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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRE0AY MORXIXO, OCTOBER 24, 1924.: . HIKES FINAL Owttaea IB trtn Tf Tares. where. H csn enjo-- economic ( other Undustry. equality been mad Murk d!eeu.lon poHry of de. yarding the government ftetlnei. There ta b n much debate lr the whether raising discount rates federal reserve bpard up to 7 per rent in farm ma the reasonnotW collapse wlti to consider valjes. I do But ' I 'should like lo that question. mtaiii thkit thia action have It mad took plar kefora tkla dmlnbtrattbn arttd whatever damram into power, .dona. age thers wan had aJVaatly been It baa been the pollT"4' k present administration constant te favor tbe reduction of discount rA'S. This haa been done, until they now range from per ore. Thl" I per cent to 4H conatanttfl-' Sought to hna by encourprevent further deflation ordor of aging sll kind of bualnega In pre-uarlctiral to rector prices would a to wher, how a. fair profit The general .business ,9preIon kad reached lit lowaat devils in th print; of 191). and since la at time there haa been a gradual recovery Wnlrn naa now surrsa iu ;k.h-ui'uiproduats. If a mistake waa made, it waa not mad by thia sdmlntetrailon. In Th government la now pro:etdlf tb opposite direction. of th taken be Advantage muat to prrwine, present period of relief by th adoption of sound busfnim method and sound. legislation, HKulnnt dethe recurrence of such la not a political pression, Thl economic it ia ah question. It I not a sectional queetlon; it la a national question. It does not relate merely to the welfare of thoee who live on th farm. It Influence the welfare of all th people of our coun nasi, bs J rt ty i ftiea-tlo- 1 hay Withheld tb calling of as try. agricultural conference on th ad vie or rme of th leadefa in the farm But I atari d commuorganisation. ted to thia proposal. I believe It hoids out th beat pramla of a wise volution and tb beat method of a aubatantlal agreement among the farm organisations Bhemselve - of what they desire In the way of government action. , WILL CALL CONhVERENCt, to therafor propoad e,il uh confer fir, to ronelst, of aom of the and leader In th farm acme of th prom I net at rpreenttlvea of farm economics fa our agricula protural couegea, to formula gram for legislation to k prentd to th rongreea which we can all supheva suffered f armors port. Th enough from those whs hat" attempted to barter tkelr voeea fcr uaauund I want their business put rrmedlc on a round baeia thorough, and scientific atudy, where it can exist with other busion an.. eguaJity nesses. What we nw hop fur in thia direction la Illustrated by eur present foreign trad. In JJU both Import and export wer but 14 JO0.OOO.0efl. After the war th trad of th whole wirid collapsed, but vs hav brought our foreign trad up to about Translated Into prewnr b about prirea. thia would 00,(i00. When w look. Tor an example of benefiting conaumera. w shall find it in the bituminous eoal Induatry. Three year ao thera wer about 90W mine, or to per ceait more mine b givn reguend miner than The department of lar eroyloyment. there waa need of comiiirc found more car, mora aununer atnrag and mare induetrlal peace. Thee hare been accompllahed, with th reault that whll In the profiteering period ooai averaged of 1920 15 ft a ton, notwithstanding th atrike of 1921, it averaged $3 7 per ton. and for the year ending June 30 it aver-:iK1211 per ton. Thia induatry haa but not monopollacd; hen organlred. TOO hAfl It and S'KHI compethetaeen - ho andperaon or group mine, ing rohtrola mora than 1 per cent or S per rent of th production. It la Impoaetbt to acane th that tha general economic condition of in country I good Whll bualneea and agriculture, ltave not fully recovered th loeae cauaed which by th world-wid- e depreealo aJway follow a war, they are now n a fairly profttabl baaia. It would W natural to auvpoao that every weu-a la her f the-- ooutitry would be to maintain th prevent eatab-llaht- d of tiling a. which haa given to th peopl of America, a errr befnr auperiar Ui held by any peopl on earth. - tint in eplte of the atraordinary reault which havv been aecompltahed, there I not only a larg amount. of crltl-rlaibut propoaaJa to, make at lea at two of 4h moat ravolutioaary . w anx-lou- . tht X n, changaa. "II baa aJwayi been th theory of our InatltuUona U the people ahould own th government and not that the government ahould wn tb people. Thl policy cannot be main mined unleea th people ormtinu to own and control their own property. Th moat important property of the country ta trunaportatioa and water It ia nut only very iarg In power amount, but I of th greateat value. It could be aad In aurh a way e.a to aaaume vlrtuai control of all other bualneea any importance, it ta proposed that theee lrfpertiea should be brought under publlo ownerihlp. PUBLIC COMMIf8IOr8v Reaphnetble public tkimmlaaifha have valued theee at about $3iu0,ei(l.00. huch a coet would more than dtjut.lo all our public detta. And deficit In earning would hat to be made up out of taxee: W did .that during tb war at a coet of It.eoO.Ouu.OtK). 'Ith tlie KOvernment In poaseaalcn of such a groat angina, a tin two and b- atra-teg- of- - mlillone er or J3,00S,o0,OOO apetidlng i emploveca. IIO.MO,. 1 econ-cm- tu. 7-in- ch h . 1 Red Seal Records DOUBLE-FACE-D Maria Jeritia (Ye WaaaYaiaxBeanei) WaJklire-Dubutder- (Taw Maria Jeritza Uu CWaaawl Afe States)to the Oe. 1037 SI JO J 1 SI50 a I l 'ir-- 1. ds in F unquantame (ThaCaUea 1039 1.50 Hngo Kreuler J widb.) Rubinstein's familiar melody hi an erouiaitely beautiful ettinf; and the quaint "La Cinqaantalne. HVktolKo.l00yi Mahogany.oakorwalnut. Lm. Itnaca Jaa Pa derewsli ) Irnict Jan Paderewiki 6470 Mineral march (CkosW rum Hark. Hark the Lark '2M (SeleaWLaat) fUmUt, PaxWrewtki dlsplsvs tiro sharply contrast iruf asoexrts of his art ia thaw two number. New Records for Children "m'l The First and the Mother Goose Bubble Book "T . h PW's S" -Hae a Uul Lasab''Jaea aa Slssaaaf "Uule lefsey-D- U Ksag CW The Singing Camet and the Animal Bubble Book M-T Mis. Jwssis Jesss-Tl- M "Ian. Utile (W lUnea. 2.00 JUT-'Sia- apl. Faraear la tb "Tsree Bus 2.00 asir"-a- r. D.ir-"La- ay slice" LktW Melodious Instrumental Ejjrnthe-ertuTI EurVnthe--(Tertar- Part 1 t, Part 2 a, j nin.,jxwi- - .mmmurLJ iinma arsraeataasn'xia ' t , . Feature of al ScKrammoWn At PHces $L35 De YHbia Atosdicr, $1.10 No. 15 $L00 Atlat Oantirra. "Tfl fraj BprAjr Atamlacr mr Rudolph Gam r i na-- ... Quinine Asalfssiqiie LCQ lM nd" StluaSymplwnyOrcL55229 uii .ivu to ths 4 apartment people country at large. ir. joe I T. Boone, under whose car Secretary Wallace na Been tor in. peat six. weeks, today told department officials that th secretary had not talked with anyon on th matter of his reslrnation and had directed him to Indicate to the department officials that ihej might male tns positive denial of rumors of hi resignation." Ths Dsmocrauo national commit tse tonight Issued a statsment concerning rumors of Mr. Wallace's intention to resign. In which It asserted: "It has been aa open secret for soms time" that he was not "pleased with the way things hav been going." it la known, too, ths statement added, "that Secretary Wallace was not pleased with the administration's assumption tf)t farmer ar In a la- tress oecaua oi tneir own poor judgment and 'must work eut their own salvation.' " Dr. Boon, who la on of the Whit Roue physicians., stated today that Secretary Wallacs would probably be able to leave th hospital In about two weeks. S?:l!?!... 1;;.'.. ScCSi fl0 Wearwen Hot 4fl vi- -i Tliermrjoiater C3c Water Bottle $22S IjaJifn Family Special ComtosVtkn Hoi Water Bottle and Tcrrnrtain Swris4r. ITT llapidlWtuWngvei ,,VI 3 lanr pipe Special $3.00 Dr. Cooper'i Sanftary 98 gSr. ......... 5I.E3 DC PREI'S FORMAUOIHYDK FUmiOATORS rOl.sTYt HON BY AND COMPOUND $3.75 Bed X- and Douche Pan. White Bed and Douche Pan. Qy SI.87 enamel ware Eas-Jay- 's Paper, 1000 Crepe Toilet to sheet! 6 for 49c DIAMOND BERNAY'S ANTiaEPTICa, Kays ALKALINE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS acs 76c 25c & Co. GOOD SAMARITAN QAUZE S yards PARKE, DAVIS ). 57c a COMPANY'S JOHNSON 1 CORN ML Kel- 1 Lb. 15c 1 lb. 29c La Fol- -. mads campaign, public a joint asciarr.uon of scm rortjr of tb Roosevelt Protrea-aiv- s supporters v of ltlt pledging assiatanu pej-tIn tbs endeavor to elect ths Independent candidates In th present cam minola: national oommltteman from paign. 1M York. Miss of signatories Is heade4 bv Amos rinchot of Ne Ths Harold I Ichea, former Bull Moos Jan Addams and Francis J. Heaey of California. ' Proa-r-e salves except those Who ver since 1111 have been apologising for thlr temporary abrrwUoa In that year, find in Robert at. 1st FoIIett a leadership they may confl. dently follow," the statement said. TVs ar told In one brssth that Imthis Is a government of parties. plying Uust parties should be held responsible for miagovsrnment. W are told In th next breath that as leader of th President Coolldg Kepubllcaa party Is personally honest and unscathed by th Washington scandals. Th Inference Is tnat, while the Republican party ahould be chastised tor malfeasance, th leader of that party should be elected president of ths United FtAtes for four yewre. Any parte- would thrive en this sort ef punish menL , "We hav waited tn vain for the own Republican party to drive Its rascals out. or even rebuke them. "During a long and active publle a life Senator Ia FoTiette good fight, against organised wealth, and the exploitation special privilege We of ths weak by the strong. know him to be courageous and Inde! pendent." " DARROW'S OPINION. JOHNSON I 4 , IrVa y8ra)..'..s..j I Ww 114 or 2 far 2S LI OUIft-- . Antlssetl'-ae aw jnm. SOAP ; gegg. Sefee I esie egase Satardayv , : BORDO DATES Datee, etutfeel wfthaa. eerted nuts an lib. 36c TAPE I Be SpedFriday'and lb. 20c 1 ADHESIVE bish by 1 yard SYNOL SWEETS HALLOWrtN JELLIES 142 Inch ay Z-- O law Bandages erto A JOHNSON STERILIZED QAUZE (Uw BANDAGES aariO CANDY BUTTER CREAM A a6 ADHESIVE TAPE Z-- STERILIZED 6AUZE Hallowe'en Candy BULL MOOSERS AID INSURGENT 33c UtXl4 JOHNSON -- GERMICIDAL SOAP ZONAE OIL SILK jjg 2 4 for 27c 3 for 25c Physicians and Surgeons Soap HOSPITAL ABSORBENT Pound roll BUTrV."""" COCOA Vt pswnd Lifebuoy Health Soap . . . COTTON a.96 chloroform liniment tinoturm'of' VodVnsU I Hydrogen Peroxide. IDC W IB ma 96 QOu ANTISEPTIC Johnson A Johnson Sulphur Fornicators, 4 In " 91a a box Parke, Davis 45c 93c S2.E3 enamel ware ISo on. KWOt NEW DISCOVErty..ii. e " uln TAR , 41s, .. wpf)Ctell KOTE1? 1. a CHICAGO. Oct. M.-J- ohn son, national director cf th Webera Eurjranthe, as an opera, hag been almost for. gotten ; but tha splendid rnuskianly coverture remains. 21c T(?2 $1.75 Certified Kactsl Clinical' C f $2.B0 I BpedaX oord Oertiflsd GQsioal IL23 Thanacwnater, 1 odiraU Bairn y, yupinsivn to ths and lraris 27c BeDjjus statement tdnfght saying Secretary nauace, who is m a hospital hare, recovering from a recent cneratlon. had authorised th moat positive denial of rumors that he Intsnded to resign his cabinet post ulating that Bscrstarr Wallace had been unable to communicate directly wth officials f ths department sine his operation more than a week ago, ths statement added: 'Unfortunate rumors of his resig nation, which recur with7 soma pcr- '" . w MiurteroU . , .........-....iSpecial . LaxatiTO Bromo ; JJ Dobell'g EolntJon, j setf-dsnl- -- night-winbefora ber wwdIinc; and Elaa'g aonf SiegliodVs reply to her lover in tha rough cabin of Hunding. J Melody " ' Hospital and Sick Room Supplies WASHINGTON, Oct It. The de- laeued a pertinent of agriculture New Victor Records Eack Laften die me'ui KUgea (Wafaarl I a eecaea Saturday-r-Speci- WALLACE RUMOR FLATLY DENIED Out today Ixhenoia Friday and j The Victor Company has purchased the patents which control the lication of children's stones on book pages which also serve as record tainers.- It novy anndunces two new Bubble Books in larger, better form. Victor Records, bright pictures of ; Each book has three double-face- d childhoods favorite characters,-witmany pages of rhymed stories. When ask for sure be shown the Victor Bubble Books. them, you ate you j, ii a i mJOfffiii aTgaaiaaVejurMsjri . ' .Another new Victor product! Victor Bubble Books for Children in " in ' ' each year, holding virtually the power of life and death, what chance would the rest of the people of thi country here? It would appear to be perfectly obvioua thit If thee prorertlee are taken off the tux Hat by public ownerahlp, th other property of the nation muat pay their in yearly tax of aome J600,00.0"0. the thinly settled agricultural realona thia would make an Increase of SO per cent er 40 per cent on loo atlcn. Measured by our experience . by efficiency of service, by rats of oi xrtd . lc irnnrini'i III1 s'lTilas111 i ; WW.OOO d ataf ;r t three-quart- wase paid,' w bar - everything t there be for preserving th rights of I loss and nothing to gain by public th OeoDle ajid at Ih. It ta'aHBBi It would bs a most peril- nut neceaesrr to prove tbs ths su- - ' ownership. ous undertaking, botk to ths welfar nreme court never made a mistake. of but If this Dower la taken awar from of business ana ths Ir.dependenc ths people. them. It la necessary t prove that Another principle In which th r thoee he are to exercise It would American people bare slways atmng-l- y o likely to an ska fewer mistakes, lielieed and Which 4hey have or Lira and dsath. stou'ly maintained, I a judicial ia It la prutjuscd to place this power, againat a politioal determination f which, , h remerr.be red, is raure. When our eonttl'.uilicn was that of ItUfamuat and in ths hands ' adopted t established the suprsm of th congress. That would giv t t be the that court of th United 8ta(t body power to violate all th very citadel of Juatlcs. Its member are appointed for ilfa In order that rights which I have Just mentioned th to destroy ths stats, aboipower they may he devoted entirely to ths lah ,.th .prasldential th office, do administration of luetics according to course and nait th will of th eon- law and as Independent and Impartial absolute. Is It supposed that ta as h is poealbls for ftiea to b. On gres tbs eisrciee of this power they would f their chief dulls Is t protect th be more ImtMrtiai, more lndeendnt lights of tb Individual. than tha Judges of ths suprsms court? NOT ABSOLUT. ONE.' It seems to m that this would be a Our governmsat Is anything hat device more searly eaicuiaud to take away th right of th peopl and, limited. It absolute. It Is strictly leave them subject t all th influhaa only thos powers- - which are con- ence which might be oa th ferred upon H by th constitution. power and Wealth of Ths const Mutton distinctly dssars eongrees by the oa vested Interests en and th day, that ths president and ths congress are prohibited from doing eertaJa passing warn or popular paaaloa oa The another and th weak poor things:, th central thought of which wsvld beday. trampled 'under foot. Under is that na one shall b deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due such a condition. 111, liberty and and th freedom of religion, taw. property Is of There process provision ana press would have very against such unlawful searches and spseea In time of national little security. selxurea. In order that th peot) secure In their persons, pern our government would have no may ti and effeola; aleo baiancs wheel. If this system should houses, paper be adopted and put Into effect. th againat nutklng any law reepecung historian would eloss th chapter with ah establlahment of religion or vummwra. insi ui fieovis aavs abridging th freedom of svsech or ine shown they wer Incapabl of eel- the press, and Including th right to trial by jury, with many other pro govemmetit and ths Amerlraa rspub- nsa lie provsa a tauur. u w are visions for ths protection of the In of dividual from which unabl to maintain th guarant Imposition other governments had constantly in frsedum la this land, where oa eerta can be t maintained In they Thl flicted upon them, accord Our present systsm Is th only en ance with our theory that th peopl are porn iin certain Inalienable that is adapted to th needs of a free republic, th only on which holds rights which no government ahould .out any promise of providing ths a.- have any power o tail from them. The earn privilege that belong to curity ana staniniy necessary ailfte our tor economic development and th the Indivinuai are iikewis guaranteed to the minority and to the several protection of th poor and weak. Thers are' sotns method by which statex We have made our constitution the supreme law of the land, and I believe the economic welfare of the ' whenever th congress, the president, people' of our country a can be adThe government can help or a elate leglalatur or rorernor vln. vanced. lates H, anyone who bj Injured has to maintain peace, to promote to to provide a proteotiv tariff, to ine nunc appeal 10 ins supreme court and have such violation pre- assist ths farmers, to leave th peoIn vented. ths possession of their own What better method could pl. property, and to maintain ths Integrity of tbs courts. But, after ail, sue cess must dspsnd on Individual effort. It Is our theory that th people make th gtrvsmment, not that ths government makes th people. L'rn.ss there abides In them th spirit of Industry and thrift, of sacrifice and of courage and enterprise, and a belief In the reality of truth and Justice, all the efforts of th government win bs in vain. I believe In th existence of these virtues. I dn sot think th fathers of the land are going lo barter away their property or their liberty. I do not think ths mother of the land are going to abandon th rich heritage that beto their children. Th Amerilongs pubcan people have faith In themselves I iurtifled It by their history. They conhave faith In their government. It Is works. Ita Justified by They know It Is neither corrupt nor Inefficient. ar not likely to be deceived They by thoss who constantly assail our Ths Intelligence, the Institutions courage, tbs faith of th peopl s will support America. Against that sup. port no snort ror aestnicoon can prevail llb.Sc' rellsd la suaar 1 ' lb.43e lette-Wheel- , . Sacred Selections 1 Vlctrola No. 370 CJ Mahogany, $275; electric, $315 Day ia Dying in the Weat Break Thou the Bread of Life TrinltT Choir 1 TriiuryQiiarietJlww .75 The hymn perhaps tha deepest expression, in music, of the human spirit is rarely sung ao beautifully aa here. F light Vocal Selections Somebody Lorea Me cwT.Wi!WUr-)AIlec- a All Alone With You in a Little Rendezvous Stanley 19454 .75 Aileca Slanley-BiMnmy A charming fog trot gong and a duet othe "heart appear type with excellent vocal harmonies. Dy j I Jn - m: the Dreamy Wabash Flows (Where 1 Follow the Swallow - Peerless Quartat Peerlett Quartet 19455 .75 Popular male quartet, with comedy musical effects. Ad. mirably sung, with bold, masculine harmonica. JVktroUNo,210 II Vlahogany, oak or walnut H UZT W There Is but one Victrola and that is made by the Victor Company look for these Victor trademarks. j PaalWkitemaa aa. HUOrdiestra 19458 Typical Whi reman dance rMmbers tmtiscal utuheetietion, interesting noveltis and fsnttleea danc rhythm. TLs Trenbadounl Dreamy Delaware Wahs Ths Troubadoanj S4ao Uune Brought the Roses-W- alt Waltaea with the desired string tone prominent. The first haa Celesta effects ; tha second bits of "Vienna catch." Beale Street Blues-F- ox Trot George Olseo and His Mattel IBoUWeeraBlues-rFoxTro- t lateraattoaal Novelty Orck.19457 Blaea fog trots In the genuine Simon-parlower Missis aippi manner. The secood haa a wird vocat refrain. TRADE WATIK WICE' .75 .75 SCOTCH SOFT GSAIN T0I DELMAB Rarebits Lti. t Oct IJ. Clarene .75 sWad DRES SING Ca tadfie Cotut Ktfrumlalht A. H. FORBES S28 Monsdnock BuOding Sam Francisco, CaL Dar-m- w, noted attorney, began his earn- epeechmaxlng In behalf e th" Klgn Kollette-WheelIndependent ticket goday with a noonday address In which be raid both th Democratic and Republican partlss were en the defensive tn ths present contest against the Pmsxessivs principle of the Independents. "A business man wfn tefl yon tie does not care who Is victor as ee tween Coolldge and Davis; that both will stand for about the same thing In the relation of government ,to buslnese," he said. "That la whv there Is an Independent caadldoey SUPPORT FOR DAVia FT. LOUIS. Oct. M. The St. I.etita building trade cooncfl. throngh It sent president and secretary, todayDemo-critlC a telegram to John W, Davis, nomhiee lor president wishing film "every succees" and commending him for bis part In drafting that section of ths Clayton act permitting trial by Jury In contempt cases which recently was ncheld by er ri $80 WeMi CHICAGO, Victor lalldng Machine Compairy, Camden.KJ, McmtiaaL Co. ef CaiktdsV Victor Talking Machias - ANNIVERSARY Walk- Over ImpartG a beimtdtmg NUNCiS H L198ITT wlw VOSJl MJTEJ R'S FI FTI ETH 1- If a, "KiS WALK-OV- - Dance Records Tell Me Dreamy EyesFox Trst Kosc 01 Tr0 I jf -- Prepare 'yourself for those eold, vsft winter days with a pair of these sturdy Scotch Grain with enshien weltnis'.' ;.Anot ' r of shoe for little money. WsJk-Ore- ri 7l Holeproof i Hosier' I t i i 214 Slain Bt, Salt L&kt. SHOE STQSE, |