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Show CACHE AMERICAN lune 17. 1932. local news jBjarnaon Here of tle Blamta) 'of Bupt C N Jenn, u a Fifth Ward Service I LOG Y CACHE CoVVi Rifa in Tribe of Ccnjaroln Providence First Ward Sunday Pdcct of !; vsj'.or n V I iVt Al1 HflTCn I yip., Ft v lAOlLt be the Elder Nolen OUen No ps.-a-- e In the RM Juatlf.r i: b evtuutun belli f I tint all Ihe de- tjieaker tl Ue E.IUi aard over work KuUi.tf in llial Ckl.f, Exctmion 1 13 al tender nirnl Sunday night Si lu! ill On Temple f I i j. Ii u Sri li ft- of the o'clock. Elder Olaen fuu JloI re- come under ha supervision wv Ou E Andenon. basiled. 7;.e j.f Un)aiota Ui BanrroU Cr.ce a Favorite of t New Zealand mlturned from farm promim-n!n)S lie (. n"-- l. of Hut Bannock Stake Vititor listing Tliurwlay. In ikia tV e The Providence ft luii.'finl-tttrites of brat'l r,l ct:un, Willi Prussian i)raker Prank Horn and family from ,First ward merlins or Sunday set i,. In I. ,ue 1m i n iiMire c cm do n Uh Its temple t Thatcher. sjx-nGentile Idaho, valley. from I'li' tl, till - I l,e of Ptu-wrnlIW Uuritt rrt, mi, Maude Allen at.l soiling Hu m (I,. m uin- -i s ). r I!) rum Conference and Friday In Logan, having come o;UPr 1) in says; ii,ul,.hii a. I'n !e M.iri(tianlt. sear Zollinger The piaui were Ju.ij,, Hyrum slake will hold It doavi llh the Ihuinuik take tem- py Alder and George C'ailmi "And tin i h.ld in of ! iij.uu o era I'iiIsi! i in, l l!.e t.i?i--- t siitliu of the Door conference at Welhviile Leader pie excursion . n li cr's.m exiiiitiiliMl. CiH.il.eud ot llial lime onl of t!. Mias Ituby Zollinger and lirtiUy It and Sunday, according to a:t Tli Leader, local ladle resdy-ioWas i:.e f.iturus aojot-rof Rriis l!.ni.iti Rae Fairbanks relumed here U1-- ' Cities laenijr m.J and the door It closed announcement ha by Wednesday Wather Arrive I It Sian Lii.'s. l.i. eek from a short trtpt o Lone men Unit dio nurd. ty a gUoat merchandise fsaa born packed up Prr&ldrnt D. M Bhkmore. The . to A carload of Con Ion of Sl.iili were wtilcli iow Washing Reach. California. Mias aFirbanl-- i aid remold to On den and turned- Sunday eve nine pnrsm will be In machines have (ow n a fat, -- I one. numbered kctr iIhim hundred has nurse been unleaded Is a from aLDC the Credit graduate Merchant M. I. )ut the to of A, the ier charge will be turned Into a ivstau-ran- t Bien. Aiming tM pn'i'le there by lire J. L. Montrose company htepUol al Idaho Palls. She froriftUof) ere cl.u-rsud werk r'ol hnU l liei ause It a een men hundred be will M.v told loaect to home at her turned They Sunday Wool Shipment Set in their huiory. People In- - Zollinger has completed her post left I'andeil ; etery one umld allng presetil Oivi.ef. a Li riiian Industrialprice To Photograph 77 Shipment of Cache county wool tervsted In a washing machine graduate work Just brfore they Slimes at a hair tiiendth, sod Hot ist. ranuot afford lis upkeep. The large 77 snow sign that can will brgln Saturday, according to with all the latest I'aatle Mdrquardl'a blstry fur itiiua," Judge 3:1.1 u) In part: menu went to California. Improve bark to the liftrentb century, when be plainly teen on the tide of the R. L. Wrtgley. county agricultural Mr and rMt. Myron Car lute and "Rut ahrn the rhlldren of Mope above Millville, will be photo from UiU l,t Lord, the laird It was owned by tbo Haroa Zabot agent. About SO bag children of Salt Lake are visiting cried onto rulw-them up s ilelhrrrr, Rhud von Kiliorio. In tho following graphed today by Robert Crookstoa. county will go out with Uie first relatives here It frequently changed band I.enjnnnulte, a ywi plumber, who ha made a consignment Loading depots have Mrs Wm. Checkrti entertained the n,u of Lora. tnaa Irft luoded." la 17bl Castle Msniuardt cams I flirun, 12:2 to the tecton where thl deep been designated at Smith field and of honor In Monday evening Manager Charles Jenkins of the Itidaatea that Ihoy nore auibldex-tnu- : Into tho foasMlus of lit most faanow bat. at Hyrum. Lagan Hardware company awarded Ith mous osoer, Gen. ton Rlaihof twee-tie- r, "They wore srottd A social evening was enjoyed 12 year old lad a tho declared favorlts of King Ray Anderson, and bona, use the Urtb could light Rifle Shoot Imitation Frog erved to Mtf band of tills city, the I prise for catch WUllsia 11 of Prussia. It and the left In hurting stones Fredi-rlcbe will Mm all for a rifle shoot R Wahlen. There Lloyd Petrnon hat Just comthe largest fish on the open and thooilng arrows out of s bow, ws then that tbo ghost mado Its lng Mrs. Phvl'M Ounrll Jscobwn. and 18 tng pleted hi Urge Imitation frog at boys between the ages of eea of Saul's brethren of llruja-win.- first sppearanro a ghost which day of the trout season. The Mrs L. R. Checkett Checketu, was to play a prominent rolo to the Old Mill, from the mouth of at Hyrum, according to Wiley Cole- fish weighed Pathfinder Magsalne. Mrs. Jesse Jensen. Mrs. Frank at man. representative Of the Peters ounce. which he will tern refreshment Prusolsu history. Hunter. Mrs Andy Andersen. Mr the Old Mill dance. The opening Cartridge company. A lecture on The Ghost Shows Up. CatlFrank Kendrick. Mr. P0aaibl to Read by dance at the big open air hall will the correct handling of a gun will Tho ghostly apparition was first value-new- s tale. Miss Rachel Baxter. Miss Ar - , be tomorrow night Everything U In be given by Mr. Coleman. The shoot Inspecting Subway seen, or rather heard. In a small Gives Mushroom went The commissioners Ltgbt county va 2 oclosk will at Miss Karma Checketu. take Ulus Morgan. for the big event. stone building, the Saturday to Cache place readme Junction today to Inspect Miss Jun Jensen and the hor.tesv ,h R,dlp 'e't of grotto, adjoining Castlt MsrqusrdL Blond Shoe A If is m !li mi that shoes can nme' the approach to the underpass t a M-Mr. and Mr Frrd Jrnvn. '?'!?' PbetnMnetma h..wn iliddeu sway among thick shrubbery Flower Destroyed Play At WelUville that lead from the Junction to A. E. Mathew, and Mrs. Grant by i Id the beautiful Eighteenth reotory he purchased at such an baseball Newton. The O. 8. L. division up- U The Cache American When a person works hard to ,f Hammond attended of p.rk, tho Interior wss laid out with ' bewatify his home by planting team la tcheduled to play a game erlnlendent of the Pocatello office K; I received In Logan Ninth asuro stouea. Tho grotto ania.injjy low price, but j PBlll'dngiM of the shrubs and flowers. It la anything of baseball at Welltvllle on Satur- will meet the commissioner and go ward on J(j only light from s cosily crystal Thursday. but encouraging to arise from a day. This la one of the regular over the inspection work with The Elizabeth Matthew camo !o effect a quick clearance chandelier, which, together will) th night's slumber and find that South Cache league games There them. The idea is to straighten out will hold their blue of tho axaro atone, produced next meeting outIn the the road that leads to the sub- Thursday In the Second ward vandals have entered the yard and will be much Interest we have reduced every mystic and beautiful color affects. pulled up the flowers and broken come of the game because If the way. L It waa Into ihla setting that Geo. chape shoe in stock to a it down the shrubbery. This was the newspaper lads should win they von Blechofswerder used to load tbs The first ward O leaner girls enShoe in experience of Joseph Moser at 87 will be tied with the Elks ana Market Strawberrie romantically Inclined Prussian king a bonfire party on Any at tertained s, price. Wellsville in the win and lose Pumps, straps, East 2nd North this week. to attend ghostly midnight aemlooa. Robert Sheffield, manager of Wednesdy evening at the home of Stock ! column. AS entered soon lbs tha at king Plggly Wiggly and George Maughan. Miss Leah Janes. A large crowd was ghillies and sandals I ... ... , . grotto mysterious off stars music In North present , r'n . Howell On grower of strawberries ,ti in uld be herd apparently coming reptile, kidskin, suede, Mrs. Beatrice Mccham and chtld Mr Logan, spent a day this week in omo dlstnnre. Joseph Howell, Attorney j Richmond Uradu&t . phosphorescenco ta ; . fh. "i Wesley Howell and Mrs. Spencer) Mrs Talitha Smith, formerly of Ogden where they took with them ren are visiting relatives here. They i sometimes shown by the mushroom patent and calfskin. th kln wou,d ,UUM P. Felt and children, were visitors Richmond, has received word that samples of strawberries grown here. are at the home of her mother Mr ln ",p ot nit Jhe ..blreas asking ghost, invariably In Logan on Thursday. They came her son. J. Russell Smith, has commonly known as Jnck- - him bow beet to rule tba country. urn) Panus styptlcus, a particularly for visiting the eelved his M. D. degree from the berrlcs the finest ever seen on the j The first ward Relief Soru-tAs If by magic, so Invisible voice cemetery and placing flowers on (Harvard university medical school, Ogen market Many berries will be held their work and business meet- - very common specie. Tbosphores-sol- would answer In muffled whispers. on the Ogden and Salt Lake lng Tuesday afternoon. Two quilts ccnrs in mushrooms has been the the grave of the late Congressman Boston, Mass. Dr. Smith, who la a More often tliau not the king would ' market from Cache. An order to were quilted and other work done.' hi, in some countries for fairy Howell Mrs. Joseph Howell's graduate of the Utah State follow the apparently heaven sent stories nnd is pretty good and she al-- ) cultural college, will serve his In- fifteases was received at Hyrum Strawberries were rervrd to 53. shout IOI1IIM-I- . ' ' Sheffield. Mr. this Mr. and Mrs Eudve Lon and Mr. ghosts wars enjoys a visit to Logan. morning by temeshlp In the Rhode Island It wue uot long after the gcnei and Mrs. F. R. Checketts we-- e general hospital at Providence. R si's death that t'astle Marquardt'a guests of Mr. and Mrs Jesse Jensen , I let Reception Given ghost waa unmasked. It was Dairymen Meet Wanted Hot Rights j scene The annual reception for the on Wednesday evening. The members of the local dairy As luxurnnr railed upon ' found that the Blue grotto, agent the G.S.A.C. aaoclatlon held a session WednesBack From Idaho Trip visiting faculty of f Mrs. Potter for her weekly pro-- ' of the ghostly sessions, bed double which s men of fiesb day evening at which It waa arOld Prohibitory Laws Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Dailey and summer school was given at the mluto, and she Informed him of her wells behind ' comfortably hide, ranged to sponsor a drive for Mrs. Howard McKinney have re- home of Dr. and Mrs. James H. "One Is apt to think of uur times ' Intention to remove Immediately. end blood eon n harp and answer any quesGuests as too mark ridden with Linford more member. It Is felt that every turned from a most Thursday night 1 pity outAnd wbeo may prohibitory expect the vsnl" pleasant person who distribute milk here ing to Tetonia. Lamont. Menan and included resident members of the lews of all sons," observes a the sdded. Not quite understand- - tions , .put to him. Thus, with tba d should belong to the association. Idaho Falls. The crops around Rig- faculty, Clio members and partfiller In a Vancouver (B. () paper. lng the question, the agent asked C?!?t,er, l!',cr.ft,T11" eral for a while ruled the deetlnlee Th Hadgss of England Another meeting will be announced ners, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Farr of Other days also suffered, for In her for an explanation, and eventuWrong Spalling by and Teton City look better than Prussia. of for an early date when all dairy- for many years. People believe the Smlthfield. Attorney and Mrs. Roy turning the pages of history one ally discovered that a furniture van The hedge, ye, the hedges, the a fellow minks don't that "Things Bought by Frenchman. men will be Invited to be present amount to a darn sometimes pile up very synonym of Merry England River D. Thatcher ot Ogden. Mr. and finds that Kiug William II .of Eng-- ' 'was what Waa required. "Tee, conprospects for the Snake After changing bands several a mountain of trouble. Just the are yel there, and long may they Mrs Henry H. Blood of Kaysville. tend sod Engl oilidiscuss the problems that now dam colonies tluued Mrs, Potter, "the company are west of Felt good project was finally 11 n remain. Without hedge England confront those thaU. you know, free of times, Cuslle Marquardt nee wife er working my night selling milk In for this year. This dam will serve The evening was a delightful one. signed s law' that 'no person may does a touts Rsvene, Hedges, use or sell any buttons made of j charge." "The company t" gasped bought by Dr. Peter bottles W. K. Burnham is presi- Tetonia. Felt, Drummond and adcrossword puzzle and she looked np would no( be England. Protold so French of descendant dent of the local organization. end eald: What's a female sheepf thick end high end full of flowers, doth, serge, drugget, frieze or cam-- j the agent "Furniture van free!" estant Train Time Change Gerfled to which jacent territory. fumlly Look here." suid the lady, with And I said, 'ewe,' and then there birds and living creatures, of shad The Union Pacific System Is let, on pain of paying 40 shillings wars of re-- i and fleck of aunslilne dancing np for every dozen.' air of finality. "Here's s list of many In the days of the was another hlg war on." making several changes In passenI and down the bark of tree -- I love 'Manufacturers of metal buttons your own rules Memliers remov- Ilglon tod received the special pro-ger train schedules June 19th. The The their very thorns. You do not know at the time happened to have bad ing from one district lo another will lection of the Prussian king. B Must Class Cache Marcary for train Junction, morning Itavene Is a leading In--I present-dahow much there Is ln hedge. be influence and used free transferred of It great political In charge'!" stickcause Dirt will may leave at mercury Pocatello and Ashton dustrlullst. Hard times are forcing on Jefferies In "Note Richard Loudon Anue same the reason. For a merIn thermometer. Clenn Queen him now to let the historic mansion ing ,9:20, and the noon train connec-- ; to not will Painting." stick class Landscape wooden buttons. cury tlon for Balt Lake, wUl leave st prohibited to a British wine merchant, who la 12:10 p.m. No. 29. Salt Lake-ButE3Ej turning it Into a restaurant for Ber-- i train which formerly passed Cache tin's & Junction at 3:30 p.m, will be set Another German palace, thut of back to leave Salt Lake at 8:00 p. Count Hermann Grlehenow ln Ber- Junction at m., passing Cache lin, has closed Its gates and the luxurious building ln rococo style ,10:50 pm. The local train for will be sold at auction. In prewar Preston will leave at 2:40 p.m. inA stead of 4:30 p.m. as now operated. days Count Grlehenow, with a yearly income of J'250.000, was one of the richest men In Germany. War Doctor Going Home Inflation, and the crisis ate away made are being Arrangements the Grlehenow fortune. today to remove Dr. H. A. Adamson from the local hospital to his home Hero of Plane Crash I on Saturday. While he has not re- covered fully, he has so far im- Given 4 Months in Jail j proved that the move is considered London. During a flight over advisable. Wesley Odell and his In 1925, a ltoyal Air Force airIraq, have Adamson Bonnie Odell, wife, plane crashed ln flames from 4,000 arrived home from Boston, where ' feet The pilot was badly burned they have been attending school and the observer, Ridley Oake Stan-- ! the past winter. They were pleased carried him through ton, twenty-five- , to see the doctor as well as he is, the desert for two duys. The pilot Illness. serious his considering died st a dressing station. Stanton was In a hospital for six months. Battery In Training Early this year the same Stanton climbed over the roofs of several Battery C of the 145th fle'd houses near marble arch and artillery entrained early Thursday for Camp W. G. Williams, in the Jumped ten feet from one root to two weeks Jordan Narrows, drop be- another, with a tween, to steal ten shillings worth training. The battery, under the of Jewelry. command of Captain George D. He was bound over to be of good Preston, Includes four officers, 70 men and 23 horses. Besides Captain behavior, but normal life becomes OF YOUR BEAUTY THE ACCENTUATE dull to a man who must have Preston, the officer personnel-I- s NEW SPRING COSTUME WITH thrills. Recently he climbed np an B. Robert R. Holden. Webster elevator slmft at SL John's wood, Hunter, Edmond B. Spencer, second crawled along a narrow ledge to a lientenants. bedroom window and stole a fur coat worth $1,250. He waa senLicenses Marriage tenced to fonr months HOSIERY FULL FASHIONED 1 been have Marriage licenses sued to the following couples-Its flattering sheerneM and Pari J Henry Lavem Gleed and Estella Frederick M. Price, Malad; Glen spired colortone denote distinction Hunter of Burley and Ida Mozeine the art of correct drees. Pilkington. Smithfield; Sylvan E. Talbot of Lewiston and Romana Many yean of long Bustalnwl public Van Leuven of Clifton; Glen Smith of and. Soda Springs .Humburg approval atteat tho fact that Humming Melva Vella Bellingsley of Soda Bird silk hosiery ia first choice with of Checketts Lyman Springs; Americas beet dreeaed women k Providence and Lucia Margaretha Eddls of Wah'en Kemp Logan; CHIFFON OK SERVICE WEIGHTS Brown and Gladys Belle Romeriel! of McCammon; Nels Rasmus Nel-- 1 son of Cache Junction and Eliza-- 1 beth B. Taylor of Preston: John; Betron Wilkinson of Franklin and jFem May McWhorter of Preston; Metro-Goldwyn-May- er John Seymour and Helen Elizabeth Schaefer of Hailey; Willis Joshua Adams of Logan and June Larsen of Tremonton; Rukm J. Bleed Ot Logan and Gen leva L. Stewart of ELLIOT & CO , ',St. Anthony. - . WIU t to J King. -- qua--ter- Cloe iy But-urd- - rr. thtr tliU-iiti- v biis tatl Mar-quar.- 11 re-t- n era-turl- " See for yourself the biggest of the season Mj-ro- " 1.95 I l 't, Tho, oeel s2!95 no-prof- ox-lord- Viit ";'! re y .. - I r I ld 4.95 , i Net Hosiery J j d 39c J j Agri-heal- th supor-tltlon- s j ! ; : SPECIALS y Tlt-P.ll- 3E te v. f.lliot Ladies Arch Support Slippers Broken Sizes $5.50 Value week-ender- co.sggrsagg Mr. Merchant j For Your Convenience we now have a full Stock of wrapping Paper and paper bags at the ' ; Ladies Full Fashion Silk Hose $1.00 Value Saturday 69c CacheAmerican to 50-fo- Special OFFICE All Sizes Low Prices Mens Dress Shirts Plain or Fancy Broadcloth JjummTnq Bird ONLY is-- j HELL DIVERS Is the next Story to be Published in CACHE AMERICAN. It is from the Motion Picture by Arrangement with A PAIR! i Jessens Shoe Store 34 West Center Lcgan E.W. ELLIOT CO. j r Riders of Low Prices "?gr-- v. 2 Watch for it |