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Show L, cAUih Tiicvlav. February, 2, 10J2 LITTLE THEATRE Presents for the first time WEBER CLUB In a Brilliant Comedy of Errors J Here on Rusi: Eastman Hatch of Salt Lake City, pent over the aeek end in Logan, haring come up to attend to some business matter. He is Interested In the business of the Ha'ch Insurance Agency of this city. I CACHE COUNTY. UTAH N. Here from Trenton Mm And reason the old stand by j merchant of TTrnton aaa In Lorsn Saturday, visiting with friends and transacting business. Returns to Wort Bert Kciidrlrk. who broke his arm list week while cranking his car, Is on the Job again taking care of his rapidly Increasing Radio Repair work. ' Doing Trmple Work T a Fuy of Malad. alio has accepted a call to do temple aerk for the lust couple of months, arrived in las, an on fat ui day Tie visitor made a call at the office of the Cache Ameruan tills morning anJ Supply New Carpet Edward Furniture Comiwny em-- ! alshcd llie publisher aril In tlieir ployees aent to Blackfoot over the lieasiaper venture seek end to Install a new carpet for the FI cries Hotel at that plar Aplenty p .St U Utt, I . r .rl Oi all parts of town Lave beeu bus) Telephone 700 snow Anytime you have an Item for digging Ice and shoveling the new ,.uprr get the habtt of u- -i from live roofs of their houses and If any eno really Is store buildings ing the telephone Our numU r wirs t knew Jm.t her much sue easy to remember. Just tell h.u fallen during the past few dav tral to give you 700 a all t .e;- av.-- to do L climb shoveling, and u ri of a d start Assraslng Sibley Alma L Riggs of Nib'cy ass In might be good advice, to suggest Logan on Saturday. Mr. Riggs is that they get the snow removed the field assessor for that precinct before another storm. and savi. he Is getting along famously wfh his work . - Blair Sell New Car Another Blue Streak." the 1932 Daaghter Recovering Graham automobile has been sold Mr. and Mrs Joseph Bigg of in Logan by the Blair Motor comCove avre in Logan on Satmday, pany, local distributors. The purAttends ( onvctilioo having come here to visit helr chase has been made by Vernon A. H. Thompson, manager of the of the a ho daughter. Rebecca, City Drug Cache Auto recently Crockett, manager company, has gone to underwent an operation for appen- company. Salt Lake to attend the Chevrolet dicitis. The young lady Is said to Wanted six good sales ladles to automobile show which Is being held be recovering nicely. aork In Cache Valley. Good money there. . Rosea in Bloo- mwith steady work. Call Adv Merchant Away Word has been received from Mrs Mark D Allen and wife, of AlThomas Rose who is now visiting len's Ladies Store, were In Salt arlth her daughter. Mrs. Kathrcy Going lo Brigham Lake on Monday, having gone down Wanla&s W. of L. USAC Dr. the In Los Angeles to the effect Farley on business for to the state that she will return home in about has been engaged to give a talk their firm. capital of the two weeks, Mrs. Rose said the at the annual house warming roses were in bloom and she dis- Brigham City Chamber of Com- Cars Cfsvh liked to come back to so much merce on Friday evening of this Lorin Rawlings, Falrview. Idaho, week. He will discuss economic snow. received outs on the right arm, conditions as he found them in when a car In which he was riding Europe on a recent trip. Takew Texaco Station collided with a truck driven by C. R. Burr Murray, at Wellsvllle, SatL. B. Anderson, who for the past Rrfuras lo Coast three years Jias been proprietor of urday afternoon. the Anderson Service Station at H. R. Weston, manager of the 298 South Main street, ha taken Central Milling company of this Birthday Party A de''ghtful birthday party was a lease on the Texaco Service Sta- city, has yeft for his home In Hunttion immediately across the street ington Park. California. He was ac- given to Mrs. James A. Thorpe of to the south of Ills old Continental companied a far as Salt Lake by Providence last Friday afternoon by station Mr. Anderson will cary a John N. Lamborn. head miller at friends who called upon her and full line of Texaco Products, In- the local mill. Mr. Weston Is ship- wished Irr much happiness during considerable flour from the the next year. cluding gasoline, oil, tires, and a ping markets local mill to California complete greasing service. this winter Fire on Sunday Fire rt the home of Chris Balling Snow C ontinues to Fal- lUon Sunday was caused by a match' Snow continued to fall again Fri- Teaching at B. V. Seth T. Slvaw of Logan, a grad- being thrown into a bucket of gaso-- 1 day night and Saturday morning The large plies along Main street uate of the Utah State Agricultural line. A hurry up run by the ciy and some of the side streets had all college in the department of horti- departn nt put out the flames been cleared away by the sleighs culture Is teaching classes at the without much damage. and men engaged to do this work Brigham Young University during When the sidewalks and the streets the winter quarter in horticulture, Home From Mission Dean Hammond, son of Bishot) were cleared Saturday rr oming, the according to Professor F. M. Coe A. M. Hammond of Providence, rehauling had to begin over again In addition he Is carrying graduate Commissioner Muir who came to aork toward an M. S. degree at the turned Saturday night from a California nussirn It wax a s"pr!st to Logan Saturday morning said that college. He Is studying a problem exthe Friday night fall measured 14 In onion storage under Dr. A. L. his parents although they were Inches at the depot at Mcndon Wilson of the horticultural depart- pecting him to return soon. ment at the present time. Saturday morning. AHemann Services Funeral services for George 91, who died Sunday night of PI infirmities incident to old age, will be held in the Tenth ward chapel on Wednesday at 1 oclock. Burial will be In the Logan cemetery. j Inpos utn 1 hi. Work Alle-man- n, Lose Swi-mCoach Charlie Welchs University of Utah swimmers opened their drive for another state and western division tank championship by downing Saturday afternoon the Aggies in a dual meet. 63 to 21. Aggies Trenton Man Honored Frank Wood of Amalga, president of the Cache county Beet Growers cooperative, has been elected of the Utah Sugar Beet Growers association. He succeeds J. R. Beus of Ogden. The election took place at a session held on Saturday in Ogden. Mrs. Sorensen Dies Mrs. Anna Hansen Jensen Sorensen, 67, wife of Jens C. Sorensen of 798 North, 2nd West, died early Monday morning following the amputation of a leg a couple of weeks ago. Mrs. Sorensen was born In Denmark, March 12, 1865 and has resided in Logan for the past 6 years. She has been married for the past four years. Big Thaw Logan experienced a big thaw on Monday, February 1. The ice that had accumulated on the streets was almost all slush throughout the day. Merchants were able to practically clear their sidewalks of ice and snow. Teams were kept busy on the streets clearing away the piles that accumulated over Saturday night and Sunday. Back at Old Stand Horace Taylor, an old time service station man, is back at his old stand at Main and Center street. He has severed his connection- - with the Firestone people and will call the station, Taylors Super-Servic- e. Mr. Taylor is one of the oldest service station men in the city. Elsewhere in this issue is his Qy SHOE STORE u 34 West Center M LyricBldg. Logan, Utah Heaved Into Snow Bank Charles Cunningham of Peters-bor- o while on his way to Logan a few days ago, got into an argument with one of the women in his neighborhood. In the scuffle which Mr. Cunningham was followed, heaved into a snow bank. A Logan business man who saw the predicament of the Peters boro farmer, assisted him out of the snow. This story is verified by Henry Kidman. Good friends here that he U thorougtllv euju., mg lus aork. Mr Thorpe wi among the jaipular art sludrnta at tla; USAC prior to accepting hi new position ... alowanee. ser- 3150 up every standard method of permanent waving . . . Featuring the new imperial combination (spiral and eroqninole winds) for the growing bob and long hair. We do practically DeLuxe Finger Waves dried, Try our laagth hair, thoroughly Artistic Haircutting 50c Girl 0LDHEET Tirn DOUBLE j Opal Larsen. 17, rhanning daughter of Earl Lar-- i sen of Brigham City. was crowned queen of the Snow Carnival held e l ectri c5HVAS H Clty-M- -ss Unlucky Iris 50c Women Little Theatre Ticket May be Exchanged for Reerved Seal at Jensen-Ilolma- n or U.SA.C. About 10 o'clock, the crowd commenced to cast their votes for the A lnrie elevated Snow Queen. blackboard located In the west and of the hall soon became filled with the names of nine candidates, and and Leslie kept William Smith Humpage busy running up the new- ly added ballots. At 10 30 ten couples irom the six Brigham wards and Willard, gracefully demonstrated the Gold and Green Caprice, accompanied by Miss Rula Sackett at the piano, which won hearty app'ause. When 11 '30 rolled aiound It was announced that Miss Opal Larsen, 17 and pretty, daughter of Mr. Earl Larsen of the Brigham Second ward, was the favorl'e. having revived 22,000 votes. The crowd formed two lines the entire length of the spacious hall, ard IBss T a non wearing her scarlet robe, accompanied by the Misses Louis Thompson and Fay Roberts, who carried her train, advanced between the two isles of to the stand where she was formally crowned Queen of Brigham Citys Snow Carnival for 1932 by Mayor Lorenzo Anderson, who presented her with a delicious box of Idle Isle chocolates. The newly crowned queen graciously responded and then retired with her party. Carter Cornla as chairman of the was ably decorating committee assisted by Miss Mabel Christensen, Ella Reeder, Bertha Jensen, Robert McKay, Melvin Bott, David Johnson and classes from both ward mutuals. beautifying appearance to today's combed out and steamed. new Tnrbinators . . . With this new machine we guarantee to dry your finger wave in half the time it takes under any other dryer. Plenty of Turbina tors for all. ifSl' Children 35c EH Smuggling of iris roots into Uie United States from Canada, attem-te- d by a woman traveler who had wrapped them in a towel wound around her waist under the outer clothing, caused her great embarrassment when the ruse was detected and she was informed that the confiscated material legally might have been brought in, under a permit issued by plant quarantine officials of the United States Department of Agriculture. A customs inspector observed the apparent inconsistency between the traveler's rather slender build and her and corpulent appearance, search made by a woman officer at the port detected the subterfuge. BOWLERS kV ' tk , - , ) Ir ' j I S1 1900 -- -- .... f - S ' nr Ir CYt i.JL, Liberal Allowance it. j , For Old Waaber J. L. Montrose Co. 33 Federal Ave. Phone 999 Logan Utah Sales & Service FEISlSiUEiA'ir SPEGHAILS L. D. S. Temple Garments Men Gaments Mens heavy $l.AO Garments Ladies $1-0Garments Complete New Assort- ment. Hosiery CHILDRENS Fine ribbed combed peeler, cotton ... J5C Mens 25c 0 Knit Suits Just received new spring number $850 $1550 $1750 Many Others $250 $450 $850 Lingerie Panties Eloomers . ... 5c 50' Combinations T5C GIRLS BLOOMERS Bloomers Combinations .. TO' 25c Logan Garment Company 39 WEST 1ST NORTH STREET JUST A LOGAN FEW DOORS WEST OF M4IN STREET Modern coiffures demand that the hair be tapered and shaped to bring ont the contour and profile of the head. Our expert hair entters are thoroughly experienced in this branch of hair dressing. We are prond of our staff of seven competent operators. Everyone of these people have been in our services for at least two years. Each one is thoronghly familiar with every branch of beauty culture, insuring yon the best possible service. Let Us Solve Your Beauty Problems Stockton-Christianse- n Beauty Salon K. VL SMITH, Mgr. 5 8:15 P.M. stood two little snow girls, the Misses Louis Thompson and Fay Roberta, all in smiles, who presented the dancers with programs. The celling at once caught the eye of Use newcomer, for It was prettily covered with long white streamers from the ernter of th north and side of the hall. Looking eastward, one could not help but admire the large Igloo and northern lights the orchestra stand occupied by the popular merrymakers dressed In white. And on each side stood a beautiful pine tree covered with snow. While Ls the corners snow men looked on Then there was another igloo In the southwest comer, where choice drinks were served by the Misses 1 ay Jeppson, Ethel Reeder and Dacy Whitney. Steam Permanents Any 4-- Te At Today's Prices expert COLLEGE AUDITORIUM, FEBRUARY Crowned Snow Queen at Dance Brigham Three Directed by MIm Anna Boa We Invite You T! . Is a Mai.di.R 111. itatiuu l Saturday j. ! lal-xvJou. Mr Reader, to vail utlo uw fcy iL.)w r Lonnro Ander.:..i.j office of the Cache American son, Hie festival a as conducted whenever you are in Logan. We are by the Third ward mt.it ils and was anxious fi . j u to see our printing a big success nt snJ o rrew old aequalr-Cm- m u. w. spacious hall was beautifully li. v.it'v cir : cv -d and decorated in a moat ig! 'ei.vs. We hs." i' n in i ;r 1 bt fur you to come In am! res'. or table upp.opriate manner. The stairway pace for you to come in and write was artistically adorned In white a letter. In any event, call In our to represent the entrance to a snow house. At the top of the steps office, you will be made welcome. Grooming Ours is a complete and vice In every detail of the womans personal at prices adjusted Brigham Kvinn TWpe, illustrator lor a fint late coiuvrn, a here he a as recently engaged, has writ tan to 10J5-W- One Week Specials Pff Mr. Pim Passes By Birthday Annhenary W D II' rraiied hi 7Jrd bltlhday on Sunday, was hoiicred by a family dmnrr bring served at the home on South Main street Local News Four Boys in Family Mr. and Mrs W. P. Thomas are the proud parent of a fine ion Tills U their fourth child, all of ahom are boys. Mrs. Thomas la a daughter of Hyrura Haybatl, AMKKICAN--LOGA- You need fire insurance protection NOW. How would you be affected if your property should be destroyed by fire? Utah Mortgage & Loan Corporation O. A. Garff, Mgr. Office Phone 234 Ins. Department Res. Phone 822 |