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Show THE BOX ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY, their Brobdingnagian staff at work day in and day out without damping flrR for a solitary instant Work is carried on at present by 44,000 men in shifts of eight hours each. Orders, of course, are now being filled exclusively for the German and Austrian Armies and Navies to only a very minor extent for the Ally as the Skoda works, the Austrian Krupps, are a body ever said (they tell that you) Paris would be theirs by Christmas. They did not take it in 70-7within five months from France alone. Why yeln should anybody expect them to Kennedj wrest stood there e the capital as soon as that from 'e them pieces France, England and Belgium com4 I bined? At any rate, Paris is within Ickly flasied I their grasp. I want to They will take it in Val-n- d W. H. good time. It is a med hurriedly,0111 president postponed, not a Mission and extensive institution wrecked about herein hope. The General Staff on of rendering the Emperor knows Vhy, we what it is doing. It W the News, received a capable may be Francis t Joseph's ' this week, contained legions and trusted. Paris will soon be -starving fleets the Paris receive from from Essen. quick! (I.der, dippings Krupps, that is a very popular German notion. the armor London Daily Mail," though a private with Somehow or other an corporation impression has Cannon Queen and her family, is to taken archlightf paper which has been root that the strategy of the owed by all Geron intents and purposes a Government German army, 'obfrieg of articles though it has not enfor going to Department just as Woolwich Arsen- veloped the nof We has already resulted city, al is an adjunct of the British War Of- in a sore . .rtttea b of the Parisians stoppage erious hsenyst whom President Valen-- , fice. In the past, as the elaborate cen- regular food supply. The pinch is beall wer0 Eri in all probability a non tenary (1910) memorial of Krupps coming tighter from hour to hour. It j Ine and the has been remarkably suc- - proudly recites, fifty-twGovernments will soon become unbearable. As for ijjeiug and hearing things throughout the world have bought the Army, checked on the Aisne and cry from; onLny exist and hence his Krupp guns, armour, shells, and war- held on the Yser, it has been led to ships. Germany has been by far the believe that cholera is tha6St' of great interest raging in Paris, nedanaw sentiment, unofficially ex- - biggest customer. Up to a year or and that that is the main reason why to the LnTtliis community is decided-:e- two before the war she had purchased the Crown Pmces hosts have not alEssen-madguns. She is un- ready marched In triumph thru the by someth11 in t,!e Present 8reat 29,000 will doubtless readers questionably jjWg taking all and ev- Champs-Elysee- s and the Bois, J' sd in getting something erything Krupps can turn out. Warsaw? Was not the Russian ins side, so we give two Probably of Essens pop- vasion adventure in East Prussia (the ua excItemeiies herewith which appear-- ulation are dependent in one way or damage done, by the way, has been 011 January 8th another on the prosperity of Krupps, fixed by the Prussian Diet at more ce! th I if3aily Mail so that every man, woman and child than 10,000,000 whlch editorial aP-gan oy fled by pounds) magnificently date, in the grimy community feels a per- wrecked by the intrepid do on the last named Hindenburg? sonal pride in the importance of the Are we not now the masters of Poli turned, tof KRUPPS liy Mails special commis-h- e works to the Empire in this fateful and? Is not Lodz, the Russian Manordeft jermany spent several days hour. The gun, which chester, in our hands, like Lille, the I jie headquarters of Krupps, conquered Belgium, as they put it in French Bradford? Is this victory or led us points in the busy Rhine-- d Essen, is almost deified. Everybody defeat? you are asked. And how were poi5aijan industrial district there struts about in the consciousness these 600,000 enemy prisoners in log like Essen, Dusseldorf, that he or she has had directly or in German hands? Do they spell hopeflortmund Bochum and Dur- - directly, something to do with the mur- lessness for German arms? ram being prostrated by the derous weapon which Calais? A magnificent base for Von has wrought escribed as throbbing with such death and glory in Germany's Tirpitz when we get it; but as events name. have proved, not at all indispensable unprecedented scale orders for muni- - Whatever the war ravages mean to to us for attacks on England. Rememsorts. Krupps are working places like Hamburg and Bremen, ber Yarmouth, Scarborough, and Whitt, including Sundays and which are paralysed while Germanys by. We did not need Calais to send id their output of death-duct- sea routes are barred, important in- the Aboukir, Cressy, Hogue and Fordustrial towns like Dusseldorf, Duis- midable to the bottom of the sea. Calguns and shells, high-wate- r mark burg, Mulheim, Bochum, and Dort- ais was not the Emdens base, and Von n 104 years of existence, mund, and a score of lesser places in Spee despatched Cradock ten thousare enjoying and miles from the Channel coast.. It the place where we make Rhineland-Westphalia- , boom times. nth which to blow the whole Every factory, foundry is not Calais which enables German eces! Such was the proud or mill connected with the production submarines to terrorize Great Britains of heavy products like iron, steel tub- grand fleet and bottle up Jellicoe so in of a worthy citizen of on a stroll past ing, implements, railway materials, that he must carry out an impotent and all and ignomlnous defensive. Krupp works one night a cranes, trucks, motor-lorrieAs to Belgium, German public opinI had arrived in the the other vast Impedimenta of a modtropolis of shot and shel on ern army, is busier than at any time ion Is undoubtedly the last word In train and, not wanting to in its history. They, too, like Krupps, moral obliquity. I have seen or read r Mble time, decided to tour are working at capa- - of nothing in human history to equal Countless work ifoot before bedtime. 'city. ordinarily em- - the callousness with which the averIn ad I did. fof The impression of ployed, example. making such age German man woman or child night an external itnpreS- - unwarlike products as gramaphone, looks upon the crime, confessed by on August 4 for Von Bethmann-Hollwe- g furse, for anything in the na- - are now utilizing their plant and and war one munitions of sort or aggravated multiplied a hunanother, inspection, hard enough in dredfold since then Of Ndne the by the burners munition manufacturers in war utterly impossible Aerschot, cable. Essen was new ter- - as yet, as far as I could gather, ser-m- and pillagers of Louvain, It has grown with giant iously feel the pinch of short supplies Malines, and Tefmonde. We gave the ,i recent years into a really of raw staffs. But all thru the Indus Belgian Government twelve whole between with nearly 500,000 inhabi-- i trial belt I heard anxiety expressed as hours in which to choose a stranger does not know to what the future in this respect in- peaceful acquiescence In our friendly march thru the country of national J about. It was the easiest evitably had in store. suicide. GerThey made their own bed. western leave cannot But you find lie world, however, to ed in yie Let them lie in it, they say. "They D0U aad only to wend yur many without taking away an abiding nnedy. 8 shot our soldiers in the back. They fard a lurid panorama in the impression that the Fatherland is ist tha di jn the distance such as a working tooth and nail at keeping it- gouged out the eyes and cut off the ears of our heroes. They caused us, lit city sends up in the dark-i- f self equipped with the real sinews of n'sidljj nation which wages war humanely, sudden,y approach it by war. ex'-!to resort to tactics which have made "k Krupp works spread across the heart of our Kaiser bleed. No, It 41 235 of Daily Mail January 11th them under roof, (8, In BelWhat do the Germans really say is we who have been above them glare e not the have gium, Belgians. the They is war now? nights over a corres-srea- . and think about the deserved fate. They sold their richly at levelled been has which question to England and Trance. came nearer not only your me in England not once but a hundred themselves We have discovered Condocumentary it shod sight but your sense of hear- - times since my return from Eie that 3 t0 5 proof ago entered Belgium long Dont a tinent they fortnight ago. you tliat Germanys great into the plot of the Triple Entnte a of their utter the realize unwonted with hopelessness I throbbing us. if tha crash and din of mighty case? Hasnt the immorality of their gainst Reams stoo have been written in Engdawnand in toward actions Belgium ftjmers and giant anvils, the land aout the Cult of Hate against her i heuita flash of of blast-furl- s hatred them? this ed Isnt upon i roaring do. of great railway England we read about more of fiction which has become the aded PR rambling These and a dozen others national passion of Germany. Nothraw and finished PTO' than fact? ly lief112 are the subjects of ing can exaggerate its intensity. Hardsort kindred of 8nd out chimneys of dizzy 1 thathf ly anything can adequately reflect its seek light and which Englishmen of monster coils forth thetCelc!linS I venture to say it? need light. magnitude. It has become the maintan smoke, seem to transport may German thoughts about the war are spring of the German fight. The fight chiefjh the prosiac valley of the as opposed to the British conception with Russia and France is incidental the deafening realm of strugI to the greater, the The very air exudes of them as the poles themselves. gle the overthrow of treacherous Alaved M energy. You can almost to these thots elucidate shall attempt turseif n the midst of a thund- - in the order of the queries above set ton. All the agencies at German ofit ATYTlPfl J the in upon ficial command for hypnotising jmllery duel. You are at any forth. They have been borne no doubt that the myriad of me after contact, aggregating three country into concentrating its malice, as well as its resources on Great Britwork behind those carefully months of the war, with Germans of ain are at work. It would be futile to ofto the have I class. spoken walls are as vital factors in every that they have worked efficai?'s war as the 5,000,000 men on ficers, the professors, the business- deny The tremendous national unsolciously. the firing-line- . Essen by night men, the common people, and the of is, to a very great exGermany ity read the I have themselves. with an overpowering sense diers creature and creation of Kaisers limitless resources for German newspapers. I have observ- tent, the But these the reagencies. as spirit is there. g. I do not mean tha his ed the trend of public opinion is That essential the It is manthing. the lecture from the stage, are inexhaustible. I only flected ufactured malice, spirit, screeens. kinema and the the blaze and roar of Krupps platform, incubated unity; but these are condia of confines the And Daily within think they are. For yon Mall column I shall attempt to give tions, not theories, and they are fulSheffield and filling their purpose. in1! one a composite account of my ImpresI do not agree with a distinguished sions. whole to visualise Easen-on-Iwar expert who thinks GermEnglish Whether thru the blindness that will these times. cave In three months after will any a is not see or sheer ignorance there piince 1870 have Krupps kept body of enemy considerable amount of each the Ger- any considerable mans are convinced that they have troops has invaded and occupied German territory. He thinks .that when Does Relieve Rheumatism won, are winning, and will continue to the mills and factories of fihineland- Paris about body who Is afflicted with win. When you ask them !n in any form should by all or Calais or Warsaw they are ready No- whop teep a bottle of Recognized Advantages Sloans Llni-'han- with replies a variety of them. ,d?"f You will find that Chamberlains feel The minute you m tbs C ovMany people rely upon Chamber- Remedy has recognized advantages In a joint or muscle, use for In medicines most caser In coughs Sloans Liniment. Do lains Cough Remedy implicitly but does not suppress a Sloans penetrates almost es of colds and croup, and it never and colds. It er and relieves it. It loosens but H. Thom cough E. Mrs. them. o Ufa. ity right to the seat of pain, disappoints aids I have expectoration and opens the se!he diet" hot, tender, swollen feel- - as, Logansport, Ind., writes: which enables the system to cretions, laking the part easy and com-e- d found Chamberlanis Cough Remedy counteracts any Get a bottle for 25 cents of to be the best medicine for colds and throw off a cold. It pa I j fflBt and have it in the house croup I have ever used, and never tire tendency of a cold to result In pneucontains no opium or other nuttf fijt sore and swollen of recommending it to my neighbors monia. It and may be given to a child it narcotic, I have always given 8clatlca and llke ail and friends. s as to an adult For as from confidently when children our suffering to my money back if not sateye, , sale by Eddy Drug Store. Advertisehas never failed to give ath4i"l does give almost instant croup, and it relief." ment For sale by the as (if fiuy a bottle today. Adver- - them prompt Colds and Croup In Children U&3 1 Eddy Drug Store. Advertisement. 1 d Swiss-Germa- n 11 SM "Mil. , o I d e y I eser five-sixth- . s, twenty-four-hou- I i " O Ia. . I i FEBRUARY 11, estphalia are within the enemys grip and when the textile and coal industries of Silesia are stilled by the conquerer the death-knel- l of German resistance will ring. The conquest of the Industrial provinces will deal German power to make war a blow almost equivalent to her doom, but I believe Implicitly that the Garmans are inspired by the spirit of Frederick the Great, as they say they are, and that, like him, they will keep on fighting to the last man and the last mark. Events may prove my view false. But my task has been to base a view on what I have seen and heard. Let us be honest with one another. The have accomplished wonders in the war. The interna! organzition of her economic forces is a marvel. They have done everything alone, for eggshell Austria was beaten before she began. I think it fair and reasonable to say that, colossal as their tosses, humiliating as their military disappointments have been, Germany, if asked to surrender today, might justifiably retort that she has only begun to fight Gei-m&- Daily Mail Jan. 11th. THE TRUTH ABOUT GERMANY We bring to a close in this page today the remarkable series of articles on "Germany from the Inside. They have been the work of a special commissioner who has just returned from Germany after mingling freely In town and country for several weeks among men of all classes and keeping his eyes open for those essential facts that reveal the spirit and power of a nation at war. What he has to report deserves and, we believe, has received the closest attention of the people of Great Britain. No one , indeed, can have even glanced over his observations without realizing that all but a few of us have still a great deal to learn about the true state of Germany and the Immensity of the enterprise In which we are engaged. What is the picture that these art! cles have presented to us? It is a picture of a great land, united as it has never been united before in its history, confident of victory because determined and organized to win it, with enormous and, it believes, inexhaustible resources of men and armaments at Its command, undepressed by heavy losses, undeterred, and except here and there almost unaffected, of the by the "economic pressure British command of the sea, not yet even within sight of anything approaching a scarcity of food supplies or of raw material, dominated by a consuming, vitriolic, almost maniacal hatred of England, hurling all its strength of mind and body and character into the fray, fed by many illusions but sustained also by that same spirit of endurance and that brought Frederick the e Great triumphantly thru the scorching ordeal of the Seven Years War. We have to reckon with that spirit. We have to oppose It by a spirit yet more purposeful, more patient, more resolutely unyielding, more forgetful of self; and we have to reinforce that spirit with men and equipment on a scale without parallel in British history. That there is still a too easy and unrealizing attitude towards this war among great sections of our people can hardly be disputed. It should be laid aside forthwith. We have just We begun to embark on our task. must first equal and then surpass Germany in these qualities of hardihood and unsparing devotion of which she is setting a example. g Skin Snfferers-Rea- cl! W want all skin suffarara who kava suffered for many years tha tortures of disease and who have sought medical aid In vain, to read this. We. as old established druggists of this community, wish to recommend to product that has given many ?ou aand may mean the end of your agony. The product la a mild, simple wash, not a patent medicine concocted of various worthless drugs, but a scientific compound made of well known antiseptlo It is made in the D.D.D. Ingredients. laboratories of Chloago and is called the D.D.S. Prescription for Ecsema. This la a doctors special prescription one that has affected many wonderful cures. THE EDDY DRUG STORE The effect of D. D. D. Is to sooths Instantly, as soon as applied; then It pene- i:i.U trates the pores, destroys and throws off all disease germs and leaves the kin clean and healthy. Ws are so confident of tho marvelous power of D. D. D. that we have taken guaradvantage of the manufacturers bottle on antee, to offer you a full-siz- e trial. Tou are to judge tho merits of the remedy In your own particular oaee. If it doesnt help yon. It costs you nothing. D.D.D. Soap Is made of tho same healing Ingredients. Ask us about It, 6th South, Main Street COME HEMS Corinne, Utah, Feb. 9, The Boys Jr. Club met on Yednesday evening with Leland Brown, those present being Yeoman Ferry, Lo rimer Allen and Barney Shepherd. Games were played and light refreshments were served Mrs. Wood has returned from Tooele, where she was called by the serious illness of her mother. Her mother was Improving when Mrs. Wood left. The M. I. A. met at the Corinne meeting house on Sunday evening. A birthday surprise party was given Mrs. Skiels at the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. Jennie Older Brown, on Monday the 8th. Those present were Mrs. B. M. Shaw, Mrs. Older, Mrs. C. F. Shaw, Mrs. Hammerland, Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. E. A. Gillett, Mrs. Hadley, Mrs. Kling, Mrs. Cutler, Mrs. Jan. 28, 1915 Stearns, Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. McDaniels. Miss Addle Parker will be leader To the Board of Directors: Gentlefor the Epwortb League on next Sunof some banks men The granting by accommodations in the form of over- day evening, the 14th. The L. D. S. gave aa apron and bow drafts is objectionable and cannot be at the meeting house Wednesdance office. countenanced by this The practice should cease entirely. day the 10th, for the purpose of raisTo facilitate the accomplishment cf ing money to buy a sacrament table. The T. C. girls gave a surprise to this result, the subject has been taken Mae Older, on the evening of Miss deoffice the with banking up by this Feb. 5th. There was good and Friday, of various the states, partments music, games were played and light these authorities have generally The guests to refreshments served. to take the necessary action Althea Lois and were Jennie Murphy, of secure the effective state banks In attaining the end de- Brown, Mayme Shaw, Nellie Older, Elizabeth Rudell, Iva Baker, Vesta sired. resoluFerry and Georgia Shephard. Miss You are requested to adopt a her Mae was already entertaining emor no officer tion directing that class of boys when the School or Sunday shall of bank pay your ployee and the charge to the account of any deposi- additional party appeared, to of course, remained, partake boys when tor any check of such depositor there are not sufficient funds on de- of the merriment. They were Wayne and posit to the credit of the drawer of and Ross Owens, Mylan Ryan Kenneth Murphy. the check to meet the same. On Thursday the Ladies Aid met Please forward a certified copy of the resolution to this office as soon as with Mrs. J. Y. Ferry. The first Corinne ward conference it has been adopted. Let the resoluwas held last Sunday, with a large directors names of the tion show the attendance. the at meeting. present Mr. and Mrs. D. A Filmore will Please acknowledge receipt without move back to Murray next week. Respectfully, delay. A new daughter entered the family JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS Comptroller. of Flyod Murphy late last week. Deseret News. The First National Bank of this COLDS ARE OFTEN MOST SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS city took action in this matter at the STOP POSSIBLE The disregard of a cold has often beginning of the present year. brought many a regret. The fact of If your child is pale and sickly, sneezing, coughing, or a fever should picks at the nose, starts in the sleep be warning enough that sour system and grinds the teeth while sleeping, needs Immediate attention. Certain-i- y it is a sure sign of worms. A remedy loss of sleep is most serious. It is for these parasites will be found in a warning given by nature. It is mans Whites Cream Vermifuge. It not only duty to himself to assist by doing his clears out the worms, but it restores part Dr. Kings New Discovery is Price 25c based on a scientific analysis of colds. health and cheerfulness. per bottle. Sold by Brigham City 50c at your druggist Buy a bottle toAdvertisement. day. Advertisement Pharmacy. All the National Banks In Salt Lake have received the important circular below from John Skelton Williams, comptroller of the currency In Washington. The notice has been expected for some time, and while the more conservative bankers welcome It, others point out that it gives an advantage to state banks that are willing to allow overdrafts. Other bankers think that the comptrollers ruling will have the effect of causing clearing houses to enforce their rules overdrafts more fijgidly, in which event the state banks will also be prohibited from allowing customThere is such a ers to overdraw. rule now In Salt Lake, but it Is more honored in the breach than in the observance. The circular follows: $ t I t r h f 5? I? f it I:; v! IN i ...BIG... I SEVENTIES AND ELDERS Vul-Tho- r. made-to-ord- Newcastle-on-Barrow-in-Fume- n er WILL JOLLIFY i Tomorrow in the Third ward amusement hall, the 133rd quorum of Seventy and the sixth quorum of Elders will give themselves over to the task of having a grand reunion and will begin the festivities shortly after noon continuing until the wee small hours of the night. The affair is being worked up by the officers for the purpose of getting all the members together for once and getting acquainted and no pains have been spared in the arrangements to make the social the biggest of its kind. Every member Is supposed to be present with his wife or sweetheart and in as much as tomorrow is a holiday, a one hundred per cent attendence is looked for. A big dinner will be the feature of the occasion with a program and High School Gym SATURDAY, FEB. 13 ajdciess IVi' f , vil50' Arnold Hansen, Bear River, vs. Richard Nielsen, Brigham Oswald Anderson vs. Heber Walker UEOi BASKET BALL Bear River vs. First Ward ADMISSION: Adults, 15c; Children, i 10c. - Chamberlain s Cough. Remed r Core Colds. Groue and Whc;.-J-- CVwfc. i H f hr in AT 4 OCLOCK P. M. d. The Liver Regulates The Body. A Sluggish Liver Needs Care Someone has said that people with chronic liver complaint should be shut up away from humanity, for they are pessimists and see thru a glass darkly. Why? Because mental states depend upon physical states. Biliousness, headaches, dizziness, and constipation disappear after using Dr. Kings New Life Pills. 25c at your druggist. if EVERYBODY COME! . s't H I r 11 ; |