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Show TH? 12 BALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, , OCTOBER 19, 1923. I AID ASKED FOD Commerce Chamber Com BOYS! mittee to Hear Social Worker Speak Tonight. Ton Can Get A Free Ote tor Batter boopttattafctfcm wounded veterans ba4 eouality of pay Watch lor the retired disabled guardsman, naddrtai &my ottVers w lth the regulars, wiU be urgod by Fltz lUy com secretary of the jruHtee of America, headquarter New at a rotm? York, to be held st t oclock this evening at the chamber of commerce under the auspices of the aMlitary affair oommittre of that organization, of which Carl A Badger U chairman. All onratuzatlona Interested tn social work in o far as it affect service men, the national guard, the American Legion and all service and n za Uona arc., incited Xwervifa-.-or- va to attend the meeting. Hr. Anderson la conducting a tour cities at his own exof pense to seek moral support for a bill. prac dc&ily a counterpart of one passed by the senate and pigeonholed in the house, seeking better hospitalization for the bounded and quality of pay of retired d)eibled guardsmen and national arn y officers with regular. , A representative of the citizens to Mr eommiUee of Armrira Mr Anderson s Badger explaining "His trip is to envisit as follows deavor to pku e before mx.h groups as the one of which you are chairman the facts Ln a matter wherein the government has not does Justice to the men wounded and disabled in the last war. Non of- - the men connected with this committee desire to with, or obstruct, any other It la, however, the wieewnree. opinion of those associated with us Into enlist pcHUo eentimovement ttd hefihwl ear hiU that the country shookl be srt to the disabled before 'It 1 gemermia to the welt . . .We ask nothing bat sympathy, cooperation and moral support. forty-seve- re-H- Park Democrats' Name Convention Delegates g del te TW Tribune. ' FREE! wWevcr UndewoldPr Oct. CITY, , all flavors, pkgs, J. . . IS William Bhea, A. H, Addv. Mrs. Mar- Matheson, W. O MoGarry. W. Clarence Wright, 8. A Brown, K L. Berry, J. C. Gleason, John 6 area (field, F. Leery. Pan I'uA-- h Ingham, William Brim, Miss Husanrte Bbielda, John Mitchell. Harold Hartwell, George Farrell, W. P Westfield, & K. Maxim, O, R Potter, Flrza Workman, A. A. Pike, William McFali And Joe BulUvan. rst 25 C Pure Lemon and Vanilla Extract Mrs. Sorters Fig and Fruit Pudding, 2 cans Swansdown Cake Floor 30 C 2 oz. 9 TO 12 NOON 25c SHIPMENT AnOTHER 35c Cranberries, I Rm Dundee's Marmalade, d2fi , 25c Lyons Powdor 19c ' IQat 166 ft. 136 I Tooth I As 136 Past I Mavis Paco Afl. W36 I w6 Talcum 16 to - 50e 42 Powdor Featured for Friday morning at $5.00. . lb. jars $1.50 AC. Fountain Do Vilhias QI Aurrbach C 'Visit Water or Oil Atondxer Auerbachs Second floor. Main Moor. 306 . Syringe No Exchanges. Every Sale Final. Values to $10 C, Jargon's 25c Bottle . lb a P I AC VlswO With Your New Suit dandy Theyre watches and keep good time. The gaits am dandy ones, too just the kind boys like for school or play. And they dont have to be paid for all at once. Just a dollar or two a week while you wear. Tell Dad the Suits Cost $756 Up y Weve Got Boys Overcoats and Sweaters, Too. Main Floor. DOZENS OF SMART SILK AND CLOTH DRESSES 15 Special Today Giant Bombing Plane to Resume Trip Today For Women and Misses Hie assortment includes only new, smartly styled dresses for Fall and Winter garments that regularly carry much higher price tags. The huge army Martin bombing plane which has beep at Woodward flW since Tuesday, on transcontinental flight, will leave the Teld at about T o'ck k this .morning bound a dried lake ahdnt ten miles north of as next , Nev the Reno, landing place, which distance is two legs of the western division of the air mail If' you wisli a medium priced dress of good quality materials, in the most seasonable style, the most wanted colors and elegantly trimmed, dont fail to secure one of these charming models Friday. DECLINED. All Newly Styled Models Special to The Tribune. BOlSR. Idaho.. O't It. Governor f C. Moore has definitely decided not to attend the governors conference at West Baden, ItkL, on account of pressure of bust ness at he state hruA s Be ha also deHtneTTlvpMcnt Invitation to moot him at Washington at this time Poiret Twills SPECIAL All Wanted Colors. Cantons Georgette Auerbachs Second Floor. t Women's Black and Satins Cantons Satin-face- d Gunmetal Chiffon You need some Bran To keep the digestive tract clean and healthy, you must eat some roughage" with your food Bran is the best roughage" 1 a perfect laxative.' In Shredded Wheat you get all the bran you need in addition to all the other essential food elements. Shredded Wheat is indeed ' the perfect food in biscuit form. The crisp, oven-bake-d shreds of whole wheat supprya most satisfying meal a ' ready-cooke- d rural, easily digested and chock lull -- of real nutriment. LOG A DEPARTMENT. Office 41,-- North Main. Telenfcon 116. 263-J- . Retldencs Telepher Funeral Services for Alexander Allen field Funeral (hi ; r nwlc Mt, Pleasants Oldest Yoang Missionary'to Be Buried Sunday Afternoon ts Tbe Tribeae. "GrandMT. riJCA&ANT. OcL pa John Knud sen. ML Pleasant's oldest citlsen, celebrated hi ninety-fift- h birthday anniversary yesterday at the home of hi granddaughter, Mrs. Vern H G undersea. An immense birthday cake with ninety-fiv- e candles formed the center piece for the dining table which held covers for Mr. and Mrs. George Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Seely, Mx. and Mrs. Vena H. Uundereen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul .Munson, Mrs Krick Gunderson, Mr and Mrs. P. C. Lund. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund. Jr.. Mrs, C. Larsen of Mayfield, Mis Kthcl G undersea and Alice Rasmussen. iMRpite his advanced age Mr. Knud-se- n u well and mentally keen and alert and interested in the affairs of the He Attends both Sunday school day. and church regularly. LtiGAN, Oct. 18 Funeral services Lafayette Thatcher Hatch, 34 ears of age son of H. kL Hatch, pruotdant r4 tlie Ttiatcher Brothers for oomijeny, who duid in Holwhile there on an L. IL ti. mis- iLiAlcin Alrn. who died ai a land pnrumonla, sion, will be held from the tabernacle from the Soruiay afternoon at 2 o c5ock. onlition, The body of Mr. Hatch arrived her u r m'.ti at he I M H,n hards t A from Now York. undt r tho tilrvctum of thi afternoon The jH,rs ilior illUJtt utrJek j.4 tli. Finn military funeral will bebe Inhoid. ehargrpf ditiTiinun ward Hit hop M l' iuhv of i Ue boanl of the firing squad and inajuber of the of which he Sigma. fraternity, Alpha Modes was a a ml Ot'mmifcslomra tvnjnt mcuikber, will be pallbearers r th. ythfiker. 'ni.tfohm Muaic waj fr?iiaw.d by the Jajries McAlur-r!- n SMALL BLAZE AT ACADEMY. quart mI, AtirMpta to hnS roative or friends ir; wern mvmooeHsful if the man par - In the I ran temelery acadomy this tnoriung at 9 clock' . Siarks frum the ciurancy started a smoil fire on the roof. Cache County Cows Make had The damage wae slighL - iritLr . h- s i nlt.r )airu li it tl wM'ndav of Urrn trtk n In a. TiMtMl undef-hiku- Amorlcair-tyigtonwl- we-- Inter-rntu- it w- 100; wholt wheat, nmdy-cooie- d and ready-to-ea- t. A perfect, ddidoqe food for any meal of the day. Serve it simply with milk or cream, oc topoed with berries or fruits. Con-tains an die bran you need to stimulate bowel movement. It is salt-fre- e and urv uluied season it to yoor taste TimoiAm Ac ShwiddedWbeat Cracker a real wholewheat toast. Tty it with WffTTj m& dkeeaeef mermalaT, Good Production Record TOt.W -- jw WHOLE t Ih'on though the h caut ome tlAirvh'i4i of the Smith ('a.c.he Cow aawfH'iation to neclect their cows, the a m rnais ar corkUihuinsr to. keep their prodiH'tion up to pormel Cut of tiie 645 cows in tihe aoota-tin- n C harvtvting of H were tted during tfeptem-bf-showing an average milk production per cow of 778 pound and an average butterfal production at KL4 pounds. It cost on an averasre of 4.93 tLe head to feed Hi am main for jer month Milk was produced per 10ft at an averaire onet per head pound of' 49 cents, while It ooet 18 cent to producen one pound of hutterfaL cows produced more ttian forty xnmls of tratterfat, each, and 138 produced between thirty and fofty pounds. A grad Holstein tiekmglng to R. G Stewart was the high producing cow the month with a record of 1260 pounds of milk and 174 pounds of butterfat. 479 r. Bixtv-eevc- fr 9 Hose Kdeln CaWBona herd of fewer than twoKe cowe pnxlurrd en Age of idGS pounds vt milk euU 47.6 of butterfw.L ' I RAa WUC $1.25 Hot Wator Io kr4 The perfect food ieLucuStfo 1 pint Rubbing Alcohol .... Sizes Navy Brown Black two-yecommissioners. Nielsen, Jewte Smith and Lereen; recorder, Dewey If, Nielsen, treasurer, Charlotte Allen. - 19c 25c Listerine Tooth f 20c te Tbe Tribune. Shredded Wheat is 25c Kolynos Tooth 25c Marla Talcum 25c Bodge' Brand Sweet Potatoes, can Oct. 1. The fdtorwlng have been-- nomtnsted for the homing city elections: Conrad I. Republican Mayor. commtnsloncr, Exra Andher; foor-year two-ye: cornirrl salon -J. Wilson. 8r. era, James C. ChrWtenwm, V. R Btimpeon gnd Aaron Chrintiannon , D. I). (Tebbs; treasurer, Melinda J. LHjenqumt. Democratic Mayor. TL B Ni ebvn . foor-ye- ar ooronuaKioner, Willard . ARRIVED Canton Crepe, Wool Crepe, Serge and Tncolette. I5c HTKT7M, INVITATIONS JUST Purchased for special selling. 25c Jap Rice Pop ticket -- DRESSES OF Colgates Shaving 25c RuMfosm Fontana Macaroni and Spaghetti, 3 pkgs. 3 Kaddies Soda Crackers City Tickets for Logan ar Cream each with $1.50 free given Shaving. Brush. ANOTHER FRIDAY MORNING SPECIAL - Both Old Parties Name toritl FREE! 35c Borax Oastile Soap, '. 6 bars Auortmchs i Tooth Paste given, free with each 50c Tooth Brush. . 25c Colgate AUERBACHS MOVE ACROSS THE STREET TO THEIR BIGGER AND BETTER STORE 25c Jell-O- 3 Corn The democrat held their city caucus at the hall a large atlast with evening city tendance. names were placed In Thirty-fiv- e nomination and the following named thirty received the majority of vou a as delegates to the city convention tomorrow evening: John F Welsh. John T. Talkm, John I. Fisher. Frank Kane. L I. McGarry, Lan ii&rran. PARK 1 CUT RATE DRUGS) n con-ftt- AUERBACHS I ENROLLMENT IS 360. IKvAN, CVt. 18 The total enrollment at the Brigham Youn college so far this year is 330 students, of which number 123 are college student, according to figure given out by the registrar s offtotf. IDAHOANS LICENSED. LOGAN. Oct. 18. Harrison Hem of Montpelier, Idaho, and Roweaa liof Liberty, Idaho, wer-censed to marry this morning at the office of the oounty clerk. Wal-Unti- REPVBLICANS NOMINATE. Special to Tbe Trtbooe. Citizen Is Given Honor Bpariai It' Gtadebakert experience of 73 years in providing the best in transportation -- is worth considering whto you buy your car. Gland Treatment Restore R. G. Laws I un just as young as I nan tn be, and its all due 'to gland pills Here I am 72 and feel just as tpiy and full of vun and pop as if I were only 30 or 40." This testimony to the virtue sf gland treatment Iras voiced recently by Kobert George retired London Lows, prominent broker, Mr. Laws, whose health has been poor for several years, elaims that a glandular tonic put ap in tablet fortn haa restored him to' the health and vigor of his earier days. Such a treatment is now obtainable in the form of Glaadogen, a highly concentrated glandular toaie, prepsued from the glands of healthy young nnimale in convenient tablet form. Glaadogen bae had remarkable eneeeea with thoueaads of ailing men and women. Unobtainable at Glandegea Pchrsmm-Johnson- , Drugs, Five .5) 8IRINGVTLLK, Oct. 18 Chairman John R. Anderson was In charge of the local Republican primary last evening, at which (he to Bowing municipal ticketwas nominated: Mayor. Harold Alleman, four-yecouncilman, Ivli councilmen. WillBrimhaH: two-yeiam Whitehead, jL G. Tborti and Good CKv Stone. Mail order gives plrompt attenMark Cook: recorder. Frank Salisbury; tion (Adv.) treasurer, Mrm. Anna Bird. ' ar Exquisite quality of clinging smoothness TWo to Moof Ti H fotfwiwi Wut Lmn Cttv ,THI9 13 A STUDEBAKER YEAI ' 'r Pairs for $ 5.55 Special , $1.95 Pair Or 3 Pairs $5J5 Or, 3 Also firts thrwad Silk- - Me, In alt the new shade. Full fashioned, with list top and feL |