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Show CACHE A M E R I CA N Pare ll LOG AN, CACHE COUNTY. UTAH Tuesday. February 2. Quality Tested By Millim: of S: isf: ed n II 11 ; Vdorfhi': Aiiieri a ' I'f' Nozv S' ' : a' v I w f J V r t y 1 at The LilUl i fit L i . t '' , . Stupendou! Supple Mcns Socks 12 pair 90c fcry rrTtrH Girdles f In-In- U WcS-c- at Lttan. Solid color. BedcipireadG Sol Id 80108 Color with Jacquard Design Womens y&x for Mu; Ne their like in Smart, Fairness (Trim-Fittin- Sosh S Easy Wearing Irrmanent g! hc buys 4 pairs! Designed for Style! Cut for Comfort ! True Blue Boys Pre-shrun- 90c Shirts Rtad ever, word contained In this adfertisement thia la nrwa real Value News of utmost Importance to You and ever, member of ,our family. We absolutely believe that ran yon duplicate Item for Item the Valuea ahown here. And there are min other equally worth while Itema on display at our store during this event. Poplin k BETTER AT 90c ya ... overalls! Made dad's! as sturdy Cotton Blankets 0 2 for Soft and Warm A Wonder Value Q3 Ribbed Medium heavy weight tot- too ribbed union nits, Ribbed caffs and ankle! PRINTED DRESSES for 2 Womenll O ,V Ji NX -- A Cradle Foot Tenrh ilaefc"BrNcw Shade. test M m Stunning JacquarcTPattems O Fine Quality Rayon-war- p Satin Finish or Pebble weave width Desirable Fast Colors 50-in- ch NEW Colonial Styles! 5 Gay Cotton t PMOTS An Important Group of Selected Spring Patterns! Made for long wear. Wide choice of colors. All-wo- Bys JpaUro For Spring for Gkorts 2for98c Sot fqnord RSttk Top Tory Fiat Congo Bxtottowt Qnaltty good looking, long wearing. Here a real incentive to buy a liberal quantity! Well tai lored In every feature, cut to Pen, ley's generous .standard sie. There are patterns to suit everv tate Gloves Smashing Savings on Springs Smartest Important new efilors in fabrcL Imported clusively for PePnney's! Shirts and Shorts Sets For Economy! luxurious rayon shirts! mesh rayon and cotton I shorts shirts! Quality broadcloth wrapp$d!t The ict ... New CMETONPSES It's time to think about new drapes, spreads, furniture covers for the house! This cretonne ... . . . patterns formerly found only in more expenshadow-warp-pri- sive materials. So nt d! 1 Yards 98 Womens Fine Quality Young Mens College Style ll Convenient size ... inches. Unbelievably priced. New, New, Stunning I&ayDn HJsadlfe Skeens Set Springs Around the Comer! Oh'h These are NICE! ex- 2 pairs 98c Variety! FIRST spring styles . demure Colonial type with fuH full skirts . . . and many othen Sprightly NEW prints ; sizes to 44 (o)g) Caps Mens BrcadcZotih prtn )Qc np and coming young Misses Springs newest cotton prints in a variety of smart styles all beautifully trimmed. Fast colors. 98c Presses 2 or Sweaters 98( Du-We- Par m Boy Fancy Slipover Exceptional Offert yard Top. Moms Most Value for Women! Clever NEW Styles! K Fashioned Silk Hose Pitot i' Full Standard Size! Men of Pure Silk Vs" 4ioCa98c 2for98c Skeet Hosiery Size 70x80 4 for 98c Full nJAR3ASR. Lyke Brassieres Extra Heavy! Double Ihrrad terry. Heavy firm ... absorbent. Variety of styles and colors. Visits t)c pair Markets Women re Add New Charm to Your Home Nainsook Lady ... 2 for OSc A (Sotttoira Bar-tack- points of strain! 2for-93- c Amazingly LOW PRICED at Cold night will find you gratful for the soft warmth of these unusually low priced, serviceable blankets! They're excellent either as sheet or throw blankets . . . certainly Penney'a price is unbeatably low! Contrasting stripe borders; size suitable for double or single bed. ' Gowns 2 for OSc Bath Towels drnlm overat all main Heavy weight, alls. Pant Colors Nappy . . . Fluffy Wide PLAIDS! Beautiful as Skirts 2 for hnarwekws wear-givin-g quality of Case shirts will surprise you ! Soft Boys Overalls Mens Overalls Heavy weight, blue denim NX FJesas Press colon and stripes. The Extra large! Sensational! Men olio apprrtiale thr value of a dollar ran't afford (o miss throe. Toplin's thr shirt In favorite now and these ahite and solid shadrs lead i hem a!!!. 2or -- tailored. Women PENNEYS Korea again with a rousing demonstration of the unusual purchasing power of 98c in the PENNEY Store. NEVER SEISTS MlAiB tXa plain of Ravon. Penco" or Sli99 tub. I.inrn Finish. inch -- Undies 4 forItrll98c Sheets !!rt9 Tailored or loco Karon and cotton Women! Fitlmu Fine Quality wide, trooper leg. Site Silhouette! trimmed. arrpe. tyVa! 2 for Site wear-givin- g Paastte, y Ties Allovrr Wonll Slips Men's Fancy youve never seen Mens Cottonade Extra Long Whopping VaJova. Yes, men! And Rayoa Pajamas 90c colon! rtyln pita Every Boy Needs These Longies 98c talffartliif brocade u elaatla v int finnt i 0 pairsMra90c J 2 for OSc O for 2 hr 1x90 Low- - 98' What a find! Think of frl TWO for ncludino French-typ- e panties and Trimmed, in contrasting min- - for 3 98d A You'll like their trim fit ... tiietr deflafta smart arm. Styled for the campus and priced far economy! ofsof t, ,'4abt,vfabrtetii0 u. ij 11 The Wise Ones Know It Pays To Shop at PENNEYS y 4 v ? O U 'Lwef5 V set Corner First North and Main-Loga- n, Gyo WTTW-f Utah The Wise Ones Know It Pays To Shop at PENNETS |