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Show CACHE CAN A Home Paper for Home People Scc mil ear N'n. lu.l. Telephone 700 I.OCAX. UTAH, KHIDAV, txTuliKU ROAD IN GOOD PROFESSIONAL CONDITION T 0: INSPECT SKII INVESTIGATE SITES HERE FOR FIRE AT HOME CANYON FORKS Work of Federal Highway About Completed Under Superviiion of 01 of Nelson Construction Co. (LONG U Butter USDA) Ban Francisco wiling at 20 cent scoring 9 today. iu 62 West Center 16.U. LIST OF MO ALL THOSE TO VOTE ONi THURSDAY GAVE AID DURING CONTEST - Might Fage AGGIES LEFT CACHE LADIES THANK I IN LEWISTON Butter Market FOR DENVER i Wednesday. Niels Halstead. Fred Household Good Third Conference Game of Taken Two in Race for Mayor, Nible, and George Engen, all noted Tlwre were nrwr before three Seaton Should Before Fire skil Jumpers from Salt Lake City. Officers ( Six for City Commisrt than girl ' more grateful 'came to Logan to help outline a ami OfLarson, ltae Zollinger sioner and Two for Strength of Romneys Making Effort to Locate proposed skil Jump in llie large who Just recent-- i 'Omega Campbell Team. near Person Who Lighted fice of City Auditor. the Utah State gravel pit ly received Uie honor and awards College stadium. Contest" Match. irom tltr "Prosperity On of tl finest highway in Coach Jack Croft of the college Thirty-on- e left Aggie gndcV-- r Voter of Logan city will have s i the Cache American by apmsored - j Utah can be the boast of Locun tlxM. of R. and Secretary Flovey Denver for i afternoon, Thursday or te of Merchant randldat lew a and tlie r, Logan With a loss of a few hundred and Cache county rit urns alien Chamber of Commerce met th'the coming city prtmary tlusj .which cloned September 20Ui at wlvre they will tangle with the I.ogan stake quarterly confer the work on the Locan canyon skil Jumpers and went over the dollars, the hoine of Ace Cheney of Petitions 'have either been enoe has been announced for t'ie Grand ball field at t he Dan- -' Denver Pioneers Saturday. Fully burnt Lewiston L,Kan road to the Forks, about twelve at skil Flnlstead Mr. confident of showing the conferproposed Jump. saute. Saturday night and Sunday in mile up the canyon, is completed. was a very (ca- - Wednesday morning, with evidence this that stated ence that he baa a surprise team i The Journey to and from the Logan tabernacle. The genThis work Is receiving the finishdeliberately sible place, and would make about tbal ,he Ure aa was very Interesting and i this year. Coach Dick Romney took eral church authorities will be an some one. The lire de- ing tourlws and within a few days mayor-would- , eighty foot Jump. This distance sorted y most entertaining. We met peo-- 1 three pairs of ends, three acts of by Elder Joseph represented from the aork will receive Uie Ihclal responded. be Partnl(,'t the bock and three centers. From all length that perhaps, A. O. Lundsirom, pie from dilfcrent parts of tlie Fielding Smith of the council OK. any of the students of the college Uire burned Uie east side of the i country and had a real IroUeing indintMona the reserves will play Joseph Odell. of twelve. If the It looked as where building dare would to attempt. The finishing work has consisted COMMISSIONER: tune we reach-le- d an important role in this contest. good time by the saturated with k.,r-i- FOROlof The plan Is to make an artlflc--! 'a11 had t. There will be three sessions, Tlie Aggies took a short workof a I. Pedersen, This Is a smear of Chicago and home. were two There or three In land and the runway gravel oil sprinkled with line gravel. The Albert Bern! son, beginning at 7:30 o'clock SatWe arrived in Chicago Sunday out be lore leaving for Ogden, matches where had bot-'- P on the The proper slope. K. C. Schaub. urday night and 10 a. ra. and 2 pit laying of the oiled gravel and the morning at nine o'clock and It where they entrained for Denver In an to effort the lighted get of tom makes the gravel pit V wasn't many hours until we reach- at 7 p. m. Another drill will bo George Bell, placing of the seal coat has been p. m. on Sunday. At the MIA An Inbuilding under flames. good apron for stopping. Max Burr. session Sunday night at 7:30 7 ed the big Celebration, the "Cen- held on arrival at Denver Friday, completed on the new rood from Is being made by Marvestigation Is much Commissioner Merkley Fred Lundberg. the college to the mouth of the o'clock, an excellent program tury of Progress" which was a the coach announced. Sheriff Interested In providing a skti Jump shal Merl Cunningham. AUDITOR: canyon. The seal coat has been has been planned. thrilling event to be numbered W. FCR Saturday's game will mark too Stowell Jeff Chief C. and of as recreational tiie I city part II. R. Pedersen. among tlie thirty million who first real competition that the Agplaced on the Logan canyon rood Rapp. will be a priesthood conathThis The winter. for the program from the mouth of the canyon to have already been there. Haney Christensen. gie line has laced this year, and Mr. Cheney was Interviewed th4 ference. The Melchesldck and letic department of the college is Present city officials are Mayor Our sentiments of the Fair are also will show the real strength the Forks this week. A one wv Aaronlc a afternoon Cache American by will likewise In Interested take skil this priesthoods A. O. Lundstrom, Commissioner traffic has been maintained during The expressed by Floyd Gibbons, one of the Aggie forward walL Jump, as It Is so near the College reporter. He says when the fire Saturday and Sunday. The of tlie Reporters the placing of this final coating part and Audltor H. forward wall with the starting bell rang In Logan, he was at his 2 p. m. session on Sunday will Pfdc,,n one more be will Inducement and over the oiled gravel. "People go to the world's fair combination of Captain Gordon cafe. He had Just taken Mrs. 14 Pd('rn. All three are seeking be the regular session of confor students to rome here. 10 Ifloe-hr- r for the same reason they go to Dixon and Johnny HuU at ends; Late meals had to The aork on this Job has been ference. The general public as very little effort a small "skil Cheney home. baVe entered their county fairs and parish bazaars. Carl Simmons and Howard Law, under the supervision of Olof well as the stake priesthood are Jump can also be made at the been served a crowd from the tandidates 4 voU,d uPn at ,he Prt Chicago's Hall or science was a tackles; Elmo Brady and Marshall Nelson and his construction force. At the dance. An inquiry was made of nam( invited to attend. gravel pit for children. of the modernization Glenn, guards; Elmer Ward, cenel',ion lthr through Work on the paved highway from same place a good coasting hill can central as to where the fire was. sonal ambition or through the urge calf. The fair Is both a meet- ter. will average 183 pounds, but he was Informed it was at Main street on Fourth North to also be provided. Personal friends. Tuttle replace ing and mating place. The girls should Eugene Uie top of college hill will be As it is the gravel pit now offers Lewiston, Mr. Cheney called the As Issues each canseek romance; tlie boys adventure, Glenn at guard, the average will started soon. Tlus road has alno attractions and Is of no parti- Lewiston telephone operator and didate willtheseek to that be elected on. Ttiey go to see and be seen and be 189 pounds, as Tuttle weight cular value to anyone, and In was told It was Ace Cheneys home. have not been brought out, except ready been closed to traffic In orIIARYEY N. CHRISTENSEN to be able to talk about It after- 210 pounds, as compared with immediately drove to the home der to have the bridge work done. many respects Is unsightly. Now; ward. In extent much larger Glenn's 168. The work of Tuttto made Into a real al - where his wife resides, picked her dents and It can than suspected, a visit to the against Montana State, according respected citizens of the and was at the place In Lewls-- It tractive place for winter sports. ' and as such have the fair Is a mark of eclat, a tag of to reports, may have earned tha Is accessible and has many ad- - on a ew minutes after the fire community constitution right to seek the of-- 1 world citizenship, a badge of travel big boy a chance at the starting vantages. It will be a good project department. and experience, a certificate that position. Tuttle was hurt during From the fact that some house- - flee that is to be a gift of the An extremely interesting Colum- for RFC labor as having d equipment has been taken people at the November election.; qualifies the bearer training and Just rebus Day program was lie Id at the u be submitted to TOe n been places and seen things. The cently returned to the grid togs. the Cheney home, efforts are Junior high school. Wednesday. Commissioner Merkley and the world's fair Is a convention of the of combination The backfleld made by authorities to No German Meeting October 11. Principal Hess was In other commissioners for their con-inBurke Fry. quarterback; cate the missing articles and to Floyd On account of the Logan Stake charge of the assembly and anIn announcing his candidacy ror nt Rasmussen and Clayton Wardell, ! It is said that the backed-u- p nounced the program as follows: The committee skli determine if possible, who started conference there will be no Ger- - Logan City Auditor. Mr. Christen-- 1 halfbacks and Thatcher Handley, waters In tire low lands of the Invocation by Mr. Evans: com- Jumpers Inspected man meeting Sunday next. a site near the fire. - fullback, gives the Aggies an aver" county. In the Bear river drainage munity singing led by F. H. Baugh, Herman s Inn, across the river or age of 16 pounds, and with Worarea, is being drawn off and the Jr. reading by Miss Joan Cardon; ,the south side of the Logan river! ley In place of Rasmussen lt lrops places where ducks frequent, are two musical selections played by a basin. By making an artificial tlie average- to 165 pounds. The Is' possible to make a v being . .made . dry., , Other seasons violin enaembW of Junior high stuit runway ball toters in the first five men this water has been drawn off just dents accompanied at the piano professional skil Jump of 200 feet are Rasmussen mentioned and prior to October 1. Some complaint by Grace Bateman. Members of at this place. This would be rather fact it was this quite universal Th , think is tlie men had Worley for open field running and has been made about this in the the ensemble were Fochia Black, expensive and would not be atpressure from his friends that pur- fro ftnd the ladus Wardell and Fry as line crashers. past but as the water was not Fae Hurst. Boyd Doutre, Junior tempted at this time. suaded him to enter the race. bnck but Handley is the blocking back. had uke drawn off prior to October 1 this Larsen, Bona Lou' Daniels, Junior Coach Croft Is also planning for of the we can the In support asking that lt was very The Aggie aerial attack, which Alioe Bateman. season, hunters believed it would Powell, Wanda a skating rink on the rollegc he is time voters at this doing soirharmlng amJ most gracefully proved so potent against the Monremain for the open season. Now Lear and Sara Hall. Several very campus that will be far superior soley upon his record as a citi-- ! done. We also saw and heard Ben tana Bobcats, again will play an the same conditions exist this sea- Interesting short stories were given to any they have had. The skathis and zen of qualCity Logan Burn and his orchestra. The son. The water is being drawn off by Professor C. J. Meyers of the ing rink and the skil Jump should Important role in Denver. ifications and experience. He has Chicago is a beautiful place press reports of the Aggie aerial the land Just prior to the owning US.A.C. faculty. The Junior high offer considerable opportunities for almost in lived continuously Logan with many buildings which are attack against the Bobcats did not of duck season on October 16. band under the direction of A. T. winter sports for the students. since he began his cortege training, the largest in the world. It has do Justice to the Aggie heavers. It is said by some that this Henson played numbers before and of school in received the which he Laub. of the The manager Henry Sunday night program to many beautiful parks and Boule- Coach Romney said. He stated be- action Is taken in order to flood after the program. Cache Valley Electric company of be conducted at vards and is noted for having the Hall will business at the old Brigham Young the lands of the Millionaire club The stage was effectively decorNibley and later in higher ac- longest water front of any city this city. Is about the busiest man (Continued on Page Eight) on the Bear River marshes In ated with the school banner and be under the direction of the Lo- College of in the world. at in exthe the He an has University had counting city. Eoxelder county. Game officials the American Flag. It is safe to cellent business this season placing gan stake M. I. A. Board members. California. , He has also passed The entertainment of the Kabo could make a much better feeling say that the Student Body witstokermatlcs in homes and In pub- The program has been taken from examinations necessary to place Corset company was the outamong the sportsmen if they could nessed one of the best assemblies to tabernacle above the the an as name lic place his the new registers upon buildings. three of our trip. AfTwenty feature standing Investigate this condition and give of the year. coal feeding machines have already in order to be able to get the stage accountant with the Civil Service ter visiting their factory we went some good reason Just why the been installed this season and he settings. Commission at Washington, D. C to the N. B. C . studios. Dinner water is tampered with just as the Services were held in the Fourth has twenty more bonified orders During his twenty years exper- - was' served at the Hamilton Club, season opens in Cache. of 54 ward chapel on Wednesday for for immediate Bowl", "Magic consisting installation. voices will be staged. Mrs. Otto Pnfe n Utah and Idaho he has and from there we went to the Mrs. Pheby Muir Yonk who died of the recent Jobs was a Mehr will direct an orchestra from at her home here last Saturday. One machine Charles Takahashi, In the Utah Idaho (Continued on Page Eight) Japanese large and offices that qualify him in . lthe Seventh ward which will Bishop O. A. Sonne was in charge the Parker-Hodgfarmer on Cl y' der two of the services which were attendselections. Kendrick every respect for the duties of farms at College ward, consisting Hawkes vvill render a vocal num- - auditor. For the last six years need by friends and relatives of the of 170 acres, is one of the most ber. It is expected that a member has teen practicing public accountThe speakers were close school family. the Cache thrifty farmers of Cache County. building for Chief Eagle Feather was a rare associates and life long friends. Logan, the rtl..rh BeneraI m L A' inS Mr. Takahashi is in the fertile attraction and something new on They extolled deceased for her county board of education. This101 with honored the If position firm is the oldest firm in the state section of some of the best farm at the many womanly virtues and her the weekly vaudeville a good he he which seeks, promises to give stoker service. land in the county. His farm is He ex"The Power and the Glory", re- Capitol last Wednesday. life. efficient management of the Those who spoke and operated In a commendable way. ported as Jesse L. Lasky's most ecuted a war dance and then gave were A. E. Cranney, Alma Sonne office, fair and courteous freat-meThe crops consist of beets, hay, to all its patrons. His varied important film in a career repleteto two American tap dances. He is a and Bishop Sonne. Hannah Morrison Thatcher, 94, grain and dairying. A fine load of full blooded Cherokee Indian. with important films, comes experience should be a decided died Musical numbers were by the Thursday in San Francisco milk is brought to the Bordens Skeeter and Ray in "Hows your ward the Capitol Theatre beginning and contribution to the book set-u- p choir; vocal solo, Mrs. Hyde according to word reaching rela- plant in Logan each day. featured dancing and Mortensen, control of Sunday and is scheduled for a Brother financial Logan City. Mr. accompanied by Mr. Takahashi is given assistives here. Mrs. Thatcher moved to run of 3 days. It Is Mr. Laskys humorous wit. Mortensen on the violin and on Upon tlie light plant question, the coast in 1909, having made her tance with his work by his wife unsomewere as a Miller Art Ted and third production producer his position is well known. He is home in the by Mrs. George S. Noble; from 1860 until and two children. May 14. and der the Fox banner and marks a thing unique in "Humorous Har- vocalpiano for the light plant first, last and she left to Logan duet by Mr. and Mrs. L. 10. Besides aiding her father home In San make her Cache for achievescreen Registration a uke on agents In and the mony," they played high point time. J. Bailey; a cornet solo by Earl Francisco. She was the widow of on the farm, May goes to the county, outside of the Logan city all the ments of this veteran. guitar and sang many novelty Wennergren and a trombone solo limits, have been announced as Joseph W. Thatcher, a pioneer of South Cache high school at HyThe story of the film cannot be numbers. by L. H. Kennard. . Prayers were rum, being the only Japanese stufollows: Logan. in intera method Miller Alice from the gave good separated offered by Pres. Joseph E. Cardon goes Mrs. Thatcher was born, No- dent in that school. Illarene Avon, Amalga, Peterson; which it is told. Through a new pretation of 3 popular songs In and Pres. George W. Lindquist. Newell B. Cook. It is up to vember 3, 1839 in Sunderland. Eng- to the College ward district and Martha Burrell: Benson, Jennie .medium evolved by Lasky, the the first act with "Blue Prelude, Bishop M. D. Bird of Mendon hunters to respect the of teachas his rights r. Young; College, Chloe Soren-otheland, the daughter of William has Miss Violet Olsen filmre veals the important events in being the most outstanding. dedicated the grave at the "Logan by observing the opening sen cove, Francis H. Allen; Cor- -, Morrison and Hannah Williamson, er. The Takahashi farm Is kept A rope spinning and whip crackthe life of a man who rises from cemetery. city as free from weeds and diverified Morrison. nish, Mrs. M. H. Pike; Clarkston, the most humble beginnings to a ing Spaniard finished the show of ducks m Rijza g Godfrey; Hyrum, district There are a are the following farming is resorted to, to keep the inSurviving of excellent and an with what of power showing great position Cache county and many of them onei Martha H. district At a meeting of the county children: Dr. Joseph W. Thatcher, land producing an abundant crop fluence. It shows his change from can be done with a blacksnake are of the large variety. An ob- two, Walbert Allen;Smith; district three, commissioners and the relief com- Dr. H. M. Thatcher. Ella Fullmer, year after year. This is the ninth a simple young man without any whip. server .who visited the Stoney Nort H. Nielsen. Luna Hansen, William Thatchsr, year that the farm has been opereducation to a figure of national mittee on Wednesday, the commis- Harriet Poland, Dan-for- d Duck club west of Amalga this ated by Mr. Takahashi. Josephine New York Meninto interHattie Park, manifold Hyde sinking Hyde; with Imagine 37 importance he saw one of the don, Mrs. Lizzie B. Baker; Mill- sioners made it clear the of San Francisco and Allle giant crevasses made by a mam- week, says ests and great wewalth. It depicts cents per hour would be the going Sixteen moth earthquake. Imagine oceans largest flocks of ducks ever to ville, Cora Hoodless; Mt. Sterling, Clayton, Logan. grand events which make his life a comwage in this county where it comes children and 36 great grand childcongregate on those waters B. Elizabeth uniall advenlands of the Newton, of Lindley; inundating affair intrigue, funds. out relief of federal plicated the , shoot-old The farmhar of survive. ren also points verse in a monstrous tidal wave. Elizabeth Funk; North Logan, There was only $5!00 alloted for ture and romance. will all be occupied with hunt-- ! Elizabeth Mrs. Thatcher came to Utah with Peart; Imagine the worlds population al- mg Paradise, Effle this month and to pay more than rom of The financial life of a nation, most number Sarah Daft, in the spring of 1856 off the face of crea- e?3u1.ng district Petersboro, welch; one, wiped would funds the above amount, the state or municipality, is like the tion! shells being disposed of by the 'Mrs. Hyrum Kidman; district two, scarcely go around, 'according- - to and saw all the hardships of piondealers in shot-gu- n amunition. in 1853, eer life. She left physical life of the people with in LUcy Malmberg; Providence, Verne the commissioners. must You stretch your imaginaIt wras con- being- baptised inEngland Vince Carlson caretaker at the Tibbitts; RiChmond district one, an irresistible it 1848 Into the imperative tion to extremes to an more is amount than Mormon church. All her life she garner Flineral services will be held in necessity, that cannot be dispensed idea of Stoney club, will go to t he club, Mrs. C. A. Larson: district two, tended this and its power- grounds "Deluge the farmers of the county are able has been an ardent church work- the Fourth ward chapel on Sunwith because it is the thing itself Sunday and will remain George G. River Hendricks; ful variation of the eternal to for labor. farm pay er. In March of 1881 her husband day at 12:30 for Jesse L. PeterReceipts 384; and therefore we must be on the enacted by Peggy Shannon, triangle there until after t he opening Heights. Melinda Hogs J. Fuhriman; Ogden Sidney shoot on Monday. He expects to should be died, leaving her a widow for 52 son. who died In Portland, Oregon, Anaheim and Goleta. California defense, always, what Delilah Reese. Riverside, B'.ackmer Lois for and the Wilson, arthe use of vigilence if we have spend most of his time at the years. She was a Lo?an temple on Tuesday last. The body will district Smithfield, Sarah one, packers 2G7; steady with Wednes- not and deand to club the seamilitant Junction Cache rive in the driveins been tonight best called grounds during open military there worker, ; E. extreme having Wood top; district two. Rinda days of last nights pre- son. willing and eager for entertainment Ouly members will be perthe year after the temDle was will be taken to the home of Fred 5.00 on few lots; bulk 4.90 down; fend us Trenton, Leona An Capitol mitted to shoot on these grounds. Chambers: as now we have to miere audience at the and L. Peterson, a brother residing at battle; 3.50 built. down. sows drews; Wellsville, district one, packing Theatre. The body will be brought to Lo- Petersboro. Sadie S. Maughan; district two, Cattle Receipts 187; Los An- carry the war into the enemies backwe have to attack. Against this cataclysmic Here the body may be viewed and will arrive Sunday. FungsMrs. R. P. Leatham; Lewiston, disgeles packers 30; late Wednesday country A lucky lot we are to have a ground. S. Fowler Wright's "Deeral services will be held in the by friends and relatives until time Mrs. Nellie T. Wiser; trict and today steady a tweeks level; one, Webster and luge pictures Mhrtin First ward chapel, time to be an- for the services. Following services most sales plain grass cattle of real general as our leader, he has Claire district two, Mrs. Clara K. Clarkston Candidates of the nounced later. Arlington in a state of proin the Logan Fourth ward chapel, tocker and feeder quality; load a lot of scares on his armour that district three, Emma Layne citizens and tickets on a small near island community to battles won; he has pinquity burial will take place In the Mendistrict four, Cassie Campbell. light feeder steers and heifers 2.85; testify follows: as have been selected once was wheat New York after don cemetery. The body will bo bulk common kinds 2.50 down best never been laid out so low but that Remaining registration dates are Citizens Kenneth Thompson, Genealogical Workers the universal ruin. Martin believes and would he 2.50 get cared for by Lindquist and Sons again. up around fight cows 17 31 October mostly 1. and and November slaughter All workers .of the of this city. mayor: H. S. Thompson, Clarence Now Voters, remember this when his wife and two children dead, for the first two days, Clark, Dewey Griffin and D. B. Logan genealogical down: bulk low cutter to medium Registration to meet are Stake asked falls An and love. the Hawaiian in are cast your ballot that you couple They program will be 1.00 2.25; bulls 2.50 down; vealers and Wednesday, tfas light Barson, councilmen. next Sunday in the First ward not voting in a city government remain on the isle until scouts given In the Hyde Park meeting Tuesday 3.50ff?5.00. accordinff t0 reports BoxeWer Here ticket 300 October1 David hall immediately from the survivors Community as house, following the camp bring New Jerusalem, for Sunday yet, the evening, Omaha 3,074; Receipts Sheep T. Students and faeultv members Grant them back Griffiths, to a conference. mayor: at 15th 7:30 where Sparks, settlement is oclock. It quarterly Imporchained market 810; Chicago market 504; Old Nick has not been L. H. tant the Boxelder hteh are here from Glen Buttars learns Martin and his that there. on is Talks Thompson, be worker Announce alive! the every Marriaee family islands, customs, Denver market 1.405; Sioux City and dropped into the bottomless He confronts a dilemma. enmass J. councilmen. today to plav the Grizzlies. Ravston, Extensive Byron are music etc, with No! being Petersen we Grace to have got him of the Clyde and preparations typical fight, market 269: late Wednesday sev- pit. have blood in their visitors Mr. is The Griffin made reelectlorv deserves for re-the will ford annual be seeking "Deluge 1 friends genealogical plaurendered by surprised their by eral lots driveln lambs 4.50 5.25; and the power trust, and perhaps dits for its excellent especial Hawaiian missionaries. nouncement of their marriage on on the citizens ticket and Mr. convention of the Loean Stake to eve and hope to, carry off tha photographic load mixed weights and grades a corporation owned legislature. Ravston on the community ticket. be held October 29, 1933. football honors of the day. Hele Mai Kakou. the 23rd of last April. B. A. NORMAN. effects. 4.504.75. Logan Stake For Auditor j Quarterly Conference Test Mar-garq- J 1. I , j ; Clii-lea- ' i bn seal-coa- al jri' i -- ' f j ) per-Wh- Columbus Day Why Remove Water as Duck Season Opens Program, Logan Junior High i two-head- Candidate For Office Of Auditor j pre-seas- & .nZn,1 V j j - I I ! BUSY PUCING SIDAY NIGHT j tl STOKER MATICS I A PROGRAM - lastly I IN THE COUNTY IN NIBLEY HALL Services Held On Wednesday For Mrs. Yonk Japanese Farmer Chief Eagle The Power and The Glory Thrift on Farm j Feather, Rare Attraction Shows ren-thf- 'S es Hannah Thatcher at the Capitol Died 1 nt Thursday At San Francisco Registration Agents For Cache County .... rs Unemployed Must Accept Schedule . DELUGE THE ISSUE Jesse L. Peterson" Services Here in Foruth Ward Livestock - Quotations mind-grippi- Two Tickets Announced at Clarkston heart-poundi- Hawaiian Program In Hyde Park Dan-ielse- n; .. I r |