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Show the home paper. B Tbt home paper works for the welfare f in town and is dearly loved on that ac oant. Ita columns are always open to vry inhabitant. Charles N. Kent'. S'" a Iu sssssaBjsgl gfiSfiS&SBSfiB!i Devoted to no Party or VIII. VOLUME 0 bt w gr PICTURE cr VE HAVE ON HAND a nice line isr i3T isy of large size picture frames. Also a large assortment of the latest Picture frames made to styles o! mouldingsorder on short notice. It will pay you to see - us before purchasing elsewhere. teed to be right FRAMES xsr Prices guaran- Stohl Furniture Company, First national Bank building. .TWO CANAL MEETINGS. WILL REQUIRE BRIGHAM CITY CANNING CO. LABORERS. Submitted to the Farmers on Problem Whioh the Utah Sugar Comoany l Wrestling With, East Side to Obtain Water. ' east-sid- e canal question was The Lehi, Feb. 14. One of the most dif- Proposition at two meetings held one at Iloneyville in the fore-loo- o dlgeasscd yes-unla- y, the other in the First ward lull, this city, in the afternoon. Both were are well attended .and by Prest. Chas. Kelly, J. T. Hammond, secretary of state, T. B. Cutler, manager of the Utah' Sugar company, and Oleen N. Stohl.. It appears from the statements nade that the sugar company has arranged to tsaasfer sufficient water from Bear River at its dam in the canyon to irrigate all the land on the east sids which the owners of the land may contract for with a water company represented by Mr. flapmond. This latter company obtains the water from the sugai company and makes its own terms with the landowners and ed its use. The terms proposed tor peweyville, to the people of Iloneyville and south Bear River are thirty dollars per acre, one fourth to be placed in escrow and provides for annual payments and an annual rental of $1.50 per acre. Seven thousand acres of land must be subscribed in order to get the canal. A committee was appointed along meeting to solicit and tubscriptions it is believed tLat that part of the proposition will be at the Iloneyville a success. At the meeting in this city the tltuatioB was explained by Prest. Kelly and Mr. Hammond submitted a proposition which he said was the only one that could now be considered. It is briefly that 7000 acres of water rights must be contracted for between Calls Fort and the south end of the county. No price was fixed but in no event will the charges be less than $40 per acre. Manager Cutler explained the efforts made are being made by sugar to secure Bear Lake as a storage reservoir and the ability of the company to furnish the water which may be contracted for, B. II. Jones moved that an effort be made to secure the required acreage, which was carried. A committee B. H. Jones, J. D. Call, consisting of Mayor Boden, O. W. Snow and E. A. Box of this city, Robt, C. Yeung of Perry, Joseph Hubbard and Helgar Packer of Willard was ai pointed for com- which pany . ; this purpose. A Genuine Surprise (Communicated.) Oa Friday afternoon, February 13, 1903, the president and members of the stake board of the Belief Society srprtsed the secretary, Mrs. Annie J. Wlxorn. They came with hearts and hssds full of kindness and the good things o life. The time was spent in octal conversation. Refreshments were served and enjoyed by all present. There was gift in tin right band, bat tbs left knew it not, nevertheless it wss highly appreciated. Articles of I nooroo ratios and Elect Its OfficersThe stockholders of the Brigham ficult questions for the Utah Sugar City Canning company met at the ofcompany to solve the coming summer fice of Attorney J. D. Call last Monwill be bow to get the 5,000 acres of day, adopted articles of incorporation beets thinned and taken care of that and elected its officers for the ensuing will be plaoted in the Bear River- val- year. The capital stock was placed at ley. The district is thinly settled and 160 acres 130,000 consisting of 2,500 shares of the farms are usually about' each. The sugar company will plant the par value of $10 each. One-haof probably 1,000 acres on its own land. the steck was subscribed, 20 per oent Besides taking care of this acreage the of which is to be paid up, the remaincompany will also be looked to for aid der to be paid in monthly installAdopt ! - lf ments. The officers consist of a board of flva directors, a president, secretary and treasurer. The directors are Mels Jenson, Isaac H. Jensen and Jonah Mathias of this city, I. N. Peirce and Gso. H. Matson of Ogden. The last two are also directors of the Utah Canuing cempaay. Nets Jenson was elected president of the ompany and I. N. Peirce Tha secretary and treasurer have not yet been named. Eighty acres of tomatoes have been contracted for and it is believed that at least twenty more can be secured for this seasen. The price to be paid is 19 per ton and as the land in the vicln ity of this city is well adapted te the w A Missionarys Escape, raising of tomatoes, yielding from 15 The recent inundation ef a portion to 20 tons per acre, this will prove to of the South- Sea islands by a tidal be a profitable Industry. I wave by which hundreds of people A Pleasant Surprise. were drowned, caused considerable unA pleasant surprise was given Mrs. easiness in different parts of Utah as O. Peterson last Monday evening. to the fate of a number of Mormon Games were played until a late hour missionaries who were known to be when refreshments were served. laboring on the submerged islands. Mr. Petersen was not forgotten as a James Sheffield of this city had a sum was collected to send as a neat nephew. H. J. Sheffield, Jr., among of remembrance. token the missionaries there and was great-l- y Those present were: concerned about his fate. Mr. Mrs. Nephl Andersen, and The following clipping from the Salt Ernest Harsley, Nephl Valentine, Lake Herald shows that the latter had Mr. and Mrs. John Peters, Mr. and a narrow escape: Mrs. Ellas Jansen, Mr. Bud Jensen, Kaysville, Feb. 10. Considerable exMrs. John Horsley, and the Misses citement prevailed In town over the Meda Jensen and Ella Lue Horsley, South Sea island tidal wave question. Valentine. The report showed that nearly all of the inhabitants of the Tuamotuan For sale Land with water Kaysville group were swept away. right near sugar factory Paul tf people were uneasy from the fact that Stark, Brigham. as a is laboring Sheffield, Jr., J. H, missionary in that yart of the 'World, FOURTH AIII10AL and when last heard from was on Hikuera, one of the swamped islands of the Tuamotum groupe. Mr. 'Sheffields people were almost frantic1 until 10 oclock this morning, when a letter was received from him. He Opera House, states that after a hard struggle be reached a steamer which was lyiHg off the coast, but how he reached It is not stated, except that when he 'was taken aboard he hadnt a vestage of clothing left on him. He also states that he and coin panions are destitute, as all their earthly -- BT THB possessions were swept away. It will perhaps be a month before BINGHAM MILITARY BAND all the particulars can be learned. in securing help fer the farmers with their 4,000 acres. Mosiah Evans, in charge of the companys Bear river affairs, returned yesterday from a three weeks visit te Washington, Oregon and California, where he went to investigate the labor market. lie thinks that the company will be able to solve the labor problem without great difficulty. Efforts will be made to secure the necessary help in Utah, but if unsuccessful the probabilities are that Japanese help may be employed. The beets at Waverly, Wash., were all thined and handled by Japanese laborers and the farmers were well satisfied with them.- Salt Lake Herald. - - i Band Consort Wodnosday, February 25, New goods I New goods! at augmented to 35 men, assisted by W. H. Daniels, baritone soloist of the Elgin, 111., band, and L. P. Christensen, bandmaster of the First Regiment Band Holsts. httW"l"H"tttH I I I H tttft The 1900 Washer Svs Just to All. pieces and de Lammermoor , Under direction of.... Prof. Chris Christensen W JOB. F. HANSEN FURNITURE COMPANY, by a body of picked singers choruses with band accompaniments. sd g, PRICE CIS. County Commissionors. The full board was present at the regular meeting last Monday. Upon petition from residents of Calls Fort district, J. R. Horspool was appointed road supervisor of that district. F. G. Elliott was appointed road supervisor of Malad district upon petition. Application of S. F. Thompson to be appointed fish and game warden was deferred. It was decided to build bridges over Cottonwood and Beaver Bam creeks as soon as possible and a contract was let to J. N. Holdaway for piles 26 feet long at $8 each. The financial statement of Bex Elder county for the year ending Ueo. 31, 1902, was presented and action de- ferred. Offer of J. P. Christensen of right 4 of way between sections T. 11 X. 3 2 R. W, acres for $175 wss accepted. A petition from residents of Rawlins district asking that 4 county road be opened between certain sections in T. 11 N. R. 3 W. was refered to Commr. Hart for investigation. The petition from residents of Riverside asking that a new polling precinct be oreated oat of the north part of Sunset precinct was again considered. Myron J. Richards, A. A. Capener and others appeared in behalf of the petitioners. The petition was granted as prayed for. The matter of repairing a washout in the canyon was left with chairman with power to act. 11-1- The Band Concert An event of more than ordinary in terest will be the concert to be given by the Brigham Military band next Wednesday night. The members of the band have had this concert in view for many weeks past and have worked hard to make It a success. Under Prof. Christensen, one of the most accomplished musicians In the state, they have made remarkable progress since their last public appearance and will give a finished performance. The band will be assisted by musicians from Halt Lake City of recognized ability and also by the ,best talent of the city In vocal music. The people of this city should shew their appreciation of the band by attending this concert. It is a band tuu.ii the citizens may well be proud of. Third Ward Entnrtainment. Last Friday the people of the Third ward met in the opera house to enjoy a specially prepared program for their entertainment. There was a geod turnout and all enjoyed the occasion. The following program was rendered: A a them Third ward chair Patriarch John D. Burt Bishop L. N. Stohl Prayer Remarks H. E. Bowring Song Song.. . Remarks Solo Remarks Quartette Primary Association Apostle R. Clawson Miss Ella By water ...Wm. Jeppon S. N. Lee and others Bemarka D. P. Burt Duet......Clara Irons and Lucille Jensen Mrs. Lottie Cozier Song Remarks Prest. Chaa. Kelly Duet...Vlctor Madsen and Martin Lee Little Ah Sid Children .Sevena and Dalay Madsen Duet S. N. Lee and others Quartette Duet Norman and Martin Lee Bishop L. N. Stohl and his counsellor B. P. Burt and' Wm. Jeppson were each presented an enlarged picture of Prest. Lorenzo Snow nicely framed. A NUMBER 46. j Special ticket sale Monday February 23rd, from 12 to 2 p. m. at box office. UfcUAL Prices of Admission EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH PULL HOLLOW GROUND WARRANTED RAZOR AT 5QC Prle. Leas Than the Old Razors, MONEY ON HAND , Strops and Lather Crushes. . We will gladly giye you your money back if the razors are not satisfactory, insures promptness and quick delivery. Being our own, makes it possible for us to - make., and close loans with . Christensen Knudson. & A FISH AND GAME BILL. Good Place for Sale Cheap. No Delay No Expenses No Mortgage Tax No Third Party No Attorney Fee No Appraiser Fee. No Commissions Three acres of land in the Second EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH ward with young orchard, strawberries, its Adootion. brick The residents of Box Elder county raspberries, etc., new in interested the promuch are very house with pantry and cellar. Inquire TREES FOR SALE. posed fish and game bill introduced by of Lauritz Johansen, Brigham, or at Leave your orders with Senator Barber and known as B. B. this office. 4 No. 72. This bill contains a number S. SACKETT & SONS of sections particularly objectionable For Choice Peach and Apricot Trees Notice-as it prohibits the sale of fish and Commencing March 1st, 1903, and game at any time and closes Bear until further notice, The Utah Sugar river from angling except in ths epen company will sell water In the Bear LORENZO STOHL, season. River valley at $25 per acre subject to An enthusiastic meeting was held its usual terms and customs. at the court house last Saturday fl9 ml2 Mosiah Evans, Rest Mngr. night, which was well attended, for the purpose of taking action against Garland, Utah, Feb. 16, 1903. the enactment of this bill. Peter FOR SALE Knudson was elected ohalrman, C. O. Under Foreclosure of mortgage Christensen, secretary, and various Room 22- Telephono No. 22. committees were named to draft up a proceedings, we offer for sale 160 A Prot.it Sent to the Legl.letur Against fl Real Estate, Loans and Insurance FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING . protest, to meet with the fish and acres of good farming land in A great bargams committee of the state senate, Box Elder county. ARTHEY & DUMBECK, and to raise funds to pay the neces- gain for some' one. Call on or sary expenses. write to, Speeches were made by several atChez & bkeen, Attorneys, bad featares forth the TELEPHONE 03. tending setting 3 First National Bank Bldg, 219 State St - - - Salt Lake City. Utah of the bill and suggesting the proper tt Ogden, Utah. action t be taken. The argument went to show that the effect of the THE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY NOTICE FOR BIDS. proposed legislation will be to disNotice is hereby Riven that sealed courage all but the wealthy class who CAPITAL 550,000.00. have time and money te spend to bids will be received by the undergratify their taste for sport. The signed directors of the Willard Canpoor man cannot afford to indulge in ning Co. en or before March 14, 1903, Accounts and Correspondence shot guns, buy shells and spend his for the purpose of constructing an adSolicited. time in hunting unless he can get dition of 20 ft. x 45 ft. to the main some reward other than the privilege building of the Willard Cannery All business given prompt attention of giving the game away which he The directors reserve the right to J. M. Jensov, John Pingree, may shoot in exceet of his own de- reject any and all bids. President. Cashier. mands. The wealthy man cares little For full particulars apply to the for the disposition of the game killed, undersigned directors at Willard. DO YOU WANT hia chief desire being to kill, and the Peter Lows, Loans on Real Estate proposed law will give him a clear James M. White, at lowest interest; field for the exercise of his instincts. f Directors. Homestead Entries and proofs; A protest has been drawn up setting To buy or sell Real Estate; forth the objectionable features of the Titles examined and conveyed; bill which has received over 300 signaReliable legal work; tures of the representative citizens of CONSULT this city and 6ome from other places. The committee appointed, Rudolph FRED HOLTON- Kaiser and J. P. Larsen, expected to meet with the senate committee In Utah, Brigham City, Salt Lake yesterday, to lay the matter Utah's Favorite Actor before them. S, The Salt Lake Herald ls6t Sunday Three points to think of when yoa had an account of a petition which With a CAPABLE COMPANY ret .Abstracts of Title to Beal had been sent down from Box Elder Estat: r county with about seventy-fiv- e signaWILL PRESENT I. Completeness; tures asking that the proposed fish plumbing. 41-4- 12-2- HOU3E, Saturday, J. FEB. 21. 1903, John and game bill be passed. Investigation shows that there were not more than forty signatures and a number of these claim they signed1 it without1 understanding its contents. A large number were of the county, employed on the Model farm and around Cerinne, and this petition does not represent the opinions of the residents of this county in the remotest degree. Lindsay The value of an abstract 'depends "on THESE THREE VITAL POINTS. I Invite an examination of the method adopted to secure aoeuraoy, and of my ability to make good any low aued by error or ommlwlon in my abetraota. THREE MUSKETEERS. Usual Prices of Ad the wardY.L. M. I. A. evening at their cozy home in the mission. and dancing was Indulged in by the Second ward. An excellent supper older people. In the evening a dance was served after which the guests en- Box office opens 10 a. m. was given for the yonnger members ef joyed the day ef performance. evening in seclal amusethe ward and Saturday afternoon the ments until a late hour when refreshchildren had their turn in this amuse- ments were again served. The occu Fob good, reliable members of PICTURE FRAMES. Pictures and picture frames is our line. We can make yotir frames and frame your pictures on short order. We have the largest and best line of colored "pictures, mouldings and picture frames to select from. PIpq Insurance CALL ON JOSEPH Room 2. Telephone St. N. STOHL, First Nstl Bank Bldg ART GALUCRY. confine myselt exclusively to 1 And can give the promptest atteh tion to all work iri"my line. f - Norman Lee, Successor to Hyrum Standing1.) REC BERROW, BARBER. Next door to the new Livery. CALL AND SEE RIM. tt $190,000 to Load at c eor eont Our prices the lowest. COMPTONS I ABSTRACTING, CONVEYANCING and NOTARY WORK A slon was a most enjeyable one. ABSTRACTS. 2. Accuracy; 3. Responsibility. THE SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY N. P. HANSENS SHOE AND FURNISHING STORE. . A II, Social Party. After the program an elegant picllr. and Mrs. C. A. Kaiser enternic was served to all attending by the tained about fifty of their friends last ment. REAL ESTATE LOANS, . You should see our fine new line of. Sextette from Lucia Womans Llvas. Do not rub your clothes to Your life away ovar an old washboard It ie w simple and durable that it will sot get out of eider, so easy of action that a child can wUl wash eperata It, ao effective Is Ita work Shat it scrub-tinwithout without clean boiling, aay garment without the least wear and tear, and without theusa of destructive .chemicals, with nothing . tmt soap and water. It washes the Onset fabrics Without breaking a thread, sad will wash a carpet with ease. Full instructions how to u w It go with eeeh machine. J? Faction-B- ut BRIGHAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1903. SI 0 ALL ADVERTISERS who de6ire to thoroughly cover Box Elder Is read m County must us a the paper that the.Box of the people, the hoxes News. It also covers southern Idaho. interest on improved dry or irrigated farms... pVcd ONfca Room 23, Holton, First-flat- . Bank Si ' |