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Show "tTCe'SALT LAKE TRtBtTNfi. FRIDAY "SITJKSTKff. OCtOTJEK 24, foSJ. 5 UMPUCC DORICCC IIUUIILu llnluLu I Home POliMwS FKIGII oa Nary da obaarvad that ander the agreemente w ara entiU.d 1 msia-tai- n a aavT equal to thai of any Xluf power. Thaa. Mr. bavta. Invoking Kthaa AHea. tha great Jehovah the eowtrnentei congreaa, exclaimed, 'Vhn did w need aa agreement with any power ta maintain such a navy aa wa dearer Iwee that rep. rtacnt th aplrit and purpose el Ua ia that, thaa, Democratic candidate toward limitation a( hi . attttuda armament? Of eoure. with oar r eoure.. wa could hav. built any nary wa pleased If wa cared to aaaad the and - Japan money. Oreo Britain could alao build and wo eouid atea of ua bava pUad expenditure for cone ruction and maintenance ia a balaful competition la building the tnttrumer.la of naval warfare. -- MUST HAVI STANDARD. But tf yoa ara to bava an agreement for limitation of armamant yoa muat have om standard of ralatlva etrength. Tha Washington eonfer. rrx-- a treaty took tha existing relative greet naval strength of tha three powara and baa4 tha agreement to ate oompetltlon upon tbla ataadard. th praaidant aaid, a Thla gav. to none, for tha right to ba aeoond Britain acceded to first time Great definite equality wito another power. "It la eonatantly apparent that tha' center of attack of our opponenta, tha foreign fvKllona, t thai the government baa not the league of nations. Joined But what doea the Democratic party propose? Doea It propose that Join the league of nationa? Quite' It waa afraid l do n. I lie contrary. The Democratic party definitely propoaea that we ahould not Join the trains 01 naiiona umu a manaate baa hern received from the people through a referendum to that affect. The Democratic candidate baa accepted the ' platform and ha la bound by H. In view of tha eircumetancee of Its adoption ha haa no moral right to ask for vole on any other bade. - AK FOR REFERENDUM. Democratic platform eallt tor a "ha referendum. What sort of one? What la the queatton to be referred? Doea It atate the terma of Joining the league? Not at all. Tha quee-tlo- n Shall tha United Statee do. coma a member of the league upon aucb reservation and amend menu to the covenant 'aa the prealdent and aenate iray agree nponr Doea Mr. Davis any what reservations ha would favor? Doea be, diacuaa hit platform? He trlea to perform tha Impossible feat of atandlng on It and running away from It at the nam. time. It- - would seem to be proper to take account of tha fact that the league la not an iaaua In thla campaign. Thla la 1M4. not IMu. It ta apparent that aa thla government ir not a member of tha league wa cannot act aa though It were. Of course, thla doea not aatiafy tha aealoua advocate, of tha leugue. Thua It la emphaalzed that thla government did not attend the conference held at Barcelona under tha auaplcea of the league in the early spring of 1121, oh communications and transit- - It la Intereatlng to note that tha Invitation to attend thla conference waa received by tha Democratic administration. The flrat Invitation waa sent to thla government In September. lSiO. The anawer waa given on January S. mi. by Norman H. Da via, acting necretary of atate. la aa Instruction- to John W. Davit. American amhaaaador ait London. Thla Instruction aaid: 'You will atate that. Inasmuch aa tha . United Statea la not a member of tha league of nationa. thia government doea not deem it pratloabla to appoint a representative to attend .the. conference.' A Utah Corporation Of dan, 8i3 Wihln-toa- . Friday and Sslardiy Thrift Spscislt Taney Utah and Sstoraay 10 tars flack af aeteeted Pounds 3For CillS SWIFTS PREM.HAMS, Lb. . .29Hc SWIFTS PREM. BACON, Lb. . . .36c United MM. WALDKN' Cocoanut Sponge ROLL SPRING 43? I5c D U C K S Pickled Plgf Faot. lb Bulk tauar Kraut 3 for 25c w a Kindt Potatoes All PIES Jutt tha right alza nd for roasting. 4C-Fou- Caultflwar,lb. Crlap Utah Celery lCc and 15c Sweat Tokay Qrapet t tlian 3FOt29 Solid: Harea, lb......-...- v Ag aeww 2 7 Ripe Tamatoea LBS. FOR I5c AU PORK SAUSAGES IN SANITARY CARTONS. SPECIAL, POUND. . ONE-FOUN- D SPRING Chickens Fraab aWt kllh4 Found'-.-ST- Fraan 3C -8- Raisin Brail B Tha READ l.ra. MarshmalJowg SOo. Ia- -. . ciSi!krb.?!?ri. . ol.. C U L' L B N Chocolate CHIPS IS. OC Special- lb Regular- 60a. Thla la a and peace were dlaeuaaed. misleading etatemeat. The 'conference' waa simply tha reeulsf annual meetlnc of tha assembly of the leafue of nationa and, of courts, not being a member of lha league, thla government waa not Invited to attend It. What wa were Invited to attend waa a meeting of a committee for tha purpoee of dealing with where the questions of disarmament m 'l"d Bade. tt,m, , 25c 3 Jg Winter Cabbage, Dry m Onions, Turnipe, Parsnips, Carrot. ............if WORLD COURT. "It ta not necessary for ma to speak of tha permanent court of International Justice, for my recommendation to President Harding la well known, aa well aa the public etatementa I bava made In support of hta recommendation to the senate Prealdent Coolidge haa stated his position unequivocally and It haa been indnraed by tha Republican pl.tf rm. "The assertion haa been made that wa refused an Invitation to attend tha recent 'conference' at Geneva, fJ My f M-- j PerBox$2.4a asBasaasasaaasaaaaaaSBaal 1 tf Speolst. Stewing M V G 5 Pound. 37C 10 Pounds 68c I fTTBTTL wi w I! Regular UTAH 'A"Vn Jfg5rS? AtTlfh b-- Hhful as..: THI J . 33c , sumt , B.kary In Plain and High Luster Bolivias of Exceptional QualityLuxurious Fur Trimmings and Handsomely Made! LLY rolls "" Ragular SOo Z3c ; Chocolate Mint Creams. Olant alza. p.oun(J ; jJIf I jjh ItlA ILlOsi C If jroor bair ii rrty. don't worrf Do what thouaanus tha convention on traffic in arms. The proposed convention on traffic In arms has hothlng directly to do with disarmament. Aa wa had disclosed our position on all potnta. It was not at all neeeaaary that wa should attend tha further meeting, but quite sufficient that we ahould aay, aa wa did, that wa ware disposed to favor Joining la aa International confer tnce. "We ara participating in tha work or the to secure restrictions onoommjttee production of opium and eoooa leaves and the manufacture and distribution of narcotic druga in tha efforte to suppress traffin In women and chlldhea, m tha atudlea of anthrax and standardisation of antitoxic seruma. "Alao. and aaa tha obaervatlona of our unjustified In relation to mandates. opponents Aa associate. In tha war. we had an wiuaj with light rttpect to tha disposition and admlntrtraUon eg theee Our right and Interest could not be dealt without our content an that ooneent under our form of government could only ba made by treaty approved by the aenate. W. have proceeded with negotiation of these treatlea. The delay haa not been caaaad by ua nor haa It affected the administration of tha mandated territories which haa gone on. "Our Influence In tha oaaee nf ta constantly exerted and It the.lese effectively exerted because wa 00 not embroil ourselves ta European political Interests. In connection with, tha recent effort to promote economic recovery of Eut rope K waa poeslbU to arhlev only after tha America poller of securing expert conalder-atlo- a cf tha iubjeet of reparatlont waa followed. We now face, I believe, a new ara abroad, with opportunity for economic recuperation and the outlook la for prosperous timet at bom.. Every uncertainty that now a exlsta raa be removed election of Prealdent Coolldxe." Early Buyers Will Naturally Get First and Best Choice rvn A big purchase enables us to offer regular $25 and $30 sellers just arrivedat our famous low price of $16 s. 300 NEW NUMBERS ( otherra asrs does. Use tha elaao, colorleaa liqoid kaowa sa Kotor-Ba- k and km tha fonnsr color qokkly retara. bo mattar what that color was browa, black, rod, bload. bow. la a proad svbstitats-fo- r tha natoraj pirmarotatfoa of tha salr. It is not stick?, mtuay sr Kolor-Ba-k Kolor-Ba-k, it.' ik Baniht$ Gray Hair ". , ' daadni3." "My balf wa will do Kolor-Ba- k v4, gtreakad look, so nneTanaeaa, tod the hair become gtowy aad tasae oa saw "lira" and lostre. Kolor-Ba- k Patrpla who bava gire reports like the following; j' "It restored the Batnral color to bit hair and tared my little girt of SPECIAL SALE 3 Cays Cnly rfaJy white " bow browa as whan yoaof. bfa to torn natural "My hair iokr ta twelve eys." - "Balr was traaked with white.- Kow biark eace aaore sad eaadraS ail ; re.'' $24.50 I $24.50 5 n V HATS HATS Ciatlaaid rrast rage Dee -- ' !inoon,Drug ' ,f th --warnmant Doheny related tha J? eonneetlon with tha tearing off of tha elgnature and aaid It ia now la Mr. Hogan'a pocket, aira. admitted that lha, together with her husband, bad torn th. signature from the not. on a train after leaving New Tork. Wb.n aaked why tha had been torn off. Mrs. Doheny etated that Mr. Doheny told her he had loaned rail tloo.ot and that If they ahould be killed tha executor, of th.accidentally estate would try to .collect th. not. which Fall la an embarraeatna might lear. ?rln to her teaUmony. Mr. Ixibeny "III tear tha off. TV keel tha note aad yoatlgnatora th. algnarura.1 teit.r testimonykeep revealed the m. rtmature bad bean bald ia that mmt. depoalt box In Loa Angalea Immediately kfter Mra. Doheny toft th. wltneea stand government counsel nAl1.!?011 Do-he- called C. L. Doheny, Jr., who, ... after argued' that tha Indlctmenta how pending In Washington, D. C.. against Doheny, Jr., and tha aider Dohenv had no relation to tha ault on trial, Judge McCormk-ruled that tha wltneaa need not testify. K. U Doheny, Sr., waa then railed to tha atand .by aovemruent counsel, but answered only th. usual opening eueetlotie Baaing hla refueal to teetlfv oa tha same ground aa hit sen had laid down, Mr. Doheny made a complete etatement to lit. court explaining why he would not anter In thia ault k i btok.es in hospital. BAlTIMORB, Oct. JJ Physicians reat Johna Hopklna hotpltal today eondtt ton of "W. - aV" D. ported aa Tork New millionaire, Stokea, following hie entering Marburg ward aa a patient. Friend, la New Tork aaid Stokea had ahowa symptom, of a nervoua breakdown and that ha bad com. bar. apparently for a rest. EDITORS UNOER ARREST. answering quest Ion t regarding his nam. and residence, turned to' Judge . MANtLA. Oct. By th. AssoMcCormkk. with the etaiement that ciated free..) Seventeen oa on constitutional Tirnte herfued to tha ataS pf tha Manhopo, edltora a Chines, teatiiy lurintr. Alt hoi: rb romertnt dally ntwapaper, ware arretted today -- JIM Beauty and Quality n. i. iujl OELrsa it cots extejl UUlJIClliJa TO CHOOSE FROM " to for b bottle today. Kolor-Ba- k sold with tBooey-bac- k guarantee if reetut oo not aatury." m as sj to there is ae od k . ft ti-i- - aColor-Bi not emly a color restorer, bat a valuable hair toots. It elcaaete the scalp, remove dan. draff and pro rant the hair from becoming brittle aad falling eat. Get rid fyoor gTaynesa right Kolor-Ba- sboat it. $24.50 $24.50 by-tb- nosalte ta a Week c , roe Thousands Uso This Clean, Colorless Liquid to Banish . l BMM 10 A. m. wMbm ajQC terrl-tore- Jnt as try. rater. With $24.50 $24.50 h LIBERTY Brand LITTLE li - ' V 1 2FSS 25c W ". , Through a Remarkable Purchase by Our New York Buyer We ire Able to Offer Them at Only I. Snow White i - ';I. al6 Armour'a Star Sliced I Apricot S special for Friday and Saturday, atoaea.... lgg .ir;:.. MOMI.MAOI Cinnamon CAKE toe alia. Raa. MRS; WALOCN'S Special A Real Sale of . . 98c GOLD GEM BUTTER, Lb. . . . . .43c wltb-irepe.:- 1 Friday and Saturday 39e Per Box e. $3.75 FINE BEET SUGAR.... 10 Lbs. 89c bleat far Friday Saturday. Found.. 7 , Delicious Apples Famous for their flavor. Friday TURKEYS A . - Main FREE CITY nrUVKRY Young Plump J 232 South of 5tyle .5 600- - I a ( . a fJtayaji A TTtak OorporaUon. on charge, of eedltlon In connection ee with rtn:a nere on Sunday and Monday, . The editors art of publlahing articlea whVfa cited the Chlneaa to attack the pino.. In- Fili- Salvation Army Plana Divisional Congre$$ Th. Salvation Army la planning annual. dlvlalinal congress, which Ma will taa e plsce November 11 and la. when officer, tif the Ctah, Idaho and Wyoming divtaton will meet at Fait Lake to dlwuea varloua phaaea of tha wcrk.. . Cnmmlaalnner .AUred Clifford of Ban Franeleco, territorial commander, will have chart e of the gathering. Protest Filed on ;. Health Board Acts terday by tha Pity rommlaalon from Farley V. Jenaea. Mr. Jensen ttated that he waa preeentlng the case, aa a cltiten and not aa an attorney, aa he waa being retained by no one in the case. The instances ha cited, aaid. ware brought to Ale attentionh.In hia dealings with tha health board nffi. dais and be aaked that an tnveetlga- lion m nia cnargea a. made by tha commission. He stated that several persons, to his knowledge, have been held In Jail pending the pleasure of tha physician In eharre. Dr. fipeneer Wright, who were afterward found to be free from the suspected Infection.-. " The letUr waa referred to the department of publio safety. SPANISH VETS' MEETINO. B. A. Wedgwood camp No. 1, United Spanish War Veterans, wtU meet at F. o'clock Friday evening at I. O. hall. All men who served ia O. war ha v. beea II tha Invited to Join and requested to attend. Those who aerved in that conflict may addreaa communlcationa to Frank W. Hoate, th. acmp commaft-deat lt;t Iogaa aveuua. Rpanlah-Amarlc- against th. practices of the rlty board of health In holding wodlseaaed persons, alt hr ' men men. In a )all cell without examinaor waa treatment tion received yes A protest r, l j llefnkr $5 Vahei. OfPOETUlOTY CALLS TO YOU! Inten&ive Evening ? Salcimsjuhip CIsrs Nosawabar Chamber of Cumin an. Indoreed by th. aiAyor; b. Boanl ee? Governor and KetaJt Tradaa Bureau of the Chamber W Commerce e C. F. Brewer, galea Analyat, wt!l ba aaelstM by four of tha beet'known nnlvaratty tit Bait CKy Tha feo to tow, and the ormtwa birWy rte-nende- d. lk la bit 0. a. Claaa BesMsar Dlraeter Mr. Brewer hsj HH atini.nPt caea last aaleameutehtp ... tita. of V. Fhond Waaateh TH far a&JiingiDB. ;nr a- - ia fFvte.len Dlv!ln tirewiar EXTENSION DIVISION, TnTTZZZTTY CJ UTAH. r--i lit |