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Show f -- UINTAH BASIN RECORD for the j the gev- - I site the Intermountain News j) A Briefly told for Busy Readers harenoM. idaho-nevad- ROAD TONS OF TOISON BRAN SALMON REACH WEISER 73 PER CENT DEFECTIA E CRICKET CONTROL PLAN Interpreted 50 25 f W.00 f by William Bruckart president - atlon gress as It leaves for home after sesthe current of some of sion, he wishes to pre- - - n. to deration next a new factor cov--! Jan-th- e into campaigns, at I ruit- - 'reful observers here ?yter was politically BROWN, file the view that he Treasurer eseated to the coun- cost !e of sale .political ters the general out- - dare legislative pro- - senators ho 1 i that he can have I mandate given the , - I that udget fori x fall's elections this the in any signs yet that District If fow the Republicans rd of Ed-- i Roosevelt forces will going to be of any particular help. But tne sliver advocates tell me I am wrong, and, whatever else may be said, their views forced Mr. Roosevelt Into a corner where he had to take a small dose of silver medicine. It was easy to see a week or so ago that If the President had been able to stall off the silverites a little longer, he would have succeeded la getting an adjournment before he was compelled to agree that the countrys money should be backed by 23 per cent of silver coin or bullion. Financial sharps assure me that actually the legislation on silver will do nothing more than raise the price temporarily to those who have silver to sell. 35 of 1 this Dew factor apparent they will Utah! me, 4 at ,twoi stive Bud- -, e Clerks of the prof Deal that have a rted into law, as well contalned ,n Distort gome ,eadIng res. Clerk f Jajngton have i Ur. Roosei elt Is tak PIans ol l, t attacks natural the 1 om practi- imal skins, the oppoascertain for noted by j to r j snakes, ,f he has gone far icodilt s, as, - social reform move-cind- s. s, .Ac-- - it r there can be no 3 in a position j sill be division, aiper of the country varl-leathe- n affording s have heard his of Com-- discussed. And, jested almost in the terns is kins havig ce leather,! that If the voters f I'jsy of the adrainis-orse- s and those who r H0j New Deal, the not press some the ml! 'reaching social r. leg-J- Roosevelt of messages men-seri- ungress, proposals, such as s, unemploj meat Inti of NRA principles e wages to meet theoretical con-- eral others, one can the conclusion that mod of them at this 7 will become fod-:debate will enable know its own mind, as I see the as a whole reaching changes in show it by sending such proposals to mum of d f o s, 3. some discussion, effect that In tak-- B d s S of giving congress his thoughts, was seeking at the resent a more com- his New Deal. By 'tirse, he naturally proponents of the 'ill have something advocating reten-'geThey will not p ition of Oi s. to as what the them will have especially If they lit shaky about the i President Is foliate, if the Demo's the fall elections t of y their present that meets i, will be as trac- than the present j see tlie President e to put over his it an obedient like ragress L. CE 5 H Union nglisb id annotaS f Is arriag- - S g geparatloO' , staking that need, plans in advance. , wh to say that tremendous stiffen- intcd. f jug 0 bapjiijone n conbrress ! In 8 OF A$j the last several f sh wilS .00. rYS weeks. 10un'ed, I 1 lias believe, snce Mr, e e re!nsSo there '6 fufl It Roo.se-becom- - b troulile This con-- ! by some as being dis, Prnllile because j"l'My said he did InvolnSW , ss ERS; ,01 ent m 21 n secret nbout here, that Mr. to get congress eirl!est possible i U,? Los S propos-i- no trlo8 t. of "liis "h " ijf fulljr Hill. T; urj lie could bring about nn hoped to re Hie silver But ques-ia,"l- - that de-11- 3 'nterfained sueh to swallow goinp 1 M'lch, it is quite , 'sraaden,,t Hke. Pollt- It necessary. 4 lfJ 5Lf b0Pn n,)le 'ERV,rh t0 ie sllverltos have Wuster so much N U a.re miy seven sll- BtubjI rn,m the political oho assumed cffectl that powpr ,hnt 00 d $5 1 i.fkl.0n arrctnif n wrarP "s areas. Rut the i Persisted In Its by I. Wn.tl'Vhe 'it rp,aleltrant ORIEs t t ayl) f I I . M I am Be In con- - Senator Borahs recent outbreak on the President's proposal for authority to negotiate reciprocal Outbreak tari agreements with foreign nations Is typical of the dangers confronting the administration in a session where adjournment Is too long delayed. Senator Borah, though a Republican and a member of the minority In congress, has a strong following In congress and throughout the country. When he arises In his place, therefore, and challenges the administration, urges the country to return to constitutional government and says there is a niche alongside of Washington and Lincoln for a brave leader to preserve a free government when Senator Borah makes that challenge, a good many persons are going to ask, whither are we going? The Borah speech was such a ringing call for clear thinking that I believe his concluding paragraphs are worthy of recording for further dissemination: We have had emergencies before, have had more than one hour of peril. The Constitution has been sufficient and efficient in all Instances. And now, of all times, we should show our faith In, and our devotion to, our form of government. Now, more than at any other time in our history, we should by word and act demonstrate the faith which made this Republic, and which will preserve It. In the midst of world turmoil, Washington pinned his faith to That Constitutional democracy. steadfast soul never wavered, never doubted. In the midst of civil war Lincoln declared that the government of the people, for the people, and by the people should not There Is perish from the earth. a niche alongside of these two Immortal defenders of free government for the brave American who In his place of power accepts the challenge of these apostles of terror and fanaticism, of these enemies, avowed enemies of free government and of personal liberty, and against all comers declares his faith in the efficiency and the worth of the republican institutions and his determination to maintain and preserve them In all of their Integrity at any cost and at all hazards. It is to be noted that Senator Borah made no reference to any individual now entrusted with power. Ills challenge was to the New Deal In its entirety, according to the opinions that I have heard expressed. From many directions I have heard views that the Borah speech probably would arouse more fright among opponents of the New Deal than anything .that yet has happened. The inability of some government officials to carry out assignments gisen them by Ding Hits President a Booseresult as velt, s of overlapping of authority or assumption of power of by others under the complexities the present governmental setup, has begun to attract attention. There are numerous Instances that can be cited, but lately I encountered one that appears to me to be typical. Mr. Roosevelt brought J. N. Darof the ling, who is probably one to our of day, cartoonists greatest Washington as chief of the biological survey. Mr. Darling, whose signature Ding" Is known far and wide, Is a 7.ealot in his desire to restore game birds and animals to the numbers of earlier years. The biological survey Is a unit of the Deportment of Agriculture. Funds with which Mr. Darling wns to acquire waste land, timber, come swamps and swall, were to from the vast appropriation manDeaged by Secretary Ickes of the There partment of the Interior. was to have been $25,000,000, and Mr. Darling said when lie came to a Washington that he believed with that done be could splendid Job sum. He proceeded upon recommendations of a Presidential commission to make plans for acquisition of the necessary lands and was when lo! moving at a steady pace dehe learned that Mr. IoUps bad available funds the clined to make as planned. Union by W astern Nswipuper a SALT LAKE CITY, UT.--Arrangements are being completed to accommodate 3000 spectators at the celebration June 16 at Bond, Colo., celebrating the completion of the $3,830,000 Dotsero cutoff. OGDEN, UT. The Ogden Ilorse Show will be held June 7, 8 and 9. OGDEN, UT. A celebra-tio- n will be held here to observe the anniversary of July 21. IDA. Pacific BOISE, salmon, which have battled their way almost a thousand miles up the Columbia and Snake rivers, have reached the Weiser river and many are being speared there. MOUNTAIN DOME, IDA. Development plans for the Bruneau-Duc- k Valley highway to connect southern Idaho and northern Nevada are being carried out by an organization representing both states, with the Idaho highway department and large mining concerns at Mountain City, Nev., cooperating. This Is the City, Nev., Ilighway association, formed at a recent celebration at Mountain City, where business leaders from Salt Lake, Boise, Mountain City, Mountain Ilome and other towns assembled to discuss the mining prospects and the great need for an Improved road. Idaho-Mountai- n BURLEY, IDA. Investigation of surface phenomena left by recent earthquakes east of Locomotive Springs and at Snowvilie, Utah, will be conducted by crews of the U. S. coast and geodetic survey, working out of Burley, under direction of Lieutenant A. C. Thorson. BOISE, IDA. The state supreme court recently refused to rehear the case by which it upheld the constitutionality of the chain store tax in a suit brought by J. C. Penney company and the Safewmy Stores Inc. The petition for a rehearing was filed soon after the original decision was handed down holding that the tax, which ranges from $5 a store for single Institutions to $300 a store for those In chains of 20 or more, did not conflict either with the state or federal constitutions. men are KANAB, UT. Sixty-fiv- e being put to work on various projects of tbe Kaibab forest A reservoir at El Vega, East of V. T. Park Is being constructed ; fences enclosing a holding field for cattle, are being built. PROVO, UT. Dogs found loose, damaging gardens and flower beds, will be promptly captured and put to death, warns Police Chief John E. Harris and J. W. Smith, dog tax collector. BURLEY, IDA. Burley Merchants association has announced it will help the American Legion post In arranging a Fourth of July cel ebratlon. RENO, NEV. The state of Nevada needs half a million dollars in federal money for drouth relief between now and October 1, acting Governor Morley Griswold informed Senator Key Tittman (D., Nev.) in a telegram. The acting governor said that after a statewide survey he held the opinion that $100,000 will be needed for pumping water from Lake Tahoe into tbe Truckee river and for the purchase of water to build up the Truckee river flow. He said that $300,000 would be required to drill wells, install pumps and furnish concentrated feed for cattle and sheep In central and southern Nevada. Summer Term Stalls June 4 SeaetartaWi School Is: PERVERSITY OF appear and reappear without human remains perverse, Incalculable, prone agency Is the same In each case. wayward action, and quite unable account for its own foolishness? (The only exception to tiffs rule is provided by the box of matches, which requires no supernatural aids Bl.ited Are the Meek disappearance.) Most mysterious Heres one nnme on the commitDefies Explanation of Logic, to of all is the Itinerary of the object tee that I never beard of. that vanishes. Vfiere does my founReason, or Science. Oh, that's probably the person tain pen go when my back is turned who actually does the work." and before it returns to where I left A writer was found it? If I knew that I suppose I should one morning by his family when know how to exorcise permanently ITCHING IRRITATION they came down to breakfast, grov- tlie dev II that enters into the inaniEven ia persistent cases where parts on the floor beneath the side- mate object and gets the better of eling are sore and tender comfort follows board, writes Eelyn Sharp, British me eery time. the soothing touch of I do not really want to exorcise novelist, in the Manchester Guardian. him. lie is almost the last relic In a I am looking for my piece of material age of those things that bacon, be explained when, although cannot be explained away by reason accustomed to his curious tempera- or logic or science. The magic of the ment, they asked for nn explanation. inanimate is a tiling to be accepted, This story was told me in illustra- not a tiling to be proved. I can tell s tion of the of a you it is there, but if you do not see charming man of letters there was, it I cannot mnke you beliee me. Tbe I may add, no piece of bacon under best kind of truth is like that, as the sideboard when they looked for every child can tell you who knows Friend Lost Fat, Too it but to me it bears a different in- that, as soon as lie goes to sleep, his terpretation. On this occasion I do playthings become alive. Besides, in I weighed 190 lbs. when I first not think he was absent-mindeat spite of the power of the inanimate started Kruschcn. In 3 months I lost all. I think he was wrestling with to exasperate us at ecry turn In 37)4 lbs. I was so proud of my results, Ive told quite a few the devil that habitually enters into our daily life, it holds at least one of my over-fa- t friends. some common object of the house- vestige of consolation for animate have lost a too, They, as nature us. Can hold and whisks it aw-arepresented by into space. lot.5 Mrs. J. S. Sonza, It is a devil that beats us all; and we wonder, when pens and pencils Waco, Texas. As surely, safely and I have no difficulty in believing that and pipes behave as they do, unproconveniently as a hnlf the piece of bacon really leaped from voked, that the human race, strung teaspoon ful of Krua-chehis plate and shot under the side- to a finer scale and stranded in a baits in a glass of hot water in tlie board and then disappeared. No one world filled with inanimate objects, morning banishes dou who has possessed a pair of scissors bie chins, fat hips, bulging stomachs or spectacles, a pencil, or a knife, and restores slim, youthful lines so will or a piece of India rubber, or an ear this healthful little daily dose help build up glorious health. Indigestion, trumpet is in a position to doubt his aridity, headaches, fatigue and assertion. to annoy slioitness of breath cen--I Reason, admit, is against this youll look younger and FELL IT so of ambition. vigorous and full theory of the capacity for locomoIf one inexpensive jar (lasts 4 weeks) tion shown by the inanimate; but I doesnt jov fully satisfy money baek from do not pretend that there Is any reaany drugstore. Make sure you get Krus son In the matter. I am stating facts, chen prescribed by tmny physicians and recogm.ed the world over as the and everybody knows it is a fact SAFE way to reduce. that the pen you put down on the table a moment ago simply vanished A Few Drops Every while you walked across the room to consult a book, and then, when HAIR Night and Morning 4 Itamore D&ndrnfT Stopa Hair falling you had wasted several minutes in Impart Color and 3 Will a Promote Clean, turning the room upside down in a Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair WAendJI at Drupist vain search for it, reappeared where N J ( hrn W Lntrh Healthy Condition! Ideal for use In SHAMfOO you originally left it. The pen may FLURtbiON All Stores At HalsanuMiik Hair Drug the connect ion with Parkers be a needle or a hammer or a bunch hair soft and fluffy. 60 cnis by mail or at drug of keys or a pipe; Its ability to dis WriteMurine Co.,Dpt.V,Cl)icago,for Free Book gists. Hiscox Chemical W orka, IaUchogue, N. Y, W. 10. Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM 1.50 Just opposite Mormon Tabenaclo ERNEST C. ROSSITER, The unnu.il Cody AJfcr. y 0Ufl balsam HO h m h DOLLAR Aim ".. V? PROTECTED THIS MOTOR FOR OVER FOUR THOUSAND MILES! 'J Low Consumption end Motor Protection proved in the most daring and convinc- ing Motor Oi! Test ever made WHEN New and Improved Conoco Germ Processed Motor Oil was perfected, it had lubrication values so great that a mere statement of them would seem absurd. Could you believe that any strictly stock motor could run 4,729 miles on just five quarts of oil before wrecking itself? It did and Conoco proved it in competition with five widely known, nationally adverI tised, quality brands of motor oil The competition was held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, under the supervision of the Contest Board, American 7 " xV 'I 4 v FA b. rr - 7 I J x t. v vj '- xv vs V olytechnic Engineering College Oak laud, Calif, gt Diesel Engine Course new Borne Study Conrse In Diesel Engines is now ottered by this college at a reasons Ills rate. veiy Most complete and practical course ever devised in tire West. New Diesel I aboratory, with both Karine nd Dorm site Lngtnes. This College is endorsed by leading educators of liie West. luiui illation b Kius. A Aame, , Addre ss Y.T 22 V tho tor coverod 4,729 miioi at ernii th frnripr X 4 C C!V ' ! See r , .y f,? SK A'' 'kwV .'''vijNvJ 7U V P P. i AAA SANCTION NO. 3001 Automobile Association. Six new, strictly stock cars, were used a different oil of tlie same S. A. E. fjrade in each. After the cars were broken in for 2,500 miles, they were drained, examined and a fresh fill of five quarts put in each crankcase. No more oil was added. Then the crankcases were sealed by an AAA official. The real test began. It was ordered that they be driven at an average of 500 miles a day at 5 0 miles an hour until their motors failed to operate. Oil No. 4 was first to fail at 1,713.2 miles. Oil No. 6 failed at 1,754.4 miles. Oil No. 5 ruined its motor at 1,815.9 miles; three of them were out of the running. The next day Oil No. I failed to lubricate and, its motor wrecked, Stopped at 2,256.8 miles. Two cars two oils still left in the test. Oil No. 3, after & remarkable run of 3,318.8 miles, came to a shuddering stop, !a ' J :Q A - and the last competitor of New and Improved Conoco Germ Processed Oil, was out. The lone car, with this tremendously vital oil, labeled No. 2, went on and on. On the tenth day, at an almost unbelievable total of 4,729 miles, it failed an all-tirecord mileageon a total of five quarts I The Hidden Quart of new oily penetrativeness won the greater film strength and higher resistance to the effects of dilution the absence of carbon and sludge all aided in this great achievement. It firmly supported Conocos patented principle of added oiliness it proved every claim. Conoco alone can make oil this way. It is covered by recent United States patents. You can have this oil in your cor, for it costs no more than other quality oils. Drive into a Conoco Station or dealer, marked by the Red Triangle. Fill and know the satisfaction, the freedom from repairs, the economy of lew consumption that only Conoco gives. & ' f 3; d, - J. jt . - K'L1, U t B- X :A 9 7 P f ", s 4? f I t P u f-- - S Nv r Fere quarts ofeach brand of oil were carefully put in the ears by AAA official.. , 4 4 Here ere the Fepreaontativea of the Contest Board of the American Automobile Aaaocia tsort who aupervised every detail of the teat end attested to the records made . Wahninq car mnufoeturn ere ailnl nw type ptau el bearing which will lUnd lure and Umparatur, ratultinf from ln Iw and Hew criasad power and ipeed. These were new motors before the teat . They were wrecked to prove to you how to protect youre The official sealing of crankcases after fill of live quarts was put in No addition of oil was per out ted in this destruction IB' I !1 T proved Conoco Germ Procemed Motor OH he been eheaUvely tested on these new bearing. The remit show the! it give them then greeter protection ageinst demegt the market teeny straight mineral ollsnowon Protect your new car by asing the aotc Oil y o can be sere of. iQRiInciital Oil Company 0m N. B. C. Harry Rkhmen John B. Kennedy Jeck Denny iMuiic Every Wednesday Night Pnwnls fMRAFriW hey AiD teat .THE to new car owners . . . 5SE) f IMPROVED C0J10C0 GERM PROCESSED MOTOR OIL EXCLUSIVE NEWFEATURES PROTECTED UND ER RECENT U. S. in Jit SU 13th and Mmlliron V - is ttft fifty miles an hour, lubrt catod with New and Conoco Gom Pro cessed Motor Oil r -- tt fcl Vi 4 $ that A HALF W0H7H OF OSL '!' v Jjl 17 Som PAYETTE, IDA. Two connete on bridges are to be constructed lloiso-bho- e tho Payette highway mar In ml at a cost of $su,MOOO. t. 200 .Tile Baths 200 Rooms d 2753 chines. ?. TEMPLE SQUARE cliool rOCATELLO, IDA. Only 23 per cent of tlie 6500 automobiles tested, in state highway department A. A. A. safety lanes in southeastern Idaho recently were found 100 per cent. Lights were di fective on 75 per cent of tin automobiles tested, and unusual In tin examination was the finding that many of them were on comparatively uew ma- W Lu " HOTEL With Kruschcn 8' ' Attendant- at thu proKressive you to enurajje in profitable tudy that will later increase jour earninc power. in all Special and rejnilar course Riven the summer commercial subjects durin in rates months. Special tuition Now is 'the time to imestipatc make the summer's efforts worth while. A position for every graduate. 112 calls received for office help so far this year. Write for new catalog and full information. Visitors welcome any time. It paja to get the best. HEHAGER BUSINESS COLLEGE CODY. H absent-mindednes- V 45 E. Broadway IE Up Lost 37 Pound & study 'Rarest Hotel well-know- n V-- rr.criTAELE Salt Lake Citys THE INANIMATE PATENTS 34 |