm and eliilsirnie defense of the of a substantial majority of those to the end to avoid other had hale wrote tho story, sang tho songs, . New Heal delivered by Prof, lies AN of Labor Federation meric; In the Industry. Its uhhh do not pay; gormandizand staged all the dances, ford G Tngwell. asslstanl secretary engaged chief ing. swearing, drunkenness, cheatowned and managed the theatre tho of ngrlciilinre. who Is In part re unionize the telephone workers ol for the extradition ing, Idleness. show played In, wrote the bet lionsihle for most of the recovery -j -'- AOVef A ' ' T '. j of Gerardo Machado, deposed the country. They charge the Amer ' 'f ,e- I do not much fear measures adopted hy the present ad songs during his time, then play a. punishment lean Telephone and Telegraph coin rv Iso llie Island of republic, president after I am dead, but have lively apministration. straight part In a straight play, Henylng that those a Is Mt laws the puny violating general polite alnrm was sent then go on the radio and outdo all of the preciation who are advising the President seek threatpunishment Its It h union. company through out from Washing to bring about radical changes tn ening during the remaining days of the radio pcrformeis. nlso asserted Hint financiers are An aerial view of the complete ancient temple, tlie hrt of its kind ever found In the United j ton for his arrest. States, and my Journey. the life and economic policies of Chaplin on the screen, and Cohan, com small which wa up buying telephone unearthed the headed hy S. Prof.AV. W'elib archeological United States by expedition recently. The temple, found the American If I am extremely eopte. Professor It Is on the stage have been the two outpnnleg In the Middle West and Chi In almost perfect condition, was located about 30 miles above the Norris dam site in the Tennessee practical went marshals first basia It what life has Tugwell described himself as a cagoland at unreasonable prices and dates back hundreds of years before Columbus discovered America and antedates the Cherokee Indians. taught me; I have en- standing figures that those two to the apartment on em "thorough conserv alive. then the their countered nothing to cause me to types of entertainment have prostok forcing occu hail been he We have a saving Irreverence 01 duced in tho last twenty-fivyears. greatly respect visionary things. V'- - pying In New York, ployees at fat profits for them There Just aint any more like them. said Professor Tugwell selves. authority, MILLS LEFTY i j)V were and t0j In speaking of the characteristics of Besides demanding that stock In the old days, when there was By tlie way Charley is getting ready his secretary, Julio the American people, "which gets us he outlawed un sales to employee a disaster at sea, the women and to make a picture. Charley getting he Fernandez, that out of holes. These basic (rails de der the pending NBA code for the TawBRS-r- -i children were first given seats In ready to start is like a Mexican tliats had left for purls tcrmlne the structure of our laws the A. F. of L the life boats (it has never made going to do something Manyana. unknown. Federal telephone Industry, and of our governn ent. No one. with workers told Deputy Administrator much difference what happened to (Tomorrow) He puts out one about authorities port II. Peeples that the NRA should the slightest sense of history, would men). Moderns are forgetting that every three or four years, and it and border olllclals to a the a force til to Into such regl try telephone companies people makes more than all the others that gallantry.- - In Iowa mobs of armed were told to watch of dial telephone mented scheme, would try tc think farmers bloiked the roads and the rest of us have put out In the for the fugitive. If they can get stop expansion a as em such time for them Instead of getting them systems until would not let milk wagons pass on him hack, the Cuban authorities Inmeantime. One of his pictures will to think for themselves. ployment conditions become normal the way to town with necessary suptend to try Machado on charges of play to more Chinamen than the The New Deal Is not something murder based on wholesale shootplies for the women and children. next biggest stars will play to Department which can establish Itself In the OFFICI U.S of the believe There were plenty of food supplies Americans. which occurred a few days be ings the Agriculture mind of a dictator or a small gov In the country, town people were And talking about public favorfore he fled from the Island. They V t carry-ove- r Into 19 S3 may erning group. That was the fatal also plan to ask extradition of Gen. wheat ites. Guess who popped In on us out willing to pay for them, and farm310 and amount to 000,000 bushels, from which of 4? the v d theory system ers needed the money, but the farmhere awhile back. Not a soul but Alherto Herrera, Miuhados former are studying the export markets to we are turning away. Its base has ers were mnd and determined to chief of staff, who like his master find a Whoa, Whoa. outlet for part of It possible to he as broad as the economy starve women and children to show Mclntire. We V' ciNniMrNT took refuge In the United States. Rut they cannot develop an export which has to be brought under con WHOA WHOA j their indignation. have In seclusion had has lived Mniluulo the interof work until the die Mc INTYRE poliey trol and as deep as the minds and We owners in are theatre members of his the worse with than nt becoming the Rome national wheat family conference the hearts of the people whom It af Russians. The Russian peasants of the Country Iiaimmas, Canada and tins country completed. fects. have always been willing to sell out here In a since his (light from Cuba. He esThe wheat carryover on July 1 food supplies to town women and convention New York residence his tablished tryIs lie to about tills year expected t yiCTORY In the conference was about six months ago. If paid for; the Russian children, 000 ing their best to to which 203,000 bushels, may won by the senate high tax bloc, town men went out Into tlie counv" get the movie he added 73, (XX) 000 bushels surplus for the house conferees accepted and took things before the peas- producers to this years prospective crop try from the unexpected celerity In senate all the Increases virtually WITH ants rebelled. make some deexecutives and rail 00,000,000 bushels. senate and gift taxes, the capital cent I union chiefs reached Wallace has an in believe accord pictures for tlie American suggested Secretary farmers stock and excess profits taxes and the wage dispute, and the danger of that processing taxes on wheat should rebel, but in the name of Tucson, Tacoliberal compromises over income-taWinston Sacommon sense why dont they strike was averted for another might be increased and that the Howard (Lefty) Mills is one of jump ma, publicity and consolidated reon the politicians who have robbed lem, and Muskoyear. At the Instance of President amount of the tax enrinaiked to tlie new pitchers acquired by the turns. them, Instead of Innocent women gee, and not just try to make em for The conference agreement was Roosevelt but without government promote exports might be raised St. Louis Browns. For three years N New York. Well they was an awful and children? he was considered the best hurler complete except for the Couzens interference they worked out their from 2 to 4 or even 5 cents. God hasn't deserted us; it Is our nice bunch headed by an old counA 5 cent tax on tlie 400 000 000 In the navy, playing on the team amendment, adding 10 per cent to own settlement after the federal senses. all Individual Income tax returns negotiators had failed to get results bushels yearly processing of tax- of the aircraft carrier Lexington. try boy from Columbus, Mississippi, He is twenty-fou- r next year. The house will take a and Coordinator Joseph B. Eastman able wheat would return approxithat Knew what It was all about. years old and a The Russians, in enjoyment of These are the fellows that have to separate vote on this, and It was had withdrawn as mediator. mately $20 000,000, compared with left hander. believed the senate would not Inperfect freedom to act without In- stand at the door and hear the cussUnder the arrangement decided the $7,000,000 to be spent in exterference from capitalists, have ing as the folks pass out and after sist on it if it were rejected by the upon tlie 10 per cent wage cut porting wheat this year. NEW EMBLEM OF NRA not done very well; their average all as they are the ones that pay us bouse. This total would be sufficient to which had prevailed In the railroads U. G. McAlexander (left), known as the Maj.-GeRock of the comfort is With the revenue bill thus disprobably lower than in our salaries they did deserve some duriug the last two years Is to be export about the 90,000,000 bushel Charles H. Martin, member of congress from any other Marne, and Maj.-Gein the world. . . . consideration. Well the movie proposed of, the senate finance commitcountry gradually wiped out In the next quota given the United States unOregon, may be opponents in the gubernatorial election In Oregon. They So I do not believe the tee began public hearings on the ad twelve months. Two and a half der the international agreement on capitalistic ducers give an awful good time. We in the are on candidates election the and coming primary ministration's reciprocal tariff bill, per cent of the Republican sy stem Is as great a scourge as has dident give so terrible many good cut the basis of the differential of 22 wage existing Democratic tickets Which the house has passed. respectively. They were classmates at West Point been charged by radicals ever since Is to be restored July 1, another cents between the domestic and pictures but we fed em good, and at I can remember. Even now, when a big dinner one 2 per cent on January 1, and the world prices. night at one of our we are in our deepest slough of de- big hotels, why who bobbed up with who urge the f remaining 5 per cent on April 1, silver held 1933. spondency, we are doing far better his and my good friend Wills Hayes QSCAR DE PRIEST, negro on an average than the Russians; and his wife, but Whoa Whoa. lie conference with President RooseIn other words. Instead of a 10 from Chicago, won a no radical writer has returned was in the velt, but received from him no en- per cent cut rail workers will have victory in his fight to remove the only personally owned from that country with a different dress suit, and he did look great. I couragement for silver legislation, only a 7 per cent cut prevailing house restaurant bar against memno . . was . conclusion reached. between July 1 and January 1, a 5 bers of his race. He obtained adopThe Russian experistory. though was the evenings post, the Toastment Is founded on a book, not on master. Is there The possibility of silver purchases per cent cut prevailing between tion of his resolution for Investinothing can be human experience, and nations have done to eliminate em? Even depreswas discussed and the President In- January 1 and April 1, and full pay gation of the right of Lindsay Wnr-re- n never been well managed by books. sion couldcnt dicated a disposition to give this restoration after April 1. of North Carolina to fix the CODE stamp em out. matter consideration, but on the These terms worked out by the rules and regulations for the restauEDMIiKZEJS Mclntires charming wife was whole there was no Indication the employers and employees are actu- rant which of course doesn't mean AA'e human creatures "!934 are said to with him of course, and they all government will embark on such a ally more favorable to the work- that negroes will be served In that be the best specimens of living wanted to see and console her, and " ers than the terms which President dining room. The vote was 237 to policy. things. The greatest of our tiny the sweetest thing of the evening The silver senators were not at Roosevelt twice asked them to ac- 114, and the balloting followed the ambitions should be to make the was the sweetest faced elderly lady ell satisfied with the Presidents at- cept. Mason and Dixon line almost with most creditable history possible for 82 years old, the Mclntires aunt titude and held a meeting at which When informed of the settlement. out exception. future professors to write about. from Calopolis, Ohio, who they eight voted to support mandatory Sir. Roosevelt said: Will readers who consider us a have with em on this trip. Say she I am very glad that the raillegislation for the benefit of silver. thousand or a million years In the looked better at 82 than some of our through the Panama Later It was reliably stated that roads and their employees have PASSAGE the American fleet of future say we did reasonably well, stars with their make up off. Miss Pearl Mattingly Is shown the President was maturing a plan been able to settle their wage dis- 111 vessels, on the way from tlie or will they say we played the game On account of Whoa Whoa's beone with of the new emBlue Eagle for international stabilization of pute by mutual agreement The Pacific to the Atlantic, was carried blems of the National badly? In tbe distant future a man ing In dress suit we missed his adRecovery currencies and also that sliver fig country should be, and will be, out successfully, but not In the may find your skull, and carry It to spats, but he had em on under his pres prominently In It Mr. Roose- grateful to them for this disposi- hoped for 24 hours. The time con- ministration which are being issued colleges, museums and laboratories socks, and wer missed his little bull to business establishments. The It was In favors the velt, revealed, tion of what might have developed sumed was almost double that, new for examination. What will the pro- dog. but he filled his dress suit emblem differs from the old elusion of sliver in the metal base Into a troublesome controversy. 1 which led the Tokyo press to defessors say thousands of years In pockets with enough grub from the the elimination only of by the Of currency Issues to the extent of motto, congratulate both sides on the wis- clare the movement was a failWe Do Our Part, the substituTills photograph from Aberdeen, Scotland, shows not a wreck but a the future of the 1934 man? Will banquet to feed the flea hound for 80 per cent, the remaining 70 per dom and restraint which they have ure. The was caused large- tion of the word delay code and an Identrawler tn the trough of a huge wave as another trawler passes by. The they speak as well of us as our pro- a month. bent to be gold. This change can exhibited. They have set a good exfessors now speak of the old ly by a heavy rain. c attgjtl Syndtcah, 1934, Inc, tification number. boats were leaving the harbor for the fishing grounds. be safely made, however, the Presl- - ample." 9 br Weatern Kewapaper Unloa. Greeks? Nfli - bt else.) Okl.-.hurn- t t lilo-rt- under-eecrotar- y j $",) Ancient Temple Found Near Norris Dam Ig- d ;r;' y v nt-l- 1932-19.1- be--- l'u-lu- h-ii- 11 R lif A t 1 V' i. - 7 'i yV e Generals Are Political Rivals 1 A &rv S. V' VM f ' P x ft 1t $ 1 ; Senators re-o- This Is Just a Nautical ' tigr' Illusion |