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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD II. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH Roy A. Selionian, Publisher and Editor snfored oa ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising Vlay 26, 1922 Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate Line, cons ning Rust at his home Wednesday eveBishop and Mrs. LeRoy at a lively party. Those Miss Zella and Fern Rust attend- at the Poutoffice at present were: Bruce Brown, ed the L. D. S. Nurses graduation Guy exercises at Salt Lake City Thurs Boswell, Rust their Rust, Dee Holder, Ben Cannon, day. Miss Mable and daughter and sister was one of and Lynn Case. Lemonade cookies were served. the graduates. They enjoyed the RATES trip immensely. Mrs. Bill Gallier entertained in $2.00 100 honor of her husbands birthday Duchesne, March 3, 1879. Per Column Inch, 30c. Classified and Reading Notices For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per line, first insertion; 5c qer line for SCBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months minimum issue matter s Dea- Gor- Utah, under the act of don Case, Evan 2y2C. each succeeding charge, 30c. second-clas- Ill Keith Case entertained the Two sisters of Mrs. Hannah Sal-in- a Hansen, Mrs. Tillie Staples of Loris and daughter and Mrs. Hansen were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hansen Monday. 75 Three Months MEMORIAL DAY We have again paid respect and tribute to those who have completed their lifes work among us, and Memhav,e been laid down to their final rest. In the the cemeteries, orial Day services, in halls and at is attention our American Legion, the sponsored by of course directed primarily to those who have lost their lives in the service of the country. It is fitting that the Legion should take the lead on this day, and that their fallen comrads should receive their greatest attention. One cannot help but notice however, when glancincreasing-numbeing through our cemeteries, the rapidly of graves marking a different kind of soldier - - our Uintah Basin Pioneers. These soldiers, men and women, who have fought the battle of the Basin side by side, are now fast approaching the time when many of them must turn the battle over to younger hands, and take their places among those who first populated our cemeteries through untimely deaths, from accident or illness. To these then, we pay increasing reverence and respect. They are our Fathers and Mothers - - Our Pioneers. mu anniversary. Mrs. Laura Hardman entertained her Primary Class, The Trail Jean and Betty Jo Builders at a slumber party, ErValier vin Rust, Elvin Thacker and Low- were visiting ell Bennion. Thursday afternoon. Morrison Mayhew Mrs. Olive Miles entertained her Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rhodes and on the hike a Class LeVern and Horace Chatwin at son Primary river. An exceptional time was were Duchesne visitors Thursday reported. r far Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hardman, by the time it reached Duchesne, to a good barnMr. and Mrs. Herbert Lang and Mrs. Elizabeth Hardman and Mrs. the all which arrived seven of were visiting in Duchesne ships, children storming tour, home Anna L. Evans returned as 1:00 afternoon. at of m. G:00 instead to 2:00 p. way from from Salt Lake City and Ogden, Saturday relwhere they have been visiting they were scheduled. NOTICE Laura and Delbert were atives. been would have once at Eighteen ships, arriving while there at the Salt married a grand and impressive sight, ha,lf a dozen drifting Lake L. D. S. Temple, Laura has On Monday, May 28, the state lived here practically all her life, where her life long friends extend to her all the happiness in the world. Delbert who recently moved here is very highly respected. Miss Alice Hardman and James Hardman accompanied them home. will be Approximately $200,000 government federal paid by the In return to Utah hog growers h0 reduc to their pledges spec! the to duction according AAA. the of cations was This announcement directW W. Owens, assistant Service or" Extension of the Utah a meeting of the review, jhio. AAA offi tion was appointed aU cials to check t0 ena tracts before sending thl PP final for C. Washington, D. VlBenefit payments for wheat and more tha reduction will add the fare. to dollars for Utahns Income of two two payments on the said. Owens tracts, Mr. is being made A final check-u- p and contracts corn-ho- g on the by within a few days those signed e be pla should Utahs growers A. Wallace before Secretary H. for his consideration. now being An organization is of coneffected for the inspection the in tracted wheat acerage work this for state. Machinery J-was set in motion last week by the of Lynch, representative under AAA. The inspection will be Extension the supervision of the Service through a state wheat workers and local agent, check-u- p farm supervisors. So? office of the National Reemployment Service will be moved from 329 State Capitol Building to 219 Ness Building, Salt Lake City Utah. Henceforth all communications to the state office should be sent to the latter address. 2 purpose or maintenance eral amounts set sr - -- Legal Advertising -- Mrs. Leonard Brown was visitMr. and Mrs. Joseph Case and ing her sister, Miss Ruth Snow children were the guests of Mr. Saturday afternoon. and Mrs. Jowett Fortie Sunday. 0 Howard Stewart left Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Pearson Roosevelt where he Is a memfor and children were visiting Mr. and ber of the CCC organization. Mrs. Leslie Pearson Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Hadden and son Sher-re- l, Mrs. Annetta Bennion was giv Stewart and Mrs. Howard en a party in form of a shower at Duchesne Kennison were John the home of her friend, Mrs. Sime visitors afternoon. Thursday Atwood, Monday afternoon a large number of ladies were present and Clayton Brennick of Duchesne had a wonderful time. Beautiful spent Saturday night at the home gifts showing love and friendship of his mother, Mrs. J. A. Morrison. were given her. A refreshing lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Quite a few people from here Edith Hansen and Mrs. Vista Wall. motored to the4 Duchesne air port to view the arafternoon Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Vern Cose, Mr. that are on a of mada airplanes and Mrs. Ross Case,, Mrs. Jim tour the Salt Lake by sponsored FullListPr and Phillis, Mr. Clois commerce. of Chamber BARNSTORMING mer, enjoyed a fishing trip on the City The Goodwill Armada which made a tour of ver-iou- s Lake Fork and Yellowstone SunMr. and Mrs. Bud Brennick and popular children, Mrs. J. A. Morrison and fields in the state during the week, visited the day. Ross seems to be beauties. Clayton Brennick motored to Myshort of its with the big speckled Basin Saturday and Sunday, fell ton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Volney Boswell highly auditory aim. The tour of 18 ships sponsorseven a of ed by the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce with the are the proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abplanalp baby girl, born Thursday and Mi;, and Mrs. Albert Smith avowed purpose of furthering good will, among the pound 24th. May motored to Vernal Saturday. various cities visited and Salt Lake, deterioriated, inpromiscously, was a real disappointment. individual members of the tour were of course not necessarily at fault. Sevevral of them were not barnstorming, but were purely along in the interests of aviation, as was planned. The flight had a commander, we understand, but he was so interested in the few dollars to be picked up, that he did not know howT many had left Salt Lake, or that one of them had crashed in Emmigration Canyon on the flight over. You had a mighty good thought, Salt Lake, but poor execution. Too Bad! Utah Million Dollars For Farmers From AAA Name NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineers Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 28, 1934. Notice is hereby given that Abram Gines, Tabiona, Utah, has made application in accordance with the Laws of Utah to change the point of diversion and nature of use of 0.75 sec. ft. of water from Duchesne in Duchesne River said Heretofore Utah. County, water has been diverted at a point which bears S. 8 deg. 29 min. E 910 ft. from the NW cor. Sec 30, T. 1 S., R. 7 V., U. S. B. & M, and used from January 1st tc December 31st incl. of each year to irrigate 53 acres of land embraced in the SWVA Sec. 33, T. 1 S. R. 7 W., U. S. B. & M. It is now proposed to divert said water at a point which bears N. 89 deg. 58 min. W. 1986 ft. from the Ni cor. Sec. 14, T. 1 S., R. 8 W., U. S. B. & M. and convey via the Farm Creek Irrigation Co. canal and use to irrigate the land above intended described. It is also that as much of said water as may be necessary will be used during each entire year for domestic purposes. This application is designated in the State Engineers Office as File - the sev'- - Cert. No. 9f Z. C. M. I. E. C. Nelson 90 100l Lucile N. Postlethwaite ft M 88 And unless paid m2 before, as is necessary of each as parcel the above stock will be sold at tnl 2 office of the secretary of company, at Brooks store in Fruk land, Utah, on Monday, J934 at 2:00 o'clock, er the assessment noted, the cost of advertising and expense of sale Dated May 9th, 1934 at Fruk land, Utah. pVw GOLDEN E. BROWN ! Secretary, Treasurer 41-3- T j NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a! public hearing on the Budget for! the fiscal year 5 of the Duchesne County School District will be held at the Board of Ed-- ! 1934-193- ucations office, Duchesne, Utah Tuesday, June 5th, 1934 at .two. oclock P. M. The Tentative Bud- -, get is now on file in the Clerk1 Office. Duchesne County School District' By C. C. Mickelson, Clerk I Leather Hidet Leather Is now made from practi.-callall kinds of wild animal skins, All protests against the grantstating including monkeys, frogs, snakes,; ing of said application, the reasons therefor, must be by kangaroos, alligators, crocodile a, affidavit in duplicate, accompani- well as fishes of various kinds. jAc-- i ed with a fee of $1.00 and filed in cording to the Department of Com-- j merces hide and leather division, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rowley are this office within thirty (30) days the search for animals aftorifing, of the sevpubafter the completion with us again, after spending skins for fashionable leather, t lication of this notice. eral months In Montana. world wide. Ostrich skins have Date of first publication, June 1. even been used to produce leather,! months for moisture first The 1934. fell Tuesday the 29th, very little but will settle the dust for a doy Date of last publication, June 29, 1934. or two. T. H. HUMPHERYS, The wedding dance of Mr. and State Engineer Mrs. Jack Blazzard last WednesSANDWICHES - DRINKS attended day night was largely PASTRIES f many relatives and friends from DELINQUENT NOTICE CAKES COOKIES Salt Lake attended. CANDIES Mr. and Mrs. James Olsen at- Red Creek Irrigation Company Mrs. tended the funeral services of Principal Place of Business Chas. Potter at Utahn Tuesday. Fruitland. Utah of Mr. and Mrs. Will Jensen Boneta and Mr. and Mrs. Hants-me- n There is now and delinquent beof Price were visitors Sun- cause of an assessment of 50c per DUCHESNE, UTAH day at the home of their sister share on all the capital stock of Mrs. Mabel Stevenson. 12 the company, levied February ti Mr. Dave Steveson and family from Sweets Mine, Carbon County, were on Lake Fork fishing Saturday, and visited with his brother, Mr. Brig Steveson Sunday. No. Quick Lunch Fvlortensen Bakery etfer Light Good Until June 1st ight TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL OFFER NOW Blalz Old Heidelberg Beer DRAFT NOW 11 a nun D ON BILLIARDS PHR is 111 & LIGHT GO. ? wst effbii CANDY AND TOBACCO Hall Pass Time Pool Utah Professional Cards Duchesne, Show an actual profit on next years reading! ... Your home newspaper and the pick of this choice list of magazmeT ...All for the amazing, low price given below. STERLING TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Uintah Basin Points to Salt Lake Uintah Basin Points to Trice -- o- Every Day Service Each Way -- o- Teachers You can earn several hundred dollars this summer, and you can secure a better position and a larger salary for the coming year. Complete information will be mailed on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for it to-da- j Better Homes & J LJ Delineator o Gardens,l Yr. 1 Yr. ij McCall's Magazine 1 Movie Classic Pathfinder (Weekly) ... Pictorial Review Open Road (Beys) Book Rural Schools and City Schools Summer Work and School Year Positions CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. "Thanks for sending mo so many good positions to apply for, over 30 during the first tive days I was enrolled." An Illinois Teacher 1830 Downing St. Denver, Colo. Covers the ENTIRE United States SCHOOL DITTO VI.S: We can put you n touch with the ery finest teachers. Our sen lee Is free to you. Radioland Utah J f AM $1.00. Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. Mil. .iril fjcje American Poultry Jrnl...2 Yrs. The Country Home Yrs. The Farm Journal 1 Yr. 2 w ft. G-- ? pfoj1' tkj Is Jj - If Capper's Farmer Gentlewoman Good Stories Home Circle Magazine Yr. Yr. Needlecraft 1 Yr Yr. Successful Farming Woman's Worid Check I Magazine thus (X) !f.YOU PREFR VOU MAY CHOOSE ALL 4 MAGAZINES FROM Our Onaruurr To Yon! - 1 Yr. L. A. HOLLENBECK Attorney-at-La- 1 Yr. 1 Yr. w Duchesne Utah WM. H. FITZWATER Notary Public rostoffice Bldg., Duchesne ROY Utah THE CRIMINAL LAWS OF wit s STATE In plain English I Price f explanation. fuflj THE BANKRUPTCY LAWS explained; who may beeoniej. be Invo bankrupt, voluntarily, l'"j f i b Price $1.00. ily. dig MEXICAN DIVORCE LAW$ f information gratis. DELAWARE CHARTERS: In 2 sound, sure; obtained . fu'1? ANY LAW QUESTION tm Bwered by competent, i lawyers for $1.00. SOfl LEGAL RESEARCH i 1601 Maltmnn Ave. Los come may it this adv., (Clip sometime.) Duchesne Utah (x) norW RADIO TUBES PUase clip list of Magazine, after cheeking 4 Publica. ttons desired. Fill out coupon Carefully. BATTERIES Gentlemen: I enclose I... fou, checked with ACCESSORIES mlne. . yurt NAME STREET TAWN OK R P D. A N r STATE 10 J 1 A. SCIIOMAN Registered Mortician Yr. Check 3 Magazines thus This wonderful offer is available to old and new subscribers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment, of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented.- Renewals will be extended for full term shown. Yr. Yr. 1 1 1 Yr Household Magazine ....1 Yr. Illustrated Mechanics ....1 Yr. Mother's Home Life 1 Yr. 2Yrs. 1 I1 WaaaojieA ft Yr. 1 in. SE-- ! I y. Screen Play True Confessions Duchesne I' a $1-0- -- Hollywood Movie Mag...l Yr. Screen w .U'JLi y jJeect Company Attorney-at-La- i jSiKSSgj, Eastern Utah Transportation MERRIL II. LARSEN ALIMONY & DIVORCE LAWS'O, g OF ANY STATE in the Union e f Mexico, with plain English note ut an planatory comment and Ions. A different publication Mis r each state. Covers marriage voree. alimony, legal separata' annulment, separate nniinteiM nn of ehlrf: kc custody and support j etc. Specify state wanted, f SCIIONIAN FURNITURE COMPANY M E IS W O LONGERSUFFj. NEED NO lax v 1 nu R N stub fro, Relieves the most cases quickly ond Jjcct Different fror have ever used. Triced full size. Sent in plain Jrar y postpaid Sold only U S LABORATORY Box 2006 Hollywood Los Angel1 r Clio and rut away H-- ', S;far j ! t |