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Show 4 " OT- - o Devoted to no Party or Faction But Just to All. BR1GUAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. VOLUME X. Miss Hannah Brunker of Willard was a visitor to Brigham DEATH OF MRS. PERRY. WE HAVE NEW GOODS. Mrs. Daniel Perry of Willard, died at tbe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson of the Second Just Received ward, last Friday morning, Nov. 4, aged 33 years. She had been a sufferer for about fourteen years from gall stones and was brought to this city the Wednesday previous where an operation was ever brought into Box Elder performed by Dr. Geo F. Harding and Dr. Rich of Ogden. She appeared County- to rally for a time, but her weakened More than 100 of the strongest, most finely finished and artis- condition was against her recovery tically designed beds to selectfrom. Prices to suit your purse, and she passed away as stated. The funeral services were held in ranging from the Willard tabernacle Sunday, Nov. 6, a large number of friends from this You will make a mistake if you do not see our line and get our oity attending. She leaves a husband and live children and a host of friends Come and see us- .prices before purchasing your beds. to mourn her loss. IRON BEDS - Christensen & j j Knudson. .$2.50 First National Bank Building. James Knudson has been drawn serve as a petit juror in the Federal court for the November term which begius Nov. 28. L. C. Christensen & Sons will furnish you a good piano for less money. it Bargains and best service at Holsts. ESTATE LOANS. MONEY ON HAND insures promptness and quick delivery, Being our own, makes it possible for os to make and close loans with No No No No Mrs,D.R.Vheeleright will lea ve Our Voting Contest Comptons Art Gallery . one-ha- lf Republicans Elect National, State Judicial, Legislative, County and Precinct Officers by Great Majorities. -- - stronghold, gave a decided Republican majority. Returns from Rich and Cache counties with the vote from Box Elder county show that Maughan and Holton are elected by at least 1000 majority. All ths Republican candidates on the county ticket are elected by majorities ranging from 550 to 1,000. The American party had about 75 votes in the county, 13 of PLOWS! N0. I one-thi- I This car contained It we have to offer is second to none and the price Is Lorenzo FURNITURE yon BROWN dont buy SOLD FRED HILLMAN. shoes right. by N. L. HANSEN TVs Guarantee J. M. Christensen of this city has just returned from Elwood, Box Elder county, near the new city, Garland. Mr. Christensen visited his brother Hirum who will leave for a mission to Europe the latter part of the month and J. M, went up to do a little carpenter work on the house before the family was left. Mr, Chiistensen says he was decidedly surprised in the change of the country in that locality, the sugar works at Garland and the general excellence of the crops at a place that looked a few years ego a dcsrt, today raising pota lf toes weighing three and pounds, cabbage that weighs 12 pounds to the head. It is won derful what water can do for country', under modern irrigation methods. Daavis County Argus. I have some purchasers for the I also tight kind of real estate. have real estate to sell that nay be just what you want. Call on me at room 25, First Natl Bank Bldg. Normao Lee. Continental In' surance Utah Ever, Pair. 49 Before buying your RANGE, call and see our Stohl, 8:30pm FRIDAY, NOV. II, CO.ii Hill Multitude in all their Misery or Russia in al I flea's the 1 hrone .its Glittering Clory- Uoon tii Ellis & The best range the country for the money In Cunninghams cost wiil present an elaborate scene production of Last Week new line of elegant stationery. This week we want you to notice our now bargaius in BOX PAPBB. Summer stock wot th 30c for 25c per box. Cloth bound books, good titles, good we called your attention to our Bibles, Oxford print, worth 25c selling at two for edition leather bound worth 12.00 going at tl 25. 500 tibocks going at half price. They were tles in wiil get the benebought from a bankrupt stock and you fit of tbe buy If you call 25c i DarkesT A Com- plete Line of Ranges and Heaters. 1 ! & Ru s s Also an elegant assortment of New Iron BEDS and General Household with MISS EVA MOCNTFORD as the Jewish Girl ILDH." te 8 9! At The Eddy Drug Store, WYNN L EDDY, Prescription Druggist. ; Every scene founded on facts and eveiy picture an interesting study. Every act a counterpart of Russian true and living picture of the Caars merciless and tyrannical rule. Furnishing. liie-- A Pricea 25c, 35c, 50c Bot office opens performance, at & 10 a. m. 75c day of Prices Just as Low as the Lowest.M STOHL BROS. FUBNITUfSB CO., TREMONTON, mmmm -- UTAH. AT HOME INSURE Room 22. FIRST Talophono No. 22 NATIONAL BANK BUILOINC. THE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY CAPITAL $50,00000. Accounts and Correspondence Solicited. All business given prompt attention J. M. John Pinoku, Jknsoh, President. Cashier DO YOU WANT Loans on Real Estate at lowest interest j Homestead Entries and proofs; To buy or sell Real Estate; Titles examined and conveyed, Reliable legal work; CONSULT , FRED J. HOLTON- - Utah, Brigham City, ABSTRACTS. Three points to think of when yon get. Abstracts of Title to Ilea) Estate: If you dont buy shoes of 1. Completeness; 2. Accuracy; 3. Responsibility. N. L. HANSEN Opera House Curtain:Manager, Come and see the new styles whether you wish to buy or Dot, (RCOLD furniture taken In exchange for NKWjff F. HANSEN I. shoes made by HAMILTON JAltks Jesses, Chairman Oominittee. First-Cla- ss aloo Interertlnir. :J0S. fio o'clock. as Uttual. The assortment If you dont buy WANTED. Ail property owners interested in Hides, pelts and furs Highest cash segregating from Brigham City are price will be paid on delivery Apply requested to meet at the court bouse to my residence JUbt'north of the Tan4th ward. Saturday evening, Nov. 12, at 7:30 nery, Just Straight Car Load of FURNITURE Receivedl All Goods Strictly Mortgage Tax DENTISTS Notice- - A Expenses Chris-iansen- one-ha- , m Delay Commissions -- A Sweeping Victory. The election in this city passed quietly no disturbance of any kind being noted.' Both political parties had carriages out and worked hard to get the voters in. A heavy vote was cast but the larger number of ballots were scratched so that the returns were slow coming in. The Republicans made big gains in tlie city and the Fourth polling district, heretofore the Democ r a t i c REAL No Third Party Saturday to join her husband in No Attorney Fes Copenhagen, Denmark, who is No Appraiser Fee doing missionary work there. for the three beautiful Mrs. visit-n- g intends Wheelwright Stone jars at Christensen & EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH dolls will close DECEMBER 24th. Buy your jewelry from our the fair at St. Louis on her Knud son. tf as fine a line as can be found anywhere journey. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT HOTEL UTAHNA. in town and get one voting coupon on each 10 Cent Purchase, N L Hansens shoes are better The one place for comfort, elcgattre these being cast in the Third My shop between Wm. Hors- and convenience. Excellent meals polling precinct, Brigham. The leys and Elias Jensens is for sale rrved at 25c and 50c. , or rent. Apply to H. C. Socialists will have about Dr. L. H. Berg Dr. L. II. Harding V. COMPTON, Proprietor., j this number. A missionary' sociable was held There are yet about seven of the First ward meeting house n Rev. A. T. Rankin returned Mrs. Helen Stark returned the western precincts to hear ast Ftiday night in honor of Lars home form Salt Lake last week home from Indiana last night and from which will materially in- after an extended visit with rela- will hold regular services here II. Larson who will leave soon WIDERBORG BLOCK, Utah. Brigham City, or a mission to Denmark. A and at Corinne Sunday. crease the Republican majority. tives and friends. renderwas good progiam The board of canvassers will meet 35 jackets sold in one week is Money saved by trading at ed and a fine picnic served. QARTHEY & DUMBCEK, that and evidence our prices next Monday and the official re- Holsts. are right. C. Holst & Son.f There was a good attendance styles Dr. Geo, F. Harding is preturns will be published next and P.U had 8n enjoyable time. A It has that there been fine residence build a to reported paring TBbBPHSHE es week. purse of 37 was presented Mr. next spring on his lot opposite the were several cases of illegal reg- Larson. !9 Stats St Salt Lake City, Utah The vote for the presidentfal tithing office and considerable of istration at Mantua last week. If you have a real estate deal electors from the precincts shown the materirl has already been The parties were notihed not to LOatNZO N STOHL JOSEPH N STOHL on and are not certain as to how on the table gives Republican hauled there. attempt to vote Tuesday. to proceed, call on me at room 25, STOHL BROTHERS. 2123, Democratic 1092, a major- A full line of the Vortex Hot First Natl Bank Take a look Friday in the Bldg. I have AGEST8 FOR ity of 1031 for Roosevelt and window of Eddys Drug Store. Blast Heaters the Coles patent closed scores of such deals satistwo made by the Cole Mfg. Co. Fairbanks. The look may bring you tf factory. Norman Lee. Life for Will seats the reserved of rd best fuel. save the the Jos. The following table gives the Dress shirts at less than half tf price at Holsts, tf play DARKEST RUSSIA. f F. Hansen Furniture Co. Co, of unofficial returns received : Stohl Furniture Co., off UTAH. Bicycles repaired at Christen- en & Knudsons. e Elegant Line of EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, .Tuesday. N L Hansens shoos are better We have just received a fine new assortment of Fancy China-warand Glassware and are going to sell them at prices that will move them. X COME AND SEE US. direct from the East the most NUMBER 30. you don't buy shoes right The value of an abstract depends on QTWe Gurantce Every Falrza 'Blackman Griffin of Ogden, Utah, are pay ing 11 cents for reclean cd, choice alfalfa seed It will pay you to see them before selling & 3-- n Puffins cur THESE THREE VITAL P01NT8 I Imnte sa xmlntlon of the method adopted to eeeuro aoouracy, Bad of my ability to make good ny loa oauaed by error or omlMloo la my obatrae . I confine myselt exclusively to ABSTRACTING, CONVEYANCING and NOTARY WORK And can give the promptest atten Uon to all nock in my line. business Intrusted to my care treated with the strictest confl &TA11 is Cigars dense. Is a pleasure enjoyed by many smoker? hereabouts wl.o bate learned that our line of cigars is one that can please every lasts in tobaccos. Another point we make Is In the wa we keep our cigars every one just moist enough to We make a make a perfect smoke. specialty of the box trade. Plenty of matches. Put a few In your pocket. Brigham City Pharmacy. Norman Lee, Bonded Abstracter. First Nut. Hank Hid., Brigham, Tits Rnosn $100,000 to Loaii at Q per cent interest on improved dry oc irrigated farms ,,, pred Office j-J-ofton, Rwm S3, U.W18M&KJ |