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Show ne contest was to run for five weeks and each Sunday evening a count was made of the new members present and each side was given credit That procedure was followed each Sunday evening until the fifth when the final count was made and the winners were announced. To show the spirit injected into the contest, it should be stated that the winning side beat their opponents only by five members. .The total membership was increased over fifty per cent as a result of the contest. The wager was a big supper to the entire membership of the organization, the expense to be borne by the losing side, and the score was paid CONCLUDES BIG 1 CONTEST ward is wide y to try new schemes to aid in the progress is evidenced by the of another big contest was celebrated 0f which the ward Opin evening re-jo- n 1 's the Mutuals membership for each side was leader ( fjnd then the entire organizations was one side or the other. The f, weeks ago, a conduct mem-j,0t- h f t jnclerful j Spinning to I I j S.LBER NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY last Friday evening. a supper consisting of roast chicken, mashed potatoes and cream gravy, green peas and sauce, celery, salads of various kinds, bread, butter, cake, ice cream, sherbet and chocolate, was served and two tables were spread, one hundred people surrounding each table. A program was rendered, games were played and the evening was finished off with dancing. J. Frank Bowring, Merrell Valentine, Eliza Thompson, Minnie H. Jenson, Sylvia Mason of the Stake M. I. A. Boards and Miss Louie Thompson went out from this city to participate in the function and they pronounced it one of the most elaborate affairs they ever attended. ofT Exhibits From All Lands Show the W orlds Best Progress The Comradeship of Bull Durham End Magnificent Panama-Pacifi- c International Exposition Will Abound With Superb Educational and Entertainment Features. WRIGHT. Francisco In a single day, and, far in construction of the vast advance of its opening, the Exposition fjnama-Paclfl- c International had created an unprecedented interest San Francisco throughout the world, and its opening at position waa eagerly awaited. cent 95 completed per ISiQ-- i In keen competitive exhibits there the opening day, will utbs before be presented more than 80,000 sinThe early installa-oosand- s 20, 1915. gle exhibits and groups of related exof tons of rare and hibits portraying the results of the Mbits from all parts of the worlds best efforts in recent years. of forty of This wonderful Exposition, presentij the participation assur-- ) ed at an countries have Kreat outlay of more than $80,000,-00NOTICE" iofstkm that will be unrivaled celebrates a contemporaneous magnitude, Interest and achievement, the building of the Panama canal, and all exhibits that are enaslveness. 4 I8 dose, on tered for competitive award will be Pen'n& nn en that Idirectors) IMS, the Exposition will those that have been originated or proy held frith original features collect-va- s duced since the great Louisiana PurSen expenditure of many millions chase Exposition at 8L Louis ten years e to fell C it will present a cross sec-- ago. The possible exception to this Utah.m4n achievement The Pan- - rule will be where earlier exhibits are assassm lead ay, XT and r 6r'j, HAMILTON - 0, busiaor, e, There is something about ripe, mellow Bull Durham Tobacco manhood the world over. that appeals to dean-cu- t Wherever in the world two Bull Durham smokers meet in a m the hotel lobby or dub in Europe or America; at cross-traiPacific-erecognizes Klondike; in some far-oseaport, on thecomrade ach the world-wde in in the other a man to his own liking, a brotherhood of the Makings. A sack of Bull Durham is a letter of introduction that will win friends in every part of the globe. fare work will, for example, see in the Palace of Mines an exhibit of an acre in extent. Illustrating the manner in which the largest steel corporation in the world three-fourth-s ls ff is caring for and plans to still further advance the welfare of its employees. In the Palace of Education they will be Interested in a great United States government exhibit The great war in no way has diminished the prospect of attendance at the Exposition, and thousands of Americans will for the first time enjoy the educative trip across their native land. After the outbreak of the conflict the number of conventions deciding to meet in San Francisco proOne of the portionately increased. most important of the assemblages will be the international engineering GENUINE "mii H I ' s' y- - ' , roll for Millions of experienced smokers find the cigarettes they to themselves from pure, ripe Bull Durham tobacco better suited theit taste and more satisfactory than any they The rich, fresh fragrance and buy ready-madsmooth, mellow flavor of Bull Durham handmade cigarettes afford healthful enjoyment and lasting satisfaction. Get the Makings today and roll your own. iPiiltit ' e. v. M I ' w a 4 SMOKING TOBACCO ; Hon If IIKM ' d : An Illustrated Booklet, showing correct way to Roll Your Own Cigarettes, and a Package of to any cigarette papers, will both be mailed, yVee, Address address in United States on postal request Bull Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY When the bowels become irreguiar-yo- u are uncomfortable and the longer In either direc- this condition exists the worse you L. & I. Depot. feel. You can get rid of this misery requested io quickly by using HEROINE. Take a when boarding dose on going to bed and see how fine you feel next day. Price 50c. Sold fort will be made to maintain the schedule. Cars will stop, going tion, opposite the O. Passengers are kindly have exact fare ready car. 2 ' Bring your clean, SOFT RAGS to by Brigham office and get money for them. Must be large. Advertisement tion J8i;jraph courtesy San Francisco Examiner. ,est, fJKOTHER OF LINCOLN BEACHEY, FROM THE TOWER OF JEWELS, 435 FEET ABOVE THE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, WATCHES HER SON ofln&IlTH, AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIrprdfpOP HIS ONE THOUSANDTH LOOP. ISbe n Lincoln Beachey, a son of San Francisco, on the occasion of his homecoming after breaking all world rec-in- d new and death defying stunts over the completed fag a daredevil looper of 999 loops, performed two entirely k off tg 0( the Panama-Pacifi- c International Exposition it was his aged mother who for the first time waved him Mrs. Beachey held a place of honor, 435 feet up in the air, on the tiptop of the won- a City fresh achievements. From this aerie she was able to watch every erratic move of her daredevil son. She of Jewels. Tower uarjri!out only once. That was when he wrote the figures "1000 against the clouds, high above the two miles ie8ses:Wveted exhibit palaces, significant of the looping of his one thousandth loop. City pharmacy. the News C Welfsi .. I canal is today open and doing au J congress, at which its distinguished chairman. Colonel George W. Goethals, will preside. The foreign participation will be notable The nations are not attempting to show everything that they produce, but will lay especial emphasis upon those products in which they excel In the Danish display, for example, will be shown products of tbs Royal Danish porcelain .factory at Co penhagen. Japan In her exhaustive exhibit will display priceless works of art, loaned by direction of the imperial household and many of which could not be duplicated. From Italy will be JH shown historic paintings of the old msen masters, hitherto never .'exhibited in America In the originals. 'From Chins there have reached San Francisco exhibits collected. juider the supervision of the governors of the Chinese provinces. Rare silks and satins, carvings, inlay work in the precious metals, exhibits of the transportation methods employed in the old Chins and the modern methods used in the awakening republic will be shown. New Zealand will make a marvelous exhibit of its rare wooda, of its fleeces, of its snperb scenic charms. A large number of rare giant tree ferns from New Zealand will be found growing on the Exposition grounds. The Argentine Republic early set aside a larger sum than any ever appropriated by a foreign nation for representation in an American exposition. claips gne at The modem cities of Argentina, the schools, churches, libraries, the great , Utah, ot live stock and agricultural interests will be extensively portrayed, and the L. VAN mutual interests of South America and of J te North America will be emphasized in b almost every conceivable manner. From South Africa will be shown diailstri exhibits and methods of extracINTERNATIONAL mond The XJD op THE TRAIL, PANAMA-PACIFImagnificent Canadian distion. not only the widely 1815. will review hursi FRANCISCO, SAN plays EXPOSITION, wealth, bat will known agricultural scenic charms of the Photograph show. James Earle Fraser's superb the illustrate More men1 Exposition. International tad Panama-Pacifi- c ot anew clad menn-tal- a the Expodtton. tbjwerk. ot great Dominion, a ot famacUng forest; of peaks, to the chains o aUver and cnlpur. of the day. In lakes la tfceuuade ot keiitlfr works ed art aro prooented Is the great rofoo shown to illustrate the evolution of the processes of manufacture as, for example, a display of a model of the first cotton gin in connection with the marvelous equipment into which It has evolved. Many of the displays will be especially adapted to study by the delegates to great national and international congresses and conventions, of which more than 300, embracing almost every phase of human activity, In San Francisco the .tin three months before open- have voted to meet to the congresses 3t the Exposition as many as 2,000 in 1915. Delegates wel- kf consignments bad reached San interested In social progress and a far vaster scale than was Icted for it, and the Exposition, celebrates the opening of the call today revealed as the greatest 'estatlon of national achievement erlcan history. Here will be ground .where even nations en-- i in warfare will display on a 1 never before equaled their prog-J-a the arts, industries and sciences rTsa on - r,4 a C MmSS UMn t Car may become late, due to waiting for delayed O. S. L. trains, but an ef $100 Reward, $100 The reader of this paper will be one pleased to learn that there is at least been dreaded disease that science has able to cure In all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only the medical positive cure now known atoconstitutional fraternity. Catarrh a being treatconstitutional disease, requires In-- , ment Ball's Catarrh Cure is takenblood upon the ternally, acting directly and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by and assisting building up the constitution nature In doing Its work. The proprietors curative powIts in faith have to much er that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. 8end for list of testimonials.A Ohio. CO., Toledo, Address T. i. CHENEY Bold by oil Druggists, 75e. Take Hell's Wmoar nils for constipation. Typewriter Gives Busines Standing The small town merchant, the rural business man or the farmer who uses a typewriter has the advantage over the man who does not. The typewriter not only saves time in writing letters and , making out bills, but it adds prestige and reputation to the user. I The L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter to use in rural districts because it will stand more wear and does not require an expert operator. By follow-ing the instructions we will give you, you will have no trouble learning. is especially adapted Mail This Coupon Today Pleue tend 33 stin mM en rm i ' Q Q I do not uie a typewriter at present. I am using a typewriter and would like to learn about your special offer to exchange it for a new one. Name- asT313? 3331B P. me your free book - O- - State- - To the L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. Tts $79 S. MjUn Bt SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. J7-- 8 ; |