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Show tage 4. THE EOX ELDER gox PHONOGRAPH VS. TONGUE. Ifccu Aleuts Abrat to m ib totter Beaorte to Fonaor to Pro-oor- STANDING & WIXOM, rnm or suBacitiniox: Om Ysr, .... JL35 in adTsnes Montos. .66 Ybrsa Month ... .35 at Bxtarod at the Poet Ones Brigham City as eeoood oIum matter. HYRUM STANDING, EDITOR. TIME Oregon fShort Line t R. R. ? OflBP In Effect Feb. ist, 1903 Train For toe last week or more William H. Crampton, of 426 Thirteenth street, Brooklyn, has been talking1 'into a phonograph at hi home for 13 hours a day. Hia object la to get on record all the lecture that he is scheduled to deliver, aa ho U about to lose the uae of hia tongue. An operation will be performed at the Eeney hospital to remove the diseased organ. He was a member of the police force until he resigned In 1805 to go on the lecture platform. This calling he has followed with marked success and engagements have been secured covering more than a year from now. Ia order that the persons who engaged him will not be disappointed, Crampton hit upon the use of the phonograph aa a way out of the difficulty, and aa a result has more than 400 records of speeches ah ready to deliver. . . BAT BS ABANDONED. arrive and depart a local station dally a follow: NORTH dih :! aH s3 g ew. l&u &Tt m 12 40 p m 834 pm 422am 1230 pm 826pm Deway Honey vllle 4 13 a m 12 20 p m 816pm Brigham 3 55 a m 12 06pm 759pm Orilll sston, 4 30 345am 1158am 3 37 am SOUTH toeiMin Dali Dts4M Verge , 4, Perry Willard Nwrr Deveurta wt BOUND. A 7 11 53 a m 7 49pm 43pm BOUND. The navy department is considering the desirability of abandoning the bfoadaide torpedoes now generally in use on war vessels. Thee torpedoes see fired from submerged tubes, ranged on the stop, and in ease they are given up by the American navy it will be a marked departure from the existing standard of naval construction. It was intended to hsve two of the broadside torpedoes on each of the new battleships and armored cruisers, but the board of construction is considering the advisability of omitting them entirely. The tube and the machinery 'of firing them take up much room, and each costa about $30,000 to $40,000. It U chiefly In the Interest of economising space that the present change is oootesaplated. Throufh Pullman Palace Bleepers, Latest Improved Tourist Sleepers, fre Kscllniaf Chair cars, Ilsfaat day coacnes. E. W. Draw. A geot, Brigham. Gen'l Pas. A T'k't. Agent, I. Ivsur, Salt Lake City MakS lMt'OttUSLE feitswAiMMCs I " Pr4 sea litty wvht city OnHBi would be altogether toe ever know too mall to be visible to m being gwsHkg 00 the planet Mara, even if that being were endeavoring to see it throe-hundredt- h sa American gentleman ten o'clock today.' The faragotog advertisement, printed to a Fasts paper, almost caused 0 (tot at the hotel art the boor named, lays the Paris Mmssfer. Tbs Am ar, isen gentlemen wwe Webwter Jonsa, Bf San Franeiaeo. Mr. Jones left oe draw that be would rocetcg appUconta to room at the hotel, aod they might bo admitted to the corridor pending hie arrival. Wbea ho gut there he found a Hue the! reached out Into the street and extended all the way to the Itooa Vendome. Fire hundred dashing Parisian Indies were slsssortng for a eight of the "Araeri-so- n gentiemaa.' They were unanimously se aired to gtva him iessona. Jowos was psralyeed at the sight bad fled, leaving the hotel people to gat out of the scrape the best they nrifh. 17m managers and clerks argued in vain. The ladies would not be pacified. They clamored for a sight of the evasive American. The police were called. The women were put out, but more women kept com-j.n- g all day. The hotel was under police protection for bt hours. Jones fied fro another hotel, a wiser, and, perhaps a bettor man. He is now convinced that people read advertisements, but he has retired from the business. to prevent pneumonia and consumption is to cure your cold when it first appears. Ackers English Remedy will stop the cough in a night and dri ve cold out of your system. Always a the present representing the Utah Sugar company and a number of farmers at- quick and sure cure for asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. tended interested in the If it doe3 not satisfy you the druggist proposition. will refund your money. Write to us The Sugar company offered the for free samyle. W II nooker & Co., farmers 12,500 for a from right-of-w- ay right-of-wa- y WEjfl ol Absolute fyTPu re THERE IS laSUBSmUTZ Corinne to the factory a distance of 18 miles The farmers were asked to write on a slip of paper the amount each wanted for his land for this purpose which was done. Figuring these with a prorata amount from those not present would make the cost approximate $19,693. about A further effort will fie made to reduce these figures to the amount named by the company and a meeting The sugar trust has shut down its will be held at the Iowa String school refinery at Williamsburg, N. Y., to home tonight for that purpose. ceep up prices and as a result more Harry Seeger is taking stenographic notes of the meetings for the use of than i,ooo employees of the Brookthe company. lyn Cooperage Company have been thrown out of work. Sick Headache, Absolutely and permanently cured by using Moki Tea A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipaA Weak Stomach causes a weak body aud invites disease, tion and indigestion, makes you eat, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures and stren- sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 and 50c. gthens the stomach and wards off and Write to W II Hooker & Co., Buffalo overcomes disease. J. B. Taylor, a N Y for a free sample. D L; Eddy & prominent merchant of Chriesman, Son, Druggists. Tex., says: I could not eat because of As a result of the prolonged drouth a weak stomach. I lost all strength andiun down In weight. All that in New South Wales there has been a money could do was done, but all hope shrinkage of 16,000,000 sheep and of recovery vanished. Hearing of some cattle in the past year. This wonderful cures effected by use of Ko- 275,000 will increase the British demand for dol, I concluded to try it. The first American meats. bottle benefitted me, and after taking F W Fishburn Knudson. C H Davidson City Physician The city council meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. C. W. PRECINCT - loo Chairman Justices of tne Peace Constable.. Mrs. Fred Unrtoth, Pmldwi Cmatry flab, Kid). Beat "Atttr my first baby was bore I did not to Kjln my strength although the Mem dector gave me a tonic which he considered very superior, but Instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My husband insisted that I take Win of Cardui for a week and see what k would do for me. f did take the medicine and was vei y slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and In a month I was abl to tak up my usual duties. I am very enthusiastic in its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of pregnancy and childbirth. It prevents miscarriage. N o woman who takes W ine of Caraui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. to v The News Ins received samp- les of elegant wedding cards, inr Mysterious CircumstanceOne was pale and sallow and the vitation cards nd programs, and other fresh and rosy. Whence the can fill all orders on short notice. difference? She who is blushing with Call and see them and you are health uses ti. Kings New Life Til's sure to be pleased with the price to maintain it. By gently arousing and quality. the lazy oi gaus they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25c, at Wyun L. and hesli luxxg Eddys, pitbcrirtion diuggist. tops tbs - FOlEYSHOHEfTAE coh a-- This is an ags of imitation and Ftucuo. The chromo and the are elbowing the oil painting aside, and novr is beginning to displace eteel, iron and bronze for making the armor which In supposed to hare been worn by the dead but eceptered sovereigns Tb Preaching at 7:30 p ,m. Christian Endeavor Wednesday 7:30 p.m. A.T.KABxa; fcftei in .bear Ftttof.' chromo-photogra- papier-mach- e .of ALL KINDS OF I have in my possession the follow- ing described estray animal which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at my residence in said precinct, on Tuesday, the 24th day of February, 903, at the hour of QENERAL WESTERN DESCRIPTION OF ANIMAL: One dark red bull dehorned with brand resembling bar on left hip CnA8. W. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. In the District court of the First Judicial district, iu and for the County of Box Elder, State of Utah. Edward I. Rich, Flalntifl, OUT- - forakUdrmmi sofa, sure, g sylttsi 1106. 17th AQENT 8t. DENVER. COLO. Monument. vs. Brigham H. But- ler, Mary N. Butler, Ileber C.But-le- r, Sheriff Now is the time to order your Sale. GIRLS Early Risers A'UeaEx Water Commissioner. .N P Anderson Dr C L Olsen M. B. Hart and E. members of board. Carpet Weaving SttoBiBacEa done on the shortest time in the county. Secretary H. Jones, Rope splicing done and repairing ot all kinds of tears in ducking. j TERMS OF COURT, I903. Terms reasonable and all work Mail orders guaranteed. given prompt attention. vember. , County commissioners meet the first and third Mondays of each month mm bis., OelYitVs Eg, Salvo Brigham, Fop Piles, Burns, Sores Utah BSBS Indlgeatlon Is often c&nsed by overeating. An eminent authority says the harm done thus exceeds that from the excessive nse of alcohol. Eat al!, the good food you want but don't over load the stomach. A weak stomach may refuse to digest what you eat Then you need a good digetsnt like Kodol, which digests your food wlth-- 1 out the stomachs aid. This rest and the wholesome tonics Kodol contains Boon restore health. Dietingunneces-- 1 aary. Kodol quickly relieves the feel-- ) ing of fulness and bloating from which soma people suffer after meala. Absolutely cures indigestion. Kodol Natures Tcnlc. Fwpsrefl only by E. O. DsWrrr A Oo..ObicaMv TmIL botusoontatnsin times UisGOc. sfse. Wynn L. Eddy, Prescription Druggist S ESES&3S Toko & To Cure a Cold in One paj Laxative Bromo Qmnhe ts&u. js tv A Xtd3 Saven MSllon boxes sold in post 12 months. At Earl, Poundkeeper for Fielding precinct, BOYS 'Chairman It G. W. MARTIN 2 p, Wagon Covers A W Valentine An Naval Constructor Richmond Pearson Hobson that at the suggestion ol' Leaving Kansas City at 6:30 P. K the President Secretary Moody tele- daily, will take you to Springfield, Mss graphed Hobson asking him to recon- phis, Birmingham, Atlanta, JackaomQi sider his resignation from the Navy end all points in the Southeast His services are known to have b:en For detailed information apply to most valuable. monuments and headstones. 43rOver 100 to select from. Stock the best Prices the lowest . fT It will cost you nothing to order, but will give us time to do the work JOHN H. BOTT & SONs, Awnings, BOARD OF HEALTH. IVi The Sootheestem Li&i county, Tents, COUNTY Il Theres Defendants. To be sold at sheriffs sale on Friday, From 25 cents up the 6th day of March, 1903, at All Remaining Rubbers Cheap COUNTY OFFICERS BOX ELDER CO. oclock noon at the front door of the A-Tcounty court house in Brigham City, Judge 1st Judicial Dist...Chas II Hart Box Elder county, Utah. Dist. Atty F K Nebeker One hundred and sixty acres (160 Chairman Co Com.... A W Valentine being the northwest quarter (nwj) of Co Commis., Iowa Suing M B Hart section twenty-seve- n (27) in townihip Kelton EH Jones thirteen (13) north, range three (3 assaaveag Jos Jensen County Clerk west of Salt Lake meridian, U. J S Perry Prosecuting Attorney survey, situated in Bax Elder county, Utah. Purchase price to be paid In Treasurer J A Edwards lawful money of the United States, Sheriff Jos Joseph son 12 f m5 Joseph Josbphson, Recorder Meltrude Hunsaker Sheriff. Assessor L A Snow Co Supt of Schools Nephi Anderson DeWitta Llttla and other ducking goods Surveyor, Dewey villc J N Iloldaway The famous little pills made on short order to Fisn & Game Warden, S F Thompson suit your own taste. Dr, C. L. Olsen County Physician District court First Tuesday in February, May, September and No- WiNEorCARDUy K Box Elder Sews Office. MENS LADIES Andrew Funk, Lorenz Peterson How It la DUplMlag Steal Pretest Tin Aoteal Malt t Smell Coat. cto Services at Presbyterian Sunday school at 10 o'clock a at the TO GO AT COST OFFICERS . ARMOR. Executt Pairs Left TO CLEAR B Neatly and Legging Sale! L. Berg PAPIER-HACH- fovoral philanthropic of litei&ture. firms a now turning out armor of Buffalo, NY. D L Eddy & Son. any and every period mad out of it, says the New York Evening Post. Accordiag to the wishes of the cusThe Alaska treaty preamble relers tomers, they will ani&h it in bright to bis Britanic majesty. A facetious steel, silver and gold inlay, hammered braes, rusty iron or malachite. senator rose to inquire if it read His Ths new good are warranted SKt to breek easily or to eut any unforSatanic majesty. tunate guest upon whom they happen to fall. Arranged in the halt or upon Escaped an Awful Fate the wall of the salon, they are guarMr. H. Haggin9 of Melbourne, Fla , anteed to deceive the beet crittee, and the satisfaction of the writes, My doctor told me I had Con- to give all of mall worn at Poitiers suit genuine done could be and nothing sumption or Oreey. for me, I was given up to die. The People whoe ancestor indulged in offer of a free trial bettle of Dr. Kings erueadiag or took part In the long New Discovery for Consumption, in- ware between England and France duced me to try it. Results werestart-ling- . can reproduce the anceMral mall at I am now on the road to recov- comparatively nznail cost. If neces-ry- , you can have the breastplate ery and owe all to Dr. King New worn by the Puritan and the skull-eap- e life saved my Discovery. It surely of Cromwell's Ironsides- - The This great cure is guaranteed for all new Invention bee aroused the enmity throat and lung diseases by Wynn L. of the dealers in antique armor, both Eddy, presciption druggist. Price 50c ancient and modern, who declare that & $1.00. Trial bottles free. ft fa intended to ruin their industry. It may be recommended, however, to and careful when in General Miles, London, prudent housekeeperso bettlohx mother. A pepier-machattended Buffalo Bills Wild West show or a double-handle- d sword may be of four without and there met a number of Indians intrusted to a toddler the least danger to the baby in the he had feught in former days. Tbe cradle or the eat by the fireplace. may, however, break a window, at They Indians expressed gratification and If inserted in the kftehea store they will burn up, though wKb dUB meeting their former brave enemy . .. eultj. The scratch of a pin may cause the Better Than Cold-- I lois of a limb or even death when was troubled for several years nervous blood poisoning results from the in with chronic indigestion and debility, writes F. J. Green of LanAll danger of this may be caster, N. H. No remedy helped me jury. no Better S:n;:i until I began using Electric Bitters, avoided, however, by promptly applywhich did me more good than all the Than that via the ing Chamberlains Pain Balm. It medicines I ever used. They have an antiseptic and quick healing lini also kept my wife in excellent health ment for cuts, bruises and burns) for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; For sale by Wynn L. Eddy, prescrip that they are a grand tonic and for weak, run down women. tion druggist. No other medicine can take its place From Kansas City, Saint Leuii ui in our family. Try them. Only 50c. Estray Notice. Satisfaction guaranteed by Wynn L. Memphis to points in the South, Soiik-as- t State of Utah, and Southwest Eddy, prescription druggist. County of Box Elder, j In the Fielding precinct of It is a remarkable compliment to IaimiffiKiFcma Dr. 1903 BROWNS 07 ADVERTISING. Mve Itssess is Aoply Hold Meet:ng- Another meeting was held last Saturday at the Planters restaurant in Dewejvilic in respect to the right-of-wa- y for the Malad Valley railroad. Messrs. Austin, Evans and Rowe were Tendency of the Times-Thtendency of medical science is to ward preventive measures. The best four bottles, I am fully restored to my thought of the world is bein' given to When you feel blue and that every the subject. It is easier and better usual strength, weight and health. thing goes wrong, take a dose of to prevent than to cure. It has been Wynn L. Eddy, prescription druggist. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver fully demonstrated that pneumonia, Tablets. They will cleanse and one of the most dangerous diseases OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. your stomach, regulate your that medical men have to contenc bowels, BRIGHAM CITY. CITY OFFICERS give you a relish for your food with, can be prevented by the use make and you feel that in this old Heber C Boden Chamberlains Cough Remedy, Pneu Mayor. world is a good place to live. For N. E. Mortensen monia always results from a cold or fI Peter Knudson sale by Wynn L. Eddy, piescriptiou from an attack of influenza fgrip J, anc Isaac A. Jensen druggist. f it has been observed that this remedy Concilmen( .C Simonsen counteracts any tendency of these The New York Board of Health diseases toward pneumonia. John P Christensen This has been fully proven in many thou Recorder John E Baird has issued a circular warning the citisands of cases in which this remedy Mary Johnson zens against the grip and advising them has been used during the great pre Treasurer valence of colds and grip in recent Marshal J L Robinette that above all things the use of alcoyears, and can be relied upon with Acto. B II Jones holic drinks is the surest predispeser ney confidence. Pneumonia implicit ( Knudson of the disease. often results from a slight cold when of the Peace Jas. Justices N is no danger Bownns apprehended until it suddenly discovered that there is fever Supt. of Waterworks W S Taylor and difficulty in breathing and pain W S Taylor Babes Kldaeys n4 Bladder Bight in the chest, then it is announces Chief Fire Dept I3e that the patient has pneumonia. Street Supervisor Chris. Christensen on the safe side and take Chamber & lams Cough Remedy as soon as the Night Watch Jailor C C Hansen cold is contracted . It always cures Sexton C J Nelson For sale by Wynn L. Eddy, prescrip tion druggist. BOARD OF HEALTH. With a telescope aa powerful as the greatest aod most perfect instrument in any observatory on thie globe, says Bis Hubert S. Ball, in the Independent. If the whole extent of Lake wae covered with petroleum, Sad M that petroleum wae set on fire, than I think ww may admit that ae lahabitant i Mars who waa furnished wttfc a teieecop as good as that which Mr. Peroivel Lowell uses at Falkatafl taigM be able to sea that aoraetthlng bed happened. But we most not wrp pone that the mighty conflagration wwuld appear to the Martian ae a very eenapteoeua object. It would rather Venezuela is suffering from yellow ha a very ame feature, but still fever, typhus, starvation and the it weuM act be beyond tbs allies. ef a practiced observer to that plansh Cm the oher band, if aa area TO CURE A COLD IN OND DAY Che stae ef Lake Superior en Mara was Taka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All la ha flooded wit h pntreteutn and that druggist refund the money if It falls to cure patraiaum wae to be kindled, we would E. W. Grovo'a signature a on eacn box. 25a event from ben aapeet to witness the hat as a great and striking confiagrw but as a tiny IrtOs pfrtist of just fla, ItaeernlMs fight. fbe disk of Mars it het a large object, and the conflagra-tfef- r would not extend over the peal of that disk. It to sufficient to state these faeti Ts affiow that the possibility of sag haling to Mars is entirely beyond tbs cd human resource. RESULT ms OLD REURBIE 19. THE SURE WAY Risht-of-W- av Bta Leotireo. Proprietors. THURSDAY, FEB. NEWS, signature, toVflM Cores Crip lo. Two-Bay- ca every fcor. 25c. 3aSEEB2SS2 NcfDcct Self Cemeteries fills EGLECT of everyday ills, those common flit ments We don't think mean Anything or will amount to much, is responsible for busy undertakers and well filled cemeteries. Constipation, Dyspepsia, Inactive Kidneys, Backache, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Bad Blood, Pimples, Muddy Complexion. ; Sleeplessness and lack of energy and ambition are all everyday ills. They are the advance agents of disease and Indicate impure blood and disarrangement of the system. The secret of health is pure blood. Healthy blood means a healthy being. CiocriAPUMD 0)A3VA MAKES RICH RED BLOOD It is a purely vegetable preparation of roots, herbs, barks and gums, natures own remedy for all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Heart. It purifies and en- riches the blood, stimulates the liver and kidneys and restores them to a normal condition. In stomach troubles it increases the secretion of gastric juices and repairs the inroads of dyspepsia and indigestion. If you are suffer-in- g from any of the everyday ills, Kickapoo Indian Sagwa will cure you. Sagwa is for sale at all druggists. If in doubt about your case write us for advice. It will be given free. Address Medical Department. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., New Haven, Conn. I j |