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Show FRIDAY, NOVEMBER- THE BOX ELDER NEWS, PAGE TWO The Box Elder Hews Jr IT WONT every Tuesdav and Friday Published porting American Education Week. Its sole purpose is to acquaint the public with the actual work of the with their Ideals, their schools, achievements, and their needs. The American Legion supports the movement because of that great organizations interest in removing illiteracy and in upholding the highest ideals of citizenship In the schools. The National Education Association is the worlds largest professional organization, dedicated to the principle of a fair start in life for every child, lit believes that the success of the schools efforts to train faithful citi zens depends on the intelligent, active support of the people of the entire country. The plan for observing Education Week comes as a challenge of a great We celebrate the Fourth of ideal. July because it gave us a free naLet us magnify the schools tion. one week each year because through them we shall develop the finer values of our civilization, and through them, under the ideals of American Education Week, we shall make civilization safer and more certain for all Semi-Weekl- y, BE LONG NOW 8. C. WIXOM, Editor and Manager. Rates Subscription One Year Six Months Three Months I was ELEC-TIO- N to till going say but everybody is getting so SERIOUS I do not dare mention ELEC-TIOfor fear somebody will take EXCEPTIONS. I havent the NERVE to tell a funny STORY even and that sure CRAMPS my style. You THOUGHT $2.50 5 65 Entered at the Post Office at City, as Second Class Matter. N FLOWER CULTURE IS BRIGHAM CITY SEMI-WEEKL- The Incomparable I R CA Brigham City is dotted with many beautiful flower gardens and during the past few years greater interest has been manifested by many of our citizens in the culture of flowers. During the week the writer was at So I SOLEMNLY anthe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Knudson, who have given considerable IT WONT BE nounce attention during the past few years NOW LONG till we put to this work. Mr. Knudson has uptime. wards of half an acre planted to on our Old Time Medicine toProgram's that will be in keeping of chrysanthemums every variety, Sale all next WEEK with with the spirit of the week have been gether with other varieties of flowers. Besides supplying part of the local cut prices GALORE. planned by the different schools and On November clubs of the nation. demand, he is now shipping flowers the 9th the National Broadcasting to the larger cities of the state and Moral: Theres a time to into southern Idaho. company has arranged for a nationHis garden of wide hookup, the speakers will be outlaugh and theres a time chrysanthemums, with the choicest standing representatives of the Naplants of all colors, is indeed a beauto cry. tional Education Association, the Natiful and refreshing sight to behold. WYNN tional Congress of Parents and TeachMr. and Mrs. Knudson have also been ers and the American Legion. very generous in giving flowers to their friends and to others in time of UNCONDITIONALLY Guaranteed for Before leaving the bereavement. a lifetime. The Schaeffer Lifetime Knudson home, the writer was presented a beautiful bouquet of chrysEDDY DRUG Fountain Pens. Peoples Drug Co. anthemums that would be hard to (tf) Ray the druggist. excel in variety and richness of color STORE or size, anywhere in the country. The Rexall Store iMany other of our local citizens 0 are giving a great deal of attention to the culture of flowers, and their homes and surroundings are noticeable for their beautiful appearance. interest in the program for this year Among these are Mr. and Mrs. James is .still greater. E. Halverson, President and Mrs. S. There are no selfish interests sup- Norman Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Isaacson, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Jorgensen, Mrs. L. C. Going, and others. Besides those who are growing flowers on rather a large scale are many who maintain small, yet very beautiful, flower gardens. The flower show put on here by the Relief Society YOU AT during the Peach day festival bore STORE evidence of the extent to which our local people have entered into flower MORNING 8 culture and also of the pains taken in growing both variety and quality Sample line of mens leather gloves just received. These gloves sell as well. regularly for from $1.15 to $2.75. Tomorow they will be sold ,at What is more beautiful than prices ranging from 65c to $1.65. One lot of childrens fast colored print dresses selling for 69c. The material alone costs more. Just 16 all wool sweaters for girls and boys. Beautiful shades. They NATIONAL EDUCATION WEEK sell regular for $4.00. Tomorrow for $2.50 each. Boys light colored shirts. Regular 89c to be sold for 59c. Well have one table of real In the week of November 5 to 11, bargains, but so few of ny one article that we cant itemize them. of the United Inclusive,' the people States will join in the eighth annual observance of American Education Week, under the joint auspices of the American Legion and the National Education Association. American EduVt Block South of Tabernacle cation Week was more widely observed last year than ever before. The Super-Heterodyn- es Research Laboratories. ombined achievement of three famous ReTwo hundred engineers in three great General Electric, Westing-hous- e search Laboratories have and Radio Corporation of America 60 of cooperated in perfecting the new Series 1. The simplicity and dependability of eration of the nationally popular Radiola 18. The unrivalled selectivity and sensitivity 2. of the op. Super-Heterodyn- e. Super-Heterodyne- s. Tone and range beyond that of any in use. heretofore ceivers 3. since its first The Rediola class appearance five years ago, has been in a associated its RCA and by itself. Developed by companies, it has been recognized as the finest THE Super-Hetrodyn- achievement e, in radio. Now to the magic of the have been added new features that make a still finer instrument. The new Series CO Radiola Super-Heterpdy- DITtf EMUIIISION New control features never before 4. 5. Beautiful cabinets selected by a committee of artists and cabinetmakers. re. used. special And the unrivalled manufacturing resources RCA and its associated companies of General Electric and Westinghouse mparable place these inco- instruments within reach of millions of homes. combine: Some Heal Bargain: i AWAIT SATURDAY - Y Greater musical range and finer fidelity of tone than ever before achieved in radio. HOLSTS AT OCLOCK W. R. Mehner Electric Co. C. Holst & Son MONEY SAVING NEWS FOR YOU! ALWAYS GET YOUR DISCOUNT IN Now you canget Green Stamps at all of the merchants listed below. from these merchants and saving the Green Stamps, you By buying can get beautiful gifts for yourself and your home. Absolutely FREE. Green Stamp premiums make beautiful Christmas gifts. And .you can get them free just by saving Green Stamps. &K Green book. GREEN If you will buy your 'needs from the stores giving Green Stamps, it will not take you long to fill your stamp book, and when you get your premium you have saved the money it would of cost you, had you purchased it in a store. Green Stamps are over thirty-tw- o years old, so if you have any old books, they are still good, so dont think that your Green Stamps are only good for - one : Stamps obtained from different stores may all be placed in the same 'year. THESE MERCHANTS ISSUE &K GREEN DISCOUNT STAMPS Clean, Hot WIXOM Reeds PETERSENS Convenient Service Stations Dependable STORES Service Electric RITE-WA- Y loam To be Wholesale and Retail sure of getting Castle Gate Coal Phone 5-- R Castle Gate Coal Yard ORVAL E. SACKETT, Proprietor Office: 20 W, 1st S. Yard: E. of U. I. C. Depot We Give Green Stamps Sheffield Market BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH The Sanitary Market, Help Yourself-Fanc- y and Staple Groceries Fresh and Cured Meats. Winning New Friends Every Day. GOOD WILL will means having people feel good toGood will is gained by giving ward you. people good goods at fair prices and treating them with courtesy. The crowds here indicate that many people have good will for this store. Good We Give S & H Green Stamps DEVEREHL PETERSEN, Manager Gasoline, Oil, Tires and Accessories Sporting Goods and Toys Hardware Housewares South Main Street and 101 North Main Street Two Stations 498 We Give 2&C Green Stamps Hansen Furniture & Music Company Over a quarter of continuous customers. and unstinted service to Near Corner i i We Give Green Stamps FOR QUALITY our We furnish your home complete at prices below the price charged for the same quality merchandise anywhere else. Furniture, Rugs, Pianos, Phonographs, Radio everything for Visit our exchange department. the home. We Give Phone FISHBURNS a century giving constant Green Stamps Electric Appliances and Quality Lighting Fixtures House Wiring and Repairing 1st South We Give 101-- J and Main, Brigham. Green Stamps Wm. TborntonDrug STORE NO. 8 prescription drug store We clothe the. family from head to foot. The Best For Less Always Always FISHBURNS BRIGHAM - - TREMONTON We Give HVt Green Stamps Agency for the Owl Drug Co.. Products. Try our store first, we will treat you with the utmost courtesy and loyalty. You will find a registered druggist at our store at all times. "e carry a very complete line of Drugs and Toilet Articles, Kodaks, Sta- tionery, Soda Fountain , Service, Candy and Cigars. Corner across from county bldg., Brigham, We Give Ut. Green Stamps a i: |