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Show THE BOX ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER Page A, mijc WIXOM, & STANDING Proprietor. Of 8UB9CUIFIIOW: TBRMS .. $1.25 One Year, in advance 66 Uonins. Three Months stored at .... .85 - tte Poet Offloe st Drlgham City second else matter. IIYRUM STANDING, EDtieu. Jdregon I fShort Line r. r. t -- ) TIM 5 ahrq In Effect Nov. 22nd, 1903. Trains arrive and depart at local station dally as follows: NORTH BOUND. is cumbersome and expensive. It causes much annoyance 10 the sender and the receiver . 1 he present excessive use of postage an money makes the sale stamps abnormal in small offices, thereby raising the salaries of the postmaster, and increases the number of robberies, owing to the large number of stamps which must be kept on hand. The convenience of parcels, post and postal savings banks are self evident and their practicability is shown by their existence in Germany, England arid other countries. It is chiefly the secret opposition of the private express companies and banks which has prevented these useful reforms in this county. However, the agitation for them is progressing and everyone should help. I. A. Conference. The joint M. I. A. conference of the Box Elder stake was held last Sunday and was well attended. Officers meetings were held in the forenoon. About 40 officers from van ous parts of the stake attended the meeting at the tithing office and were addressed by Elder Thomas Hull on tbe importance of missionary work M. SOUTH BOUND. In tbe afternoon and etenln(,, tbe conference was held iu the tabernacle Stake Supt Nephl Anderson presid 3 J! 4 No 18 h fs ill Cjlhnston, 915 a ni 9 25 a m Dewey JiL 400p m 12pm Honey villa 9 35 a m 5 58 a m 22pm Brigham. 955am 615am 445pm Perry. ... 1001am 4 59pm Willard.. 1005 am Where no time Is Indicated tralo3 do not stop. 4 4 Through Pullman Palnde Elec pen, Latest Improved Tourist Sleepers, fro. Reclining Chair cars, Elegant day co senes. D. K. tv. W. Browhsok, Agent, Brigham. Btmt.tr, Gen'l Pas. A Tk't. Agent, Salt Lake City. POSTAL REFORMS. Events of the last few months have turned public Attention to the Post Office Department with the probable result of correcting many general abuses in the department and instituting important One of the greatest reforms. was mail the second-claswrongs has been privilege. Progress made in correcting this, but much still remains to be done. Alleged periodicals which are really books, and newspapers which are merely advertising mediums, have been denied the second class privilege. Free circulation of second-cla- ss matter and the sample copy abuse have been Btopped. The news agents return privilege, by which they could remaii at the pound rale, to the place of origin, unsold matter, has been prohibited. These reforms are being parried out rapidly and will do much to eliminate the annual deficit of the department, as the greatest expense is in the second class mail. Another reform advocated i the consolidation of the third and fourth class matter into one class at the uniform rate of one cent for every two ounces. At present books, pamphlets and miscellaneous printed matter form the third class and general merchandise ihe fourth. To retain the distinction it is necessary to ask questions of the senders which cause much 8 lng. Sacrament was administered by the bishopric of the Second ward. Elder Elias C. Jensen made a few remarks on the importance of study' lng the Manuel. Prest. Hattie Wight presented the names of the general and stake officers of the Y. L. M. I. A, and Counsellor Oleen N. Stobl the names of the Y. M M. I. A. officers, all of whom were un anlmously sustained. Nephl Anderson, who has held the position of Btake superintendent for number of years, was honorably released, as was John W. Peters, secretary, and Jacob C. Jensen, as one of the aids, and were each accorded a hearty vote of thanks for their services. The Stake officers as sustained, are as follows: Ernest P. Ilorsley, superintendent; Nephl J. Valentine, 1st assistant, and Jonathan C. Cutler, 2nd assistant; Wm. T. Davis, secretary John E. Baird, treasurer: Elias C. Jen sen, chorister; Lorenzo W. Anderson Abraham Evans, John H. Forsgren, John H. Ilorsley, aids. Mrs. Emma Goddard of the general board spoke or tha prosperity which has attended the fuithful Latter-daSaints and urged the young people to keep in tbe faith. Martin Lee and others sing n fine rReal Easy lots of thats 1 Beautiful Chinaware, Crockery Glassware Fancy Holiday Ornaments and Novelties Dolls, Lamps. Clocks Rich Cut Glass Dinner Sets Come before f Parting with your Monty Get our prices Great American Importing Tea Co. 100 Stores Thats tha Reason j MAIN ST.. BRIGHAM CITY. Missionary Sociable' Last Saturday night thcTmrd w.rd held a Christmas sociable for the missionaries who are out in the world from that ward. An excellent program consisting of music, recitations and speeches was rendered, a violin solo by Geo. Grunoman being a pleasing feature. A purse of 154 was collected and will be distributed equally When it i6 among fifteen elders. understood that the same ward gave $80 to a missionary who left for Europe on the first of the month, this purse of $154 appears to be generous. It will gladden tbe hearts of all those who receive it. Rich, Idaho. We are enjoying good health here and real spring weather. There Is cover snow the to ground enough just and the recent cold snap is ail Work selected officers was j erformed. Mrs. J- - A. WlxouJ Of the First ward association rendereJ a solo, Dream of Paiadise. Mrs. Goddard spoke upen the necessity of the young women learning the art of the housewife instead of too much fancy work, and urged the young men to t thorough in all they undertake to do. S. N. Lee and Mrs. Lottie Cozier sang a duet, "O, My Father. Elder Benjamin Goddard of the general board asked the boys and girls to remember theii fathers and mothers and th9 anxieties they have had for i heir children. We should be cuieful in our actions remembering how easy It is to give joy or sorrow to others. Elder Nephl Anderson expressed his pleasure in the loyal support he had received In his post turn of superin tended of the Y. M. M. I, A. Elder Ernest P. Hoisiey said lie felt weak In Ills new calling but with Gods blessing ami the support 0f pis annoyance an lo of time. associates he hoped to be successful. Among o her reform 4 suggestlrof, Willard Itone spoke a short encouraging all tu ho zealous in ed, are one cent postage, postal time lie Mutual Improvement work. Benediction by Mrs. Minnie H. Jenchecks, parcels parcels post and One cent sen. postal savings banks. No family should be without a good postage, which would benefit the whole people, would be possible city newspaper when such a one as Salt Lake Tribune can he ob. without loss, alter a thorough re- The tained nearly eighte:n months for form in the second class privileges, $1.50, or about one cent for each ten Send The which are now benefitling chiefly or twelve page paper. the publishers and advertise! s, Tribune $1.50 and the paper will be sent you twice a week until May 31, Postal checks would be a great 1905. ' Convenience in sending small sums of money through the post. Out The Pope Bicycle Daily Memoranda Calendar. present system of money ordeis The of tne Pope bicycle daily leaf calendar tuny be considered Tha Lone Star State. opening cun proclaiming the natDown in Texas nt Yoakum, Is a bljr tbe ural m.d healthful return of bicyclln. dry t;oods linn of which Mr. J. M. Col, Albert A. Pope, Ihe founder or Halier Is the head. Mr. liaiier on one our bicycle Industries and the pioneer of liis trips east t buy goods said to a in the Good Roads Movement, is again friend who was with him In the pal- at the head of he hico)c Industry Ulna the 30.) calendar lenveK are ace car: Here, take one of these fres.ily written ih es. fro-the pens of Little Early KiserS Upon retiring and our greatest college presidents, doe tors, you will be up ea-l- y In the morning clergymen, statesmen, and other emiFor the dark brown nent men and women, all of them enfeeling good. taste, headache and Unit logy feeling thusiastically supporting Ircvciinc. DeWut s Little Kaily ttisers are the Half of each leaf is blank for meino-randThis calendar is free at Hie best pill to um. Sold by The Eddy Pope Munur.iduiing Company's -- to es ' or Drug Store d3l any of our readers can otitain it by sending live 2cmt stamps to the Pope Manufacturing C'o,, Hartford, Conn , or 14J SigeJ Street, Chicago, Skeen's canal has most- A few small work in roSle and ly stopped. Illinois. T.aK hishnen - A- de- - Russia s h-- JI...IO . rernen-z-- the L. .1 . .1 repuMjc a The Stale statutes pro- one of the gieat powers which has t.ot vide that the candidates may in such at least intimated an intention t0 so. The British government is ait. case draw lots for the office. ing for Panama to assume a portion Revolution Imminent the Colombian dent in which Brit of A sure sign of approaching revolt ish subjects are interested and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessrfess, or stomach Kodol Dyspepsia Cur upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly all classes of food, tones and Digests causes. dismember tbe troublesome the stomach and digestrengthens the tone to falls never stomach, It stive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, in. regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, 6o different games all new stimulate tbe Liver, and clarify the digestion, Stomach Troubles, and ode in each package of blood. Run down systems benefit makes rich, red blood, health and Kodol Dyspepsia Cure reparticularly and all the usual attend- strength. worn out tissues, builds Its under vanish searching punfie8 ing aches Electric strengthens and sweetens the stomach and thorough effectiveness. at your Grocer's. W. G. Gov. Atkinson of W. Va. says; Bitters is only 50c, and that Is returnI have used a number of bottles of ed if it dont give perfect satisfaction. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have found Portugal is the most illiterate Guaranteed by Tbe Eddy Drug Store. it to be a very effectivj and, Indeed sixty-eigas per country in Europe, powerful remedy for stomach aV cent of her population can neither meets. I recommend it to my friendi" read or write. laag Sold by The Eddy Drug Store. d3i itetithowagliaad ; tie leuioo. Lion Coffee Foleys HonnTAit htdi All present expressed themselves as being pleased with the eutertainment It is understood that another meet-lu- g of a similar nature wl.l be given at intervals during the winter. The storm caused a little delay In the work od the opera house, but work Is being pushed as rapidly as possible every person being desirous of getting the house completed soon. Jas. Dec. 11. 1903. Fight Will Be BitterThose who will persist In closing - their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with theii troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Head what T. It. Beall of Beall, Miss., lias 1 say: Last fall my wife had every syintnm of consumption. She took Dr. Kings New Discovery after everything else had failed. Imorovement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her." Guaranteed by The Eddy Drug Sure. Price 50c, and 1.00. Trial bottles 1 fr.e. dll. s the value H, A. Tisdale, Summer ton, S. C., places on DeWltts Witch Hazel Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doo-toand medloines, but all failed ex cept DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me. It is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emollients; re ieves aod permanently cures blind, bleeding, Itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum and all skin diseases. Sold by Tbe d31 Eddy Drug Store. surrounded by favorable influences. Cood For Children. To amuse, entertain and ed- Tbe pleasant to take and harmless ucate, is the design to be accomplished. One Minute Cough Cure gives immediBrigham City is the centre of a prosperous and ate relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass munity that must keep pace with the advancement immediately into the stomach, but other sections of the State takes effect right at the seat of the It trouble. draws out the inflama-mation- intelligent Com. to be found in There seems to be no good reason why Brigham City should , not heals and soothes and cures take the lead in all that belongs to intellectual progression. Mpermanently by enabling the lungs to usic and Dancing are inseparable and Bhould be a oo contribute pure, life giving and pavtof the edlife sustaining oxygen to the blood and ucation of every thoroughly equipped young personof Dr. Armstrong tissues. Della, should It and not be theie says Tex., prescribes it daily forgotten that Brigham City is the birth place is no better cough remedy made. Sold of some of the leading dancing teachers and musicians of the West d31 Store. by The Eddy Drug at Salt Lake L- - P. Christensen conducts one of the largest dancing schools in the United States. At Boise Mose Christensen has a flourishing school, while at Seattle, Washington Fred Christensen occupies the second floor of one of the largest buildings in that RESENTS city as a school of dancing and polite deportment These men have made their work as musicians and dancing teachers and the people of Brigham City should be A- tproud of them. Chinese immigration is to be per Now let us speak of the polite art of mitted by Mexico. Before long many dancing as a branch of education Chinese will probably cross the border into the United States. It has for its object, strength, agility, gracefulness of motion, of manners and politeness, embracing more true elements ease A Puzzle Worth Having Dr. G. Pretty Slippers, Shoes, Gloves, G. Green of Woodbury, New Jersey, in the development of phjsicial beauty and refined1 social whose advertisement appears in our Deggins than any other amusementspaper regularly, will mail to anyone t stamp to pay postseuding a All sources of amusements should have for their Custom Shoes. object im age, one of his new German Syrup and provement, and should be indulged in with moderation. August Flower puzzles, made of wood and glass. It amuses and perplexes Those amusements which do not tend to young and old. Although very diffl-- j Repairs our Specialty. improve either the or the mind should be scrupulously avoided. cult, it can le masteied. Mention body t his paper The Box Elder News, Work done while you wait. In the conduct of the Academy of Music and Dancing, the management pledges itself to maintain at all times the highest standard of excellence, and good repute As a guarantee that this will be done, Manager Christensen desires to refer to his long career as a dancing teacher and musicial instructor. Mexi-ca- Buy your Xmas BROWN'S - two-cen- SOCIETY AND FANCY TiFEFY DANClNGf BALL-ROO- DANCING. ETIQUETTE. Christensens Orchestra will furnish music for Academy. are the kind that settle on the lungs and develop into We are also prepared to furnish music for Concerts, Balls, Receptions or ward Parties. Call on or write C. O. Anderson. Phone, 48. ANNOUNCEMENT. PLEURISY Informal opening, Date Couple- prjEuraorM and . (DiorjsdjrjiPirfliQirj Sat- - Dec. 12th Admission 50c per - Parties will be given every Saturday. AFTERNOON AND EVENING PARTIES ON XMAS, YEARS, AND WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY. Afternoons at 4 p. m. Evening at 8:80 p. tn Admission 25c. Admission 50c. NEW It is oui intention to make the parties agreeable in every spect and of a high standard Christensens, Big Orchestra will be in attendance each re evening. Class Announcement Mill IhhuI consulate FFOLEYS1 tern. Corrective physicial culture exercise are included work given each class. in the Juvenile Class A. Beginners 8 to 12 years of age Saturday afternoon 2 to 3:30 m. per term 1.60 Commences Dec. 19th. B. ClassAdult class Beginners 12 to 10 years of age Sat, after noon from 4 to5;30 p. in. Dtc-I9tterm P- - - I eptow V ACADEMY Bear River City- On Tuesday night of last wepk some person or persons entered tbe cellar of Mrs. Mary H. Holmgren and carried off several bottles of fruit, a large piece of meat and all the butter that could be found in the cellar. Thursday evening the teachers and pupils of the district schools gave a for those who depend on selling hay. There are many settlers coming In successful paren's meeting iu the and there Is room for more. here consisted The house. school program M. Dec. 14, 1903. of songs, recitations and speeches by the teachers and some of the parents. One Hundred Dollar a Box 1 IfOimiiOIEMM fir thiitnai ton, fit In 1 contractors others say are at A Frightened Horse, they will return ttf work after the like mad down the street Running some have heavy holidays. They the occupants, or a hundred dumping work that can be done in the winter. other accideots, are every day occurOF MUSIC. It behooves everybody to at Tilden about rences. There is small-po- x a reliable Salve handy and theres Announcement Dine miles below here. It is supposed have none as good as Bucklen's Arnica where from sleeping they caught It To Our Friends and Patrons. halve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema small-po- x patients have been kept and and Piles, dissappear quickly under its soothing effect, 25c, at The Eddy the fumigation was fanlty. It is with pardonable pride, that the management, opens the d31 Store. Oiinoliool Is doing well. We are Drug New Academy of Music and Dancing for the use of those who There are 500,000 people in Wales preparing for a time here on Xmas. education and refinement- - This institution is intended The weather is fine for the farmers who cannot speak English, and 30,' appreciate a Irish. as who where 000 the young people of the entire county may meet in Ireland only place speak with small bay stacks but not so good y selection. Elder Thomas Hull, secretary of the general hoard, said the gospel Is worth more than the scorn, contumely honor of the world. Urged ail to sus tain those who are called to preside and to carry out tbelr advice, In al mutters ask God for his blessing un protection. Singing fcy the choir and benediction by Maggie II. Wight. At the evening session, the cere mony of setting apart the newly jn the 17, 1903 per commences Receptions will be given to the children of the different classes on the last Saturday of each term. Ladies and Gentlemen Class Friday 8 to 9:30 p. m. Commences December, 18th per term $3.20term3 and date8- - Pnvate Lessons each; fiye or more 75c each. stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Consumption Coped ' Foley & Co., Chicago. Dana, Ind., Sept. 28, 1902. Gentlemen: COLEYS HONEY AND TAR cured me or consumption after I bad suffered two years and was almost desperate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the last one said he could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I beard tell of without benefit until FOLEYS HONEY AND TAR was recommended to me. Its effect right from tbe start was magical. I improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think FOLEYS HONE r AND TAR is a d to people with Throat and Lung Trouble. Yours very truly, Mrs. Mary Ambrose. Cod-sen- FOLEYS HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates and does not constipate like ordinary cough medicines. THREE SIZES 25 Cy 50o and $1.00 Tbe 50 cent size contains 2; times' as much as the small size, and the $1.00 size almost 6 - CONTAINS IS MILDLY ' And rot . Monuments. UXATIYE ( RnuMfy and Y.ung. Recommended by the Medical M Faculty for the various .affectionsofthe atfd Lungs. the time to Order V'Mtnt -- fttPAKED fit FOLEY & CO. CHICAGO, and y Headstones- - delivery guarantee the best of stoi workmanship at Lowest irire. times as much. Prescription Druggist Monuments for ILL REFUSE SUBSTITUTES ihumm Lt E0By( dCrlyfr HO OPIATE j JOHN H. BOTT & Sons |