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Show F MAIN NEWS SECTION THE SALT LAKE T1UBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, Fourth Part. MARCH .14, 192(1. 13 ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved Improved and Unimproved Improved and UntmproYed Improved and Unimproved Improved and Unimproved Improved snd Unimproved FOR SALE-RE- Tl IIALIXIRAV JI IK II ST OOSirANT, HA1N A r UKOAliWAY. .u. WAttATl suit brtrk bona. 6 mooii n furnace on both iid. Rauta lav 66 00 t par mouth; nc tet; on Firvt cteaa to L atrNt. Ranaonabln larva, , . Hot-ai- him (10.00ft Lnrgn tet. M by 1M fart, with modsra rad preaaad bnrh realdenea, room a Rmod South rlooa to 7 th boat. Finn lor flat a or i reran lag bouse. 400 North Main ntreeL rloaa to at at Thia la a vary flea brick homo rapitisU Of 11 rooms, Finished In oak, hot water front iot. Will niM beat, larja reasonable term a. 12 rt acre of ground, rteee to fits to atroet and all mm Kla Grands W frontage, ftondecful aulsli vision or factory ana. A great chanro for araa U Vi , 5.00640 n acrao of Tala a vacua, (32.56618 to ekwa freon. c ltjr terra of (round, adjoining (ai) of the east bench ouMivlaiotta, eioao to 17tb East and Yal Park, and only (1HU6 par acre! Thla plae of ground la worth Jit (1066.60 more par acre that wo ara offering it at. "haw STATB 17b STRP1KT , BARGAIN. torec-t-. (titaped pe SRE THIS of Exit flot Almost new twoatory building on 44 by 146' feat of (round, oc Stata atroet, eloao to 4U South street. y mavinirtim thra bninwtua dacemtal, scraeaa, abides, Rl lutolenm in kitchen garaga. Yery cap Goes I value at (jVkkMni. t4 which la (55.006 7 arraa, 404 faat Slat atraat frontage, cloae to ttfth ftuth. Runs fmre Stata to Mate atraat, with 440 faat of frontage on Maui at. Stata atraat frontage is JR4 feat jdaep, worth what wa are taking for th antira tract., All of the buildings o this property caa be saland will vaged hylp to bring the price of the property down. small show plsces. caretaker's RIG tOTTONW'OOp. ROAD. KIMBALL A RH HARDti, "Land Merchants, "Wo Have acres, 7 stream running through grounds, rt room iMae. in fine condition. Kiectricsllr ojwmted pressure (4400 elegant bungalow, velt avert oa, between 14th and lbth Must, facing south. Hot-ai- r Wfurnace, gsrnge. nice III make reasonable shade sod flowers. terms, estate and the price is vary of A $7600 A a exceptlowal bungalow rooms, with recreation room la the base ment. 0 Michigan avooe, rinse to 14th F.at. Will fhake raasonabla terms or sc refvt a smaller priced home on the southeast bench. , FATRGi TRUST COMPANY. W'asntch 466. Main at First Member Multiple IJsllng Rureau. s.xstem. An Ideal country rea- sonable. TOOK IB the Facu.M A East 1st Bouth. Ewtafe Department. (11,600 One of the finest aemlrolonisl house nc tho east beach, locate! af 141 Michigan avenue, 4 rooms and large recra-- . 76 by- J4? ttetx room and maid's room. ' Will make faat, on paved atreet, garage. reasonable terms. (4260.00. B'e TAUK IXKATION. ( ftro 11a fteet 2nd 8ft UNIVERSITY, LR tll.OM AL (3S56.60 ri rcfrigernto. HEAL rol.ONlAh IN GILMER (46cO 60 - White best tails. Was Term. PARK. 'stucco colonial tiilmer park; best us for call lot: finish, large FIVE ROOM propertr In de- BIT.NKR REALTY UOMPANY. "REA I.ToKft." 746ft. KKAKNS BLDG. Hy. 178 NORMAN DIB HEIGHTS Bl NgaLOW, $650(; 6 rooms, COIjOMAL entry hall and breakfast mom. If you buy uow-ot- i have choice of oak. gum or enamel finishes : oak floora throughout; will tie.o-rst- e front ffsrni fe suit pumlisser. straight-nai- l hanemrnt, furnace, cement dne. Nothing like this oft the enst bench for the money. Easy terms, and If you buy now you make minor haoges to suit. Today call Was. 9aft K. 32 Bo. rn RWrHTBI) IT TODAY, one south f liberty park. Urge 5 room firefuick bungalow, new two ago floors andjrargumemsl Newly finish In front rooms, enamel In others: good basement and furnace. Ut fenced and in law u front aud rear. At the new price of on easy terms, thia is a buy. Today rail Hr. 1387. hlrK'k Ixprieticeff AUTO Realfe-- Main. ."ALWAYS f OMPANV. . Was. Ag RET ft IKNTKIV Aft PART PAYMENT. Crx Hh glassed In and bungalow, r'm tewd sleep ng porch. Good close In $3706. finor. frepla-Grtd garsge. Clean and More right In. Lsikcase. tinted OSr.Y firebrick liardpotl SALT 723. LAKE'S MOST BEAUTIFUL NEW HUME. JUST roMPLBTBD, located at No. 7 Wolcott are., at top of Fed. ID., r overlooking English exflrig terior with a beautifullv finished four fttanlsh Interior, consisting of sps-piss ona 2 at. reception hall, beamed ceiling, quarry tile fkor, large and 22x2S with 8 exposures I, Above newly th a ia owners bedroom, dressing rnnn and bath. t HIGH. Ilh Attractive light fixtures Two large, light' and mantel. with iacious Hoite'S closets K la very to sell $; and BUD gAYW-BARKNUH. Uhoice location among new homes of The features siwclal design ft South exitoaur will please you. room, with every modern convenience, leitna caa he arranged. 18 out. havev ft 'v t jl 4il. real (od. joi r ff, dda fc a ', yu4iae. 1. larp ros. th rr II ntrt ch in. (4), an ceat ini4 prn,niG Jd JWM )tj t. gn oer eii blaJ Itt Rir liA t'H ifwa tew ai aiu rfk 4ni. l. W.at f, (Hfu Cash KIMBALL ROOM A RICHARDB, "Land Merchants "Always TORONTO A COMPANY, Realtors, UN01 Hr. 1466 W. 88 ft'est Second Houtlt, RICHARDS COMPANY r, Near ftth East and a modern 4rrm colonial atyla teime, brick, old. Modern only a year throughout. Equipped with linoleum. acreena, blinds, which remain with tbe bouse, lor ge lot Bold a year ago for (3260; 7 oh may buy It at large discount because owner must tnovo out of state. $2fHk ' GRAND BRICK 4 BOOM COLONIAL HAS 54 Main. Represented. PLANT DOUBLE GARAGE. ONLY ft40UO. AND Easy terma. Within walking distance of town. Out nf tbe neatest and sleeping porch cottage ever listed certainly la worth the money. Both front room are large, with biHlt-lwindow seat; nil woodwork finished Is French gray; ex-kitchen, ceptteoaily with cabinet built on tbe wall, and large window with sink ao situated that kitchen work la made a pleasure. also bedroom; Splendid glassed-isleeping porch, just aa Here 1 tbe nice aa any bedroom. attraction: has one of tbe finest yon caa beating plant buy; there la giro a double garage. You ran rent thee for (16 66. TAKK A L.H.KCall Was. 4Jti3-M- , or Grand Richards Realty C'o., Was. REALTY REDUCED TO (3766 BUNGALOW, ONLY TWO YEARS OLD. The owner must sell, and will taka Houae la up any reasonable terms. to date in every particular, flak' floora and gnmwood finish in front rooma. Bedrooms, kitchen and bath aud erttire house newly enamaled baseCemented newly decoiated ment, floor diain. newer connected. Hunouailcd THE by new home KIND ftB ARE PLEASED TO HlIriYV. Call Hyland 72-or Le Grand Richards Realty Co-- , ft as. ' )t NEW or LB HOME ON I5TH EAST. Ulnae tn Uintah school,' na paved 15th East, La a district of new home. Values are Increasing In thia aectloa. Thia home ia attractive In apwell finished pearance and Five room, and. throughout. In addTtaa, a large amitae-meroom, all finished. In basement, latest style Two bedrooms, aplen- did for sleeping, well ventilated. Bath haa I'embroka Door la tub with slAwer: tiled; fully equipped. Kitchen 'is attractive and cheerful. A Iso a coxy and Inviting breakfast nook. Ltnoleora on Owe kitchen floor. Garage, and aew it or give ua call ft aa. tted. tomorrow Fr (Van, refrigerator built-i- ft ROOM apartmentro-Flardwo- eienlnga, 0 Gawhich ices from outside rage la baaement, with cemented drive; duatproof coal bin: screens for windows and He na tomorrow doors. about thia boma. W. J4fM) through- ft tiioo Uotnplefely decorated, Inlaid linoleum. Rcreena rarjwta. nd ahadea. "Iirame' automatic Built-irefrig-- r tors, gna ranges. breakfast table. Ironing boards. jami-drPrivate locker swrtmenu. roosn with stattonary .tuba, Bariiro'ms with tile floors, recess Buffet tnlw, best of plumbing. t k!cieo with tit drain and Bracket lamp and lamps. chandeliers. Individual phone sysIndividual gas and light metem. ters properly boused. "Kewanee" ream heetlnr plant of the latest Hix Improved garages. tvpe. ADARTMFNTH IN CONSTANT 1H6MAND. vpersonal reasons, thee apnrtmenta musf be sold at oncdS office. Uomptefe ' details at Gits at Invewflgate opportunity ovc UH Was. 84.54 J Sunday or 2x6 X tures: Hy. Herqnd Bouth. FrAnch paid: excellent view front Living room arrest smith front: dining room , kitchen and breakfast room on east: three large bedrooms; matd'a room: amusement room with fireplace end Dent enRIlTer oak and trance. enamel finish; oak floor throughout. Rooms decors ted ; fitted with specially Imported drapes: full tile bathroom, with extra shower and lavatory; (H60 In new carpets, just laid; special light fix- NKW APARTMENT 1(01 HR. A HAFB INVEftrviKNP.. IDEAL LOt ATION. STRIUTLY IP 1) DATE. , nrchlfectnr-all- y A borne of tbe better sort, In n delightful location Owner of thia home baa found It necessary to move out of the tate lieoaun of business, so the price Is tew for this bora. Built of firebrick, oa n tet 50140 feet: all assessments K A roMTANr, Realtors." fr boft R TORONTO 8. Vi , ron 88 West This Home s different. . no.MR tXUEPTION'AL YALE AVENUE IN GILMER PARK room modern brick, with living across frortt. Quarter-saweoak floots 3 ery decorated With high grade paper. attractively Good- - arrangement nf rooma. with complete Inlaid' linoleum, hath aud cabinet ahsites. dniiws, curtains and rods, two gas and coal burner In kitchen, all inrange cluded. Full cement basement; .efficient hot air furnace and good garage, with Individual driveway, Hurronnded by bigbwlaaa (AH.5A He home in very desirable neighborhood. . lite rs thia romplete house, full of real value Terms tall ftaa. 0H.MJR bunday aod fvcnlnix. latest I A UK. Y will please yon Garage; ,gM furonce. Th furniture in the house can be bought; It la worth (1566, but can be purchased with the homa lor (706 extra. 7 pay- yrar-ol- NEAR LIHEK1 dir extend acrose tha frost;d an entrance also at aids. and ak finish. Many that special Improvement TEHMH. Ut, 4sJ. (',2tk) fire-Pa- l murrirn.home . COLONIAL BUNGALOW EXCELLENT HoUTHEABT LOUATION 8AURIFU El KtR (3ft6f),06 co- may clear pJara as down , j room modern 1 (.5366. anxious j rmnt firebrick, an ex Beautiful new tra la'ge lot: Ideal southeast location. 7 tea place ie atrictly modern through-nu- t. Uonnected with gas; a!o wired New Unoleum and winfor electricity. Good garage. Included dow shades owner Home originally priced at ment. ' oak floor in front room and oe bedroom. . t'onvenietit bath, with good fixture. Handy Trm klt hen. with ample ropitoard room, tiaa and bath fin connected. Hedrutun. Glassed In gervice porch, Ishcd in enamel Hep lenient basement. "Magee' furnace driverate coal room tiarsge with Home of moat sturdy construefton way. and in tip top eoodition Beautifully deo-ratethroughout and ready lo move into Kcroena. sades. Inlaid linoleum, new gas range, gas heater and ether article remain I'aviug and all other assessments paid. This home Ml BT HK Hu,i AT D.Nl R Will you tie the lucky buyer! Sunday, and evenings call ftaa. 1317, $4506 PAVED ftTREKT IN HIGHLAND TARK Thin DIFFERENT ftoMETIIING beautiful brick home of 5 rooms and evin modern strictly teeplng porch Kitchen with south ery respect. corner bedrooms; in fact, one of the finest arrangement In the city, ft'tndow shades, linoleum, laundry stove, f in place ready for nae. IOt 55 ft. wide, good gaiage. Thia is one of tit best offerings we have had for months. aster small A delightful borne on n lot, whlrh hae tree and Hit lawn already planted rooma: large livtug and din lug rooms; throe good bedrooms. risk floors in front Hot water cows. hest'ag aystem la installed ; It la a owner 1 In eHnplete bom. Idaho and borne la ready for occupation now. Let o shew it to you. (8756 g',Ni lowa 1IOMK lteautlfiil len 5 AHHTOX JfJNKrVH UOTTAGE. Is ROOMS. ROOM riRKBRJUK IN GILMER PARK. FEDERAL HEIGHTS , (4...S is) RASY TERMS RNAt K4,ARAGK PAYED KiMhHT-- Ki DAK rUtDKM Business pressure forces owner to aeli this ft ronm brick borne to choice bvatlou, On within walking distance of university. car bn and red street. Hnnih front, with beautiful yard In lawn and flowers large Entrance ball and front pirch screened light, ltrful living and dining rooma. 3 located Just 2 Jdorks from Temple wjuare. on paved House I arrangd for one or street two famines, ia modern, except nd is fa good condition, inside and out. The place is Ideal for thoae who want to be close to business section, of tembringProperty haa ple worker. fte seldom ing (40.60 per month rent at eucb a have a close-iproperty price. BO HURRY. Thia NOTHB, INU. Was; 22M. $ 2ft 50 HUD K FIVE B FriKUFD TO ftkURiFDE KririM Malm $4 Here la ltoma that will pleaaa you at an attractive price ftempled euly six months and awner must tears a. an fN'Oubt ef chants in Fine large room; aenwe room eatlra living front, dining room; two large fin breakfast risk Doors in three room, fiont rniHni. Fall etrs'gnt-wai- t haacmeot; Soper fur pace, laundry stove rocneet-- , Scrveua. ahadea and lined oleum IncGtded in prica. btiutiteasi location. NER RKAITY ht. tv riREKKD K IlNAf B, BREA K FAST RmM. UAKAUfr-lLVNMNt AND Brand new flrobrlck, aoitth-r- . (4500.00 east; best house In citv for Oak floors In 3 rooms: the money. uU .lianctUCJlt. Good Will, Sbelf. CO .cast front: fine Location. Easy teams. tal Realtor. 2354. INVP RHHARDft UOMPANY, NKW IlOME ht ar Realtor. pretty N K eight- - GRAND lm ikhhs HUNG.nW homes, ftas fto. aa Represented. MOM F MKIUK ATlON KAHT HIDE DANDY HOl TM K.AH I Mm'.ATIDN " teAKAtiF. FI H N At R $ Thia home ta a beauty and wKj afford every ciarenience and happiness ! h me dium-staeFive auw riioms. proffamily. Hardwnod f loot a and gum tlly decora rod wood finish in living nvun and dining room tlood nelghior ftell built of good brickNice tet, and well kept homes ail around. with tree aod lawa Newly decorated aud move into First claea clean, roedy to Fro piunibing and artistic lighting future heat cemented Iwsement and iwvl garage itig system. Mr, church and street cats tei to achtwds, llnnleuru and a gsa vanx shades, Her ia a real will go with pmjHrtj. buy. hut with no eitra evpenaea to le bnr all at once. deud with. Hy. 887U ft' Sunday or evenings. FLE13 ItSH KIT A 4 WENT i OMPAN Y. becolonial stucco and East tween unlveralty hardwood osk f1nlh, floors, high: French doors, cab. kitchen, good 44 foot lot, lawns, flowers, gaAll aaaeaa-mrnt- s house. match rsge to Terms. ald (30.56. 00 DIRTHIUT. twwird. 6 ronm list of modem aod gave jeooey, "Alwaya RirniRIM. bant. Men MUST ftFIL IM VFDIATfT.Y k.H.M MmDI hv bud k OWNER room A L a4 ft NEAR milk and grocery bx. 2 shower plumbing Ywltus. bHt. eobble gsrage. a frmber of extra 4 feet on hath'orim tUe closets, walls sol fwr, tile drain extra 4 neat fit lures, bedrv'Otns. lo maid's room, laundry room, furnace, extra l.nge lit room a This U Ing home and shown hy ptintmeot only. From home yon can see all aver rsl hy.' Sprinkling ayatem I all In- lln. all IIMPAI to toll this ( room brick (4T:4i Owner Ie Near (.uu Cash home in splendid east aide location Kutrsace si bool, ihurob sad car Dm s d dining rooms, hall and attradlva living Two gsd Iwtwern with colonnade tedrooms, with large rtetba clorot. Olaaavd-lmr-llsudy kittbea, w,th am-- j sleeping pi cupiiuard rimes. Modern twth. with gte I oroec tot, with Nba besemeat futures. vard la lawa. fluweia and four young shade traes Sidewalk, sewar and curb and gut iG eevu. ft ster meter tn ter all paid Home dci-ratesliadrR and linoleum remain. and tn good ronditten Itumlay and veninga call ftax. 2484 J. (4660 00. with ni'xlera hcW. nrodecn place in rear. Double brick garage. torge tel. alwsrs well Improved Troperiy will retired take small Owaer 6wa pevmenl from rcsponeible people nr good enetnict. fui. and Hy. 1607 R. ft! x ROOM ft KKCEIlk.NT OWNER two at or y $15.760 60 room modern home. facing east, nearly new. Thia home is finished In quarter sawed osk. haa many built In features, such as kitchen iroairg In rSthree MOM LEAVER SMITH. INC., 264 lUh Savings A Trust Bldg. Waa. 2766. blinds y and B'e. call Hy. 3R12 M. offering an apta, of 6 with a dwellTliia ia n barft A cabinet, Ratings under THlft !8 A FAIT: Ttie owner it moving to t a II font ia amt nttiat sn. brick readme. rlfice bia disience. lxK'ated with a walking Haa beet of hot water beating Aft rooms flnlUied to plaota. NUw brick garage. large ter. furnluhcd Mut Completely Bun. be sold at ooe half Its value. and eveoings, ft aa. 7W3 U. pert ef the city. Jot ua know jour nceda, we will help you locate. 00 A new & room home, with furnace, garage, hum HI features. Good LK 76x4nO. with good water right. Irga straaberry bed. a dandy ptice for chickens aud w. $500 will handle Uus place, balance I ke rent. Ctl.MEK other haws bargain are 'war tbrtr market ralm-a- . DOWN -- New alt room THE RATH I finished In (6600: gray orchid colonial, five very , Urge roont. file . A beauty. Tliete Is ' Die on main floor, anti nook bieflkfat 8 Iwrh and with I.K r. Spanish New GRAND RIUHARDR REALTY bung. room, maid's large nursery, guests a dandy and large amusement COMPANY, breakfast ronm , cream ktttreo over room and hath We'dea an attracin ft as. 4631 the 59 finished .Boutl jil'eqijJe basement. hollow tile: large basement, Hoi very cfmp!etcv tive balcony overlooking hall on land fnronce; Pembroke white newest design, aod good Iwiii norcelnin $14,330 On of the ftneat nation, econd flceu. AH osk Door tub Price cor. kib Ha. and 11th B. Hr. with garage tile home tn Salt laike ah WEIL BUILT AH THB HKft P. lot on 13th Fast, dose to match. near loth Enr and nsf Rl) RFALTT IWRRTMEST 13th South. Hr sure and see this bargain OTHER ATTR AtTIVE feature an the Will accept smaller to Jilimer avenue. COM PAW. due tiled lav. downstairs, attracts WILL ACCEPT GOOD CAR ON THE 4 ia home r. English home next New home, exrbaage. iteaitora. kitchen Its with Die large bwig 11 m H.v. 137: F(I,IA)WIN. today to above. Ispestry brick tn a work bench and dr Inboard, 5 room Foil' ONL' VACANT LOTS. sfrlclly modern bungalow, near ho v than the style entirely ft room frame home, good condi-- ' breakfast the rustic charming nook, 13h South and 10th Last, at $kwMM. heat., 56 ft. lot and garage: located on hung. Iarge 1. r. and ordinary Iron light f'xtures. 2 eno'-motion. uice lot. near lttli Bo. and firenearly new bungalow near State pa re I Strevt, front lot op 17th utlie ist. (ft lrjuu to- ifp d south r. finished In n washable wall (460 50. foot (IfttftMio. wall Bute. new Un'nh the and Only the places, and 2nd (1600. foe East,' finisii over a sponge piaster jrth. rated South, between 14th and 16th (I6.6t torlay. Owner asked- (hski window idea. 8 rom cottage, furnace and garage, near and m mr 8 bedroom, fine advice mt to $WK fo- quick ery attretive. partly modern home, gsa I7th Booth-an71h H250. Tesla caJI turnover. furtet on Major afeauo, close kitchen and large basement, Esv terma. tall Waaatcb 7874 THIS HOME of very beat 4a material (550 connected. 63P7-J- . fyd tet. close lo car Hy. for full details. nace. tDa flreplic .to Btate gtraet and 13 ik tteuilft gud garage, Sa'd to be beat built line, (1250. lour own trim, and labor; 7 rwm ft'by cottage near 21t Bouth and J4th (H76ft. In Wty hy inspector. rent? Costly furnace. East, (4&uo. BERT C PALMER COMPANY. south front lot on Browning In drapes furnished hy prominent 11th East and ft Herman, nearly new Nar O T on to at. R. cloae Will smaller homo take either REAL jlfitli (venue, New mod. borne, ! blk. terior decorator go with houae. firebrick, furnace and garage. Owner 26 East let South. of gboye. Waatch 78 of fttate. lot 88x13ft feet, clone to out of state, must be sold this week, ftef lot. south front. ISth Bast Multltd $1460 Listing Service. fdtool. ' Best car service. Just the WTft'LD BE PLEASED o ahow th! It Call We today. furHy. and Pth South, all Hrehrii'k bung., garage, Favlng paid. home at any time. Only $2780. place for chicken. era! other equally as good. P63 E. 6th nace, hardwood floors. , Easy terms. A1360 13th Bast. weat front corner lot A real buy at (5M1W. R. MTOVAHJHY IVY. CO. (2860 NEAR UNIVERRITY, ft room mo1 All iwvtng asseaa-ment- a north of 17th South. ASHTON JENKINS CO. b. 'cottage, modern, large lot. 8K5 KeaniK Rldg. Was, 2840. ern brick cottage, newly decorated tlirough-ont- ; Another paid. facing Gilmer park, EXPEUIBNCED REALTORS. walking disraoce of town. stMtbcavt. i In rear.. goo1 1131 K. Orh Bo. garden space (4300. 88100 Trice Fesy terms, or will The best the money In this location. Tol$th Bast, between IgaD avenue and Irade for Highland drive pnperty. Fugarlumwe yilstrict. large 2. 7th South, facing wear, 7 41 foot bulid1 day call Murray 681-WEST HIDE. brick bungalow with pressed A REAL BARGAIN. , jog sjKts, with all paving aasesarenta paid ln slfening bardwood New ft r. tn. b. home. bdw. floors, giasa-COOK A NOTCH. INC., 6 rooms and piano room, strictly modern: Finest comer In town fur builder. Cloao room modern Several fifwe-nearly built-i- n fro Cure, full comept basetwjffet kitchen. throughout, In and close to schools. Realtor. feabunga-lownew firrhrick aod stucco Property entirely newly deviated; hdw. floora: built-iG replane loiKtokcaitett, and lot. 82xli5 ft.; ment. IP East 1st Bouth. Was. 22fl. aunwunded by saw Jtomea. tures: targe tot; located on east bench. located on paved afreets near ' large In shades and Inlaid linoleum, full ceView beautiful cated ftpring a wner at Immedfkte sacrifice: selling YOU MAKE THE PRICE. I). Sc R. Cl, abopa. All priced very ment bnsement with furnace, Park. term. (4380. large Easy Only PrUe (4750. lofa, close to Tintah (12.000 34'40-foo- t Easy payments. possession. OWNER. LEAVING CITY, WANTS OFFBR. reanonably, with good terma,lot Vitb lawn frout and rear, garage schooj. entirolr surrounded by now homes. WILL TAKB LtonT CAR OH VAC ANT A with cement strips and BAIRD REALTY INVESTMENT This la ooly (.Wi ftrt per lot and la ,5 rmnn modern brick, located southeast Let ua nhow you theae hornet LOTH A FIRST PAYMENT. at with down (.VSt (.5500. UOMPANY. good buy A good buy - (3750. Will take east aide lot 6ne of the., best proposition open for build626 Kamoaa avenue, at yoxtr convenience. and-barent. like 51 5'. go. Temple. Phone Was. 8170 bungashingle W a email down will take ers. payment. iwymwit down low, furnace and garage good lot, lawu and Brewing Bunduys. Hy. 1150J. and release lota at used. M'OONAIGHY R. front and rear. Rents $:fl month. ivy. ro , Near Highland drive and 36th 4 ronm. "WelDbnilt brick home; large lot Was. 2340, 806 Krartia Bldg. tM3 (Vmway avenue. 3 rm. mod. brick cot one acre new and nf South, .orated oft Sooth Main at. Price (2K) HAURANJrrGH TRUST COMPANY, tage. hot water heat, cement basement, ga firebrick burg low with w ll arrange payments. MAIN AT BROADWAY, Rents (32.60 mo. rajre. gnmnool finish, nsk floors, buffet WASATCH 433. 720 No. 2nd West, Inrtly furnished. 7rm kitchen, tile dralnboard. m'ess bathRICHEY A COMPANY. NEW PIUKBRIUK UOLONIAL. Rents hr., choice corner, paved atreet, tub. full cement basement with AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. REALTORS.' Was. 4284. 2f) Clift Bldg. (40 per mo. furnace: lot la planted In bearing to sell and owner want Thia 1044-4Enclld 8 avenue, doube hong., trawherrba and is an Ideal VJr WE TUYB 4 NEW HOMER FOR YOU He haa ofwants to. sell .luidly. for cJdckeu. ranch. rm., hath and screened porch each side; (550d, on exTO SELECT FROM, EACH OF 6 ROOMS fered to take in a bouse not over NRW STATB STREET SPECIAL, r ENG. lot mo. S 66x125. Rent (30 rOLftMAL. terms. MODERN E. NOOK. AND BREAKFA8T ceptionally faay a Here it (4660 payment. part 114-2Weat 4th BUILT BY OWNER FOR HIB HOME. vrl.. ALL IMPROVE-MENT- S AND juth. is: Iarge living roots across front 132 FINEST MATERIAL AND tONgTRUC-TTON- . WONDERFUL atrh tly mmlern brk., S terrace in rear. Rent property, Call by l(f -- Teat; We ran trade your property. IN. HOMER Improved built-i- n of Oriental with .bouse, room one double Ashton-Jeo-ktREADY house LIVand TO MOVB INTO for three on os. AND A RAAL RAKGAIN AT ChkJO Dowell, with. (12 per AT da, THmB bookcase: large dining room, with Income (10-0more double house. ING ROOM AND 28x18. ROMAN ARCH TO par EACH. EASY TERMS CAN BE ARPFGpERTIEB Co.. Was. 123. east exposure, making it sunny and ROOM NO AND DINING IN MAKE YOUR OFFER. REASONABLE LATEST BUILT month, taxes only (77.00. Located oa Btate RANGED. Kitchen surely ia a well lighted. trert cloae to 27th Aouth. Three garagaa, IAKGB BRDROOMB. FEATURES. REFUSED. TILE OFFER CASH, TERMS OR beauty, rahineted. with tile sink houeee are modern except furnace. BATH AVl DRAIN. BREAKFAST ROOM. TRADE BEAUTIFUL ft ROOM BRICK HOME, Party and drain; breakfast nook adjoining, 'ONLY (2750; m account of tc leaving for California TO FURNITUHR MATCH ASSOCIATED REALTY St LIVESTOCK IN EVERY PARTICULAR, MODERN QUARTERED with furniture installed; windows (130 CASH AND $25 A MONTH. airkneaa and haa made a special price of 810-1OAK 86 KLFC-THIINCLUDING FURNACE. BEAUTIFULFIORS THROUGHOUT. Regent Ridg. W. 8643, W. 2036-W- . all around. A beautiful large serThis IK a Snap. ROOM (P000.no. LY OUTLETS. DRAPER LOCATED. Property will pay 124 per cent. BLINDS. AMUSEMENT vice halt; linen closet, phone booth GOOD RTH WEST TO UN KR brick house, GO with an opportunity fig-8nfe Investment, ROOM IN VO WITH AND KLRCTRIO RANGE MAID'S BASEMENT. Two bedroom, 4 hall and cothes chute. and 8TATB SPECIAL. rooms, STREET bulltvhke big pock. THE PLACE. GARAGE. ETC. PRICE Urge profit. Will make reasonable terms. and a WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS AM) FIRE built with ample room for the largest of in Cabinet bath. kitchen A WONONLY (4500. EASY TERMS. AND DRIVBWAY8 GARAGE PLACB. room Amusement out beds. to in the Suitable rent tn few Double range. month. your money gas part large E TRUBT COMPANY, HALLO RA DERFUL HOME IN GOOD RESIDENND COMPIBTB TO LAT DETAIL. (7660 2 car basement. Just take a look Ouly of the bouse or ftrrnished rooms. JMAJX AT RROADWAY. TIAL SECXION, SOUTHEAST. N TBHMB. CALL HY. 4250 FOR APCemented also In and la it of lines ftth the annth with 25 driveway Booth, ' WAtfATCH (766. property pase jsnd ft., right just 433. POINTMENT. A very good buy. Ashton, Was. garage. Call Mr.of way-(52 per front ft., for three days easy walking distance. THONB SCNDATB AND EVBNING8, 42H3-or Ie Grand as It will constantly trwrease in value. Realty ooly. REALTORS. HY. (i67 N W. ft as. 4631, more than the It worth We think (D Company, PETERSON R. B St INV. CO., HOMB JUST JO BEAUTIFUL. RALPH A. RANCH CO., price.. F. 11. EVERS, 28 KEARNft BLlKJ REALTOR. ", COMPLETED. '21 Kmcu BMg FOR SALE WTA8. 3320. 43 E. 4TH SOUTH. LOT BARGAINS TO 18 It. MOD. brick. 4 iwhea, 3 screened: can partly modern frame houae: lot nearly H0M UU1LDEKS ANU INVESTORS, BEAUTIFUL MARLBOROUGH PLACE, for 12. rods good chicken. It jlN (1656 EAR Y TEHMH. piaiw deep: for modern used t families: except FOR BALK. southeast reatricted district and One acre fertile aoH, with a new lawn and fiowera. aoutheast, near rsr rhok heat: garage. 24 fruit trees, small fruit; Ana offering our strictly modern A few of these choicest with rent can i when tailldlng lota In 'near flrr brick bur itne. highly modern park, Liberty improved pay 5 Why you soil; for garden fin poultry; good bungalow, place MARLBOROUGH PLArB left at a reduced brick bone at a sacrifice. Arranged for a. e. bench wear lot place like th s fur ,....$1450 60 atreeta. 4 bungalow, ft and ft room, break- city water. Irrigation wter. bearing large family: S rooms down, including 3 share water;out of 143x165, There la nothing that compares stucco bungalow, colonial, fast room, some with amnvemeot room, oak S r. newlyduiUt on price. fruit smoke. Title tree. for clear: high ground, price Nugarhouse. up. I,arge clone ts out of 8 newly built 2 are left; small floors, select gumwood and enamel finish, with this highly Improved residence prop- bedrooms: 3 bedrooms chickens; east of Murray. Might sell 1 or 3 lots separate or storage room. Hardwood floors to (.T2'0. e materia! and the 1P?. bo. bouse on bench. rent; constructed of payment ftowo, balance seme erty. Its choice location, restriction, splen- aod for trade rooms:' double main garage: sprinkling sys- 12th East. did boulevards, quiet, shady avenues, paveAll special aaeeaementa (.1456.60 beat workmanship. THINK OF BUYING only Hot-ai- r heat. located 88 K atreet. ' JOHN VKTTEKU. tem, Trice ment. curb and guttering everything com- on a ft room modern brick cottage nar (4850 tn (4560, on paid easy abort from paved street and car 418 Jxofy Bldg term. Was. B.TW or HySU5-J- . .on a large corner tet, perfect. line. Cloneblock plete. to make home siirnmndings Liberty park, SEVEN-ROOT to grade schools. HOME AT 107 Reasonable STREET; No value ali aeeMntM Iat id, for (2J50, oa easy ftSAP-Bequal these In the city. Select owner: 4 room brick tod glassed-iROOM. LIVING FOUR LARGE terma. and we'll finance the building. Cali at term can be arranged. Phone Was. 5M8. a. porch, has bdw. HOFFMAN RROS. 11 AN St TttUBT CO., newly BASEMENT. FULLY EQUIPPED paired: Builders and Owners. once. gum wood ftnLh, sew white enamOH WAS. flours, CALL MR, STONE, WAS. A REAL BARGAIN. Waa. 2232 w. Waa. 4717 eled gas range, p!eles furnace, big base- 23 R. 1st Bo. 7522 W. . . HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN A TRUST TO., WILLIAM J. RAI.MON. REALTOR. chicken coop, sice lawn and ment. garage, 4 LOTH FACING Bomi ON ROOSEW'aa. 2282. 22 East 1st So. 126 sferrba, on" paved atreet: lot 56 ft. by VELT A VB-- JU8T EAST OF 15TH BY OWNKK KnHneaa irropertv, 926 W. 8th Booth. lbooe Waa. feet. EAST, FOR ONLY (12M JUST THINK, mod. brick. 4JM ft.. teMi. Floral aee , 7 J 84 W PRETTIEST HOME ON 15TH BAST. NEAR L. I). S. HOBPITAL. THIS 18 ONLY (25 PER BUILDING did Bo. near State at. Afiply 27 J at. Was. Yt ell built pressed brick, fine BY BALE ft RDOM FOR OWNER cemeqt block modem firebungalow, SPOT! 758. foundation. Six rooms and sleeping porch: Owner la living lx Denver, and Neat colonial bungalow, ft rooms, gtrictly brick ; 1 sere of laud. 40 fruit d Ik nme. toftxlRO ft. modem: built hy owner for real home. Have BY OWNERhas anthorid ua tn cut price from porches; m1. large front, aide and hack 866 chicken E' fnr chickR. A trees, PETERSON coop INV. CO., desk, bootn (.Too. $441-- 1 This ia walls, oak floors, built-i770 E. 7th Bo.. Site for cmirt. (580, easy commission Uric (520, Flue terma. tall ens. good garsge, shower bath In spies. REALTOR. closets and handsome II y. 1314-JWas. 2758. red kcase. chin di terms. 27 J 82 Hollywood ave brtrk bnttgaloqr. fttras.ee. coal bin fnut basement, 48 JB. 4TH BOUTH. WAS. 8320. arms dining room are Inside features. The " basemeat; with t fail f fiOlX-roron; ,dew Hr batowrentr vm DA Y.M FOR 8ALK()j4TB.APE yjTr ifo )1 IN .1 75,all fmntjige jfgfjtk cash will see to (.Vkl handle tbe jjBlrjrit it. ys.rd Jj. and 17Ui East.' Call Mr. Kitchen. from One 2 and acre acre, to H acres, and extending city e Irrigitlon choice lawnk four dek, sixteen hearing fruit Tail Mr. Walton, deal. Was. 2 Hyland Btate to Main street; 7 room modem bouse, watef. 8RMIC0L0NIAX. . trees (In bloom eooni, bedgea, shade trees, firebrick home. ar le Grwnd Kicbarda Realty STAY NEK RICHARDB REALTY BUBURBA V RP4LTrilft M garage, chicken boose, orchard, lawn, roees, rosea. five rooms and large breakfast Robins, bluebirds and meadow lark Waa.- atreet. Bouth State At lompaoy, etc. (562 Rt INVESTMENT 1U)1NG MIIXEQ CO:, are here bow aad stay all summer. No other nun. Dill basement aad furnace, 227 194 Judge Building Owner will MODERN bume and an acre of f round, oa k floor, gum d ami enamel finplace like this at any price. . Was. 2572. with substantial down payment, piealiy located for a large chicken ranch. Hr. MW-Wish : located take ( southeast on paved foe two hena and .V or (75t rash. Opeo Sunday. 3 to 4; week-SVtuXpiuettt chick., FINE country home near ftalkera lane vest. In restricted district. AU A B.mth Call at ftrate. vs all day. 1 iitft 15th East. PboM Hy. 61 Terms. W BPWTAUFR IN TRADING old 8 Bargain. acre A Cottonwood creek ground. Big paid res)ebuy at (.'250; Beautiful 8 rnm firebrick home, with jw'iftW. bomea for new, large for smai). bouse, nice ia running through place, fourteen-rooeasy terms. Waa. 2232. i V) ILL trade far run trcr breakfast room, light full, deep farma and ranches Tor apartments. or for A bargain, boalaeaa bouse, or garage, poultry mom laundry, large lawn, homa FOR ml by bwner. oppae apartment ( karmrit. oak floor, trrgb wall wtnd-flower garden, ahrnldiery arvd many tree; ronite OB ear 7rihnne rustle cottage, ft (Oft. flowing well, fruit MR. BUlIJtEH" Mil. BUYER." on shades, linoleum finish, EPPRRBON REALTY CO.,. ft' a rite water Moving to (aMforuia. In tha on nd aiiade trees, thicken coops. bri'-k- , 60 grsxl building kda In all eectlona af LCHiK tlile oer, Trice (4fWk. litctkew. fine aochesst ftuftO. H 'W. Baum, ftlft Waiker Bank bldg 361 2 Tribaoe bik. from State at. line (ID), car fare, Bldg. eoastd-eretarmai frame. garage, lot Resv terma. ftocth Flkil. city. KmsI naymewte and trade It 1 eery Wasatch 7374. MT easy terms. Inquire of ewaer, S& Southgate home; niirben lovely Lm'k for our sign. aa modern, an Maka 2548 Winders sVyeet strictly Don't fall to aew H. Call Waa. venue, city. well improved, for less than cost of imoffer 3. 2J& 5 one roon k modem aell MUST brb at my Large rbu ken coops and PD K LF THE TOWN Th CO.. property you MILLER - BrnJDlvo INVESTMENT hardwood floors, full cement provement bungsiow hen acre, or leas, of finest ant! For 227 131 Jedge BnUd'ng want at the price you want to pay. Just At A PKI K that will surprise A basement, furnace garage and all my furni- !nforwMon add raw 1. o. Rot 875, Bait huus." li me. modern borne, sit ream and frlce, I coIndependent af any 'SIBIHBAN BEALTOH8 sleeping South ture 444 Fast (th 1 4 room pertly mod. cottage, new-lI tah N. Lake! ftftBrt ify. office. all with John W, He. HU Logan. Del It over. tail operate Wm yro. j BY Murray, perch. atru-ri- ree i tor m mwnmf at ft mndera bunpapered and pa'nted; large tet, ch. cunpa ymi-sw Ms $764 J . Rcenaed real estate broker. ftwyi'g ft room heddWHni. S'fta J BY In first-etna- s house ORNTK Si'Sk I AL A.i full cement Only aatail down payment galow. three large cowd . lim'lenm. window shade a errws. garage. mod. firebrick, r. NEW i-- r full basement, Wits Suwvm fa atr. mS. h home, close In. rents for basement, bl UHsK-bu- ici hardwood floor, furnace, garage, t sere gar- C-- lU-r- month iKirgc c ment basement gum wood finish, hardwood floor, beautiful (Sfi 06 mo. (260 06 cash 1st p.. or email rsga, newly papered Wr-'i-painted. a RfTr,mNa infrwtviint co.. located s paved street la restricted etc. T sow in CToa den well ariHmis to aotl. ul view. tub. eeaelitioa throagstKit Dior ear. small hmso or .44, ( ooa quick. Owner, etc good tile mantel, bookcase, caerd-iui-in227 US d atrict. half blok from Niath ar reid Judge e Uloa and church. or terma. 11X7 led cboic ef fixture. As5 ftaa Bargain. la, a a. Only 148 No. ted W. Emerson Bn REALTOR fttRIRBAX car 84 Fast term aw or )fr VW5 J if you bare a rood let,-- 1 will -25-- e OWNLK leaving city wiD aacrlfira beutl ft 1 aero land, chtckt-Hy MAW. MODERN rOUNTBT IMMBB ' build for you. mr take la gord ( ROrM m'slem fiasnre s BY 4i vtv y H - A room Baxter fui strict iy modern ( ronm wire mt firebnuee, (aMa) M itrisiery soft tens, city conveniences, - part paymeat ea aew bom. easy payrOR ALte-minify In e 3 1 teubM brick 'tes Ite-- T Hy. eamdn-- frnlt tqrea Pr. tv.a 148 bewee, date ktwbea aad bath. W houae Neff a 1ne, ments Hv nmr H 'sad drire. located Soro v w beard, full ta tub. IroaLu base W Rest Mill t ee-I., new. strbHiy mtetern riFT INVESTMENT Pen BF4i MUJAR ro., for g roe! home el are m IF tensing y s. e BY At TQt u kly:;: m.b ae w stela etertnr fang, meat, brick bongsirov. abro 227 28 the enofc tine, ButUUng Wtb T ram, cement htwnesl, haoieum steepiag porrb. priism psrtv, ( Be tsmrr, ro not roar curtains and Win ItCAT IttN ( W and besnt lawns Was town. 2572 Hv54Uft 'tl f.cefi aoutheast block ICtvlng btrsiio. half r srf iralsbed at a big 1 fun excellent furnace, garage, tefvac lawn ate . bri-and eli eriwer fseatshed 1V4A year wid. fak foor. R ft Hr 45U7 B A real bay. line. East (440. te a deiatle to t ten. en ear Use tugntr Hy. $RD I A'T et , aesf 2Tib SofMC 1W Urge 4 wib1 epsmel flaieh. aatwwcmcnt rnora prneirled, SkiS W rift ro SLfi Fsnr BY b Pmr terms lots Ad tv feet Oh.VEk ffv Sftts W garden basement, perft Honed off n da'.ry aad AK i: Ip ful eoent ($ MN a At RVhufi H If'ruisud J'vrif deco-st- J A in test pat a tet eid BISINl'jsS prMerlr for sale. $x?iq rda 4 panej;d tR (ALk-feirir, ft rwnw bet farm aear dairy Mardvom. t si !! i ft f 1, aril hesnri'-i- i 5 fro tte. Du k Eaet. bam, ft d resaemruie fro wih Improvement. Owner at place 7 ft (l lrrfv air be- - . Imepe bungs nw f vf 44 mwa alii Income I 45 rda p- -r tewttrtn. ed wril taks pKo- - F rolrcia 2 . ftnwa, I Msk LCo .fd to baaOi. 4ft7 Bo Bst t Slerrasa gtxte wHirie-as- t g fc be e eav Terma t Maih U W W N t hi t 7 Pm ro 'ng y i tea J, 1 W M down fT.HBnjent terity. I 'ah V ae-- e I te-- r i f psrla! Dr vaeroape, Baoly fire Jl T firobri k. lesoeS Ftfleg 4 M K' W r tnte Jt fcsManod f l OWN i h madera Kungetaw . hn m ta he r ku ie Ikhd, A sunt hr La mv 4 beet, 1M A KfV ga raga, wiU hand. ul t a r c Iss e w r'iav f lrc.giiag, tme r. L-Adrem T .1 Isas aesde trac suA rioaer r7Irl I. tali Hy. cade 1 tow ka aat water auae, or Ur 4C. Last irri bo. M array & s ft . and rear, prwea newsstie, tM g be (th BL water ftgM, ctwap. Triimne. water. bear Far. BhialV). eener Hy. 42.4 NEAR EAST of HIGHIAND PRJVB yir Real ( give you possession of boms, balance arranged Installment monthly plaa like rent. Rooms ara large aad well arranged; good beeemewt, garage Preaent eonvenience. end every owner has been transferred to tab, will make 4ernianent home there, so Is offering this protwrty at Let us show a bargain. $2250. you. 94 ftPI KVDID A terrace, remodeiml shingled Into four apartmenla, 3 2 room sol 1 oruer 3 ( ronm Fernece beat "f lot. 40x118 few. Disability1 ante. owner Immediate desvgftda HcasteiahU terma. Lie in one apartment and rant lire rest for TV pJaca will (?o.K per month, giro you a homo and a mod rot in near law led untveraity. rent. bee ns for pnnlcuiara, IMVEIISITT. TH TORONTO A COMPANY ' Uealtora (6060 06, oa are We 00- - These city' this . each, lngGer ing house. cUsw in. Terms ran be arranged. gain. stalled. on Roose- at room ntw $2600 8 room modern, eicept heat. 11M Bryea avenue, Just north of 7'h South. $100,00 down and Garage, SO foot lot. (50 00 par month.' -- REDWOOD ON (10.600 NEW HO MB. DIBTAMK. aparituent hus Pall on our np te the minute Farm and Ranch depart-meetOur listings were never better than they are now. W have beet farma Jn fav he valley and at Garlsnd. Utah, for sale orT trade imi Ball Igke city wn petty. nOMKS. 14 room home. Finest house. Tig bis. plant current for cmAIni and furnishes lighting. Mrge ceigent awmmtng of Thousands pod, Greenhouse. dollar have been span! In hesuiiry-tnthis place. At must ba sold to seltle estate. Terms arranged. lake's A M7A 4 remri modern, except heat, at 60 hr 130 foot lot, 13)1 Smith 4th Knot. Will make, easy fond cement baaement. terms. i I ACRES WALKING will do. OAK WOOD, ft4 acre. Only 24 minutes' drive from hetTrt nf city, faxemaut all the way. One of Salt 5 sera of ground just aouth of First and Second Smith, batwaaa Went. down payment COUNTRY (650IY ra l milch cowa. mater right. lOwnera Between and' Magna, Murray g biurg distance fmm a paved mwd. half atii - to scbfsd -- and church, fifteen acre of fowl land. Psid-uwater right. MMera barn for forty milch cows; dairy brick bonis, small orchard. 20 head of good milch cws in price nf pice. (Jrt.nop; (1600 cash, balance oq your own term a. 'Win 15th of this new NBaU Improved invest- ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Unimproved Improved and Unimproved AL and Realtor. $106 will (1260 00 -- Think 41.' over and tall before H ia too Th home has a good furlate. nace, nek floor, gumwood finish, built In feattirre, double garage. Good hratiou knd surrounding, tutet. This ia a forced aalc. Owaer haa left town. Fall paid-uhare lived m place for forty year. Price la (13 (WO; will aecepr aa ftrat payment $ass. balance at (500 per year. Will takesmall home in Uy aa part ef first psymeat. boma. crdoalal Hujverb view ef valley and mountains, with of rear at l'L Very ranyna non $36 TGDAT. tbs location la LOCATION. FOR HOMH A SALE-RE- MkiNT tOMl'ANY. beet builder ofroiooisl home 1 re atrlctvd district of distinctive lewnea. Excellent lot IteilAft ft., east frout, cement porch with eokmtal entrance. Living room entire width of bouse. ,HwJ. floora, guns Dulvh. brick aad bed i tlla mantel, two rooms, tlla bath with latest fixture.' bouse Every thing tUnnigbowt the th beet aad the price Is right. it will Uke you to (5 160. Vk reasuwable ad caa arraag very terma. One of th fer haraelwea, mama, 1ft 8PRJN0 AND for aa appointment Just State atraat, cloaa to Befool right by 146 feet. north, (5760 00 ((; f0 par foot. 7tt Smith. AIM of way tm tha property on tha O tn Emery county, close to town Prlra. (.'taa. a aterk ramiu with opsn rang all year. M 41 acre ta la wild hay, 74 acre la alfalfa, beta nr of acreage ail plow Ad gurf . prepared for spring , aitxed plantiug. A flva-acrone acre of atfwwiHwriea, aa acre of mnall frulta, swl aa lasiwwe-aseata cwrraata. ale. are: brick home, coat which good bara, granary, ased house aad cleaning mill; full eec ef farm implements aad machinery, iwok team of young tecir WARD GRAND nn utaa rusrt INC ' (37M 40 Owaer forced to aelt hie home end so le rutting the price and terms. He bee five good rooms, new IrUsid linoleum In kitchen, hall and balk, screen, aiiade. new furnace. good UK. extra fine loratioa. (.uu.lk) wsh la all yaa need. - - of F1CWBR IVERA PARADIS name for tha would ba appropriate sotting of Una fine T room K. mga-lo27th I aw a ted at Knt South, wa a lot lWx20 ft . about Horn a ta wall built and L, sera. strictly muriam. An launraw livgaing mom across fmnt; rs gev lriva out and aaa It today. Owner will be glad to diow yoa the feahima of this many tntareallng lovelr hwna. . Prlco (M). taravu. 17th Bait, aui, otc. LB AT A RANCH BARGAIN. ' MOM LEAVER BMITtl, KKALIOH. of Ihlng (3300 60 Think blork from ana af tha Kt beautiful parka aa earth and a wonderful playground for your where I lie price and teroiS ara right. Five extra large room, large lot. aiiade and lawn, etc. (uuo.00 ail handle lL term. Liberal (40 ACRE rrOTK atraat. Paved 2ND ftVBNUR. Fma pa d. Aawwwmaats fully ne ghoertoond. strictly ntudera ft mom brtrk hungsUiw. with oak fhawn throughmit, enamel woodwork, beautiful light fixtures and mealy decoof rs ted. Jarft Mewsii, pleaty lelaaued-porcku aiarpmg Lght, ad siUt well arraicu Rttcbaa built ta faaiurcw. feiueut basement, Ftna owner (dant. good healing Its a beautilot, well I Bi proved ful bona. Only (4SUI, uo htna larra , (aj. AftUTOiN JBNK1NB COMPANY,, Ms peri raced MralUira, VI aa. 132. Bo. Main. ONB HALF BiM'K BAST OF PARK. UBLKTY FRUIT AND DAIRY . Thla farm ta all equipped and ft Itself. Cwd ready ta pay teem, barueaa and wagon, two milch caw, 4 ptga, 3hsheep and n flock of ciilckeaa, together with aaaugh machiaery la run tha place, ter I udlng a Ford truck Long fanr-mo- n houae. Bara, coop, ate., ini U arraa af orchard. General farming a batanoa of farm. I'ruy sioaUily. pair. (3 ,(4 Main, Rave tha Facia. FARM. years old, tnratwl cbee la. Lquiiuwd and Uie batk with oak fteom. dmloboard. Breakfast nook, garaga baacanent, furnae, bovne A lot of and pMwaat drln. foe A6uw, with (40 0 cash aad VlOO(Kl-4Uta Hint bargain, $ double bousoa tad room far anothr aaa. Is 132 140 faat. Especially b; (god 8 treat fan pr or ant a all paid fur. Theae ara fiaa brick bouse aad all la rood rt--. ' SSAURB t HGMB. FIRKBKKTC ft ROOM "hi . bungs-kwbrb-TH Large gnodam ascept beet. Faces wautli baenneil. meet 1K With ail itttproveene&ia snsda.' Owner eery aaiuaia to sell and wilt uke any rwaauuable offer a la terms. i!rd 4H4. AND BAST PTH (njo-NR- BiMhtQ- .- (th East pirMl bargain M by KB fevt of irouod, irir We eoaalda Utls an exceptionally kouM, fowl profwBUlus fur $7W Mrli Md "IaaA Marchanm," Waa. REALTOR. A Rlf HARDft, KIMRAIA. COMPANY. TRUST CENTRAL a t FOIL AL 1 4.il, 4U31. A feature house in best location, boiU by Haa built-itub and ali beltt-l- n Among new home. Hy. (Li B wr n imn. the owner. R. j At RE b.GidtDg tet on Highland drive. or 11 v ASA n ar lln aud Med high a.t Situated at AV5 West dtk 8o. BY 0ftNEHzl65. No smoke and limits. All aseeaatnenia paid.- 4 large rm.. si. 7 moot down. bslaue porch and garage, modern, good commercial to suit pnrciuiaer. Call Oraen Neilsen at value. Plenty of room for trucks, chickens, Was. 2i?i-- 4 weekday, v nee lots nl 4U3J repair stem. tc. Cheap If taken st once. Hlsrlilnift drive. ri"ml-itt , LdKu ave., bet. 3ud sad BY OYVNKtl hrt k bungalow with Ltl' all sssewnmetits paid. W. 7436. 3rd giasstd in sleeping porch, .large rooina, painted wall, basement, linoleum, shades; (50 OABH PAYMENT. jlaige lot, with plenty of shade; gKd water: , Hrtae in borne; Will accept large garage, with cement floor, southeast location, butt fte seen tn be afqrociated. (50 'cash and bslsnoe 25. Hy. 23ift R, TTtiM UK L feALK term J'hne Hy 4ti6. Easy BY 0WNKRV, h.m. JTV mod, Ml pooltrr (arm. IS ' .. 5 room., 1 , nf, 1 ' hone. sleeping porchea, furnace heat,- cement fruit A Ud ree $ 8. eliar, garage, young orchard, poultry bouse AM laavuig tbe state aud must sell ay for J26t hens, bnnxler houae. S'! ben sod boma regsrdlees of price, with or all. equlpmetit. corner 361 um. Jtndj. niJ lwttftry asodens. " mu brick, wth b. w. floora up and downsuirs. ft B.'T BIDE BA tUr A I N. (tend location an heat, laundry and garage. Lit Located at 2"$ Terms to suit. laeed atreet: 7 room frame modern; 3 rma. 40x136. Ne electric f)atairs, gas: wired for tmok'-aaearange: ex- i Bo (th East. Call after J2 o'clock. , built-ipensive light fixtures: roteanade: garage, fruit trees, lawn, many j Vfcft & colonial bncgajvws, and Good terms to right partj torn bushes bsasmsnts.' oak floor, (fh East and (onsider trate. Owner. b4ft West Mb South. Msitore aei.-omevery day. J ; . Hy. 5tto2 J or Inquire ( liEAI T1 Ft L building lot, ft'rstntorelsnd Hr bins J. LDh rsti Ur. I7to-- J. j g ro, nadero it. i AtHJ li9U Boiiywoud see. duplex. (566 TAKlSk two more rods, on paved street; romi pcYsioit-rs- . ifji'tifns tail owner, Jjj, 51V6J or Hy 4hS- twth.' alee ping fthririM bib IT biiUMtew, porch, garage, ehu ka coops, frnit tree. Major atreet iKe.ble teniae . 7 rwta ea-BY Oft NFR KIM eis bv frsiua bttaa. urirf'T modern. (J3 2ft Ba. 2nd 1 Rran Fast Hy. D63 R. 447 heat. ft RmM moriero frame. oif of ity jnt low taxea. ' ftntall d,r.hl, ft. Fat .wa r ifnH (rarime rds. lih J fr )( ww, eut BARGAIN A East; aisv Weat Inquire 3 , leuctra Ji.1 Larrirf pi $',, at 17th Ba. and 23rd FriR!ftl I E nr-roNE ft- fra a (A Pt 1tift 21gt ba pared at. 'c7 Maor street f'.'toG. house, bouth. acre 10 (to (th b,;nxe-- . wiu - 4A W LritiM partly te'iww f ss, by owner. (as' Bundart, IM Poctola aea., bet aud 7h Ko ft W Tempe gie 4 LA -S aM U. Al Jerh tite s. Cecr. 46 tnvWest ewurt, 3rd iuth le Fet 4rMB brbk ifPSPftNFRa' cement Cieewv. law teseieg nww M i be fr.to! Id. $"'6ft h h !at row M large rm Uti ft e poe,. h 5cfiCU'l.ft asac . 4 hJI 3bd as NeVt e atteiHB Ui- - g..6 H ' f 'mi A, W. 1 f, .vj, $i) w n Lea W .f anVf w, 7S i i ri. rt be b . i W ft r u. boms. .ei aeu great sac tn:bS-Strew issir- -f ( R f t for w etcr and kev itr( tee iA tra''. , jai 4ropert. i -- and 1S k foot i.a CslU. . , |