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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH jfjfjjFADER'S COURTROOM , Hah, Hah, Hah Spectator cheering at football games is an American practice. On November 13, 18d9. when Rutgers and Princeton universities met for the second interthe judge disagreed and held that collegiate grid contest in U. S. history, Princeton supporters inthe unusual proviso was quite le- - voked lungpower, shouting an old gaL Confederate battle cry to urge their team on to victory. P. S. May a Dog Bite Princeton won, 8 0. The Hand That Feeds Him? rained Ankle is an Occupational Hazard LL.B. VILL BERNARD, an Ankle, Is crobot Soro'ns e. eater Ownfr ResponsiD A I man was arrested on a charge 0f beating hls Wlfe with a rolling pin. At the trial, the defendant took he witness stand to tell his side of - ravelling vaudea - irl acrobat. One OW W3S act, at the end of her Un-tel- y stage. the ofi talking in sowe inexplicable had rolled a rubber ball L platform. The girl, busy at the audience, stepped her ball, fell, and sprained f 1 the story. The judge didnt like the way things .were going, and soon took over the himself. He fired question after question at the man, all in- a loud and angry voice. Later the jury brought in a guilty verdict, but on appeal, the man was awarded a new trial. The upper court said that the judges manner was improper, because it indicated prejudice. I I cross-examinatio- n - Buy U.S. Sayings Bonds! !d ITS GREAT TO BE REGULAR A woman had a collie which had the nasty habit of nipping people. One day a delivery man, noticing the dog on the sidewalk, held out a piece of candy. The animals response was to bite his hand! When the man later sued the dogs owner HE SAYS ORA CENTIME ALL-VEGETA- Makes The Difference Thousands of modern men and CLEANSER $ 6BST1 Since using ORA my denture is always clean and sparkling, says Max N. Serlick, Portland, Me. May a Person Carry a Grudge "Beyond the Grave" By Means of His Will? DENTISTS PRAISE ORA man got into legal difficulties with his partner. In the midst of the bitter cpurt battle that followed, the man died. In his will, he left a substantial bequest to his son but on the condition that the son theater the s.ued only Later she would that carry on the fight against for damages, she insisted that his for damages, claiming the the partner to the bitter end. As it gesture had provoked the dog responsible for keeping into biting. However, the court clear of all obstacles. But happened, the son had no stomach iirt turned down her claim. for the controversy. So he went to made her pay for the delivery Judge said that the girl court to test the validity of this mans injury. The judge felt that ft blame the management grudge clause, arguing that it was any dog mean enough to bite the the that have proved against the public interest to per- hand that feeds him should not some for petuate a quarrel in this way. But be allowed to run loose at all. d been lying there ong enough to attract the A 81E In a survey, an overwhelming majority of dentists praised this marvelous new cleanser. No harmful brushing that can ruin dentures. Just place in ORA solution for 15 minutes or over- night. Removes tobacco stains. ORA is guaranteed not to harm dentures. Get ORA today. All druggists. A Product of McKesson & Robbins. Inc. women in all parts of America have turned to Natures Remedy, Nl Tablets for dependable yet gentle relief, when a laxative is needed. They know that the idea is so right. They find an NR at night produces thorough morning regularity with no perturbing efTecta. Its so kind to the system. Try NR at our expense. 25 tablets only 25c. Buy a box at any drug store. Try them. It not completely satisfied, return mm l I I LJ I box with unused tablets to us. We will refund your money plus postage. uuu un-cou- ld m of the stage hands. LAST SSWORD PUZZLE 1. 5. Nocturnal Man hRaft of Troubles ize Calf Kicks birds 9. Revelry 10. Fencing sword 11. Italian poet - They dont you up any more for selling you dont own, but you can to a heap of trouble. Espe-i- f in wanted three youre for forgery and for violating WIS. ISON, 12. 14. 15. 17. 18. a fellow who s what called Jack Desmond learned, had done, believed Lawrence St Croix county sheriff, was 1 23. registered 26. to the Houser-Interlache- 31. 37. 38. 40. 41. 43. 45. n couple. and he mpuy demanded therin'law Sive him the tar safety deposit box. She Jf ent to the courthouse a 10 - him there- - She Gwin rP!Ci0ns t0 Dist- Atty. 10 was Desrn glad to knw Was kack town. 6d for his ordTrn?h Shw Up Where631611 - 1 for the calf esaieeriI1 Journeyea (Braz.) Contributed to a common (N. Eur.) Jewish month Scorch Born Doctrine Chart Radium (sym.) naturally mild tobacco used in Prince Albert to insure against Smoking Tobacco is specially treated flavor-fresin the tongue bite. And Prince Albert stays humidor-topocket tin. The choice, h p Fame Actor Destitute Despite Screen de Sica chose him mnd and 1 depart grant suspicious over motherin- No. 40 53. Oceans 54. Refuse to quests for money r bonds she was receiving toe kJohns", words month ,ed her By way of Bitter vetch Play on 46. Depart 49. Lukewarm 51. Mix 52. Jewish aSainst Desmond, bride mother rdrs Victor Ckey " ,0rdng 47. 48. 50. fund out kim Weirdly 34. Ship canal days later prize calf to ff A cnple of days later he bride left on an extended rn trip, a charge of selling nnder false pretenses was t 35. 36. A metal 39. Valued 42. Chap 44. Kilauea goddess sheep ?arried-Afethe dairys 0 32. Haunt 33. Miilpond 30. Macaw miles from here. met Mrs. Victor J. Barnum, to do 47 year old widow, who is 36, said that he He courted and won Mrs. tm and quit his job. On Oct. 'hi 7. Coin (It.) 8. Mud 11. A Mexican 28. Disease of about 15 lEV Bustle 21. River in DOWN Chile Association of farmers 22. Skulk 2. River (Fr.) 25. Lubricates 27. Shower 3. Kettles 29. River 4. Vapor 5. Away (Scot.) 31. Bucket 6. Court 24. Cipher bull calf he Charles Reimer of nd, Minn., for $75. By the e FBI had finished routine Desmond was under $10,000 fnd authorities were arguing charge to try him on. y laid that Desmonds story when he had just been reborn the federal prison at Leavenworth, Kas., and on the Hudson area as a Place to settle down. He got a own Tribunal At home Cutting tool ANSWER 1. president 13. Temper Turkish 16. Humor title 20. Place where 19. Constella tion grain is ground parole. 1 ACROSS Breaches Yes, pipe fans and makins smokers find greater smoking pleasure in crimp cut Prince Albert Americas largest-sellin- g smoking tobacco! WEEK'S "eSted maROME, ITALY An unknown chinist who skyrocketed to fame inas the male lead In the prizew The Bicycle Thief, ning film, was reported here to be penniless of and with no early prospects employment. reAccording to a statement officals leased by CARE relief here. Lamberto Maggiorani, had 10 been unemployed for more than screen months, despite his one-tim- e fame. His three children, it was said, usually go to bed with only a glass of milk for supper. the Maggiorani, whose fall from as peak of film stardom was 18speedy for years worked as his ascent, in the Breda munitions plant near Rome. In May, 1948, Italian direc for tor Vittorio herthe starring role In the much Bicycle Thief. alded When the picture was completed, a total of Maggiorani collected to his machinist $960 and returned bench. was laid off last spring when 65 per Breda dismissed nearly cent of its employees. cost me I cannot say the film Maggiorani my job, CARE quoted that if I think I do He h d restarted with the movie 18 years. perhaps, alter me on. would have kept Since the temporary lay-of- f Jobs-- 15 Breda he has had two day. on a move and a lot and a month $2 a day. bricklayer at about m j. lUrBoida Tot coo Co., N. C |