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Show N 7 THE BAHT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1923. ' nothing but the biiadoeas of force object, but it has hardly been and violence. looked 0 as 4 serious inquiry lot Ham to Keep Well .Jo Chicago, the former premier mere than a bandied years. Phystesi, Amortizing National . OW Tribes PstlWrisg Olt repeats and aniplifiea wbat he ha mathematic aad wet TKRU1 0 aujftokUTUHtl . astronomy Bjr Dr. W. A. ETtBl. saul in'England and in Canada. Mlf ft Ml SnsS, SOS MftW objeets of ooatimeaeoi opeeulatton le.ag 4 See U.iljr Mm Mekto are the but for Ift with arguments rat Utah, be for boeamt Frederic Hxxkln. ftffUr same, Mm J. By lift. MR WlWtftft many year they SAVINGS BANK DS BOS ITS. I little variation, that he employed sciences. GGVCOOKN-OtyAi b. t- m feftitT 44 QctaarA WASHINGTON, Mil soauy, far srasa'....;V.l S whwt he nmcked the attitude of wetoMW 'Until thect i nets mean of "dogfert ts A pecTkOftr ! Tml Trtftnft. era. And of tho United nuppHas the Bouar Daw government which termining absolutely whether 4 man 8tats lying chemically la the border In TtUmaft Ift a ftftlft is seerr iMfton.ftl to the armue relief of allied the coalition regime the a erimiaal or Bot, criminology, par- In 1917 when It i&pte&red that with betweea carbohydratea and proteida .11, te tk. Uftitri fttfttra. Uesitsr aar succeeded tgreta la ftftr city ft, tet0Usg headed hy Lloyd George For the don boftrdft aad tbo petrol system out Aid three armies must how be- It Is stored in Yartam parts f Sbe ftftlft ftfflcft. fore the Oerman power, so now body ready for use not only in fbfttl-lbMfrest, his Chicago add real is a to are working in the dark. Tbo par- American la ft ftratn of Ift ftMtali. Ideas are coming forward gency but in daily work. Tbe riftftft. Tft AftMcIfttm rr. la ftx.taftl.ftir Euro of of well known to facte Assist Burope out of doner ar alcheouets searching for cifal the SfenKingl pi of storage is that od a task from U stilled to the M. for leprsduetloa economic end financial tangle which hopeless is being drawn for use sews dlepatcbee credited t It c ftot difficulties and divergencies of the philosophers stoa by experipean that was the heritage of th years of every hour of the day) but into walea matted la tklft papsr, u4 alftft tM polity An indirect robuke to Pre- menting with war. rival ftftwa pnhtlebsd here's. The is threwvng sowed of & Versailles wvodnUU dangerous explosives pump treaty s teeth ail over Kurope, and water aunost. oonstaotly. Were the lift lYlkuift la awabar af tk AM'i mier Poincare is contained 10 the rn the midst of a thickly populated dragoQ the harvest which being- reaped is windmill to stop the taps could stilt r.fto f Umiifttloa. Isfaraattss warn that Millorand, Una rid community. Aad th atraago part one of Bstkxtai andis economic rid Tk Tribtui eireslatloe will tft tunetrid statement disor- draw water for use for a few ours hr th audit Bures ftt Clrcurittoa, Oestary and Clememeau, all of whom pre- is, that when their maternal docs get ganisation. U has thrust Germany or days. ftidf . Ckteeg a series of vthioh ictmUides M through Glycogen is stored in the musotea ceded Poincare in the premier away from them it usually injures or have had utmost as as and that reservoir is being drained Tkft I C Berfcwltk ftp. flat Aaesra ft muh horror war itself, hut without fttara ftd.ertlaltir ftMit Wftrld aide , New ship, looked into the question of in kills someone else, a law abiding citi of the and restored constantly It Is stored acy Yftrk, Trustee bldg., Cbtragu; l;MHIft vttvma of Germany to collect repa it in th liver, but that reservoir is nod ren or one who is entrusted with pomp and glory of armed conflict Trftftt bldg , ftt Louie: Font bldg , lifttrott, has Franc iu a state of national drawn la the on so op&atastiy BteS.; Bryant bldg, Saam 11. Vkj U rations and dismissed it as the euforoing the laws under which we hAliakept and f&asr to sHtrrrMF wf things tt tar ttefel ar Bttie 6 Morgrtftfta 4 to., Coeftt I'aclft ' Great Britain serious industrial de- more In reserve to undertake le., live. for wrong emergeaeiea policy hftft Bnmlaer bldj.. prftafatl.ft, and unemployment ritl. Intitr.Dr. bdg , Loe aagftlftft. It is unquestionably true that the Lkt us not decry the work of these pression The keynote of the whole tragic sitIf a man goes without food for Mwirlty bldg . gritlM. evv ed favorable eon rei ideulista. are ea uation the has keen debt plan Hughe' They Fur I, a bureau right natality to h jura or for, nay three days, he ef utiniUw ! Tift Tribtaftft 6 Perla milt ration au London and m Berlin track. But a search for the philoso- meet Indebtedness has been the prin- run along at full working capacity Rim Laiuarttn- ftr Ft awe. . 12 Pall Mall. Koodoo, r.ngtftftd, 1 cipal bane of the Ktiropran nations up his body heat, but at the Caur dm Linden, Burlla, tier mao, haest- and there me indnations that it phers stone which will euro oas of Their currencies hkve deprecated to krr of that Urn he would have very SUie Hotel Rohm. Inly to would be aiiepted with alacrity the great evils of society i hardly fantastic figures, with ail the con- glycngon left, either in his muscles Talftbbaoft Waaat ftl IN sequent derangement of trade Where or htk liver day if the Washington government aa excuse for conducting expfri-ment- s trade wbes you fall to grt you Irtboac, is deranged, industry langruteh &xp4riniits have shown that after tbo city circuit ttoa Sepftrl'Ui-n-t bolero placed it squarely before the allied which endanger th live of and without industry and trad netv a short period of fasting a man Id o'clock a a, gad a ropy oil kft ftftftt wealth he cannot These hear better, has better oa produced a certain that te of valuablo better, the members, "9 tlT gmmaft power, It qiuto community eorrosnrheve t6h caused liy and ordination, tail work i w -- i ttitoiwd at tbo poaaftflcft offtall lab City M. Poincare permitted it to become Is that of Tile del. overshadowing longer C'arefuiy anaivse and other o ftftMMd rtoftft awafto- Germany'--t- he CHLORINATED WATER known that France did not take Whether tests have shown that, in spike et reparation. thev are too large or too eiUaUi is a tit fasting, none of ins body ceils are kindly to tha suggestion; the inti on which thr ar man Vvhcn the Colorado eoaununaty subject impaired. Ai! because the svke almatiou wan ao publicly, if uuoffi shades of pinion The outstanding ways keeps a supply of gtveogen on Is fact rose that the couLitu4e in the at the that up reparations indignation alleged A debt Hughe tajc In infancy the More of glycogen daily, given which, le holding Kurope&u de- if never large That is the reason usvtr got past the tentative pollution of it drinking water, by velopment back and Friday, October 19, 1923, so quickly thereby retarding bah os get holkw-ve- d It was never offi careless persons who persisted in the trade and disturbing the tran- when they are Arced to fast, proposal stage 1 o solve Ihe world of whole AUCALI. quillity CHANCE FOB MB. REA. dally before the French government bathing in the ditehe, at was takes the debt problem, therefore probaMost of the processes of life result and until there comes tiom Paris a tasL in thu in th production of acids Practically bly the most President Coohdgeg request, eon voluntary request for a. move by a a joke bv outsiders Thus, while world today. important t with ,the exception of carbonic add What now is being regarded from the hinjpr, these acids are neuveyed to the pregideut of the Penn Washington, Lloyd George will see the press here and there published statesmen of various nations an th tralized in the tissue. Under no ctris a labor a beet for solution his for can Ufa be maintained if suggestion exert as go he runwstance naught. hu that vania stick of a the th item railroad, yl humer, plan which has been perfected by th th body fluids become acid. ThereThe former British premier is sucisinfluence with hia fellow railway American group of ihe International fore, natuie always keeps a stock ef seriously outraged community in trade commission, under the general alkali on hand to neutralize the acid. placing his personal to bring about change ceeding executive tismiec Ijt C Clarence I i uwena of tlve esaohtml before the American sued instruction for ditch rider to direction of D viewpoint Uated are burned into urea. Itbody The plan W!ashington is eaay to ut freight charge on coal ter do people. He does not profes to report the names of all those found pa tha theory of amortization It pro- (hang urea &Tto its near kinsman, merits use which will place the speak for the Baldwin government, violating the irrigation project man- poses to sst in operation a system of ammonta - To neutralise body adds payments whereby, by gradu U de- some ammonia is made instead of edict charges on aa equality with the rat but be is otv safe ground in imply agers grees not only the Gorman lepara-tkmsaves the alkali reserve. urea. of There ef cabiBritish the are, eourse, at that but ail of the huropeau d bts, Tf the Thai plenty least, amount of aoid production is on coal tot export, directs attention mg, be can of some them liquidated. rather more than tha normal in excess net would welcome a ehancs to sup- communities, IN SIXTY-SIto th fact that the foreigner' ha YEARS amount of' fixed aikallli used up. Both wealthy per capita, which have noth- MAYING port the Hughes proosal Nature taps th alkali lank. When The plans which Have been pres a very decoded advantage over Amer- Bouar Law" and Baldwin are com ing better than irrigation ditches as to Germany for pa merit of the nature has been drawing rather water and out few a to of for in sources; oided heavily on the alkalt task the doctor mitted far have the thus matter culinary rates pt this finding of freight reparations icans in policy may sa v, 'I here has been- a lowering Th interna huge initial payment how much the Germans cau be made eases, where the water dashes di- aliana! on fuel. trad commission plan mcrtdy of the alkaH reserve or he may eay, Mv patent has acidosis' Babies Domestic pimhneers of anthracite to pay The difficulty lie In the rectly from the mountain reservoir provide that a series of payments, and children generally do not carry a coal mined in the Pennsylvania fait that the assent of France is into the i lianuela, sequestered from approximately squai. hub be made, in their alkali tanks resq-rihciv i of a sirv-ovei extending; period fields pay higher rates than the Eu nmeraary to the appointment of an livestock and other pollution source, yesra. fciauh payment wuuht mt LuiG. Therefore they ai especially subject and this water is considered 'perfectly part principal and pan mteitsl hring-ia- g to acidosis, loinmitnon ropean purchaser who gets hi hard international PiT sKut a progressive duninuiion of But again, good and satisfactory. eoal in Pennsylvania, has it sent to France will not listen to the the total debt unt it finally Wcomt-Piotoplesm Moiguiis terms an emu!- l.lovd George is there are supposedly reaper table extinguished New York and shipped aiross the n of fit m 4, solution of oarhotiy-dmtWilett the Hrltlsli tU ou linfil and u olNdd.il protein. It Is eommuuitmn, iumlnig nn dependent Th foreign now kuowa to be ape iking as . ocean from that port. ion. headed by btunlev itdllum th i tiM ii the purpose of making heat Ho has behind tered, untested aud untreated water ohancvlloi of the buyer pays less freightage from the private individual in constant use It xthequci now and emrgv fori which ditchee his e ca h earth 0 e. of i of save is ministor itu the Lritain no fon of glvopgn, it is ill 1st as itt the Grat eoal fields to New York than is flowing in prime i wmtu last to m which may help Washington in exs to aud drmt,a pesent require dipping muddy a charged the resident of New fork argument for th payment of thi- - lhiti-- h d ot hi an eiHFigno it is stored in the M before now Poincare And bthavea n to same 'tbo the settling nited the tftate for umoi uaiag just other tialu City freight carrying regions of the her and Buch primitive conditions are not tables whkvh the inuuuui mal tradt both that be has a mm h more effective service. U oommlafdori had out uoiked latk a aaiiiiKs bank acxmint, it mav w4. to be criticised, but are to be re The head of the PennsylVama ays force behind his policy beftre him and also iiefon Imniiin cmrv on over a rainy day But a v m f "ii" the handmaidens as of Moliun th seiietaiv , i tern has promised to see what ho cau garded pio Andiew savings hank otuut may prove iu aud chairman of tue is A MENACE TO SOCIETY iKiirising vvhcn the tax aasieeeor do to convince other rail executives neenng, conditions to be eradicated treasurv world wai dapt f ndmg c m around alo fat may be a at the earliest possible moment, for mission that President Coolnlges suggestion ImblUtv la spite of the distaste one fee Th taides ciGd tij aitent n of 4 the good health and the industrial should bo complied with. The prest leaders of tinaiue an i iin thts M D. YOU MISUNDERSTOOD mm of the methods when of at the But dent bracketed his suggestion with place. questioning h it prosperity ou the 0111111111. hh cotioagu I have wbat Mi the other request that the earners who have null laudable motives as a csty of 150,000 peuple must draw they loaded and H upp ir.d t Ut the dH tor ti ill writes drojmv of the limbs, Hian coirundeitt e thu wheu its drinking water from open d itches more make a reduction in freight charges those of th tonus of the. selllemtn if lie heowvthc Ktieci nwistly in tha pitson rt formers and mem or which ars so Britum debt wi iuad pul U tiny streams, on grain shipments This double de canyon Wis of pardon boirds, there are laden with din no and otherwise healthy of an a uoitUutu n wand doubtless will strike the rail objectionable bacteria as revealed adoption What would )ou advise' tio pian along th Iuum follow f! ot work wheu the their tune ' results Mv to it nnktes swell terribly and cause heads a decidedly radical. Couung Owens tables by an initial pa win it require excessive cbtonnatiiug, very tired " lhe is not a joke, not a remiuui cnee of of 111 odd amount, Uu dtbt w r me to bei om KWPfY from the graingrower and the ortfa seem to warrant au inquiry down to the toimd aum of 44 brought a re condition but a f t don of 111 past, von think the departed eoal, it buyer uisbis any dov'tot told you U nary, everyday present point tills the apvo UxuMou 00,000, Uld luii droiiev iu yiur legs would merit very little attention table was applied stipulating annual vtm fessed murder of Police Oftusr D H. quirtng attention t toil talk dou Lo that wav To sav All exposed atei require more payments to iiulud a pait of both probably none at all. Coming froiu Crowtber bv a voutli who is on is a lout the mm aie diopsic-aInter st ttenJm and principal or less chemical pnnfuation, and it the White House well, that is a saving thev aie swollen liio fiit sun ial ytans uti mav have swelling of our legs be AAvunnng stato mut remembered Jldl wu u' that the payment amounted different matter It will be inter- parole trout tli t kMnev Ulstase, heart disease, The pavments apiiownat. bio racial urn proves 11 not injurious vartosue veius, prMeure lis esting to ee to what extent Mr. prison amount teaching lfcl, iK, nt ,f!hvi s u phlebitis lh ss but it Ouo k to a rather ilv tue is U F Robert 000 lb tml health, labors his Bea'e with fellow exetu about ''audits public vouug I ultcM hive some on of these hole two yeaifl the ast dt bt vou Died uu are productive of results mail it is ii'uallv the vouug meu safeguarding hesltb conditions. This slxlx live do nothing is paki S which will be relished by the public. who are shown leiuein v b pardoa is notwithstanding the fact that the Th general arithntu ji ii n CAN YOU BEAT IT 1 i" boards who is withoit doubt of fish in the city water tanks at the on wftich th tabic is wmk t- ut 0 m I am v erv much j that an annual panunt (l MI I lwill PROHIBITION ISSUE IN' VER- criminal tuideini coo non imjo f Why is he at state fair perished presumably a a ill amortize a deor min jt the lat k hop jou sip ivt-ru In milli chlorination the of MONTSevtntv result eai him excessive h u sonic 0f th 18 veer-ollargo when be has alrcadv laid utui $ wo 0 of a debt amortise wtli j to suspicion of haviug But it isregreftable that tbte city and so on ludeiimteh in tit am tf 41 m pio iruhes in height and It is somewhat interesting to lead these open be Did the Wvomtng seems to The intoic''t late m J per ut tendem us temporarily drifting portion f ID was ou b feet J iachws r nt U i u,t and one half f om s r eil (he og-- of 2 and vthat the Volstead law is cutting a pmlon bond .leti rnuue that he was awav from the date when it cent is devoted t paimg down ih p i m idi-- 4 liuta after that My ant fonsadorable figure in the senatorial toinpktelv 11 formed before aFowmg sparkling canyon waters, like It ck oil mv of wtf out (I 11H bv growing almost auThe table mav be a f H t wiuter atmophere, were to roaui at large! n lum r add the quarter-incntie sparkling ng J was in an Vermont. n a It 11 an the debts of the bur i campaign jU"t bef ie hr thirtieth bu ihday The prison refoimer seems to be among its chief claims to fame. bow what pavmuitH nfd ic n id R1 YL . issue in the recent primary eleUhun The citv watorworks department Applvin the theoryt to the s debts of hove that voung meu are less vinous m gisai stuff Ma muon it it nlbd allies to the to such sa extent that the national than oldir nun IKus the cuminal aud the city engineering department the will be seen that th debt of Ihlmut DIETING FGR GALHTONE1 head of the Anti Saloon league de ruord m this ommuuiy for the ar to be congratula'ftd oa the ex which aruountx to .HU 00 Ouy oult M s be paid In slxtv-si- v 'I H writes jews hy annual they have instalments scribed the victory of Iorter Dale past few vears bear this out t The client manner in of nl $1 jhdi (hm) lialv s i a pei son who is bothered delicate situation, debt of $1 Too vhiO M)o ouUI le t ill in ( most this bundled w th but the No, reformer answers, bo cured galUiOtie as a signal triumph for the frieuds the earn tun b annual ir.ta mv its with inn! ut itlon m tlmme man has live to a still sequestered storage providing 4p. iW of rivid from lHonx oranges of drastic enforcement of the A ol voung Is about or KiaiL-iiuidown hi' otfeus sod to become There has been mu h reservoirs and pet rolling and guard harmful to such a pr- stead act. Dale, a former menilu r law is the set the bYeiKh debt tram JA.HI ltixen apd purifying the streams from. ond mg I abiding to the debtor nit! latgent ef congress, was nominated by the fond J should be What ua,M The waterworks States Her indebtedae Does smutty take the same view of huh we drink aimirts to RKBL the late its .aT merit has ) Republicans to t euee-eeHas th ex criminal department is especially to be con stcut 8 000 000 V the matter! m hile treatment other than been deferred owing to the f t that William P. Pillinghaiq m the upper n ivi iemov galbttonss, there the Siam ham e as las brother who gratulated on it efficient service Prance has been iimltr liouv ex op H liwavs the vhdiue that th symphouad in. Washington. M o Ihe Ruhr in uputton iny pens has never had a urn of penal servi and guardianship in taking daily The svmartovn-leaders in politics an flnam e s.n that tom wil disapt4ir Dale had two competitors, both member of eur own foi frequentlv tudef Fiance of gaiitootH samples of all waters, and testing it will not be pcuuubi disappear of whom had announced them board has made the statementpardon or uv under with onlv sny treat-nitratmipRt fir that each one for purity from day to day, to meet the obligation So thfor it wives as favoring modification of prelimmarv negotiations 1 1 paroled or pardoned criminal must for the prole tioa of the pubfie. of the debt have the provisions ef the Volstead aet. have into between the Antmiun ubt ln ng f r gtlHtoues iua prove But his cuv, as a community, a plaie to go and employ uient and th Krfrnb iiwijpolntn g '! h re are those who He was indorsed bv the Anti Saloon assured before lie is released l'he must last a long look forward for fundfng commission do the When hoi diet (xntainlng but little I'm jus governmentluternatlonal negotiati league, aad the pro primary cam trade Miinmis-sKbest fit tr grv e purdou boaut mv make these ar the preservation of its original wntfr two will be a Utu was with tables one, amortlaatlen lively patgn rangcments but thev are frequently souncs and supplies, as certain other before the commissioners nl. in all NEEDS GIRL EXERCISE issues enforcement and prohibition been forced to furehabtlitv The statement ha cities have already will b Tht not earned out aiopted B l B writes le 1H poundx b the soldier bonus. Dale stood com- also been m could debt extlnguislied Krench much It will hat ex criminals do nude money, slxtv-wrequire enough for a girl vears by annual pamehts hMv mitted to enforcement of the Vol 7 t taJ! feet wl inthes ) are scat to somo plau? outside of and many vears of time, but before of $1 95 (Mk),00t) W hat shogld b to stead law and passage of abonns done correct i tho amom: debtois The other Us.er the state whenever possible This this citv has doubled iu size, prob hou dei and a hollow chest antes would fund that woporUouat b round bill. In the primaries, Mr Dale s 4 Vo ild fhtHikier bra the question Ftah ably long before that time, it must smaller rvmenls would take arc o' htlp begging nuril) wctrl-hsenator nominstion for RMTLT by may get rid of her lawbreakers in have provided storage capacity for their obligations and settle them m amorttratlon period a margin of 3442 votes over the this th water in excas of but adjavent states every gallon of 1 Bwon 10 Wiestl exerv lag on There never has been an agre divided between fils must manner, 22,973 vote barladders and roties putting up suffer bat the current stream discharge ment on just what sum Gtrman 'Ayotuiug sent us one of In vur two Republican competitors. hair the way should exercise good j pav reparation foot of the of her paroled .every No tritNi y ... pri'ooeii Rad the. provide j, andwhether On t he same dirythe Domic rats natural or ar ecotnomistft declerod that tbXOvHl 0 0h ater lines, murdtr of a bait Lake policeman was H. could nominated Park Pollard for sen which utmost we the M0 closed must lines be bv the result tificial, pipe ator. Pollard was unopposed ou a squeezed out of Germany The earlv The ditficultv with prison or isolated from the public, .from the negotiations at ersaUlea aet up vhr MO (V 000 as the prop-splatform favoring .modification of reform gnat as is its sentimentality aad its point of origin to the kitchen taps. figures International eonferemee sum th Volstead law Dispatches from to scientific held subsequently a been Mfh have approach very Vermont are to the effect that 4 de- pseudo TO A FAIIIV SKIN FOR A MQMINT have set down amounts whkh Gep modern ui. problem complex society. would be required to pv, but man cidedly close vote is expected in the If the reformers, as thev wonld have Who ar you Mttls fellow MY DEAR BOY. no arrangement has proved binding Who ut votrr cot of bluft coming election, and there are pr Tbs neaaest to an averu so far are going at the matter Had vou Tluu a litte something I would frtftod In vHow v s to dictions that Dale will be defeatedJmuo-- believe, V of ov German ability to httie omtlUD that opinion As small a man as vou7 a 'truly lentlfie manner, mak ih ifc b Vou re a buy afeh ran statt uu tit which lust com vote vou mwsaue to of a who the PI4 rshaars Republicans by This would real to vou TUeru. scientific unestigataone, With tht wreath ft bl as yourself sum of 112 0C0 U00 fo nothing xtraoidinarv want to see an easement of the pro mg You Uv with that b more than the Inited States lent sn tiiat, of cxure aud collecting data impersonallv. Are you w part of the universe. and allies t it doesn't get in to all the put toothr during Tai evuy U lnbitvon enforcement law. Pollard is Or a mental wealth of an elf' w .v ant then even one including the hard the war a cousin of President Coolnlge, headed to taMea arpHel ther is something extraoidlivaiv The amortisation I think I did pWieeman who must deal I saw you It hut a ptam to you a a German reparation debt of 112 iw which tends to lend added interest for the flash of an eve jt it with the criminal would nay, Amen A Just fr'AOOd would show that in sixty-eiit is to me who ones was it Ita uln you mirht have hid to the coming vote la the Green di a bov be to veara the whole debt onukl While you were marchln bv But thy reformers have started great Mountain atate. Never again will the bv annual payment of $(20 It such fun one of were a I clvaged think you train out with the sentimental hypothesis believe rky be so high and blue nor the air Vlanv commentator 0(V,000 Kac h w tth hla kaland of flowers that Germany could arrange to make o .ml and swet to jcmr skin Never that manual are reformable, Somethin clicked In mv brain THE HUGHES PROPOSAL of n ui J ou be an bjraafulty cjjioU this relatively pjodftraty And covered, yotftr world, ftvm aura p&ymsnta and have conducted 4 heir experimount and would axrcc lo 3o so uni a pumntriv full three time a nonev not f could sd line ments at la the she T Never again w til laughter come this et da World our lit whsress essence eurelw of former Premier Th expense reftaoa. along o turn w any tank pay- no cieny and ripple from your throat And therafora in tints and place snoug-.'societv Members of the pardoa of araddress s HO billions of freeb. netrr again will peopift ment Our folk at a sweeter season Chicago Lloyd Georg board would need superhuman in Th intornsttonal trade comml.gton smile kt vou vearninglv, gently, for-- Had oftan slarht ef your race v ssetton i of wi'Uh gument is that ae better way oxtt telligence, at, the present time, to Tours ar the tresa wavs cool ths America sa, they do today Beieause rnturnod from a comprehrnsiv With belli that rln down the w ind you re a toy. of the morass in Europe can be picl out fhe reformed and rhastrned Touot - were aet as lords In the grass. MX survey dust thl. onus, for this- one timft European eondUuuia,. points out that tf tb allied debts and the the world is new and full ef delightrule found than that which we tug ex criminal from the real critn.n&l were on are so Intereat-tn- g ful ftecrets. Feopl And to dwell thars after your kind roparattons p'acsd so full of atone that widen your of State who resorts to hypocrisy to gain his this heals Ot relatively lijrht annual gested by Secretary How should we see you. we freedom. payments, the nations would be given eyes and set your heaft A solemn aud serious folk' an epportunlty to end their bickerings and vour eager soul to soaring' Life Hughe in hi Nw Harea speech Criminology is hardly a science at Tet wa Wiva tha of an April traa. snd get down to work With the is full of dreams and sorprtaes and leaves go that there be the present time. many month Never again wilt It offer buttarflie that vou vnka. debts definitely funded and amortiza- adventures It will require AndIf the one mors we nrnw merry. And would such rainbows and flrsflie snd winged tion srreed to. the currencie comuus-ioan international of appelated many years collecting data, ef Brotherly Innocent, wise. b Yours snd the fluctuations to now, because you're horse. improved to ascertain Germany a rapacity impersonal .inquiry, of mellowing in In the world tha Uea under th bright (ante axtent taken ou! of foreign, a bov' , bird never Industrial could Twin cherry activity again be o easy to exchange. to par reparation Th Hughe the minds of mea, before it may be We shall t and aad )Sopen he resumed and trade restored with he generous end free, a knight, a ear eyes. is one that the annual plum, Ltayd Georg True, appellation. the rF'ult that dignified by payments crusader, sweeping away the ,wrongs Maude Goldrlng from the Saturday wonld became a lighter and llwhter u! the world and setting ths Tights In much work has been done on this alternative itommoa tense; th Review. burden with tbs Increasing veara. their places with flourish and trumpet gljr JSalt fake gfibtm. Ijt, Otbts. li - hl 10$! full-rigg- ed or ' I h see V L And not in ain ma w look for tha organization of the American fur the Supply of Mor Babies for Francs. You mav admire th nerve of Ga brOowltst h4 la refuging an invitation ot La Blenvsnus France is to taks part la ons of Its proKrama Finding that it calls ttself a tocMiv for th of Intellectual and spiritual exchange between ths nmtiomm. the pianist replies that the "obteot Is sot rr qK.lafcl with French policy in the Ruhr Gab.v ports a funny ootlar, but a fuming choler n-- k p I t i t j 111 TkNTALrg itl d ? t D v 111 h see v wh-c- .1 i ( 1 1 n ! see 1 x i I j j bv Judge J 1SJ4 At r Cabbage, 5c Malaga Grapesand 25c 2 HONEY DEW MELONS 2 fer 27c e e la national forest timlier sold Q without advertisement' X K. X Onlv qusntttlee of $H or less in A value are sold without advertisement The law requires advertisement of amounts greater than this for third dara In a tocat newspaper The larger Mies are usually advertised flow sixty davs to six month grated bids ars received and the award is generally wade te ths highest bidder, although ths secretary of agriculture has authority to guard th sale to other then eh highest bidder where th Public Interest demands such action. DEFENDER I Cantaloupes 1 4 far 23c EAT FISH Frith ZT FrH r r Frosh Salmon, Brook 2Cs 35c fa011- talyTr Z 27c Haddif Pifin -- her Killed HENS Fresh Fresh Kitts SFRINO CHICKENS 1 tor S p qe F r I d a y and sp eo pound pound UTAH 1 Q 230 - r a h B a r r a c uda, 55c Balt Fat ataeheral 20c 35c Is the ortgtnai version of the expression, "Beiond lb Alps liee j a A Is found in the Latin of Thl Llv Ab i'rbe book 31, line 30, Ataftka F Select Oyatere, KS . When 29c . Fnfth HaiMawt, ia SPECIALS ftogutar 25e Dutch Colfaft Rings, each Buttto 2 jperia. .. I JTa to Hr 28c Bason, l.lto- - oarto n 43c r s a h 1 2 for 25c Mrs. WALDEN'S HOMEMAOE CAKES AND Money for PASTRIES Biaagppia W I I nwtftgI Sponge tort- Dough Cake, h.V9 Z.n ,40c Cbeeelat M s rahmatlsw STETSON Cake, Shoet and Oxfords seek you make an 'iuvealmrui iu good appearance and comfort shoos Z1 t, Nehtri C.manb.rt 55c w Itinturl PtsvestlolF When You Spend Your I ft for I5c rc.al. 38c 1: for women and BAKERY Fsrb SausagssX Sliced Oxford for i Friday Saturday, Saturday, 35C 3SC L I b a sty All S u ... ftftra S :. 10c T Biscuit, h 151.20 SLwriiflo 0 s a n as Te a i s e BmwuIL JE 50c doin,. Blueberry B 9 head Dau ghauts, SSl.1 45c wr 33c Ghseelat D e tt 0 a nuts, Cherry H. Piss, ts. 36 d.h .43c SS?:... V for children. . Cullen Candy a n 21c lfbo Rad Extra special for Friday $fcurdat M lrmn a 2 eelUh.-carto- n- V if Fer CaulWfwr Unitftd Special Cinnamon Roll dozen Speotftt Lftyer Cake, 11 lay, 3 WW4 SWEET Q llaa Constantinople ever bees out of ths hands ef the Turk B 3. A Rature its capture hy th Turks, In was the hands or Constantinople the Homans tlrseka and Muhamme. da a, vonsscutivety Q. v n e a gg see I P U it wps produced ol fall forma in Logan R 2c IMW Washed Pertnlpe, long baa the logunhetiy A Aquaah, T urn per Be he- - - v x grippe Hard Hubbard p I for 23c 2 e e What aie the nearest and farthto erA distances the moau- -N A The greatest distance from earth to nvaon ia 2 v2 970 miles. Tbs leas! (Copv right, 1923, bv th Bell Syndicate, distance ts 221. SO mites. I no ) S S ,Q How long have shoes been made A wonderful cement in Ljrna Mas.'- Ik E. ilcN "la that csmsnt any good9" asked A Ihe manufacture of shoes in the th prospective .purchaser. States was established hi 113 rpitod was tha rsply. "Whv, bv Thomas Beard who brought over "Any good you eould rnand ths break of day w4th hide la th Mayflower oa Its third ov age Seven years later Philip ivert- that cemsoL' Exehanga c , -- r Celery What president had so cold a manner that a form of Influenza was sick Hawed fur him q A Your reference Is evidently to President Tvter A Boston men contracted Influenza a few hours utter The victim greeting the I president explained probablv aught cold from shaking hands with the pr priciest " The malady uas called Tyler ' Q o Large see How been grow Touth is the time for and th UIu haze that lies hid it Mount and Just beyond awav for this ouc you may do U, for you ar a bu The sun of itfe'a morning dawns on vour horizon You stand oa vout toea. atek it first gleam and shout In votir Hr it reaches it height gladna of noon you will be far on ur wrav Hut will you still be th buy of the I wonder morning7 a secret Of course there Those who know it Mill carrv tfir boyhood towuid sunset U i no food for haija ('an you tak it9 It la no inarm, from no guerdon our godmother a poke from vour fond mother U a an order from the etern mother of men. Mother Nature ('an vou taka it'9 Tak clown vour whit tablet and writ this uoo R Thera ajra things no bov does' KJverv dav a jou set out look kt thl Lt well and ponder upon It bv rt and Ihe hoy in you lives forever Throw it aside and your boyhood go with U It ts not easy, hut are vou a coward Then rour no bov and no matter It ia hard and cold and clean Well who A kittimt Then vou're no ars you bov and so matter9 It ia a award and a shield to ths oiurtt and vod are a boy. and king If not, it no matter FRESH VEGETABLES eg Are murical glasses old J K The first mentioo of musical jV gasses extant appeared In ilijt Q Q and song adventure o-- X for for vn ln fruit 33c 5I.C3 n p SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR I ( m n a, T 1 MILK SUGAR rweig-nalio- it. I 1 DOLLAR SALE - e f Phono WA5.C00 ... ' t- -l s FREE Delivery TEA-TIM- a. i Manao-ohuse- public-hous- Mt , tri C-- I Drtvty-tw- ' toil mao tmclatcst l ou rid. hm-fir- c-.- V ' dimly-flaatl- - rmr-lca- a nOMETHINa MEW alght-fthaito- 1 l OnWt or 1 ir By IrrtR aartb hia art until ha bad mam He It wouldnt be much trouble tor Ha tort four shape afralest the biee. ha practicedstudies S brt runaton be-l- us to marry, ify father la a minisTen nltt net klsaft van ettn win. taradbbtwowind of of a 6t mldaf bt the know. a stood ter.SheyouWelt, e, looking wavaa lets have a try But, as deeper (row, cottoay bar tt wajf atone a rocky shorn anyway. My dads lawyer. I It see your arms la bteaetnc spraad destine deone ambition Thl the Itoo. dona, Yoo Tech. n Axalnftt tha cuola hd turn oiled to ytv up saltorln A owe ef tborna upon year bead. artist b aarneftt. He would drift acres Guardian ua 'ttU aisrht la dome. bin materials the oewatry wttb PH1I4R CLAHKSOJ RACK. for t Us back and do mens aa He bad a natural fund Oa second readtm. tt le estdent that houses for anyhow. public Mr. Ptachot dut net Sat! Mr. CeoUdc st On travel be cat twa days a baotladser. ceaomhwionn On the- - aaornin ef tho web Inland bo at a eeoad Print day. have corn upon a waystdo taeara. Abdvo FORD) Me door base a aitnibeard xla hy the rams at years end a bleached (Fraiaeal. Mich., IX V ) the anno that tha orhriaot Mra FOR IAUS OR TRADE FOB FORD by open tt wsa practically ohhteiatad; ruaatoeet or other livestock, two only a few pale streaks of color reL. A. mained. reclatorod Holstftin bulla In tho doorway Shunned the Obbert. proprietor. The wayfarer seeated another Job. In view of Orocoft'e bavins a KLaa Ho hah ad. batrodutod himaolf oa a fltht on. tbo Oemtlomen at the Adja- erafhaoMtn, and for a prloa oUarad to cent Dealt susceete that K. K. Kuhb, repaint the siKnbasud. Rishto. said the owner, and a har-Cspeaker of tho Stats lower house, said was struck Now, tbaa, open eompetttive btda for bln all-- , e the stance. keeper, wofn yaur nottoa hob t doin m A Men" on thin atd er. I'll do you AT a ,WrlI. smart brl aeuddls atom la 'arf a 1 knear him GREAT OCTOIER Oh, jea," -- aba said. iraia said th artiste and oa tho very well, nvo a tidy stoop othar aide lie once. Svaa terribly In love with stakin' for wall part with a sunset bft'tad me. . . . I never suit Did I love him? a bit. mater, wyte a tail Wjrte CowMwhw Wtty and MttfMty. could tell' . Carn't you read? said the I liked htmyas, but love ah! that, Don't youpubUcan. grocery event see U aave yonder that this ou see. ere Is the Red Ltoa Inn? It's been the unparalleled. Is such a different matter . Red Lien Ian ftw seventy yeara TouS you have FINE BEET ANY BRAND paint me a red Uon there er the deals One lump er two of sunar in your off R CULOTTJR tearThe artist fetched e sigh ef Tail cans OCTOIER. 'Av yeur own wye aboht H, he rit Hiawatha' bloom In' agreed, - Limit- you your fit paint IOio"R$l their happy hunt- - red Uon. But I warn you now tt'a te IBok quite a bit like e grin nT brlny their vivid warship paint : Daub It without care er pattern: (Copyright, IMS. by the McXaught Daub It on the dyin maplea. Syndicate. I no.) That their souls tto out In lory! color with the ANgWERgreeUBSTIONg. landscape Spraad. On last stand before the Winter: Mock the chill of comtaff Wlnterl (Any reader can get the aacsree to' e Brine here, too, the glowing peace-pip- any quest ton by writing Tho Tribune Churned fresh every a Informaston Bwroau., Fredwio J. Hne-kfD. O. Thl day. Always eostNtg Q, Squat your forbears In tha maize-fiel- d offer Dtrocter, Wsshlngtea, less applies strictly to Information, The bureau cannot give ndytee en Fill Ihe air with bluish amoke-hazFree Demonstration and Saif . . kinii medtont and financial mattsm bill the air with talks of Counciltwelve-month It does not attempt to settle domee-tl- e Thfte away to sleep the troitoles nor to undertake ex-- ; DR El I Y bansttve reraarch on any subject Write your question pieluiv and FAITH. U ve lull n ft eve ftnd nd dross briefly me a pup. dhe called Attendor this Demonstration and enclose two eento In stomps tog So, how 1 am rating dog biscuit Saturday and tsars Friday AU replies aie sent return postage me to believe direct to the Because her rvrs compel th wonderful result obtainInquirer ) famous Cakt able with thl uni thing she saya H CARLS. QC flour. 40s large pkg , Whv are some Q cards rinvmg wnn IX II S called equeexsra peeial QUID NUNC? A This term Ift applied to cards Maia-BetAnd welcome FLORIDA with corner indexes that is. with pips JONATHAN We Notify u when sou sie able printed in the corners. APPLES GRAPE to resume our vacation The Girl on the Celling There Is a 23c ift meant 5 What Q morticians? by spet to dedbrettoa tor funeral for Extra large Dem We had and expxsseed no' il- S AM 10 Tbs, word 'mortician is a trade six lusions about origin, and were wingw ho wndsr used takers by expression n Thanks' that ing 53c are members of a certain organ! niKo. 3 The word is in a does with the expresPer Mil)r&4 A bly a day keep sion ' r we hoe." which 20c Blua ttiftr VLarge for may be used th Germans sway boa whleti i only by such real estate men aa ars 3 43c raturnabi. certain real estate orDseplte Mifierands wail Francs has members of aThe ia mortician word a ganization ever babied since derivative of hen prtt well the Latin word death th Armistice wa-te- 0F h aob ardr u-- Ml omt tM) - 1 ether-wie- e Type or Two Bam M W IdMk St ttt M KATURAV Q. Who wrote th. booh, "Sweet M1ETORY. KiUy Bellalre-- J A. T. . T TM VU.DIR TCMRtK, Ac The - Keabsb was-dA- a. p "" Anjeet KVt(y flri-- , theKnbriM. Aa " Farcy CMOS. tiMra- .- hy David Beloeco. le founded on ease was me thftte to the atcry. Ti aaoera o4 rata tnm Haavna a (allow a novel called Th Bhtbi tomedy." by countryman of hia a ' nut turn for ra Edgertoa Castlq. ( wbe bad hue. far inn man Hav iutla! year cel t him lad Naturally, bm fancy Whfta aeet aoU lutnen bora of the la marinaa HOME CONVENIENCES. In odd times aboard ship o' t Hy Foeorite Stone tine o tpa o ' .... A . land fc.gaa te tnedte abee. 1 lrai The dsvetopmeti of the .modera shoe C Agilrtody fftctorr hemaB about a small portion of tbq wwk waa done, in ths Iras erat factory, th roat to private homes or shops aa before. 22 West L 2nd So. SPECIALS .. 33s Matt Order? siaVseg VS' -- elf |