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Show CACHE AMERICAN. MMJAX. ITAH Lang nod led and the publicity mao went on : You U probably remember when she ram Into picture, about a.x month ago, had All the paper It tte saw to that; how they found her dancing lu a cafe down tn Ar Herman Cueno fienlin Aires, It was aud tabbed Mr a etar material ttv-n-, I hupiietied to BY ESTHER RALSTON right aay, By ANGELO PATRI learn the tthul dory, but It never t I) M t tf got out." VTIXT.SSITY and Mug bMnd hair floor gliaim-with Garrison shifted, throw Ing one TRUSTWORTHY PARENTS v propelled me Into (noting picMi f'I'Vli; I .nit lu.trr a over the etialr arm. tt'(iit) bri--z I mailed a Job badly and ture. 1 lon g watched him quizzically a you trustworthy parent? the long blond hair did the swing tie Unlt-rnAltE I am not asking If you ar lu on fHirtirr a cv-- I he eontluued: Of tin try Aral part truthful and all thut I take for In Connie, obtaining In that U mimic 'em There were of ktruuiaii-he two tr.n tango could aenrrely uti pleture j grunted that you meet your otdlga called breaking Into the movie. It jh.it iii.iiglrd 1. til I lie rrun'lr. MlUl iT. Jose Mr. drug. her partner' no-rIn 1L a li.( name was. He had real talent, and Ilona and that you are to t,f tj,l., nliJ took more than golden C tl.l every break ahe'd gotten had come your relationships with your chll get me part that eventually led to Ij oil f the HUB frfrr.li Cut Found her slinging dreu a well a your MgMu.ll miJ through him. something really worth while. It ii.it unlf. rrttf. trj Unit tin! ha., h some place and spent year d the children feel that they ran took bard work, a Urge quantity of HI., till g, coufl I great iidi- -. training her. They were entry about trust you with their whole t fur, and more (logged persistence juri) u.u.t than 1 ever dreamed I p.eseiL rli.it. Ic Uii.lit. When llnlly etub other, too; at least It wa dence? You see. sometimes you are short l.i..'Hti.ui!i afTulr. upKised to work buth way. I will alwats te glad I am a hu. a child. He route to you wheu a. I. hiu.M l.avr uir tumulus; I'laitiitsJ to he married a soon a with are blond, though, for niy hair cerbusy, lie begin to heat little dough saved up. you did me a good turn when It J.ml li'tt, l.uweUT, It all they had tainly about In the hope of get won me the bush i r uinl tnum-lmThen along came thi Hollywood lltl) unreal. jju.-my first chance to apaar She ting on your aunny aide. You don't before the camera In a picture di1 i r gutes rulin' Muaril li.m from (liance for her. and blotto! left him fiat, wall xed up here, and feel like that and you snap at rected by Lola Wetor. llir iroHil, aiiil lie . him. "What la It you want, any. I needed a Job. as I taive mentiir. lie antt, ttu. .VrttMim, tlir now shes started running around wayr numb-lof n. One lilm UeUM some ham with walked lio.t. tioned before. Mis Weler needed rtn.inc ( I want didnt any an Nothing. a ttoii :iii, elite .kin lied and wearing the bird thut wn here tonight. In angel for her picture and I bap Notice how quirk she left thing. I was Just telling you." to he on the et at the time. a Hli.tr ml ill ftenlnc gown. Ilrr fact pened lu your Irritntloo you miss that Inilr ua a reliellmUHly curling Jet after they'd gone? Well, you know Although I wa only In my early e a mov It's the same "Just telling you." He wanted to teens at the time I mnsa. Mu Hug, New Mini brought what that means. with every one In this town; they're tell you something but he wnsn't Ing picture angel, my screen dehut her furnurd. quite atire of hla reception. He felt followed several years of work on lu'la," I c raid, "here's some one til scum of oue kind or another." you out and you snapiied. lie re- the vaudeville stage. I bad toured That seemed to be all. you ongtit to know. You were uilaa-luw to n I Introduced him around sat staring out over the treated and held hi own counsel In a family act with my mother and untrustsmall child I first did father. As rnrl er tlda ceiling, lie our new-e.- t patio wall at the m lllon eyed city Tbit time be found you worthy, you see. Of course, you acrobatic stunts, but that ended that stretched away below the writer Just got In yesterday know didn't thut It was Important when and 1 hear he'a going to do the my head came Into violent But he doesn't know that you renlly contact with the stage floor one A Sens of revulsion had suddenadaptation on your neat dory. were friendly underneath, away night In an accident. Right then I Mr. Walter Lang MUa Lola La ly seized him, and he found, to his underneath, you see. decided that the life of a flying M. a " surprise, that It centered on GarriAt another trme he told you a rings artist was not for me and I son. A row of very white teeth flashed The man's cynical glibnes was secret It was a very childish secret took up dancing. and Mg eye regarded him at about a little girl In hla clusa. He for somehow Intensely disagreeable. The war made hard time with bright Intensity. rather liked her and he wonted to vaudeville acta and bookings were he crushed out hla cigarette 1 hen she aiHike, and the voice give her something nice for her not to be had. Then father re and stood up. ttaa a tturin, volatile torrent: the for birthday, and he asked you about ceived word from a friend of hla. a he an You are how said, Invidec! thanks," "Well, "nit, It, and you promlued to help. You manager on the Inelfle conL ask- nice looking an' 1 know you inns' enl'ghlenineriL Ill rememter It run I'll as a Think wool we have along meant well about It You enjoyed l.o teree clever an warning. of his Interest In now. Always wn such fun when you write the pew t glutton for this firstIt glimmer was so shy and so sweet girls. ture for me because e can llioenk sleep. Good night." of so miinee cute thoengii for me to Garrison, busy with the decanter that you couldn't help smiling about and siphon on the little table, looked It and telling It to Aunt Tide, and do; no? he happened along and beard you. not rise, and said: Lung's polite smile became a pure up hut did He was astounded. You see. he felt See you at the zito." "So long. gnu. that you bad betrayed bis confito the Newsom came with Lung lie "Of course," anawered, laughstreet door, and, shaking hands told dence. ingly ; "oe'll make It a regular bum Maybe sometime one of tlie chilhim: d. nger!" dren got Into trouble. He flounders to have here, you Delighted Neusoiu ehtn kh d And remember this Is Into It because of hts Ignorance and Soi nd," he suggested, us If you old mam and his uncontrolled two should get along pretty well to Just the beginning. We want you to InexperienceHe was frightened and feel at home everywhere and with Impulse. pother." came to you with his difficulty. us." all of For only a moment longer she You were so angry to think of all Going down the long twisting path stayed, having. It apiienred, an enHindered hla the trouble this thing was going to the road, toward New too, elsewhere. sum, gagement bring to him and to you that you Domexcused himself, complaining wryly Impressions of the evening. La lost your head and stormed like a of was the atill inant fillip Hint a host's duties were endless. The child decided It was no Hut, alone once more, Lang was Mesa'a spontaneous charm, despite use to look for help from your quarInstinctive his Garrison. Strange, conscious of a change of feeling. ter and left home, making a bad dislike of that fellow. Probably, Stars, executives, directors he he told himself. It was only matter worse. reEsther Ralston. had mot them all tonight and bees The experiences children have Someto the other's action story. aware merely. In varying degree, of what us set their are with attitudes Ing us to come to California, assur how, being shown the seamy side of prettiness and brilliance and amootb La Mesa had been peculiarly un- toward us and other people. Ing us of bookings there. somewas voices. No ever child Here, though, grew up without There was only one way for ut thing that lingered that golden pleasant giving his people some trouble. The to reach California, so we started recalled Newsoms he Finally, trouble Is cleared away sooner, the to play our way across the contiface, framed In black, and crinkling with vivacity while words tumbled farewell remark. The man's genlul child redirected earlier and with nent. When we reached Los Anhad he but was obviously heavy, lty from Its Impish red lips. greater certainty, If he found an geles we learned that father's been clneere. There was, he felt, Suddenly a voice close by him understanding mind and a helping friend had left the city two weeks no real head dot tall to It all. An hand asked: ready for him. Anger, fear, before. eluslvely confusing business; a se- selfishness, will drive children away "Happen to have a spare cigaSo, you see why 1 needed a Job Nothcontradictions. of ries Tague from us. rette?" that day when I appeared on the soluto the a clew ing quite gave Lang glanced up quickly. of set the picture Lois Weber was tion. A short slight man with sandy THIS LEISURE My aunt, who knew directing. went he the street, taIteachlng across the hair stood Miss Weber, had taken me there. to his a dozen It down parked steps ble. Lang tried to recall the face lack of work It was my hair that won me a Job, car. ASIDE lafrom the so and couldn't however. Before tny aunt had had much Idledim sound the heard causing he Suddenly Itight," he said," pulling a pack a chance to talk to Miss Weber she Is a normal leisure there that ness, across the and glanced from his pocket and handing It of voices, has to be taken Into account In plan- had noticed me and asked who the narrow roadway. over. Afraid Ive forgotten your education. child with the long golden hair the children's In a small topless roadster two ning name," he added; meeting so many School does not take all of a childs was. She then said she could use were seated ; Lang recogpeople tn such a short time. . . ." people me In her picture. of time. Home can use very little of The man returned the cigarettes, nized nt once the dark turmoil Is as home I thought the world was mine It, organized today. the nearest figure's head. The dropped Into a chair and replied: That throws the child back upon then and as time went on and I the saw from costume, he other, "That's oktty; you didn't meet me. himself for several hours dally. was given better parts, 1 was sure When Newsom had you In tow, I was one of the evening's musicians. of It Then came the slump that will stop Thomns, you In behind the annoying climbed As he ducked. Figured you were in for a snatch of their talk that dog? Let him alone. I cant closed down studios and almost wheel, coupe's told Cut they enough grief already. stand this barking and yelping and brought an abrupt end to my caGarrison's my reached him. me who you were. minute. reer, a career that had seemed to chasing around another Mesa was La speaking: name handle the publicity office Take him outdoors if you want to be definitely launched. Like many new man who thees . . . . out at Zenith. others, I had to break Into the weel write for me ees verree nice play." Lang said : "Glad to know you. an I know he weel put In the I dont want to go outdoors. movies all over again and It was . . . Y'es, Ill admit these wholesale a difficult task. Almost a year storee a fine part for you when I Theres nothing doing." Introductions are sort of unsatisfacThen go do something useful. went by while I diligently sought ask heem. Then they weel see how When I was most discourtory. A boy of your age ought to be able parts. wonderful you are. Gurrlson made a snorting sound. I was summoned to the Fado to than better aged something monkey and swift voice his The man, That. he stated, is Just a Holmous Players-I.askstudio for an with a dog or drum on the table. Impassioned, replied : lywood specimen. Kelieve you me, Tell me something to do and Interview with Cecil B. DeMille, Ah, but so much already have brother, Its all screwy. Ill do It. Im sick and tired of who was seeking a cast for The you done for me that I cannot reLang glanced at the fellow In pay. How shall I ever sticking around with nothing to do." Golden Bed. "Head a book, why dont you?" mild surprise. Then, beyond him, After for two hours to I am fooleesh Hush you In the open doorway to the house, Read a book. Just as If I hadn't talk with Mr. DeMille I was told ashame of you! Never mus you a hundred books. I want to that he couldn't see me after all. I She was talk so crazee he saw Lola La Mesa. again, or," her voice read wrapped now In a long, gray cloak, became a teasing slow caress, "or have some fun. Tell me something went home and had a good cry and to a lit- I weel sen then determined to find out wh- - I apaprently say ing good-byyou back to Buenos to do. to do Is the be- couldnt have the part I sought I That tle group which Included Newsom. something our an break Jose, my Aires, The musicians, too, had gone, he hearts ! ginning and end of our happiness returned to Mr. DeMilles office In this world. So long as we have and this time I saw him. While noticed; yet the party was showing Staring across at them, Lang saw do we are willing to we were talking In the outer ofno signs of breaking up. the two forms blend in a clinging something to live. When we have nothing to do fice a man I didnt know came In The, as he watched her eye long embrace. caught his. She smiled elflshly and, He looked away, fumbling for the we have no will to live and that and went with Mr. DeMille Into makes for bitterness and despair. the private office. with a sudden Impulsive gesture, starter switch. We can save this generation from kissed her fingertips toward him. When he came out he told me that by training them to have some- that he was Herbert Brenon and Lang waved a response, again pleasPicked Manila Airport thing they like to do. urably aware of her sparkling livethat If Mr. DeMille couldn't use By proclamation of the governor are active. me, he could. It turned out that All little children liness. a tract of land, now under general, lack never to for something Garrison remarked carelessly: They some 3,100 feet square, which do, but more often than not, we I was unfitted for the part Mr. DeLooks like you enjoyed at least water, Mille had open so I went of breakwater south the adjoins have to stop them. We cannot have to Mr. Brenons office. He directly one meeting." gave me as a be Is to developed city the house razed, the gardens ruined. Lang an- Manila, Well, Ill tell you, the part of Mrs. Darling, the young It Is a part of the port airport. me no Is burden to This for seemed easy parswered, smiling; it to fill In the land ents to carry. What can they teach mother In Teter ran and that I Miss La Mesa was the well, the one development plan was when I really considered from the harbor. with dredgings children to do? Games come first. "broke Into the really genuine person here. I mean, movies. For folHousework, garden work, shop lowing that theres something about her someParamount picture. Reverses Sign Judge I . . work; animals, collections, are next me a contract as a featured thing fresh and natural. A sign in Mexican recovered from In order. We begin close at home gave The other gestured knowingly and player and later as a star." a (Calif.) extend bootleggers field and of the City King gradually cut Id: Among the films In which she apwas used with excellent reactivity until the child settles upon peared were Old Ironsides, Yeah, primitive and unspoiled place The local a The to sults be Judge. likes do. sign by Is This something all that sort of thing. Well, don't Case of Lena Smith," 'The Wheel Mexican When No credit to be his life work. It of Life not Intended let It fool you. Ill admit she hasn't read: (her first talking picture), asked for time to pay is his hobby. The Mighty," "The Prodigal, gone Hollywood like most of em. offenders Let the little chap collect his but there's plenty else about her fines, the Judge merely points to the and Wheel of Lonely Wives cards and his stamps; help the old- Chance." Since to make up for that. You know. In sign. her rise In films to one his follow his er music, Miss Ralston has made two vaudemy end of this game we dont miss Mutt Do Foolish Things painting, his pottery, whatever his ville tours In this country. much. Listen. I'd like to see you Early said Eben. Uncle find You Some men. hands to do. do not know last Start off around here with the right year she went to London as a doin unless Is to come what of ain't dey's It happy good thing the so you Im gonna give slant, single act at the Palladium, atvd so You can be certain, however, that low down on this La Mea girl. That sumpin' foolish, an den dey aint drifted Into British pictures. a It is good thing. happy." WNU 8ervic Is, If you're willing to listen." OUR CHILDREN How i Broke Into The Movies Attractive Schoolgirl Fashions B7 CIIERIE NICHOLAS Can Save Home Garden Crops Quicker, Cheaper Than Canning. H1G JtoHUul'ttHunhl, A i d b-- J ' r rr-rX-- 1 tree e A V i r r-n- $ J toi-am- hill-tO- pi-a- d s . Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. CCIIOOL day are here! Now, which are to Inexpensite and whhh Just tttint do you suppose I the give auch good cr(lce. The front thought uppermost In the mind of pleats In the skirt give necessary these little school faring dnughtera, fullness. as they send their way back to The what shall I wear question I classrooms after a carefree vaca- never without an answer for the Salt, Other Chemicals tion hooka and studies or the probschoolgirl who Include a knitted Very Toxic to Swine lem of what to wear"? We think outfit In her wardrobe. The knitted To the veterinarian it well known we know but are not going to tell costume worn by the little miss sent thut salt and certain other chemiAnyway, It does stem as If the ed la a perfect dear. It Is one of cal are very toxic to swine under subject of big sister college and those very new and very stylish certain conditions. Some of these campus apparel has had Its share twin sweater outfits about which conditions can be traced to unscienof front-pagpublicity, for the de- there has been so much talk Ibis tific compounds, es;a.ciuUy when partments which specialize In go- season. Thl one has the clever- force fed. Moreover, ucb preparaIf you tions are ing sway outfits have exceeded all est neckline rarely necessary, especialprevious records In making a dis- please, and outlined in a ly where pigs have been furrowed which bordering done In soft, fluffy an In clean play of complete wardrobe quarters, allowed free Include everything needed from gore wool. The rest of the knitted range of pasture and fed n flo a In sports fur coat to the t lost scrumpIs boucle blouse and skirt rntlon. It U well known tious" formal. We think little sis- Isb wlijch Is nonstretchlng and non that a sudden change of feed, espeter should share some of the hon- sagging. There la a cardigan Jacket cially one of no Irritating nature ors and attention In this matter of (on the seat beside her) which beof following the administration stylish and practical clothes, and longs to this ensemble, which Is serum and virus will often produce so what we are going to talk about r a Is called this why a serious or fatal acute enteritis. at thla moment is the apparel needs costume. In certain sections of the country of the younger girls who like to be Id all school days there comes a there are no doubt poisonous plants well dressed In their classrooms at time when we're going to have a that cause considerable trouble, and grammar end high schooL la the good tidings which In some cases a high mortality. Here's something we believe will party one little Rickets, anthrltt paralysis and whispers to another be Interesting to most every school and then girl what? Well, why not ask similar conditions, ran be prevented girl, It's that shirtwaist dresses are mother. She knows. And this Is by proper feeding and care, and can "all the style." Mother and big sis- what she knows that It Is up to be corrected by the administration ter are having th.e!r dresses with her to help little daughter choose of calcium and Iodine In proper waists buttoned the up front, the pretty frock brought out this amounts. Paralysis of breeding tailored pf broadcloth and "tweedy" season and here It Is. It's one of sows Is thought to be caused by an silks and the new ribbed crepes. the prettiest of the type which Is Improper ration, and can usually be Frocks of this type are always neat not too formal for afternoon wear cured by the administration of Ioand trim looking, which Is exactly Is dressy enough for Informal dine In some suitable form. yet what makes them so practical and milk fever In sows affects evening affairs. The little daughter, good looking for school wear, and to the right In the picture, plethoric animals, especially If the so designers of Junior styles have standing la wearing It, and as you see tt Is quarters permit of little exercise adopted this fashion for school girls. made of velvet because and easy access to feed. they are sayThe little girl standing to the left tn Paris that velvet Is very ing In the picture has on one of the new Brnart for children's wear. The shirtwaist types. This particular frock Is dark wine In Produce Trucking Grows model happens to be made of a charming It Is movement Is The enlivened with a color and wash silk with white of plaid taffeta with showing steady Increase, according girdle cunning pique trimmings and large white sheer silk mousseline (lutings In the to figures produced by the DepartThe dress could be pearl buttons. very chic high neck and about the ment of Agriculture. Last year effectively copied In some oue or sleeves. eight large center markets reported other of the pretty rayon mixtures C. 1933. Western Newspaper Union. that the equivalent of 138,000 carloads of fruit and vegetables reached the market directly by FUR COATS SHOWN truck, an increase of 22,000 over TWEED WITH KNIT IN VARIED LENGTHS the previous year. In Philadelphia, NICHOLAS CIIERIE Bj for Instance, 30,000 Cars were rewa ceived by truck, compared with Furs for fall seem to be divided More Into three big classes. First, the by railroads and boat. of New York citys than long classical coat In black broad-talwith Just a little supplies were received In the same ease following the figure. One manner, while Los Angeles reported 27 per cent received by truck. It model, cut in this form. In black Is estimated that 84 per cent of the broadtail, has a squarish shawl collar edged In silver fox which builds cantaloupes produced on the Eastout the shoulders and also gives ern shore and 77 per cent of the them the new smart height There strawberries also went to market also are some models In new shades by truck. of gray broadtail. Second, the style, Corn Crib Capacity but not with that bulky look of some of the now popular swagger In determining the size of corn coats. This Isn't particularly praccribs. It Is common practice to figf tical In fur as it gives too much ure on two and cubic feet In storage space for each bushel of thickness to the figure. Third, fur scarves and capes, or very short bocleanly husked ear corn. To calleros. culate the capacity of a crib in bushItems of fur which are already els of ear corUj multiply the volume In cubic feet of storage space by being sold In great numbers are sil ver fox capes, the black broadtail four and divide by ten. Snapped or lerked corn husks will reduce the type of coat trimmed with silver A bushel fox, and a new beige ermine trimmed capacity about with blue fox. of small grain or shelled corn occupies approximately one and cubic feet of space. law I'fford, extension poultrymaa for CL Uio Colorado Agricultural colleges Improved standard will Croat a demand for quality cyga, for which producers should bs paid accordingly, bo adds. At present there Is no restriction gainst selling eggs of any quality, grade or condition. Th dumping of low grad egg Into Colorado from surrounding states, causing sudden breaks In market prices, will bo prevented by th now law, which specifies that eggs shipped Into tho slat "must be candled and meet at least tho quality and grade of 'sUodarda.' Grades to bo used nnder tbo law Includa "Specials," "Extras," Standards," Trades," and also Check." Grocers, dealers snd wholesalers, are required to obtain licenses from th offic of tho director of markets, Denver. It la unlawful to sell Inedibla eggs. All eggs sold to consumers must bo candled and graded. Producers selling eggs direct to consumers must candle snd grade them and may get their licenses free of charge If they are selling only their own eggs. If selling direct to dealers, It Is not necessary for producers to candle and grade or have licenses. If producer buys eggs to sell with his own be must secure a dealer's license t the Health of Pullet I boat-shape- ble. The desirable conditions can be provided on farms where not more than 300 pullets need be ranged on an acre and rotation of crops practiced. Colony house for growing pullets should be movable so that they may be shifted at least If the twice during the season. ranges are so managed that they have a green crop growing on them they will probably be In a sanitary condition. Professor Thompson recommends ration plan, In which a four-yeany given range Is used once during the period for the pullet crop. In the year following the use of the land for birds, some cultivate; crop should be grown such as corn, potatoes or cabbage. In the second year, wheat, oats, barley, rye or some other small grain crop can be planted In the early part of the season and after the harvesting alfalfa may be sown. In the third year the alfalfa Is managed as a money crop and In the fourth year the poultry ranges over the second year alfalfa growth. d ring-dotte- d POULTRY CHATTER A pullet can withstand a range In temperature from nearly zero to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 42,-00- One reason two-colo- All cockerels raised each season except those selected to keep for breeders should be eaten, canned or marketed Just as soon as they are large enough. Chicks multiply thel; size eight or twelve times during the first eight or ten weeks of their Uvea. Therefore It is essential. In good management to provide plenty of space. one-fift- Of eggs In the shell the United States Is an exporter rather than an Importer, having Imported In 1930 only 817,000 dozen, while the exports for the same year were 18,- h For Instance, a three materials. handsome outfit will use, perhaps, brown tweed for the coal rust col ored camels hair for the skirt and for the blouse plaid velvet comhin The en iDg rust, brown and beige. semble pictured carries out the Idea of working contrasting materials together. The dress, which is a (hat to match) Is a ehenilU knit In the new grnyhnze color. The stunning coat with gloves to match la of sturdy brown tweed two-piec- e Oils on the Farm 579.000 dozen. More than 2,125,000,000 gallons of petroleum fuels. Including gasoline, kerosene and distillate, together with aproximately 90,700,000 gallons of lubricating oils were used on farms in the United States in 1930, according to the bureau of agricultural en-- , glneering, United States Depart-- ' ment of Agriculture. More than half of the fuel and lubricating oil, 1,240,500,000 and 40,500,000 gallons respectively, was used In automo-miles. Automobiles consumed one quart of oil per 100 miles. flocks A Black Minorca hen owned by Mrs. Laura Hill Artega of Lompoc, r eggs, halt of Calif., lays which are white and half brown. one-hal- Many of the most outstanding fall costumes Interwork two aud even v some farm they are not given sufficient water to drink. three-quart- White Accessories With Black Frocks in Fashion w do not lay more eggs Is because h l, semi-fitte- White accessories with black frocks are seen at smart luncheons and teas. At a recent restaurant one chic guest wore a little black moccasin suit with a sailor hat and blouse of crisp white cotton lace, while another appeared In a black marocain dress accented by a Pilgrim collar, a high toque and gaunt let gloves of white pique. The evening mode has likewise taken to black and white, many black crepe frocks being worn with rapes of white organdie or Jackets of criso white pique. new tgg (riding Colorado' will benefit poultry producers of the state by atandarJlz?n( and Improving the quality of egg sold, say O. The range Is still one of tbo beet place for the growing of sturdy, healthy pullets. In the opinion of Prof. W. G Thompson, poultry husbandman at the New Jersey agricultural experiment station. Fresh air, sunshine, protection from excessive heat, green food and working space are essential to the efficient development of good poultry, while overcrowding of the ranges Is the moat frequent cause of trou- e v Colorado Plan Intended to Improve Quality, Range Best Place for 1 ' LAW TO AID PRODUCER Iftltvralljr rotikiilerahle length of time. Tlda la eiecMlIy true tf the bum gar den ha been eo planned ns to provide the right product at the right time. Storage pay In money oaird In satisfaction, and In convenience, Where applicable, Murage la a quicker, ranter, and cheaper proc-ro- a than canning or drying, and li the only method of keeping certain vegetable. To Insure reuaonnblt succcoa, however, storage must he prtqarly done. lrcH-- storage conditions for the various crop M Important and persona expecting to Store vegetshlee should begin well In advance to prepare n place that will furnish the right condition. In general, vegetable may be divided Into four clause on the bait! of their temperature, humidity, and nlr circulation requirement: L Those requiring low temperature, moist condition, with ample nlr circulation: celery, rhubarb, kohl rabl leek, hrursela sprouts, pirslcy, endive. 2. Thooe requiring low temperatures, moist condition, with little Ir circulation: potatoes beet, carrots, horseradish, parsnips, winter radish, rutabagas, turnips, salsify, and cuhbnge. 3. Those requiring low temperatures, dry 'conditions, and ample air circulation: onions and garlic. These should be stored In ahallow trayi or bitted crates, t. Those requiring warmer dry conditions, and ample air circulation: sweet potatoes, quashes, and pumpkins. rln-ji- ECG-CRADIN- G V Many homegrown vegetable crop can l stored urceafully for n rel s Storing Vegetables! Is Good Practice A machine which automatically candles and then grades eggs according to weight has been developed. Eggs of the same weight are deposited In bins, ten classifications being provided. An egg canning plant at Norfolk, Neb., Is operating at full speed filling orders for eastern candy, may- , I onnaise and baking manufacturers. The average daily output Is 6.000 to 7.000 pounds of eggs. |