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Show I'-'l- I cac jii; Ki amfricvn i or,;. rriii: t orvi v. itaii T.i th " 7te Tfl'nll M M I whs. h n l! V t pro! A RADIO r.tLrrr SKANCHY Mr ai.d Mrs J, M u ited roc-nil- DIRECTORY J-- SERVICE it hit x i ittNtj BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL i!h Mr Ida- t k II rtturr of lUilt !1 Ml Hire, e. Ie-- t lit U,e stake, went to 6 It Lake City, to l.o Tteir gmndvjn. Carl Homer. sn f for an In the grand mui.ol le.'iv.! atmmpunted item her 1. 1.hl'.e 2H.0 uu-- 4 Name .( Mr Afne Cie-- of Aeon It Arrhie Ice. Merlin and Oordon reactive here Ate b th hour Hansen. tnr Retford Lu)l !erk, Vrrr.a and Norland Brown gur-- t ef Mr Doretta Smith. Dun Winn, Jeu Done, Mu Ruth Zollinger who hat been Melvin Ciranl. Rdrrn. NorweU and ter- - teaching vhout In Nevada b home VOCAL STUDIO well Butler and Ellon Packrell for the aummrr vacation. ' 44 8a. th W..1 Mr and Mrt Alvtn Zollinger and County mid ay brtrrn her and; Otter conference vbltora from Idaho motored of Markay, uu-j Trenton were Mr. and Mra ft F fmjy Helper. cre on business hut week They ! I sm. ITd J,c ' rrHrti Vernal-Dr O. Alexander r and W. T. Knjjin-eeIn a recent address, Maxwell returned home Saturday. Mra L Traffic Nor-!r and terwrtl Butter ami and children accompanied of the National Bureau of Casualty and Surety Un- Wallace 8. Cald-- purchased Vernal j Venna Brower, ovwrn'ti nht.ro ay Skidmore ttem to Pocatello after werkt Confectionery wid Donald Andrew and vb.it at th Itom of ter derwriters, tuld how to boy a safe car. Over 2 000.000 pound Price parents. w! ,Un- ! Mr. and Mr. Font Zollinger wool ahipjjed from ter in few A stirtcy covering nine states, the District of Cnbinin n a M rt Krfiord (Vk Hop-Mr teOrande and Sttrland week. 12 lia, and Ontario, for jteriods varying from seven to . ped In Ogden Uvitmg with relaUve. mall daughter who have aprnr At)! fcephl Hanson , rnt ln tlle Trenton h-- v Stew th past twenty month In New months, showed that a total of 8,120 accidents were due opened for buslne. recently E Mr. R Butr chauffer. York where Mr Stlrland b attendDECORATING motito defects in automobiles. Of these accidents. Perry Wasatch Drilling Co, com-- , Mu Lu IUuu,r wlurm4 frem ing arhool at the Cornell Unlver- two PAPER on Bros Ncbeter HANGING weH ved fatalities. 4,210 personal injuries, and 7M property Ogden, were ah had been vUltthg ally, arrived here !al week to aprnd term here. S61 E. Srd Sa Pbaa lDg-- J with ter lter, Mra Wright for the rummer, damage. In Pennsylvania alone, during November. 1921, S!t Lake Newly completed th past two week. T. A. Chugg motored to tehl on City 12 the defective automobile was responsible for deaths, Wmter Theatre t Niblcy Park openII returned home Mr. and Mr. Char leg Jay, miu 227 injuries and demolition of property totaling $52,700. ed for season. renlng accompanied by Mr Short and Earl Drake all da The safe car provides pcnd visibility enough OoM 1II11 New equipment lt- -, of Ogden were vbitoni of Mr. arvl Chug and three children who had at Aurum Mining Corpora-- Mr If J- Hamer apent a week with relative there, so the driver can see an object oil the ground, either in, irtalled Hanson and MLs Olive lions property here. Merchant C. M. Epplth had a Mr front or at the side, two car lengths awav. Pear body , Plan underway to Irotall row new coat of paint put on hb alorw. Hanson accompanied Mr. Chugg to ttey will visit re- Structure must be solid. Steering, of course, is ;i factor) Bear Lake fish hatchery In Round Mr. rppnh brl.eve ln clean up ,J f,) ar.d where friend and also attend j paint up. Journal. Valley Brigham City nf the utmost importance. In the safe car is . h Primary conference thb month The town board had a new cemetr Force of men opening Ibapah Mm- Rose Hushbeck of Roseville, Brakes must I l lower sense of pulling or of road tunnel at Quern of Sheba culvert put In. on church street Openiny Practice at California I visiting relatives here Moor Andreason and must and and not miles Henry east of here. must tlx Mine, fjrab. easily yet apply equalized, 8h returned here with Mr and Wheeler doing th work. Lewiston, Utah Ted Blotter following itetr stop the car quickly, not only at 20 or 20 miles an hour, Carl Brower relumed home, after Mra months vblt with relative but at 40 and 50. The car must bold the road will, and ln '1dln trip to California Office in The following program was ren- j Jarkson Hole, Wyo show no tendency toward bouncing when making emerTelford Hotel Phone 4 Walter Wood jt son of Cha. Q dpred In the First ward conjoint on Sunday evening: two Wood, returned home from gency turns and stops. Salt rnfUn Lathaln Rich, aocom- Lake City, where he attended Tor4j These matters but touch the surface of the "safe R. WAITE By EDSO Mrs. achool Luke; two short by Westminster for at in College, Shawnee, Oklahoma car problem. Tremendous progress lias been made Miss Margaret Hovey and , readings. the past season. A. E. KARTCHNER furYou don't have to go to some automobile design .and mechanical construction Evrrton, recently re- Mis Annie Clayson of Provo b ulk b to buy good merchandise other Expert Blacksmith j with her aunt, Mrs. R. E turnfd missionary. ther progress will be made when the public demands it. Your city local merchants carry good rtslUng Acetylene I welding; Aligning Mr1 F W. Garrett and children Butler. Mowers; bnUd Irsllrr hitches Every purchaser should make it a point to look not only stocks of seasonable Mr Helen Talbott of Callfomb. of Wfllsvllle Pnt Wednesday and and tongues for auto wagons. for speed, power and appearance in a car, but to give goods. Buy from them! formerly of Trenton, showed her (Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Louts Third ten Mon, I'tah. Ward, Th ChecketU be win reunion ' bright smiling face among friends whether his We hear of great considertion to the safetv factor iheld Saturday and 8unday at the. the woes of the taxa lrU emv ,n Locan cnyon. payer every way we turn, but perprospective car costs $500 or $10.000. A very good attendance of mem-- ! OI JL.Lgni haps few of us realize what a verv Plans underway to Install power wteked fellow he Is If he does not bers for the stake temple excursion , on Wednesday night was represent- plant ln Parleys canyon capable of 0r cannot pay hb taxes he b bluff of P(j, bullied and badgered until he ed from our community. developing t electrical energy Deseret Yfa.a.S News,' finds hb property taken away from ' J co Ht Salt Lake City. tended a birthday party on Friday FOR RENT 5 room modern home hlm. Some way should be invented Phone 441. Jensen Northwestern Engineer- to protect a mans property when Street oiling and repairLogan paints on roofs of at the home of Mr and Mrs. Erving Co--, of Rapid City, 8. Dak., reJacobsen for here. be unable but their to cam b cause a willing reduction daughter. underway pay ing Dayle. refrigerator ing program FOUR ROOM APARTMENT For First active district of ceived 969.500 contract for graveling taxes on It. At least until such a ln teat absorption, reporta the Uni- Frank. Ogden Rent Call 21 J. deMrs. Cole he 10 time and Ruth are able to Aid of about that miles Federal b ted 8tates Department of Agrtcu pay. highdaughter recently created teed marketing Farmway No. 40. from Cockleburr Juncjture. Thb fact was brought o t :n vh.tim le'xt.ves here. Guest of her FOR SALE 4 W foot McCormick partment organised under I. mower. Phone er National Grain Corporation, to tion. near here, to Colorado 8tate You should stop and think what investigations which engmrtia of parents, M and M- -i C. M Ham- line. kind of a city would your city be the bureau of agricultural englneer-l- f mend. be established ln 219 Mrs. Wm H j WAN! El) Practical Nursing. Vernal 60 men at work on telecountry. every citizen were Just like you. ln8 made on surface temper lures Canyon Road. Loan. Work nearin g completion phone line between here and Balt Would it be a live, growing city or of refrigerator cars to detem ne Check etts rnd Mrs. Jesse Jensen Price an economical distribution of lnsul-- i attended a rl.cwer for Miss Lucia WANTED would It be like a living cemetery? on construction of standard gravel- Lake City. Good family Jersey material to the walls, floor, ' Wahlen of Logan on Monday even- to here ating county from ed highway cow. Wm. C. England. Phone 700. Nephl Cornerstone laid for new ro line. If a lot of roaring lions that are 'nf, Annie 955.000 poet office building, Tests show that out5lde For Rent at S91 So. 1st West. 4 room anTd d;',,Rhtr Logan Mrs. Borghild M. PeterKaysville E. L. Tall garage and roaming around the country making temperatures of a car and the re- - Ana. accompanied A. Blssegg-- r modern home with basement and son purchased Dairy Shop from A- Kaysville Oolden Rule Store paint- political talks would listen to what garage. Phone 5C9-Ant? lhe the lambs say about them, lbert Dollof. ed recently. they !uUlngh?t,pf,nPtraAl0" tew were materially affected by solar days visit TWO OR THREE ROOM mndm Vernal Work resumed on Well would realize that they are, after radiation and by color of paint used j The strawberry crop Is Hyrum Paramount Oil Co leasmere lambs themselves. all, ed their service station to Wilbur Provo Pleasant View Ward Cha- furnished arartmente. Maurice on roof, sides, and ends. They also ripen. But the sun will have to Jensen of thb city. pel of Sharon stake, dedicated re- Ipartroents, 102 West 1st North. show that the difference between stone a little more. busiman who succeeds ln The for . air and surface temperatures Irrigation water assured for San-- , cently. . , , , FOR SALE One 1929 Chevrolet Beaver Newell B. Cook, state cars was about twice as a- - -Valleys Gunnison Val- Stationary adwent man Truck, 14 ton, bargain. Also one who the ahead and News. as for moving cars. fish and game commissioner, leased ley vertised and got the business while great McCaskey cash register and adding Under like conditions of radiation Brigham City Paris Grill Cafe fish hatchery belong to Cyrus Davis the other fellows sat around and machine combined. Phone 1032. and exposure to sunshine I! was renovated large kitchen and install- Hermitage Wheelwright Con- said It. could not be done. car found surfaces new that red ed struction Co., received contract for PAINTING. PAPER I! ANGINO painted equipment. are hotter than those painted yellow and decorating. Reasonable prices Drilling ln Balsley No. 1 test well construction of steel bridge over Og-o- n time a man allows pre- but cooler Every than those painted black. or excharee for anything of value Salt Valley dome, Grand Conn- - den river near here. judice to Influence him, his mental Phoue 940-- J for appointments ty, resumed by Utah Southern Oil No. 1 of Maude Ellen Oil company, vision Is clouded and he doesnt see Co. The Sun, Price. six miles north of here. Cojr Cknuteuqua Esry straight 3 unfurnished rooms For Rent Bids on work totaling about 0 Cedar City pi e lirM t nrtt u.uiUct.! u $150,000 Federal and bath. Rooms nicely papered and old nf f in lit a ite h In being advertised by State High- building planned for this city. :i' To boost your own business and The world Is tormenting itself cleaned. Summer rates. Inquire at way Commission. Salt Lake City, Price Plans drawn for erection not knock competition is applicable iUmr,a, ,i i, ini e nii.l ( e. !.u,'u 394 West 1st South or Cache Amerl- largely without cause. r IS'-Im-I.I Deseret News'n t.v nm1. of coal plant in Carbon to any business. Winston Churchill, aaa. ol 1 CERTIFIED PROVIDENCE TRENTON June 7, ly?j lri'!-iy- , is ntt.uj & 4.$ North g( I'hone: lit-- SMITH (ju.1 UJ-- J gg In-O- ty k Visit-Col- F. H. Baugh, Jr. Buying A Safe Car 'f llakey. CHIROPODIST li House Painting Calsomining DR. G. P. WISEMAN D..C. Wall Cleaningo Chiropodist Frkea la Keeping With Year FOOT SPECIALIST Office hour 9 to 131 to t . Bldg Ptene Idcobm. 9 Wm 536 Phone ' pt - LEONARD MATHEWS d1" i PAINTING I 05 pli-tc- d pod DR. I. T. REED J Did You Ever Stop to Think Pld uv , Industrial Review For June and July Ii: Reduced Prices TOM ROWLEY Phone Point tiiniS nf I Lt Colors Reduce Heat Penetratim er HEALTH 8KBYICE M Years twoMdil Practice Vfr.t Crater SL Phan. iz4 Larsen Glass Co. 1I3-- 84 Canyon Road 1179 ! W. 1st North The Be$t Place to get your Window CI&si - - Utah Weekly Plenty of Chick Veterinary Surgeon ) Dr. Wm. W. Ross 8ua-Frmn- lime fiht. Lvu BABY CHICKS nr plurdr Rumble tJ-- I Auto Gles$ Picture Fram;$ Phone 192.J For the Glass Man EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THAT FAMOUS Knight Spring Canyon COAL Logan Coal Co. Phone For Sale LargeCcmentFIower Pols Various Colors 17 KOHLER TRANSFER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORP RANSFER ele. 503 Light-color- the Bricklayer Providence i Phone 794 R 1 Furniture 588-R-- lntcr-mounta- ln and Piano Moving j ?r J. MOVING Packing Crating Long Distance Moving pete-Sevl- er Natures Laxative Johnson Cab and Transfer Co. H9 N. 2 E. Hie First Thing in the Morning Phone 314 123 Crazy Crystals North Main Logan $86,-00- , , - rrr Uncle N fW M.t- l LAvr-.:-.C-C'. - 'Ki Pure as sunlight.. . Wholesome as fresh air lPare1drink 0t natural fUors- - There is nothin? ingredient Is a pure prodnet of nature. fatsted- Twenty-twscienUflc test for purity cover - ;y -- U.Vv VJ V 1 tTL AY V.Kl o - Preparation. It comes to you pure as sunlight onnd ,n who,csme foods and drinks consumed he Uni tVerJ ed In countries, complying with the Pure Food tews of all of Tfr3ri1 seventh fresh water. aed. Rinsed to a flood of pure, th0ro,!gh,jr automatically mied and sealed by tonch huraan air-tig- ht does come to you pure as sunlight wholesome as fresh air. Order it b y the case from your nearest dealer CRYSTAL BOTTLING & FURNITURE CO. West 1st North, Logan, Phone 444 72-74-- kisMjaw Men s and Young Men Suits A MlLUOM 1$. A. LOT 6'UV COt-LA- All wool, hard finish, CIcth, Rope RS OF NAOMFV. L UO'SVS. YOU'O CiW. UP FOOUV TUVS AlCTYOKY I THATS, TYAT. V1T M Shouldered Hand Tailored TYKT T VMSTOOUW TO NAA.YCF A. MYL.UOU $i i Slag' f SMITH CLOTHING "l & Company |