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Show another rebellion hatching1 STOLE HIS San Domingans Are Again Getting Into Mischief. According to advices received at the state department from United States Minister Power at San Domingo City, there Is already dissension in the 'provisional government, with prospects of another revolution. It is said there is dissatisfaction with General Jimmiz, who was at the head of the recent revolution which of General deposed the government Wos y Gil. General Jlmtnlz and some of his followers are now away from the city, and it is said that the probability is operations will be conducted against him. General Jimlniz expected to be the president of the republic when the government was given a permanent form. newly-forme- d OAVN CHILD CHICAGO KID-- 1 SCHOOL GIRL NAPPED BY HER FATHER. For Over a Year He Had Planned to Get Hia Daughter Away From Hla Divorced Wife. While the children were flocking Into the Goethe public school in Chicago, Wednesday, two men driving a fashionable carriage pulled up in front of the building and seized Georgiana Andros. One of the men placed his hand over the girls mouth and lifted her into the carriage, which was then driven away rapidly. The father of the girl, Lewis Andros of Minneapolis, Minn., was divorced from his wife some time ago. and, according to the latter, he has been trying for Death in over a year to gain possession of the child. Five People Meet Horrible Wreck. Five persons were killed and ten injured in a, wreck Sunday morning on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road, three miles west of Albia, la. The passenger train was in some manner derailed while running on to the Cedar creek bridge and five cars were wrecked by collision with the steel girders of the bridge. The wreckage immediately took fire and several of the victims were badly burned. Mildred Mitchen, the little child of Mrs. W. E. Mitchen, was hung to one of the bridge girders and burned to death before the eyes of the uninjured passengers and trainmen, who were powerless to reach the child. west-boun- d three-year-ol- d . TURKEY EXPLAINS.- - Declares Consul Davis Was to Blame in Alexandretta Incident. The Turkish official report of affairs at Alexandretta complained of by the United States consul, W. R. Davis, has been telegraphed to Constantinople by the governor of Beirut, Syria, as follows: Attarian, a native of Kharput, who has for some years been abroad, rethe country secretly cently and has been traveling in the interior with a Turkish passport. On his arrival latey at Alexandretta, Attarian claimed the protection of the American consul and asked for Ms assistance to enable him to embark for Egypt Mr. Davis accordingly notified the authorities, but the latter insisted that the sanction of the governor must be obtained, and that the usual formalities be carried out, such at photographing Attarian. Mr. Davis refused to tolerate the delay, and attempted to embark Attarian by force. The police arrested Attarian at the quay, whereupon Mr. Davis, aided by his military couriers, struck the policemen, who were wounded in the faces, and afterward attempted to force an entrance into the guard house, breaking windows Thereand doers, but unavaillngly. upon Mr. Davis, threatened that unless Attarian was released and allowed to embark within four hours he would hlmBelf leave. Not receiving satisfaction. Mr. Davis embarked for Beirut on the same steamer Attarian tried to take." Send Eight Warships to Enforce Demands of the Czar. A strong Russian squadron, consisting of eight warships, including two battleships, has arrived at Chemupo, Korea, the port of Seoul, the capital, to support Russias opposition to the proposed opening of Yongampho to the commerce of the world. The Russians threaten to land 3,000 men and march on Seoul, should Korea disregard their warning. Major-Gener- WOMAN TEMPTED HIM. Boy Murders Man to Secure Insurance Money. Levi Perham, 19 years old, related In court at Burlington, Vt., that for love of Mrs. Mary Rogers he aided the woman to murder her husband to the end that with $500 insurance obtained on the husbands life she might furnish a home for Perham. Perham said she lured Rogers to the river bank. There he was bound and chloroformed. Then Perham testified, Mrs. Rogers wrote a note with these words on it and pinned it to Rogers d hat: "I am going to drown myself, and nobody else is to blame for my death. To this Mrs. Rogers signed her husbands name. After Rogers had died from the effects of the chloroform Perham threw the body into the river. Refused to Pay Fares to Conductor. In a riot on Halsted street, Chicago, growing out of the recent street car conductor and a strike, a motorman were attacked by a mob and their car partially wrecked. The trouble started when the passengers, several of whom were women, refused to pay their fares becaust the conductor did not wear a union button. The conductor stopped the car and announced that it would not start again until the fares were paid. While sevseized and eral of the passengers roughly handled the conductor one forced the motorman at the point of a revolver to proceed. The conductor and motorman finally escaped, when the crowd partially wrecked the car. Passengers Non-Unio- n non-unio- non-unio- n Louisville Courier-Journa- l. TRACES OF OIL AND GAS IN GREAT PLAINS REGION Is the central great plains region nnderlain with oil and gas? There are geologic indications that conditions within an area 250 miles in length and from two to six miles wide, comprised within Kansas, Ne- - to the arid region. With the discovery of oil and gas a great impetus would be given to agricultural development, as the soil is fertile, of great depth, and as productive as that of any section of the country when irrigated. Montana Senate Passes Two Fair Trial Bills. The Montana senate has passed the house judicial disqualification bill and also the bill providing for a change of venue in civil cases. The' change of venue bill was amended in a slight particular and will therefore have to go back to the house for concurrence In the amendment. The disquallflcar tion bill was not amended and will probably go to the governor for his signature. The senate bill providing that the supreme court may review the evidence in cases on appeal, was read in the house and referred to the Judiciary committee. Women Appeal to President In consequence of Governor Peabodys order placing Teller county, Colorado, under martial law, a committee of the Womens Auxiliary of the labor unions in Cripple Creek, numbering 700 members, has sent a telegram to President Roosevelt, appealing to him for protection against the unjust rulings of the governor of the state. RISKED HIS LIFE. Montana Hero Risks Life For Brave Little Postmistress. While heroically trying to save the Tecords and mail of Chestnut, Mont., Miss Storrs, assistant postmaster, was overcome by smoke and flames in the burning building, and was herself saved from death by Bert Stanley, a young man who risked his life to carry her out. The girl had managed to save most of the mail, so that the loss by fire was only about $500. She was badly burned. Japan Hasnt Money Enough to Go to War. The St. Petersburg Novoe Vremya, in an article on the Japanese hudget, says that the ridiculously small surplus, taken in connection with the practical Impossibility of floating another loan abroad, makes it certain that war would be ruinous to both, now that the United States has declined to support that country, and expresses the hope that the better sense of the Japanese will rescue the empire from the Jingoes. Brutality of a School Teacher. The son of John Lignier is dead at Barren, WIs., as the result of Injuries, which, It is alleged, he received at the district school. The boy had been playing tag at recess, and as the bell rang he ran after a little girl into the school house. The girl fell against the teacher as he entered the door, and, it is alleged, the latter picked the boy up and threw him across the room against a desk, and then repeated the operation. The boy was then whipped till be fainted. Considerable interest has been aroused in Honolulu by a report of Colonel Jones of the Hawaiian militia to Governor Carter of the territory of Hawaii, in which Colonel Jones, commenting on the strategic importance of the Hawaiian islands and the need of strong defenses, quoted Arthur MacArthur, U. S. A., as predicting a war in the immediate future between the United States and Germany, and that the principal scene of the fighting would be In the Pacific ocean, with the Hawaiian islands as an objective point WRECKED STREET CAR. Congress Will Take a Recess. During the week a number of the more important ''.nmittces will take tip pending bills for consideration, but beyond the passage of the pensions appropriation bill it is not believed that much will be accomplished on the floor of the house in the way of general legislation before the Christmas holiday recess, which probably will be taken at the end of the week. Killed by a Friend. accident occurred at Lovelocks, Nev., Friday evening. J. W. Walters, agent of the Southern Pacific at that place, was accidentally shot and almost Instantly killed by P. H. Cook, traveling freight agent of the Union Pacific As near as can be learned. Cook was explaining the mechanism of a Browning automatic revolver to Walters, when the weapon exploded. A coroners jury exonerated Cook, holding that it waB purely accidental. LIVE STOCK L Predicts That Principal Scene of Fighting Will be in Pacific Ocean, With Hawaiian Islands as Objective Point. Nlneteen-Year-O- THE HORRORS OF WAR. Guilty of Contempt. One thousand dollars fine for illegal acts as a corporate body was Imposed upon Franklin union No. 4, Pressfeed-ers- , by Judge Jesse Holdom of Chicago. The court found the union as a corporation guilty of contempt of court for violating an Injunction restraining It as a union from interfering with the business or employees of ten printing companies, members of the Chicago Typothetae. Judge Holdom's action creates a precedent. , A deplorable IS INEVITABLE, SAYS MAJOR-GENERAMACARTHUR. RUSSIANS IN KOREA. War Department Providing Against a Colombian Invasion. The coming of General J. Franklin Bell of Fort Leavenworth to Washington, while it has more or less to do with matters connected with the general staff college, is admitted by officers of the general staff to be for the purpose of consulting with tie officials regarding a probable campaign against Colombia should that country continue thq movement of troops toward the isthmus. Shadows of War. Consul Malmros, from Colon, sends word to the state department by cable that the captain of the French steamer which arrived at that port Saturday from Cartagena reports that he was informed by an official at that port that 800 Colombian soldiers had embarked on the Colombian gunboats Cartagena and General Pinzon and sailed for the mouth of the Atrato river. WAR WITH GERMANY MONEY TO BURN. Twelve Million Dollars Worth of Paper Money Burned. The sum of $12,500,000 in paper money was burned at St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, by the state bank. This amount was issued in notes during the month of August, to meet anticipated trade demands, bnt since the end of the grain season the money is no longer needed. The value of the notes in circulation now is $315,000,-00the same as prior to the August Issue. 0, braska and South Dakota, are similar to those in which oil and gas have been found. Should future developments In the ceutral great plains area prove the soundness of the anticlnal theory it would result in great benefit to that anregion. The country in which the popuis out thinly ticline puts lated, and, for the most part, given It lies just over to stock grazing. west of the one hundredth meridian and ia properly classed as belonging The surface waters are Inadequate, and for this reason this section has not developed with the same rapidity as others favored with streams. A great part of the great plains region is known to be underlain with water bearing gravels at no great depth from the surface, which, when tapped by wells, furnish an inexhaustible supply. By utilizing the cheap fuel which would be provided in the event of discovering oil and gas, vast areas of this region could be irrigated from waters obtained by pumping plants. Paid the Penalty. Mrs. Katherine Soffel, wife of the warden of the Allegheny county, Pa., Jail at the time of the escape of the notorious Biddle brothers from that institution, has been liberated from the penitentiary, having served twenty months for the part she played in that sensational affairs. During her incarceration in the penitentiary Mrs. husband was granted a divorce. She has rejected offers to go on the stage and says she will live In retirement at her fathers home. HAS SLEPT TWO WEEKS. STRUCK WRONG MAN. Oklahoma Desperado Gets Gay Once 8trange Case Which Is Puzzling New Too Often. York Doctors. a noted desperado of Jim Harbelt, much are York New City of Doctors interested In the case of a baby girl, Oklahoma territory, was killed at Wednesday by a farmer named eix weeks old, which has been asleep for two weeks. The child apparently Donahue. Harbelt bore a bad reputakilled Giles Flippin in the is perfectly healthy, takes food natur- tion, having some years ago, and Indian has but territory to develop, ally and continues being a member of the gang that not opened its eyes nor made a sounda also robbed the Texas Express of $75,000, In a fortnight. The coma followed the killing a deputy at the. same time. broken was by which fever high Donahue gave himself up. doctors and has not reappeared. Mr. Hoar is Inquisitive. When the senate met Thursday a number of bills were Introduced and reports presented. Mr. Hoar gave noas soon as practicable after tice the disposition of the Cuban bil he would call up his resolution requesting Information from the president concerning the conditions under which the independence of Panama was recognized. The Cuban bill was then laid before the senate, but as no one appeared ready to speak on it, Mr. Hale moved an adjournment, and the motion prevailed. Langley Wont Give Up. Dr. S. P. Langley, whose aerodrome failed to fly at the trial In Washington on Wednesday, says: "I cannot state now just wbat is the damage to the aerodrome. We have not had time yet to make a careful examination of the machine. Some projection caught in the car as the aerodrome was being launched and caused the machine to break. The rear aeroplanes or wings were rendered useless and threw the machine over. Just wbat caused this accident we do not know." Murderers of Berry Family Granted a Change of Venue. In the case of Chauncey Dewey, Clyde Wilson and W. J. McBride, charged with the murder of the Berry family last May, the court at St Francis, Kans., has granted a change of venue to Norton county. Bonds were furnished for the defendants and they were discharged. It was contended by the defense that the condition of public sentiment was such that a fair trial was impossible. The case will probably be tried in January. y Killed the Wrong Man. Mistaken for strike breaker, as the a police believe, John Ouschowski, was shot and kll ed in Chicago. The crime is attributed by the police to union pickets of the American Hide striking tanners of the and Leather company, whose princia block . from the pal plant Is located of scene of the shooting. No witness yet been .found.a the shooting has asOuschowski pock-etThe police found In for 1.000, a certificate of deposit watch. 160 in money and a gold trunk-make- Pof-fel- s tht Argentine Dairy Industry. During the year 1902 Argentina exported 9,308,200 pound of butter, chiefly to England and South Africa, says a report of the United States Department of Agriculture. This was an In crease of 187 per cent over the exportation of the previous year, which was 3,232,391 pounds. There are no statistics of production for home consumption, but the best estimate available that of the Rural Society puts the production of the province of Buenos Aires at 20 tons per day. The production and consumption of butter outside this province it is not possible to estimate closely, but certainly all the rest of the country does not produce 10 per cent of the amount produced in this province, if we leave out of the account the amount produced and consumed in the city and vicinity of Rosario, the second city of the Republic, having a population of over 120,000. Even this city is supplied, to a large extent, from the province of Buenos Aires, for as yet only a small proportion of the estancieros arc makThe private production ing butter. and consumption must also be omitted in this comparison, for that Is Increasing on the estancias. Still there are thousands of people owning various numbers of cattle who either go without butter or buy it in the towns. The city of Buenos Aires, with its 876,000 people, is, of course, the chief local market for Argentine butter, and It is well supplied with a very good quality. The consumption is estimated at only 4V6 pounds per capita per annum. The working classes do not have butter on their tables as they do in the United States. The present price in the city is about 22 to 24 cents gold per pound. To Bupply the demand there are four great factories, or systems of factories. Their plan of operation is something unique. The industry is, of course, only in Its but it is interesting to note the process and rapidity of its development, its extensive possibilities and the probability of its immediate and tremendous growth. La Union Argentina, the chief butter maker of Argentina, is a creamery on a very large scale. It was organized in 1899 to save the butter Industry from the collapse that threatened it, which was due to the wastefulness of small individual production and the lack of uniformity and modern methods. Argentine butter is of a very good quality, and uniformity is secured by the large production under one management. It lacks the firmness and grain of United States butter, however, and even without considering the fact that it is never salted, unless so o'dered, it does not seem to have quite the rich flavor of that made in the best creameries of the United States. However, it suits the European market very well and is gaining ground there. Success In Dairying. Prof. C. H. Eckels, of the Missouri Agricultural College, says: Success in dairying depends upon several factors. It can hardly be said that one of these is of more importance than another any more than one horse is more important in pulling a load than his mate. We must have a cow adapted for milk production. That cow must be well fed and cared for. The product sold must be cared for and manufactured in the best manner. The proper marketing of the To product must not be overlooked. reach the point where dairying becomes profitable, we must givo all these points attention, and not confine ourselves to one. Proper care and feeding go a long way towards getting the largest and most economical production of milk, but if the cow that receives these attentions Is not adapted by nature for producing milk, the result may be far from satisfactory. The cow is a machine operated on the farm for the purpose of converting farm crops into a more valuable form. Some of these cow machines are best adapted for converting this raw material into beef, while others produce milk from the same feeds. Too many who undertake to carry on dairying fail to select the cows suited by nature for the purpose. Too many times a cow is thought to be about the same as every other cow as far as producing dairy products Is concerned, while, as a matter of fact, the difference is very extreme and the nature of the cow may mean success or failure. It has been estimated that of the cows used for at least dairy purposes in Missouri do not more than pay for their feed, while the profit is made by the other I believe if we could, by a single act, remove every unprofitable cow from the dairy herds of the country the benefit to the industry would be greater than any one other thing that could be done. The Sow and Pigs. Prof. J. J. Ferguson, formerly of the Michigan station, says: About three or four weeks before the sow is due to farrow feed her a greater amount of bran or shorts than formerly; from a week to ten days we do not give her any roots. You can best feed young pigs by feeding the mother, feed good, stimulating rations when the pigs are a week old, but remember that heavy, full feed is apt to throw her out of condition and milk fever is liable to set in. Do not at this time feed barley or corn meal, especially barley. A good many men in the barley districts of Ontario tried feeding the surplus to the pigs when the American market failed them, and in consequence many of their brood sows died. If there Is any business that could be run profitably In connection with our swine raising It is dairying. There is no food that will take the place of milk for young pigs for a time after they are separted from their dams. It should be fed to them with a meal ration of two parts shorts, two parts fine oatmeal and one part bran. We feed as high as SO pounds of skim milk and pay as high as 25 cents to 26 cents per cwL for the milk. With skim milk we can carry young pigs along cheaper than in any other way. It should not, however, be fed without the meal ration, as it is liable to cause scours and colic. When feeding ground oats sift out the oat hulls and feed only the meal to the pigs. The packer does not want tne farmer to force his pigs before they are at least seven months old, as they are liable to be too soft and flabby. It does not pay to carry pigs over until they reach 400 or 600 pounds. From 200 to 300 pounds is heavy enough, and these weights should be reached in Beven or eight months. Ewes In Fall and Winter. Ewes before being bred in the fall should be kept on good pasture, so as to have them in a good strong physical condition, said a speaker at a sheep breeders meeting. After housing for the winter, the ram should always be taken away from the flock. Breeding ewes should not be fed turnips before lambing, as it causes lambs to come weak. After lambing turnips should be fed. Provision should always be made to keep up a good supply of succulent food during summer monthB. For this there is nothing better than rape, and for fsill pasture rye is an excellent thing. In fattening sheep it is necessary to keep up a continuous, steady growth, so as to avoid unevenness and bunchlness in the carcass. Sheep should not be closely housed, but should be given an open shed, so that they can take plenty of exercise, which is very essential for their The object in view during winter feeding of lambs is to promote growth. For this purpose you must feed plenty of good hay and occasionally pea straw, with some roots, and a little grain, which would be mostly bran and oats. While the pasture is good In summer, no additional food is necessary. Salt, water and shade should always be within reach of the animals. Care must be taken when the pasture is poor to supplement this with rape, vetches or other green crops. Beginning eight or ten weeks before the time of slaughter, a grain ration should be added. We feed a mixture of oats, bran, oil cake, peas, Increasing the feed and keeping the animals inside the latter part of the finishing period. well-bein- POULTRY! A Soap-BoBrooder. At the Rhode Island station the brooder-housbeing crowded it was found necessary to improvise a brooder. A report of the station says; Owing to the inconvenience of furnishing the lower heat by a kerosene lamp other means had to be resorted to. For the extemporized hover an , thirty-thre- e by ordinary twenty by nine Inches, was used, la the bottom, which became the top of the hover, two holes were cut, which were of the proper size to set palls of water Into, to within a couple of inches of the top. The whole was made to fit as tightly as possible, in order to prevent any escape of air. la the side two orifices, about four inches wide and six high, were made, to permit the passage of chicks. Doors sliding up and down were fitted to these. The boards sawed out of the holes la the bottom were fitted into covers for the pails. Water at a temperature of about 140 degrees was put into the pail, the covers inserted, and then the whole hover blanketed with papers, rough coats, or whatever was at hand. The pbII used was of papier-machThis substance seemed to hold the heat of the water admirably, allowing but little to escape, and permitted the chicks to press up against it for warmth. Wooden pails would undoubtedly have done as well. Metal pails would, however, have permitted of the escape of the heat too fast and compelled refilling with hot water more frequently. They would also have been too hot for the chlctis to press against By experiment it was found that with proper covering the heat would carry sufficiently well from ten oclock 1. the evening until seven or eight the next morning; that is, in the room whose temperature did not fall below 60 degrees. When the temperature of the room was raised to 75( degrees or 80 degrees, the chickens did not seem additional heat The pails were used as a reserve heat during the nighttime, when the temperature fell below 68 degrees, and for the early days of the chickens life, when 85 degrees in the hovers was maintained. A record was kept of the temperature of the hovers by thermometers inserted through corks and let Into especially prepared holes through the side. It was found that when water was put In the pail at about 125 degrees and thirty or more chicks used, the temperature would be held at from 85 to 90 degrees throughout the night, rarely falling below 75 degrees. The heat was saved by shutting down the wooden shutters in the hovers to within half an inch of the floor during the first day or two. Afterwards they were partially raised as the chickens grew larger, ufitll at the end of a week the shutters were left completely up. x e soap-box- ed Raising Pea Fowls. From Farmers Review: As In the case of all other breeds of birds, we select matured birds to breed from. Pea fowls do not mate until they are two years old. I would prefer a two or three year old pair or trio for breeding and beauty. Free range is best, according to my experience. They are as much disposed as the turkey to select their nest, laying season being much later, beginning about the middle of June. They lay from two to seven eggs. I never disturb their nest. Crows seldom ever find I will say the number their nest. hatched Is the number raised. , The rations for pea fowls are the same as for other fowls. In cold weather they Dairy Cows of Normandy. need their food prepared, and should been has noted for Normandy long all the necessaries for a comfortits dairying, and the breed of cattle have able existence, such as charcoal, grit carrying the provincial name has a of a very coarse variety, both whole The great reputation in France. grain and cracked, and plenty of clean choicest of this race is the Contenwater. For their roosting quarters in tin strain, to be found pretty near summer they should have a beautiful the coast, from Cherbourg well down elm where they are on the looktoward Brittany. In color they are out tree, for all chicken red, brown and white, spotted and thieves and prowling animals, noises, and should strange s from white to anything occur after sunset without patched, brindle. The best of them are their warning it must be a very small coarse, homely effalr indeed. I wish some of our creatures, fleshy, without finish or fanciers could see my flock in their good beef form, lacking in uniformity beautiful plumage, on a bright day in and generally devoid of the most March, April or May. When one of dairy characteristics. They them begins to strut all must show have udders of all shapes, but few off in the same manner. I believe casome are really good ones; yet that if more people knew of their pacious, and good cows average 8 to be more said 10 quarts of milk a day for nine or beauty there would and not so much thought ten months, with 5,000 to 6,000 pounds about them care about the they require. Mrs. per year. It requires at least 12 Smith Scott, Marion County, Missouri. quarts of milk in the winter and 14 or 15 in the summer to make a pound Dont Use Cheap Stallions. of butter. The annual butter product A successful horse raiser says: One Is, therefore, 200 to 225 pounds per cow; ordinarily 100 pounds a week reason for our scant supply of good from twenty cows, rising at times to horses is the want of judicious mating. Instead of encouraging and patronis125 or 130 pounds. A few specimens of this breed have reached America ing the best sires, which are usually and found favor in some quarters. at a nominal fee, say $12 to $15, they But after some time spent in Norman- prefer to use any kind of a brute, at dy and an examination of many noted perhaps half; the old story, shilling Causes of Tainted Milk. herds, they were decided to be a wise and pound foolish. Such men The Swiss scientist. Dr. Gerber, mixed, irregular, lot of are not only an injury to themselves, gives the following causes of bad or cattle, with no indications of econombut to the district in which they live, tainted milk: ic dairy quality, and hardly attractive as good and plentiful buyers always 1. Poor, decayed fodders, or irraas frequent the districts where they get animals. Careful tional methods of feeding. comparative trials of dairy cows made good stuff. Another drawback at pres2. Poor, dirty water used for drinkIn France have proved the Norman-de- s ent is that a horse owner has to be an ing water or for the washing of utento be inferior in every respect insurance company also. If a patron sils. loses a mare in foal, the poor horseto the Brown Swiss. Henry El 3. Foul air in cow stable, or the man is expected to losev his fee, and own cows lying in their dung. if the foal dies he is supposed to lose 4. Lack of cleanliness in milking; the Horses Gait. halt; but if an owner loses his stalTesting manure particles on udder. In testing the walking and trotting lion, his return benefit Is simply sym5. Keeping the milk long in too action of any horse he should be led pathetic words. Under such conditions, warm, poorly ventilated and dirty straight away from you and then how can importers be expected to implaces. At brought back, thereby enabling you port good and valuable horses? 6. Neglecting to cool the milk rapto determine whether the action is the fountain head, Scotland and Engafter milking. idly, directly true or otherwise, says a judge of land, things are quite different; pat7. Lack of cleanliness In the care of good horses. See that they turn up rons use every means to encourage the milk, from which cause the great- the soles of their feet and are not good sires, they are select by soer number of milk taints arise. The object in preferring cieties under guarantee or so much for paddlers 8. Poor transpofttalon facilities. close is because much their service, in snape of a premium, 9. Sick cows, udder diseases, etc. greater power cm be brought to bear and half tees at end of season, the 10. Cows being in beat than when the hocks are wide apart. other half when mare proves in foaL 11. Mixing fresh and old milk in the In the latter case considerable power There horsemen can afford to place or strength is wasted In drawing before the public same can. s animals, 12. Rusty tin palls and tin cans. heavy loads, and the natural tendency are source of a which profit to all is for horses that Incline to go wide or bulge out the hocks when young, concerned. The Corn Kernel. The corn kernel is naturally divided to gradually go wider and wider evety Dairying is profitable because it Is until they become quite undesirinto seven parts, each part being in year, business. The dairyman gets his for draft work. This is one of able bulk about the following percentage the most Important points in the returns at the end of the month, of the whole: Tip cap, 1.20; hull, mechanism of the draft horse, which to pay for his groceries and dry5.47; horny gluten, 11.61; horny starch, has received much closer attention in and he keeps out of debt goods 37.15; corn starch, 21.26; tip ttarch, Scotland than anywhere else and with beneficial results. 13.71; germ, 9.59. Potatoes require potash manures, f two-third- large-frame- highly-pr- ized one-thir- d two-third- rough-lookin- g hock-actl;- first-clas- |