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Show -- I ; i$iV' I i'JfW V V.vNx'NvV.VvV Ouirr I .''' J ck )ll s V1I J J ! I i f 1 V f A m t AW SALT LAKE CITY, SUNDAY Reserves Sponsors for Fashion Revue 'T'lIE Girl Rosen e committee of the Young Womens Chris- - oN V An W'jiww o WWW sV AVsw A'J''' W s' V V, A.Xv WsVmV. following group of junior society members were A right they are, Miss Margaret Daly and Charles Kipp, Billings. Lower, left to right, extreme left, Miss Elaine Smith; center, Miss Jane Shields and Jack Nash; lower, and James Wade, Miss Lorna Wade and Walter Sawyer. oo Pa.ft 1 J u ill M J I I 1 i 1 vy XvWWWwAWvAvVk .vvAvAv A vvyy,Vvw ' VVS VfSNv fI 1 vv A I f i J e vvx V 'tf wAwvaw IWMWWW.......II a"AWW sv'. k rV vS S 'W-'W'A wAWW''AAvA WVAAAVAWWWywAA' VWW 'fSAWjW'W'WVW WStvWWA'iAwAAvAW.WwA.AWAWsV.W WAvvAVwAA,v,AwWW'AvVWWWwW WWA.VNW W.sAVWWWvv MORNINO, MARCH 14, 1926. Girls Celebrate at snapped while enjoying the Charleston. Reading from left to Mi ss Sylvia Young and Alvin Smith, Miss Helen Rogers and Dick Ro ff and Grant Midgley, Miss Marjorie Batie and Lambert Miss Catherine Rogers and Granger Stohr, Miss Aline Rogers Birthday Luncheon JVflSS LULU KEYTIXG entertained at a prettily arranged 7 St. Patrick luncheon yesterday afternoon in honor of her 1 seentecnth birthday anniversary. The guests were seated at one long table that was centered with a silver basket with pale pink carnations and feathery ferns, while A the place cards and favors were in St. Patrick design. seventeen burned cake decorated green prettily birthday candles. Bridge and mail jongg followed the luncheon. The hostess was assisted during the afternoon by her mother, Mrs. Hannah 1). Kejting. filled Miss Margaret Watson was hostess yesterday afternoon a at prettily arranged tea at the home, of her mother, Mrs. Ircal Packard, in the Buckingham apartments. The tea table was centered with a basket of pink roses and green carnations, while at the corners of the table were crystal holders that held deep green cathedral candles. Th hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Preal Packard, during the tea hour, and the guests included Miss Ethel Markham, Miss Mary Stylos, Miss Margaret Postle, Miss Louise Thome, Miss Louise Giberson, Miss Cornelia Brooking, Miss Delores Spitko, Miss Helen Droz, Miss Helen Henderson, Miss Gladys Roy. Campbell, Music for the afternoon will be furnished by. the department of music of the University of Utah, under the direction of Miss Neilson. The committee in charge of the affair is composed of I .Mrs. F. II. Richardson, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Oscar Friendly, Mrs. John Walsh, Mr. W. R. Carter, Mrs. Jesse Thompson, Mrs. W. L. Partner, Miss Faith Elliott and Miss Continued NV.'sy'v-- J promises to be one of the interesting events of spring, Friday afternoon at 4 oclock. It is to be a benefit performance and the proceeds are to be used in the Girl Reserve, or younger girls department. The revue will be held in the Y. W. C. A. clubhouse, 322 East Broadway. The very newest and most alluring 'colors and costumes will be shown on models ranging from tiny tots to debutantes. V Among those assisting in the modeling are Maiy Margaret Hills, Jane Shay, Marie Bamberger, Janice Overfield, Anna Louise Schuster, Bernice Points, Virginia White, Louise Hills, Katherine Hoglej Nancy Sullivan, Rebecca Daynes, Adrian Ott, Eleanor Walsh, Virginia Allison, Varno Gilbert, Helen Carlson, Judy Brown, Beatrice Campbell and Virginia f4 V' 1 vNN'-- &9SH SCHOOL GIRLS AND BOYS TRIP THE CHARLESTON 'T'HE sw NVS.v ( ,A I tian association will sponsor a fashion revue whieh 1 v ,v t gte Mm. Kta .v VS Tfcrm "Patrons for IV mien Clubs Social Named Hotel Seem of the interesting: social arid musical events of the week null be tha sonata concert to be riven b Bybella Clayton Bassett, pianist, and Albert Shepherd, violinist, Thured.. evening at 8 20 oc!k k at the First The followCongregational church ing: patrons and patronesses are announced Mr. and Mrs. bherman Armstrong. Mr end Mrs Frank Asper, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Bamberg r E T. Brown, Mrs K E Corf man. Mr and Mrs Royal W. Dayne Mr nd Mm. Thomas F Kearns, Mrs Mr Mrs. Keith. and George gylavld vV Umbtinme, Charles Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. John ilcChrystal Wal-la- c of Luncheon QNE Honor Scouts Spring Bride ths Pi Epsilon Phi Shower Motif JN Coast Visitor HONOR of Girl Scout of th city the. president of all the federated clubs of Salt Lake entertained at a silver tea yesterday afternoon at Civic Center. The tea tab! wa centered with a basket of pink sweet peas and daffodil with yellow and pink candies in crystal candlesticks. The following women poured: Mr Fred Cowan. Mr W. T. Taylor, Mr L. R. WATTIS presided oer JN COM FUM ENT to Miss 2!ph prettily arranged bridge lunchRo)!m. a bnde of the week, Mrs eon on Friday afternoon at the Hotel H J Kemp an Mis Melva Nalder were The seated in the t'tah guests entertained last evening at the hdme JJOUSE cleaning das are with us Rng wip Soon after thev were setpresidents auite at one long table, of Mir Nalder at which was centered with a silver baskitchen shower again, and they do sav that manv tled a man wil pat the half centurv RS ADA SELLWOOD of Los J CTIVE and alumnae members of and supper. A decorative ket f.lled with a variety of spring a husband Is jut a trifle worried mark, and then some, took his seat scheme of who them has several with the opposite The gelea epent in flowers in the pastel shades. Twenty gentleman Fi the Bid of the w sororitv Epsilon green and hlte wa carred out for the F. B. Cook. Mr A. G. Tallm&ft, Mr torturing thought that per- question wished to attract the attenweeks uith Mr and Mrs Frank W guests a ere In attendance. of I at tion entertained of Unlvtrslty tah Sellwood. 947 South Fifteenth the child and thought it might decorations and refreshment East haps the capable hand that rocks the The Earl Van Cott, Mr J. T. Worlton, done bv making such destreet, was the honor grueat at as their annual hirthdav banquet and serving table wa centered with a Mr V. A. Bettily on, Mr W. K. cradle and the vacuum be would make the missing grimaces link seem dance last night at the Newhouse crstal basket of white carnations lightful supper given Friday evening sweeper andsuperintends the broom wlJ! whisk beautiful. After these facial contor- hotel R. B. Porter, Mr L Block, Mr Coming at the Sell wood home St. Patrick and ferns and at the comers of the T. The guests were seated at one ta- table were green The Woman Relief corps, auxil- decorations were used and the guests him out with all the winter accumu- tions he winked first one eye and then Whltnev, Mr 1 N. Stohl, Mr candira in crystal Included ble. Mrs If of as the Mrs Maurice to a which show Brown, the younglarge birthday cake holder lation Twenty-fiv- e After 11, William Reid, Mr iary to the U. A. R., department of J T Mitchell Stewart. general home- ster other, guets were the centerpiece he be not so formed Old rose Thomas Noall. I tah, will gpve a silver tea at the that, even Lang don. Mr Mr C J. McComlck, Mr W. F. Mrs. IT. Gilder West of Portland, home rleaning Is a pretty good Institution, pry in his pedalthough maline streamers extended from the of Mrs. I A. Knacks? dt, 1465 Mr Isaac Bum Mr C Roliey. Mrs and there extremities, Mr Carl Holman, Mr after several family domiciles was nothing wrong with his Corr, S A. Ora, a ho has been the guest of her East Ninth South street, March 16, Myrtle Leavitt, Mr F. Hughey and candles in the cake to the four coreyesight have I D. been Mrs on and daughter, Mr and Mrs. EdDunyon, of cleansed Mr certain Hartwell, F or ners of a few minutes the winks end the table, where they were pieces from 2 until 6 o'clock This is for Mra Samuel Hatfield of furniture that are neither useful Adam C. Brown. Mrs Norman Llod, to- fur stiver ranl sticks conward E 'West, at their home on Gil- the purjxse of honoring thetea tied were ttf regrimaces the child, amusing I nor Mra A. Moe Neil F J Mr$ ornamental mer Drive has returned to her home maining Bovs in Blue, and few the will Hcgle, hut after a few atmosphere Novelty also as they bored taining old rose candies Miss Alice Manring, Sir W. J. be much clearer and cieauer and a her, and as the minutes In the northwest a means of sustalnng the department. teresttng combinations In the decora- better car was beginning salt and popvr shakers reprecnting and Mra Robert Bradford. tive scheme The Collegians orchesplace will result for the fantastic birds and flowers, were at to be crowded, there were manv Mr H. N Allen was general chalr-ttfa- n tra will furnish mualc for dancing Mr and Mrs. A E Kimball have in FI fraternity of the Univerlalv s place for favors other Interests Io attract her atfea-tio- n Sigma ts Announcement of Mr made of William Lee the of Hansen ia the active chapter arrangement from a six weeks stay in sity of Utah win entertain active and today Miss Margaret Jenklne was toaat-Fhe piped up in a shrill falsetto 4 returned Reid, chairman of the tea committee, THE family automobile was out of "Mother Honolulu and are at home agalji at alumni st now ou wink at the funny wete resjondrl to marriage of Miss La Vonne Bowen and members at its annual dinner io charge of arrangement Mr of Newton chairman Miller, as cars sometimes man, m tired the Hotel Utah bv Mrs. Edna Kvatfs Johnsrn Miss of Pasadena. CaL, to Fharmxa L. commission, dance. The affair will be held Friday e e The board of the Neighborhood During the are, and the charming young matron Fva Insom. Miss othella Cook and Clark. fcrmerty of this city and son the program committee. March 26, In the ballroom of House evening, wa a will give a tea Friday after program Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Lipmin the Hotel Utah. Decorations will be and her attractive wee daughter of TTANITY FAIR save: You Miss Rachel Cburche Miss Eveln of Mr and Mrs. John E, Clark. Mr. afternoon Mis muiol belong to Williams Mildred Palmer and by have returned from New York, where carried out In fraternity and Mies Mary Ensign sang Clark la a former county clerk. colors. noon ftrom I to I oclock at the home three summers had an important date ' the aterohed skirt period The given If your William Russell of the Lb D. S. high nt six week and also Clever favor wUl be presented to the of Mrs. D. C. Green, 206 East Fouth down town, so thev boarded The banquet wax fry lowed bv marriage took place a street hair is unbobbed, you wear black they hav home of ohool. the at boys quartet and a girls Temple street The handicraft of tha car Their home Is some distance stocking and carry a white visited In, Washington, D. C, for a women guestn. The Col egtans the bride s parents in Pasadena, dancing. In the ballrAom Batron quartet from th East hikh c h !, foreign women connected with the from town, so the ride was rather a the evening were IT' and Mr. H March 12. fortnight. p ay for dancing Norman Neighborhood Mias Alice Sheets and Mias and sate be wit House on L Marshall. Mr and Mr Frank Barlow is as ohairman of the deand alt Interested 7 Mr and Mxe Ralph J. Evans have committee acting In charge of arrangements. during these hour Johnson and Mr and Mr Kat Cook. Mr W. H. Ingham announces the Helen Beesley from the music Utah. of the University of come. Invitedto are htmd-ed partment Groea snd Mr E C Lorentsen The One returned from a two. weeks stay In Assisting him will be Joseph BuUer persons of her daughter, Alt guest were present to marriage Following the tea an escort of 176 n Angelos and the and Leans Ldwarrt Axmand Ie pen FranUsto committee on decoration included ado, whkh took plac Girt Boui A silver tea and radio part v will he aoctmpanled ths Mr . in Nsv Fred Mr bcathea Revnoids Reno, and The LeRoy club of Vwnen'i the L Cowio Faculty who numbered about 4u6, to the new penCarl M Richard and LeVere 8 Theta FI fratemitv of the Uni- given a under the aurpices of the Bta Af eYut J. tn Utah womRelief met Moffatt. the headqiarters In the Beason corps department of University e e e Mr and Mrs. S U Ppencer anahd M' homas Gavin and versity of Utah wtli entertain its acMr for its formal opening Mias I tah auxiliary to the O A- - R.. at the en's reat room of the John R Frk Mr E. ,Trow1ndr nounce the marriage of their daugh- building entertained at daughter. Miss Ceelia Gavin, have tive and alumni members at ire an- home t Th A. of Mra L. Ijsdis Aid prxdsty of the Cen- ter, Nellie, to C hartea D. Solomon, Olga arisen, members of the execu-of Knsrkredt, 1465 building at the university yesterday. a aurpflee party Thursday Evening returned from a two months stay in nual dinner dancing party Friday East board board and the advir-tive ftouth Ninth Msthrdi9 16, March church entertained tenary street, March 26. on 11. Lsos Angeieit In hw?or of the birthday The affair will be evening, shrvrt the council assisted f her eon. Following Mr In rsostvlng th Orln Tugmaa in charg th hours of t and 6 o clock aftemooci at the horns of Mrs trip February bed in the ballroom of the Hotel betweenhonored to th Wallace. wiil be auet The affair wae held at the Friday they W of on F Tbs the occasion powwll of South East guests Ffth the program. Mr Kathrine Palm home of fefr end Mr Jam H LudMrs. Will's m Montagu at home to their friends after March Ferry, wbe Utah. RpeciaJ feature are now being will be Mr Anna M. Nelaon. streeg In honor ct th retiring officers 15 at No. 2g3 Richmond apartment departtwo months In planned bv the committee In charge ment feta spent the r Second South street. The of talk on "Parmam?. Vocs low on th aooietr. Mr A. R Dickam president of the Womsna Hejif gave for an unusual program, as wed as tn east, has returned. to Dr. Fen JMdnev 8hafsr. The mareoent folcard with evening Commander William E. enioe were given by Mia Marjorie Mr Hi h!er were assist-h- g en interesting deonrativ Mr. and Mr Carl annonne riage took pLao Thursday ventng at schema Good rrp sellof Utah, The and Bosses Uhlan The delightful eupptr and Adjutant WUMem PnWl, Kletnn accompanied by &fise Flor- loweding bv of honor the marriage of theirSobrg M x4s Is chairman of F C bhramm ha gtm to Borden guests new horn had f th young coup. ax table the daughter, en centerpiece Mra Fl Lowe, Mr Mr in charge of arrange, both of the O A. R of Utah mar- 614 W ilwm e vsr u. The aremoov wa MjTte to William Gldxwfs7hv. The Ail, Portland, Ore. for a visit of overal committee ence AHeiU Miss Florence A He ren- lUumlnated bowl of flower The ear- incuded Mr n ervta A He wUl P Mr W be assisted by Johanna h Mlton. Utahs only Barrett. took Marley. 26 in riage bv ner bait Smlin wee place February table performed yeeks. covered with Irish Morgan. Mr Lixop Grand Army nurse, will ale dered two beautiful piano alo T C CWmeii. Mr J Laxe. Horace Fvsns. ShfHev I van a Vers nd in the prepeoe of the riative rreen cvere and we centered wltn w attend and Mr W J The recptWn committee Included St Fatrio novl?iea. Mrs V A l'unn Is visiting her t hemplnn and a of few c end Kavanaugn, bnde the The guest The general chairman of arrangeS e The tea tM Mr George Thome Mr D R AlAnnouncement D made of the mar- brtdegrofvm. The bn i wore whuh ws prexidM M- dn Jghtrt Mrs Jarrs lane, in beauMr A C and ' Mr Kirk. W la Mr Ft Kappa Alpha fraternity of the ments over bv Mra F, K BnulfioM, was riage iWf, who wjl! ien, M rw B T Klngaherry rd Mr and Mr V W B ihnrs and tiful f M s A' ow Vf te den rf fkwered brori, and (',rae Mgbf N e s Un'tersttr of t tah will bMd !e an-- r he asetated by the foioUg eogunlt- - Amr Bmwn I.v man ,a bsVt fihwi Kilt 6 The of bnde s ro V svr!u P k rarri1 uWaa nhjFrrk Tmwbrdga Mi Mn V rtw. Fjsxi or bitewith comwt"d rtane f.r ac Ive and teea Mr and Mrs E $ M e feebmarv The P'ar P nsid c f Powinrd! uaJ dir was th brides He M'sa srlh dewatlona the various for table and Phvuis Iynea Misa Jnnr s Trvtjia Knarkdt, were Hwtessee itnni tncfriters Mondae weetrg u are at hme to their friends at No. maid and Harry ft tee was beet man for PJveretda, Cal the a day afterno fogiv eugg JaLrkk ht. lrtng 4t left Monday I'urng .Mr Lew Helen Mjse H J ?iren dke Mrs 22 Mar h w a a The d affair be on oeli-wiu Ctm Ha be mss had was deonrated tn The ai'Tloua The she the rvenmittee thrvusnut bme given prrranB e timer. Dr IncJudI hre Juel E Trrwbrdre Wekh - ..... t he ms h floor f bhay s ca,'itna FiMott Mna I mma E ton Mrs' in Mra Frwtik Forman charge I th epr g f wr gave a dance and a redrg Mra W T Run- -' CUf wd Af'er Ao-- l 1 n pr Jt, Halvnn, Mra W. L- K t t!r tOeetieeH ea Page Twa) w b at h n Cleans 4 a th rv. ard Vr F lYaUnUiy ooiora will be used la ! a--r. ce la tr Mr John bury lasaAd A m 2ms Maynolil 1 cd inw I , , M --U daUac, Iwj yRSa Supper Guest Have You Heard? Enjoys Party An-,il- Events Personal IFeddings and Engagements - neration eb see re. fr Miscellaneous see see gut n i y vu north, Ftti . SOS ln'a liu rr M-- ? etord te 4 FV-i- dig 4- 8p. V Jmo apa-me-t- - br I t...j s . |