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Show jgE nrv NEWS BER NEWS H IT IS tfSWTBE EWER (OS Devoted to no Party or Faction pQpf PUBLISHED IN Structure Is Erected Here at aidid Cost of $17,500 d s. Seminary of the erected during the r stake, 1 months on the corner of streets in this fc snd Fourth East Of 117,500, is now comX building faces the Box across kirt school, which is r the east, and stands as Sent to hte enterprise of the r t of WJ. community, at the Seminary has of late ucreasing very rapidly m had become so large that building was found inadequate Imodate all of the students de-- r u this of fidance religious instruction. For this Seminary was proposed, met general favor of the peo-- i the Box Elder stake." ,, new k I is a one story con-te- d full with basement, uie, n of red brick and cement con-0the ground floor are three ca- -, class rooms, with a seating -' ten puand hundred two f0r There is also a large room for The building eachers quarters. and modern in every Seminary new nj G. G. SWEETEN Democratic Candidate for Commissioner G. G. Sweeten is a Utah product. He was born and raised in Mendon, Cache County, of pioneer stock. His parents did much towards the deof the velopment country and were loved and honored by their associates. On coming to Box Elder County in 1911, Mr. Sweeten located at Collin-sto- n where he engaged in the mercantile and livestock business, which occupation he has followed since. He is perhaps as well known as any man in this locality and always for his genial personality and his unqualified willingness to assist in any enterprise looking to the industrial, commercial and social welfare of the comHe is thoroughly acquainted munity. with Box Elder County, knows its needs and capacity for development. He served two years as County Commissioner in 1919 and 1920 and is term in now completing a two-yethat office, being the chairman of the board. In point of experience and training for the duties and responsibilities of County Commissioner there are His road construcfew his equal. tion record is without an equal in the He is successful in the county. handling of his personal affairs, is Box dependable and trustworthy. Elder County can do no better than to elect G. G. Sweeten County Comterm. missioner for the four-yeinter-mounta- in icular. the new Seminary began and the 20th, this year, months four was completed iaj and is now being used for re-,- ji instruction, under the able rrision of Bishop Abel S. Rich. building was erected under the msion of a committee appointed stake presidency, composed of Jenson, chairman, Abel S. Rich W. Fishburn. d Chairman the committee have given . of their time in supervising construction work, and deserve t for the able manner in which on rk lane ie lie Jen-an- functioned. for the Seminary were furn-b- y Fred W. Hodgson of Logan, bare ns ar J. Petersen had V of the carpenter work and the and imasonry was done bars Hansen, Olof Johnson and Putney. The plastering was done red Holland, and the painting by actor IRoyes a ncrease several months of ier Ilia Steps To Water Supply Taking ty lylli contract paint- - tod Thompson, careful ar Tuesday Mrs. Lyle Lake and daugh- con-rati- on ter Nedra of Ogden, spent the day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A the land, and in conation with iGeologist William Petit of the Utah Agricultural col-- 1, the mayor and city officials of ibam City have decided tot do some acting in the fields at Mantua additional water for the city both living water and by the process of :boo Ml cit; Hansen. Mrs. Aaron Pingree and children and Mrs. Grant Marsh and children of Ogden, spent last Tuesday visiting at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Georgians Miller in this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Calhoon of Althe berta, Canada, were guests atOlsen. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mr. and Mrs. (Calhoon are on their in the way home after four years Tongo mission where Elder Calhoon was mission president. Miss Mary Lee, student of the Brigham Young University, received a letter congratulating her on being chosen as a candidate to the Theta is the Alpha Phi fraternity. This Dramatic Art national will be fraternity, and the initiations weeks. held in two Sheffield Brothers Market has on at the display in the front window which weighs cheese, a store large It is perhaps two hundred pounds. it the biggest cheese in town. and Wyoming Valley, Star from came cut it is the intention of the firm to the cheese on Saturday. ana Vernon Toombs, son of Mr. and this city of Mrs. J. G. Toombs a call of Promontory, has accepted to perform church S. D. L. from the He leaves a mission in England. 19th where Nov. Lake City Salt for course. missionary the he will take on Novem- He leaves for his mission M. lamping. ith this object in view, the serv-s- f A L, Bishop company of Salt a City has been procured, and the m sinking a pipe in the Mantua for the purpose of making a the land to ascertain the possi-fo- r water. A h pipe to a consider-- ! depth, and prospects for water tfery encouraging at the present The work is being vigorously Muted, and definite results should attainable within a comparatively 'ft time. wen three-inc- driven down v jan Neal Sentenced For Stealing Car I J;83 car8ed with depriving ot 22 Ogden of his automobile without his permission, Lin Judse James N. Kim-- rt otl81011 of the Second district .I6en Tuesday morning and 6 plea of guilty. He was to frora 50 days to 10 years state rr prison. a5hroPriated the car in Og-rti- .r i ,e. had broken jail in this was serving a federal a similar offense. He s . Mran'd Mrs. Deverell Petersen of later at Cedar City and Win tartifk to Ogden, together with Chinese, who escaped at and three boys who j d them on . the road to Cedar ? 8 al took the entire blame aim. the automobile, Kam bpnating comnio!08?cuted and 'was sent hack te his term for violation of at. The three youths sssed Tuesday evenln g. ion this city attended a wedding recep evening, Saturday Idaho, at Malad, Mrs James ? i Mr. and given in honor of W. Barker of that place. t'6 'mS8'o2S" wl e , LOCAL The the home ception was held at Stokes ot of the tk'y11 funeralservlcea ot ber .teas Tavlor. who died Wednesday Mrs. Taylor Is the dam morning. former Brig ter of Henry Jensen, a "Icbaen and babies ham City resident, and is survived by 'Ke Joan- - of Oakland, Califor-a- t ar. Jt husband and two childrens the home of Mrs. hpr rearicksen. VOTE FOR n. ITEMS NELS JENSON punsaker of Honeyville, vi!ting her cousin Leno MlS3 Hunsaker has been mento California for several 4Vj8a mer Sja1 atks i for CITY JUDGE Democrat NOTE If you are a Jens Mr. '4UtI?ARichard E- Davis of the vote and desire to Ur. - Penitentiary, accompanied circmat cross a S wtslted relatives ai)d place Ms 8 daesdayh City and at wulard 011 cross opposite for Mr. Jenson place daughter of Mr. and his name at bottom of ticket and ' ?ayia of this city, who Is scratch opponent! name. eadjn. man 4, J5. 8chol at the University of A clean, honest isima pj, recently pledged to the for Judge It Is a social Gallatin Borority. CITIZENS COjESITT J the Caa u&nd the oldest sorority Advertisement) (Paid Political - 8.. , I HARVESTS PAY NUMBER 60. Edifed by the AT 1GH SCHOOL Republican Central Committee (Political Advertisement) Don B. Colton and Geo. Crops D. Casto Discuss Pol- for 1928 Each Bring $350,000 to Farmers. itical Issues. The second Tea given at Republican headquarters Wednesday afternoon by the seven Brigham City Precincts, Perry, Harper and Mantua, as iwell attended and pronounced a very successful affair. The store room of Knudson Block waslarge artistically decorated with National colors and cut flowers and potted plants. Vice chairwoman Ella V. Reeder presented all the precinct chairwomen and told of the work being done by them and introduced Mrs. B. C. Call, who presided over the meeting. Three musical numbers were rendered by W. H. Griffitrs and C. E. Baker, and Misses Mabel Jensen and Bodel Olsen sang two campaign songs. Mrs. W. S. Jensen gave some interesting history of the part women had taken in Box Elder politics. Mrs. Or- ville E. Merrell referred to the civic work performed by the club women. All local candidates on the ticket were introduced after a few approp- remarks by Mrs. Call. Congressman Don B. Colton and Geo. D. Casto of Washington, D. C. spoke very interestingly upon the is- sues of the Campaign, particularly stressing the prohibition question. Mrs. Orson Jensen, candidate for rep- -' resentative, spoke briefly, after which Mrs. Harvey, State committee woman, Cake and ice cream were spoke. served to all present. BOX ELDER CO. Republican Column MUSICAL TREAT PEACH. ONION ATTEND TEA LEWIS JONLS Candidate for County Attorney Lewis Jones, the Democratic candidate for county attorney, is a native of this county. He received his higher education at the U. A C. and Polytechnic, Los Angeles. Upon being admitted to the bar in 1922, he entered into active practice as a lawyer, which profession he has since successfully followed. As City Attorney of Brigham City, he has made a record for fairness and vigorous upholding of the law. 'He has served as the Commander of the Brigham American Legion and organizations; chairman of the Box Elder County Red Cross; Secretary of the Box Elder Commercial Club; and as lattorney for both North and South District Farm Bureau organizations. The election of Lewis Jones will insure a capable, vigorous and honest administration of the office of County Attorney. (Paid Political Advertisement) ONLY SEMI-WEEKL- Y But Just to All. jRIGHAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1928. Democratic Column THE BOX ELDER NEWS THE The peach and onion crops brought Utah shippers approximately $350,000 each, according to the production figures and carload lots shipped, announced Tuesday by David F. Smith of Centerville, president of the Growers Market company of Salt Lake. More than 700 cars of onions have) left the state this year, he said, and approximately the same number ot peaches were shipped during September, he reports. Besides these products, President Smith said that nineteen carloads of pears were exported last summer. Cauliflower shipments amounted to 300 cars, he said. m Lawyers Endorse The Republican Nominees The Republican lawyers of Box El day county held a banquet in Brigham Tuesday, in connection with the tional Hoover-Curti- s Lawyers asso- Elihu Root is president of ciation. the national organization and Charles Hollingsworth of Ogden is man in the state of Utah, J. Wesley for Box Elder Horsley county. Mr. Horsley presided at the banquet. After informal discussion a resolution was adopted endorsing the candidacy of Herbert Hoover for pres ldent and Charles Curtis for vice pres ident. Also endorsed the Republican state and county tickets. FIRST TRAINLOAD OF It is stated that during this week GRAVEL TOMORROW similar groups of Republican lawyers will meet for similar purposes in all Arrangements have been perfected cttiea of the United States, with a for the shipment of the first train- of about 5,000 lawyers, p0pUiation load of sand and gravel from the 1 & Silica Compa-Brigham City Sand Thursday afternoon the Kindergar-n- y s property east of the city at 3 club held a meeting in the Com-- p. m. tomorrow, Saturday, November mercial club rooms. The theme of the 3, 1928. program was Appropriate gifts to A special train crew will comd up for Christmas. Several of the from Ogden and move this shipment' Btoreg jn town had arranged displays, to the Dinsmore Construction com- ja ono corner the J. C. Penny compa-pan- yof Ogden. j ny j,a(j a very attractive wearing apCommerclal Club officials and meniv display, in another corner Stohl parel bers will be present, Mayor and City Furniture company had worked out Council and Service clubs and the a dainty girl's room suggesting furnl public are invited. Photographs will ture for gifts The Library had a dis be taken of the first trainload and piay ( itg new books as an idea for . everybody is welcome. N. L. Hansen had toys presents. ' and games. Peters Jewelry company Friday evening at 8:30 the Girls bad pencil and pen sets. Mrs. John-clu- b of the high school will give its 80n gave a talk on Suggestions for annual Halloween Ball in the gym-- 1 apPropriate gifts. Round table The girls have worked hard ' cussion was held during which the and have the hall decorated to suit different members gave their sug-th- e season and the party promises to gestions. Miss Florence Richardson Mrs. A. be one of the big events fo the year. entertained with two solos. Mr. A. W. Compton left this morn- - D. Cooley took up some of the time ing for Wilson Lane, west of Ogden, with a demonstration on the victrola to attend the funeral of his cousin playing some appropriate records for Funeral services to the home. One hundred ladies were John Holmes. Mrs. J. E. Ryan was in be held this afternoon at Wilson present. ' Ward. charge of refreshments. Na-riat- CANDIDATE FOR CITY JUDGE the Republican ticket for the past 35 years. No one will question his Vote for ability nor his integrity. B. H. Jones for City Judge. (Paid Political Advertisement) I ? vice-cha- ir vice-chairm- j , I r I I Elect Ernest Bamberger and the Entire Republican Ticket urges J. REUBEN CLARK, JR. Urging support for the Republican state and national tickets, J. Reuben D. C., has written , to Clark, Jr., Undersecretary of State, (Washington v . . State headquarters. Republican of election Utahs Republican Mr. Clark makes a special plea for the candiCongressional candidates and for William H. Wais, Republican nomination the for was defeated Mr. Republican Clark Governor. for date for United States Senator, and now earnestly urges support for Ernest Bamberger. IN HIS SUPPORT OF ERNEST BAMBERGER AND OF THE .ENTIRE REPUBLICAN TICKET IN UTAH, MR. CLARK SAYS: As you will remember, I tried to express to the Convention, Just after the nomination of Mr. Bamberger, my sentiments with reference at the election this fall by the to the attitude which should be taken ' recall it, I stated at that time As I of party. the Republican members I wished to say that the for nomination, candidate defeated a as that, the welfare ofi the state and in man it, pa rtf was bigger than any that it was one of the the than more party; vital nation of the and rivalin we engaged glories of our free institutions that, though choice had beenspirited made by a when the yet ries for political preferment, the result; and that our free by abiding yielded, the minority majority, institutions would continue to exist only so long as the citizens of the ;i then bespoke for Mr. country yielded obedience to this principle. honored me by working had who those of all Bamberger the support sentiments and maintain these have I still nomination. own for my these principles. In my view, the need of a Republican victory in the approaching The nation as it exists today is founded upon election is imperative. From ail one can gather here, the election of Republican policies. is assured. Curtis Mr. Mr Hoover and of a century no man in the Senate has a than quarter more For advance Republican policies than Senator Smoot done more to uphold and on great Republican issues has been vote his twelve years For the past who is a member of the opposite negatived by the vote of his colleague of Utah to send to the senate citizens the He is again asking ty him. Senator Smoots someone who will vote with him, not against him in the nation to Justifies the and state, to the service to the party, our votes will cast so Utah of us of Republicans all expectation that as to grant his request. at this, because it is also "Nor should the Republicans of the state stop ' they Bhall return to Congress our two that importance of paramount Leatherwood and Colton, who have for years Republican Congressmen, with credit and honor. nation and state served the can discharge their full obligations to voters Republican Finally for Mr. Hoover and Mr. Curtis, and state voting by the to the party and ticket. They must also, if Utah is to Congressional the bv electing the of people of the state, elect a full interests function in the highest down to the last man named on the Wattis Governor from state ticket, tiCk-Utah to vote for those who earnestly urge the Republicans of . are candidates of the Republican party. Poaticai Auverusemesi) (Paid Program to be Rendered Tonight by the Following the Republican county convention held in Brigham in September, the city delegates remained for the purpose of nominating a candidate for city Judge. The seven precincts had a total of 163 votes and Attorney B. H. Jones received a large majority of the votes cast and he was declared the regular nominee of the Republican party and his name appears in the Republican column as one of the party candidates and he is entitled to loyal support on November 6th. When the Democrats held their convention later they did not nominate a candidate for city 'Judge, evidently believing that Mr. Jones was eminently qualified for the position. The law would not permit his name going on more than one ticket The first house erected as an addition to the old Fort in Brigham was the home of Martra Howell and her daughter, lAnn, the mother of Alice and B. H. Jones. The Republican pominee has resided in this city all his life. He has loyally supported It Musical Depts. Residents of Brigham City and of the surrounding territory are promised a musical treat tonight at the auditorium of the Box Elder high school. The vocal and instrumental departments of the high school have charge of the program. It will begin at 7:30 oclock. The high school invites the general public to this presentation, and extends an especial invitation to the parents- of Box Elder students. The vocal and instrumental departments have been long at work on their work. Mr. Frank J. Kennard has been drilling his vocalists la songs for months past, and C. C. Watkins has ready his band boys in a variety of selections. The program follows: Vecal. 1. (a) At Evening .Time, by n Wilson and (b) Sonny Boy by Girls Glee Club. 2. In This Solemn Hour by Verdi (from The Force of Destiny) F. J. Kennard and Mont Harmon. . 3. Lullaby From Jocelyn by Godard Ruth Anderson, Melba Hansen and Barbara Watkins. 4. (a) We Meet Again Tonight, Boys and (b) Theres a Rainbow Round My Shoulder by Jolson Box Elder high school Quartet composed of Calvin Beecher, David Welling, Clayton Cheney and Lee Valentine. Instrumenltal. 1. Alakazam, March Band. 2. Romona, Popular Band. 3. The Old Frog Pond, Characteristic - ! ; Jol-so- H. JONES Candidate for City Judge, Mr. Jones is a son of Brigham pioneers, a native Utahn, and he spent his boyhood days in Brigham City, where he attended the public schools, and later the University of Utah, and then the University of Michigan, and other schools 4. Memories, A Valse, SaxBand. taking special courses In law, Valentine. 6. He then entered into the active ophone Solo-G- rant He has tried thou- Tonawanda, Dance of the Indian practice of law. 6. Harmony Queen, sands of cases, and while he has not Camp Band. acquired wealth, he has served as best he could. He has never in his life refused to defend or to appear for a person, because the person was His practice took him Into poor. many courts, including the Supreme Court of -- the United States, the 8th and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the U. 9. Court of Claims, as well as the highest courts of five of the Sister States, and as a solicitor in the Eng lish High Court of Chancery. While serving as County Prosecuting Attorney, before the office of District Attorney had - been created, he convicted Abe Majors and many Mr. others of the highest crimes. Jones stood for law and order and he served faithfully and well. While acting as City Attorney he revised the laws for this city, and other cities, and he made a good record and he was endorsed by many City administrations. From his knowledge of the law and his experience, benefits can be derived for the City and the People. Mr. Jones is a man of hbnor and unimpeachable integrity; and if elected Judge of the Brigham City Court, the people of Brigham City can he assured that he will place their city court upon as clean and efficient and high a plane as any city court in the State. TAXATION HAS BECOME A TREMENDOUS BURDEN TO MANY For a number of years the. state, county and local Farm Bureaus, rep--; resenting the farmers of this ' stated have done all in their power to equalize the taxes of the State of Utah that all citizens and all of the Institutions In the state might carry their just portion of the taxes of the state, instead of a minority of the wealth of the state having to pay it all. As yet, they have not succeeded in correcting the antiquated tax laws of Utah. Every farmer pays, but do the other fellows pay? It is a cardinal rule,, which should never be forgotten, that whatever property) is worth for the purpose of income and sale, it is also worth Sufor th purposes of taxation. preme Court of the United States, Adams Express Co., vs. Ohio State Auditor, 166 U S. 185. The following nominees from Box Elder County for office in our State Congress have pledged to do all in their power to assist in propoting measures that will assist in the tax reform of the State of Utah; namely Tracy R. Welling and J. Francis Merrell, nominees for State Senator. J. TWeiton Ward, Horace Richards, Wm. Jeppson and Mrs. Lucinda Jen sen, nominees for State Representatives. We appreciate the attitude of these nominees; )and we ask the farmers of this county, and all other citizens of the county who stand for just government, to vote for the persons whom they feel will do the taxpayers of this county the most good. SOUTH BOX ELDER COUNTY FARM BUREAU. ' . By John G. Wheatley, W President ,CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia Overture Band. 4 NOTICE TO POULTRY, PRODUCERS Next Thursday, November 8th, a poultry excursion will be run in tho South part of Box Elder county. The local districts to be reacred will be Corlnne, Brigham City, and Mantua. We will meet at 12:15 p. m. at th Utah Poultry Producers plant, 7th West and Forrest St., Brigham City. We are asking the cooperation of the Extension Service, the Utah Poultry Producers Cooperative Assn., the private dealers, and the poultry pro- -' ducers to make this educational tour a success. As soon as the sugar beet harvest rush is over, another poultry excursion will be run in the Northern part of the Bear River valley. Everyone is invited. ROBERT H. STEWART, County Agricultural Agent. m DANCING IN BRIGHAM BECOMING POPULAR A large and appreciative crowd enjoyed the Halloween dance at the Blue Bird Wednesday evenftig. - The dance opened at 9 oclock and con- tinued until 1 oclock after midnight. Music was furnished by the Merry Makers orchestra, and all attending had a most enjoyable time. Manager IL B. Caldwell is arranging for special dancing features for November and December at the Blue Bird in his endeavor to popularize dancing in this Claude Kiff and his orchestra city. of Salt Lake, formerly Loomis Victor Recording orchestra, will be featured next Wednesday evening. A. P. LEISHMAN Attorney-at-La- w Brigham City, Utah S' . tK. - .40- I . : .Ml ' J? , Candidate For Judge of the City Court. Of Brigham City On the Independent (Judicial Ticket tion to the many friends for kindness and help given at the time of the Attorney Leishman is a graduate of death and burial of our beloved son the University of Utah, with degrees Reed Larsen. We are especially of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor grateful for those "who furnished the of Law. Has practiced in Brigham City during the past four months, with offices in First National Bank Bldg. (Political AdTeriient) gJrSoSrSemJsMS |