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Show ill gifts of gold and silver and silken palliums were distributed among the nobles, the populace and the colony of foreigners. These fortifications sad walls were almost entirely obliterated in the sixteenth century and rebuilt MARVELS OF BEAUTY ARE THE GARDEN8 WHICH SUR- ROUND THE VATICAN. i by Plus IV. With the revival of the From Prehistoric Times the Ground Haa Been a Sacred Spot Site for Many Magnificent Ediflcee Built by the Roman Emperors. - He Do Sensible Idea. you believe in long en- gagements ? She "Sure thing. And why, pray? He She "Because a woman should allow her prospective husband to pose as her ideal as long sb possible. Wisdom of Experience. Say, pa, queried little Johnny Pumpernickle, what is meant by the tongue of liberty ? It Is a term used in referring to the tongue of a married woman, my son, answered the old man with a large, sigh. Patriotism. open-face- tion?" d One Objection. The opposition party consists of those patriots who want the offices. It Works Both Ways. He Id enjoy Wagner's music but He You've got to have a pull to for oae thing. get ahead. She What is that? She Yes, and youve got to have He Its so noisy one cant hear it a head to get a pull. . NO - Johnny (studying civil government) Pa, what Is the party in power? Father The party in power is composed of those patriots who have the offices. "Whats the party of the opposi- . Wouldn't Run Into Debt. "Did you get your bill from Price-Pric- e No, me off WONDER, yet? but I tbiuk he's going to let easy." Why do you think so? He asked me, and I told him, how much money I had in bank, which leads me to believe that he's going to be satisfied with that. One Occasion. There was one occasion, said the when we enthusiastic fisherman, turned the tables. "When was that? When the whale that swallowed Jonah bad to return and tell his Incredulous associates how he caught a remarkably big man, but let him get (Special Correspondence.) From prehistoric times the ground Yiow occupied by the Vatican gardens has been a sacred spot. Although the Vatican hill, overlooking the Eternal City, was not surrounded with the protecting walls until the ninth century, the place which has sheltered the Pope was considered consecrated. The earliest legends speak of the hill as the abode oY a god. Augustus, when he divided the city, designated it as the last of the fourteen regions. The beautiful grounds, that rise gently and then form a point of vantage, high above the city proper, were once the site of the gardens of Agrippina and the still more famous ones of Domitian. Many historic monuments and places of amusement In the early Roman times stood on the grounds now given up to the Vattcan, and which in point of architectural significance rivaled in beauty the elegance of the present buildings. Here was the circus of Caligula, which was rendered conspicuous by the lofty obelisk which now adorns the piazza of St. Peters, the one obelisk which en- - Almost. Huntley Yes. I've got back from the Maine woods. Ascum Did you get any moose, or did you see any? Huntley Well, I saw several vamoose after I shot, moose after I shot. Catholic Standard and Times. Both Sides of It. Get a divorce if you want to! exI can claimed the angry husband. easily get another wife, and Ive been on earth long enough to know that one woman is just as good as another, if not better. coldly replied his better half, have been on earth long enough to know that one man is just as bad as another, if not worse. And I, Moral 8uasion. see how little Penniman manages to get so many of his tommy-ro- t verses accepted by the magazines. It s easy. Havent you ever seen that big tough mug he associates with so much? Well, he pays the tough a commission to take his poems around to the editors and pretend hes Penniman. I don Willing to Help Some. Tm going to try and prove that excessive drink will weaken a man's mental faculties. Ill help you." t How? Good. You J furnish the excessive drinks and I'll be the horrible example. An Export Opinion. Do you wilt ever world?" think that perpetual motion become known to the "No,, answered the engineer. If Settling a Difficult Task. anybody should discover perpetual moJack, dear, I do wish you would tion he would be so afraid of being It Reflects Action. sent to an Insane asylum that he Its simply unaccountable the way get another photo taken. How often have I told you I will would Kit Garltnghorn is carrying on with keep It a profound secret. that stupid young Sorreltop. Oh, I dont know. Her father told her that as long as she had anything to do with that fellow her pocket and money would be reduced it's natural that she should try to make the crime lit the punishment." not? But why not? (Then, thoughtfulAre you afraid of ly, after a pause.) being asked to look pleasant?" one-hal- Just a Faint Reminder. Whats the matter, Mr. Crabbe? "The way you asked Mrs. Starvem. sip your soup and stare up at the ceil- Not Up to the Mark. ing in that faraway manner it would Bragg No man can call me a liar seem it reminds you of something. with Impunity. Id fight him if he Yes, replied the sarcastic boarder, was seven feet high. Threw Him? Not a Bit of It It reminds me of soup, faintly. Quarles I said you were a liar. Draper They tell me your horse What are you going to do about It? Not Interested in the Matter. threw you tother day. Bragg Huh! Youre not seven feet Crupper Nothing of the kind; the Upton Did you ever wonder how It Is that man should live after death, story arose from a little event that high. while a dog, with substantially the happened while I was out riding. It was in the nature of a coincidence. At same physical organism, should not? Setting Him Right I wonder where I can get the best the very moment my horse kicked up Downing Cant say I ever did. his hind feet I dismounted over his stock quotations, inquired the small Fact is, I dont consider It any of my speculator, with an important air. business. Boston Transcript. head. Boston Transcript. From Shakespeare, replied the man who knew him; his works are Historical. Waiting His Turn. Little Red Riding Hood had just Well, Jack. said his chum, after full of them. met the wolf. Jack had proposed to the most popular Even the Undertaker Sorry. Let's go and get a soda, said the girl in town, is it all right?" And so hes dead? And he was wolf. Well, said Jack, ruefully. "I can a very popular man, wasnt he? And, having thus tempted aer behope thats all. Yes, indeed; why, even the under- yond all resisting, the wolf but the What did she say?" She said shed file my proposal taker was sorry to see him go. story is an old one. with all the others and consider it when she got down to it JTApNHLY FAILING. for to-da- away." What did you shoot the dog for? Was he mad? No, but the man was who owned him. taste architecture and luxurious - villas which swept the entire Roman world centuries later. Pope Slxtua IV., to whom we owe the Sistlne chapel, first laid out the grounds extending up the hill as the gardens of the Vatican. The taste tor gardens was just reviving, and the building of medieval castles was giving way to villas, and as Pope Sixtus then created the garden it remains in a great measure In 1845 the grounds of the Hospital dl San Splrito, a religious institution, were absorbed, and the area was enPlus IX. larged from time to time. laid out the carriage- drive and built some supplementary wall. But with tew material changes the sacred gardens have not been altered or Improved since bis time. The entrances to the gardens are from the Museum of Sculpture, at the back of SL Peter's, and for more than a cursory glimpse of them a special permit is required. This may be obtained from one of the cardinals, but before one Is allowed to pass within the portals he Is met by the major domo, who stands at the entrance to the Scala Regia, and carefully InCaptain Rodary was taking bis spects the pass. After one has been admitted by this obliging and yet daily walk along the Marne. In spite strict official he may spend a pleasant of his seventy years he still carried early morning among the shaded himself erect and hardly leaned on walks and richly adorned pavilions. the cane which he carried since he At 12 oclock, when the Pope gener- bati lain down the sword. At the bridge be was bailed by a ally enters the gardens for a walk or drive, the place is cleared, and In fisherman whom he bad known for the stillness of this retreat no one Is several years. Allow me to congratulate you. Capseen except those Invited there by His tain, that your nephew haa passed his Holiness. examination with honor. I thank you, Paul. CROW IS A CHRONOMETER. The captain continued his walk, lost Bird Marks Time for a Cuckoo Clock in thought. Without knowing it the man had touched a tender spot. The by Cawing the Hours. had Indeed George Wreake of Sibley township, young Rene Dublnsaon near Le Sueur, Minn., has a pet crow, passed bis examination ahead of jl, Bob, which has been with him four and thereby gained the right to enter years and which he claims is the Ecole Polytecbnique in Paris, and the most intelligent and useful bird living. old Captain was justly proud of him, There Is in thq Wreake home an old but there were other things which cuckoo clock, people did not know. heirloom, a beautiful To give the man an education the brought from Switzerland In pioneer days; one of the kind that have a Captain bad made great sacrifices, little door at the top in front, out of and now he did not know wherefrom which springs a little bird every sixty to get the money to pay for him while at the Ecole Polytechnique. minutes and calls the hours. The young man wag really not his After the crow had been in the family about two years he began to mock nephew"'at all, but only his waru. the clock cuckoo, and this finally There are in life people who lose and grew to be a passion with him, so people who find. Eighteen years before, while the that be hardly ever failed to give a when the clock Captain was stationed at Vincennes, caw melodious he had found a baby boy on hiB doorcuckoo was calling the hour. Some six months ago the clock fell step one morning, as he was leaving and the striking, or cuckoo part, was his bouse. Three months before he had loBt completely broken, bo that the door never open and the bird never comes his only child, a little girl of three out. This appears to be a great puz- years, and so he and his wife decidzle to Bob, for he watched the clock ed to keep the boy and gave out that for several days and seemed to be be was their nephew. Then came the time when the Capstudying deeply. At last, however, he came to a con- tain was pensioned, his wife died, and clusion and greatly startled the fam- the education and maintenance of cost quite a little money, eeirycl-allily by taking up the duty the cuckoo Rene as his nurse, Juliette, bad remainbad previously performed, and counting out the hours perfectly, at the ed In the house. The budget was painfully small a exact moment, with a clear call of pension of 2,500 francs a year and ,caw" for every hour the clock ought S00 francs from the Legion of Honor. to have struck, one for 1 o'clock, five for 5 o'clock, and so on around the Ills wifes dowry had all gone to pay for the education of the boy. circle. And now he would have to go to He has kept his work up to the Paris to study, and that would nean 50 francs for his equipment and 1,000 francs a year for tuition and board. Where was all that money to come from? Fountain in Vatican Gardens. joys the distinction of never having been leveled to the ground. Here was the sepulchre of Scipio, the destroyer of Carthage, and that of Honorius and his wife Maria, daughter of StiUcho, the last great Roman general. Other sublime edifices situated there, and spoken of by Pliny and all ancient writers, were temples dedicated by Nero to the memory of Romulus, one to Mars and another to Apollo. As the city of Rome developed and grew eastward this outlying district was deserted and shares the general The hill was designated by decay. detestable fields," probably from the writers In the eighth century as the superstitious and licentious rlte3 carried on in the neighborhood and from its generally evil reputation. For many years it remained In a state of desolation, a place unsought by the Roman populace and frequented only by the evil classes as a refuge from the authorities. In 848, when Leo IV. was pope, the dreaded Saracens were defeated for a second time at Ostia. When the Captain entered hla den, the window of which opened Into the garden, he heard the voice of Rene and Juliette outside. ta the street. Tou are a good officer, commended the roundsman. I dont think so, replied the officer, as he seated himself on the prostrate hobo. "Why not? I am on the bum Only One Kind Abandoned. Inquired the jocular Invalid, "modern physicians have stopped Doc. The Popes Casino. Fearing a more successful Invasion present time and calls every hour of the despoilers, the Pope brought a when he can see the face of the clock great number of slaves to Rome and as regularly and as perfectly as an orset them to work at restoring the dinary timepiece with its hammer and Time to Be Suspicious. "That politician said you were a responsible man. Tee." answered Senator Sorghum doubtfully, but his Idea of a responsible man Is one who will respond every tune the campaign collector calls. Washington Star. walls. What He Seen. What Illusions, asked the professor, "has a patient suffering from delirium tremens?" "He sees lizards, snakes, policemen and other reptiles," promptly answered the youthful medical student He I see by the paper that a girl haa just awakened who was asleep ten days. She She .must be a sister of our cooks. Beat Him to It. Longman Your friend Cunningham Is a pretty smooth article, isnt he? Sbortnn You bet he Is. Why. I went to his office to borrow $5 last week and before I could get sway he had borrowed ten from me. Professional Courtesies. Just How It Happened. The Doctor You certainly handled Fisher Where did you get that me very gently during the black eye? Hunter Well. It was this way. 1 The Lawyer Yes: you see. I didnt told Skinner he was a liar, and he how soon you might have me hadnt a word to say in reply. Thats know up for a postmortem examination. all. Boston Transcript. bet Him a Farmers wife Tough Task. Why have yon left that piece of steak I sent out for you? Tramp (Indignantly) I didnt ask for work, maam; I asked for something to eat. Illustrated Bits. Proof of an Engagement. Homeopathic Dose. Either That or Nothing. Ida I think she must expect to should think that I Pessimist The I hate to say anything about it your house marry Jack In the near future. She opposite boiler a factory is new hat wifes but your Blngley, has told me to economize. would drive you to distraction. fright we dont mind n May Girls often do that. Oh, The Optimist said She Thats all right, Dingley. Ida at a Got Yes, but she has told him to like baby that little thing It was a case of either getting that or stop bringing her candy. age. the one like your wife wears." tooth-cuttin- man? "I should say not! Crimsonbeak Why, he gets hot under the collar and cold feet at the same time. aa even-temper- under- g taking was the fortification of the Vatican district, an event in the history of the city, for out of this fortification the Clvitas Leoniana, or Leonine City, arose a new quarter of Rome, and a new protection destined to be of great importance in later centuries. In the previous century, when had enclosed the city with walls, the necessity for Ineluding the Vatican had not arisen, and it remained open and without the enclosures. It never occurred to any of the Popes that the ravaging bands would attempt to sack the Vatican, and the necessltyy for its protection bad hot occurred to any Pope until the time ol Leo IIL Even after SL Peters, and after convents, hospitals and other buildings bad grown up around it, Leo III. there was no protection. started the work, it was suspended, and in the meantime the Saracens sacked the basilica. Leo IV. resumed the project, and with the help of Emperor Lothar succeeded. The expense, which was enormous, was distributed, so that every town in the ecclesiastical state, the convents and all the domains of the church bore a proportionate part. When Leos walls were finished it was made an occasion for a great festival, on June 27, 852, which brilliance and impressiveness had not been witnessed In Rome for centuries. At the dedication of the Leonine City the entire clergy, barefooted, their beads strewn with ashes, walked in somber procession, singing, around the walls. Following them were the seven cardinal bishops, who sprinkled the walls with holy water. At each gate the Pope Invoked blessings on the new quarter. At the end of the ceremonv n A Better Wish. Comparing Experiences. Gee wouldnt jrer Tanks a Thirsty "Yes." said the giraffe, "Ive got o beer? sore throat Can you Imagine any- like ter have a glass Peters Naw! Id rather Parched that? worse than thing glass of ale. Dere wouldnt "Well replied the centipede, I haveno aroom wasted wld froth den. be once. had my feet frostbitten Extremes In Temperature. Did you say your friend was Yeast His most Time to Make a Stop. You ran over that chap. Are you going to atop? Yes, just as soon as we reach n repair shop. I heard something break Life. when we hit him. How It Happened. Did I understand you to aay that Prof. Grays death was due to She ? He Yes.' He went to sleep one night and forgot to wake up. i - We do, Indeed, the Captain replied. The girl was evidently strongs and healthy, though she was unusual-- j She told of how she hap--j ly pale. pened to be looking for a position and was engaged on tbe spot by the Cap-tain, who had not beard one word of what she1 said. , They had never regretted engaging her. No mother could have loved' Rene higher than she did. And now, because of the miserable! question of money, be would have to send her away. But it was for Rene'sj sake and the sacrifice must be made. He went to the window and called,; 1 Juliette! J Monsieur le Captain. He asked her to come in and slt down, and with a voice trembling just; a little be said: t 'Juliette, I have something to tell) y On the South Side. The officer had rolled the hobo over bleeding their patients, havent they? They have practically discontinued the use of phlebotomy, if thats what you mean," replied the medical man, cautiously. sr&mrMoc 3K bell. If a lamp he set at night where the light falls on the face of the clock, the crow, though he will doze between times on his perch, will waken up and call every hour ail night long. Minneapolis Times. To Avoid Pain. Two men of different nationalities lay side by side in the ward for rheumatic patients in a downtown hospital. One of them, an Irishman, was twitting the other on the lack of fortitude in bearing pain. After a time an attendant came in and began to massage the patients. When it came the Irishmans turn he grunted and swore softly to Himself. Then he turned on his side with a twinkle in his eyes, to watch the other man. To his surprise the other seemed rather to enjoy the operation. It was too much for the Irishmans curiosity. How in thunder did you stand it so well? he demanded. You dont think that I was fool enough to give him the sick leg to work on, do you? was the answer. New York Sun. Oh, Monsieur Rene, you do not know how proud I am of you and bow happy that you are to itudy in the great city. My dear old Juliette!" I am only afraid that you will become so proud that when you come back you will have no more thought for your old nurse. Shame on you, Juliette. You know that I will always love you Just as much as I do now. The Captains brow darkened when he heard these words. He bad Just made up his mind that to save the wages which he was paying the nurse he would have to let her go and then borrow the necessary money either by pledging hla pension or by mortgaging his house. But who would lend hi in the mon ey? He had few acquaintances in the town, and the very Idea of asking anybody for a loan made him blush. And still that would be easier than to discharge Juliette, who bad now been In hts house for eighteen years. His thoughts went back to the day she came. He had Just returned If V have sinned, suffered. you you have may hurt your feelings, as it hurts me to say 1L I am forced! to ask you to leave us. What She turned deadly pale. have I done to deserve this. Monsieur; le Captain? Juliette, you ought to know that you have done nothing to dlspleaos me, but there are times when one is forced to do unpleasant things because It Is necessary. It will cost much money to send Rene to Paris and keep him there and I must economize. I shall be perfectly frank with, you I have not the money and do not know where to get iL Shall I sell the house where we have all been so happy or shall I pledge my pension Juliettes face brightened. Oh, Captain, how you scared me. I could 1 not think that should have to leave your house, the only house I have. What should I have done? I am too old to take a new position, but now when I know that it is only for my wages, I am happy again. I do not want any wages, and you know how little It costs to keep me here. The Captain listened, deeply moved. she continued,. I Oh, Captain, could never bear to part from you and Rene, whom I have nursed and seen grow up. I love him as If he were my own son. I have five thousand franca In the bank which I have saved out of my wages and I beg you to take 1L That I could never do, Juliette. You are still a young woman, and the day may come when you will marry and have your own home and need the money, and I might not e able to return It right away. Juliette looked up, and In a voice trembling with emotion, said: You need never give it back to me. My family, my home, is tbe boy that I have nursed at my bosom, at whose bed I have sat night after nlgnt when he was sick, and you, Captain, who have always been so good to me. and your dear wife, who now sleeps beneath the sod! My life could not repay you for what you have done for you which - r me. You exaggerate. Juliette; it is i who must be thankful to you for staying with an old man, hut I will call Rene, and let him decide what we shall do. , Oh, no, please do not do that must never, dare never know; Yon can accept my money; it almost belongs to him already. I can say it now; It Is for him that I have saved all these years, and I thank God that ... ,,. you need Suddenly the old officer understood and when he looked at the woman who stood before him, her eyes filled , with tears, he was sure. She He Is your son? he asked. did not answer, but sank hack in tho chair sobbing. The old captain went over to her, bent down and kissed her forehead. You need not hide ybur face for It you have sinned, you anybody. have suffered, and. the present baa Chicago American. buried the past. Rm - it. His daily walk. from the mayor's office, where he had gone with bis wife to register the Over the Vhone. child. Chauncey Depew was not long ago When they came In the baby, who For wae evidently hungry, was yelling at telephoning trom the Waldorf. some reason he found It difficult to the top of its voice. He was on the make Central understand who he point of going to the intelligence ofwas. fice for a nurse when the doorbell I am Chauncey Depew! he called rang. A young and unusually pretty In stentorian tones of deep indignagirl of twenty stood blushing on tbe tion. Advocates Horse Race Tax. Cant you hear. Chauncey De- doorstep. I am afraid 1 I beg your pardon. Lord Newton, who is president Of a pew! Chauncey Depew! British Horse Show society, suggests Oh, came the voice of the girl have made a mistake. I beg your pardon. Well, 1 What do you wish? that the countrys revenue might b sweetly. tax on horss m the Tsarina of Russia! I was told that somebody in this increased prope- -' New ! ; ?..rk Herald. house wanted a nurse. racing. ; ' I |