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Show CORINNE DAILY. JOURNAL, I IcClellax brought the Kate - Connor into port Monday evening from a four days prospecting and exploring AGENTS. Thcfollowing person are authorized to receive trip from ten miles above the month of .advertisement and subscription at our very low- Jordan to the mouth of the Bear. , ana 2 They found the Jordan difficult of navigation from the bliuduess of the current, the banks being largely overflown. The soundings showed twelve to twenty feet of water thence to Church Island. This hasji favorable shore, such as to admit of running the new boat within six feet of shore in many places. The shallowest place in Bear river was 10 feet deep, and they, call jt thirty miles hence to the mouth of- - the river, that is to sav, Correspondence solicited from every ace-- 1 where they could ruu in and out at fion uf the Territory as vTcll a from adjoining pleasure w;tk a loa(leJ JOa, 0f .C0lle Statei and Territorial. The writer name, in all mmt accompany the manuscript to guaran- this iL far beyond the. first salt water. tw, tee good faith. Make abort and newsy. They conclude that Salt Lake water navigates the same as any, its great OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. density makiug no difference. vUNITED STATES OFFICERS FOR UTAII : I Messnk Ad. Kuhn & Brother, corner Tfco. '-Montana and 4th streets, have on sale undoabtedly the most extenrive variety ACfAifELl of Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, ' Hats, Boots, &c., ever brought ta Utah. s Their stock embraces the latest styles, just as they arc presented oh Broadway REY. EDT7ARD E. BAYUOO, i ' and Montgomery streeL Avail yourself flapcrintendsnl of the present opportunity and procure a m2 Mias MARY E. I1EFFLEX1AN, suit, becoming and very useful. FEMALE - CV' i i Co. keep the best and (Formerly Principal of th 4 Young ladies' Athene-uty Jacksonville, Illinois.) largest stock of Boots and Shoes, Gents r J I , Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc., that can pj be found in the West. Store on MonStudies Thorough and Liberal. . tana street, between Fourth and Fifth If ?' ' s . i .Surrey or Genera (. Clements, lu i. It reriver of Public Money t J. U. Overton. Pa. Register o Land OjJice Ouorge ll. Maxwell, l-- A.'. I'. X. V. S. . Assessor ; J. Hollister, ColltcUirO. ' ' 111 Cwi. Treasurer Jam Jack. Superintendent of Common Schools Robert L. i t DENTAL. Dr. Hall, well and favorably known to our citizens a a most skillful Dentist, has established his office next door to the We tern Union Telegraph Office, opposite the Daily Jootutal, and is prepared to do all manner of dentrical operations in the most scientific manner. All can get the best of work done at living rates. ' 1071.j 6ept--s 4tli, Persons desirous ot obtaining Information in reference to terms, etc will please apply at once Holiday, 'J inyl9-6- ' J. W. LESHER. ' t k S - - MONTANA STREET, - CORINNE. ; Physician and 2.1 A Sjlt 3 r, 28.42 FaO. 2.1 77 Wash stand. Fran. Some of. the printers of thet fVh rly IV houri, 2n.loo inch. Paronieter corncteif for tcinperature, i'l vation ind. iiutrumoiilal error. 24 The above.reiMri ure ynclroiioii'. Wii.livw McElr t, Ob-rvir- Journal SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. office launched their boat on a boisterous sea,1 yesterday afternoon, which will I Rainfall I.at v. TILDEN A LAWRENCE, i Proprietors. mvl'J-t- f account for any lack of reading matter in this issue., f Fourth of July only comes to printers two or three times a venr. then thev must have their little . Cribs, - - fc i AL30, A VARIETY - OF ' Metalic Burial Oases. . Grocers, IN; AND DEALERS : 40 and 48 1 & niv2-4t- CO., WStolesale and Retail f STEELE. DRUGGISTS, r 5 rJ : . s, - 1 ufT.iir FIXE TOILET ARTICLES,' 1 1 b" of men. I , - II. W. P. SPENCER, --O- UOT AXD COLD DATIIS! o We acknowledge a call from Mr. Penrose, editor of tbe Ogden Junction, and Madam Spenrcr will pciwortnlly receive Ladles desiring Baths. regret not personally meeting withbim. At any time you are in the city give us MONTANA STREET, CORINNE. a call.' We will be happy to see you. eva trio or chvmpions. The Paciflc Railway, The ateumcr Citv of Corinne, , The Smelting and Reduction Work. To Jnauro Speedy O. H. ELLIOTT, esje-ciall- r the most attractive manner. ,t and Retail Dealer in h i y D 'f DD DDD Care KEE Lint?, EE y. E LL GREAT WESTERN Fire Insurance Co., . UTAH. CORINNE, j." my2dtf ry f LiniCM, IVutw, V CIGARS, TOBACCO, OF CIGARS, TOBACCO, ; - GROCERIES, J(, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, , CONFECTIONERY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. . --AND: CALIFORNIA v JT 1 f. Irtr. Jobberain all kind of k ..A w ( K & J MARK FRUIT A SI SPECIALITY ' 5 '; " it to tlieir And Dottier will And ; Capital Stoclc. - Capitul, SADDLERY. Adoantageito B VY OJf VS, aame of Our Ftrin taf during 'the Sea -- son, SRLrtirtilX JFR UIT FROST THIS ORCHARDS and - t v $5,000.0 OO -- 01000.00 m ... Branch Officers, Corinne, U.T. H. S. RA2780H0FF. President, IIAT OTEIU. Director, 7. H. GLAfiCOTT. Manager, ADVISORY BOARD i ED. CONWAY, 8. L. TIBBALS. Attorney E. P. JOHNSON. INSURES stores and Merchandise, dwellings, at fair rate of premium. Particular attention given to the inaurance of and private Barns and their coptenta. tor tt term of years at reduced rate. We would most respectfully invite the attention of all, wishing Insurance to this, Home Cwinpttnv, especially those whose insurance is about to expire, knowing that we can give rates that will be entirely satis. .7 factory. Dwelling ! ANYBODY, Htne W. H. GLASCOTT, Khnager. my2dtf fitrnlah the Huntington, Hopkins - CHOICEST OF D. CONWAY, LEMONS, A , GROCERIES, and at the aante LLL BRANCH OF THE GOLDBERG. DEALERS IN UNDERSELL RRR mMtf t therefore I prtr of CORINNE CITY v sf J. all Idaho.. my2dtf . -- Send Shipping Receipts to KBLTOB, UTAH, with each Conilgnsunt JJJ Goods Forwarded to Far V7est Freight Company, Shipping by thB CEP LORd, ' Os i TIME FREIGHT, We are Enabled to ii Via PEACHES, ORANGES and that office. ' Vnehagea 1 r - Tranaportataon mark Caro 12. &L. , t r Mark Paokagiea Goods. l: Connections EVERY OTHER DAY; my2-rt.T- The "supper, at the Metropolitan Mr. Sloan, of the Salt Lake Daily y tel, was ft superb affair, gotteu up we neglected to state, passed Wholesale for the occasion, by the bet cater- Herald, en town on, evening, Sunday through ers of the country, and spread out in route to San Francisco, on business of APPLES, ) L idl - Express Teams Leave Corlune Propr. 3 rrrrrv t 0--0 . . f SAN rHANCISCO. A3T Jl nncl rrIl?OH. nmti v, urJ , . participate in the excursion festivities He promises us an early yesterday. i visit. City of Coriuue. ONLY EXPRESS LINE HAVINGe ' IDAHO. IT. W. Hodge A Co. Wilnurrding Jt Kettoow iStrker, Wattaon Jt Co. Welle , Purge JtCo. Examine tlioil Stock EXPRESS LINE, ThrougJi Eastern , I aro Invited to Call i FANCY GOODS.mv2d3m Eight Days from Corinne. to WAINT LOUIS Helena! Barber Shop & Bath House, Did not Come. Owing to illness, Ilis Excellency Gov. Woods, did not On the west wall The ordeal po.tt were bound to win ! Lol all around rich mine Hpjn-nr- ; Rich land, the railway chain, and .hero C AND !imono us the flood, lead on to fortune. Which, taken at , On mich a full non are we now afloat. And we nut take the currt-u- t when it serve. Theateamer : Fir at Xatlonal JBanh of Tifuftt, Greatlutuae liroa. and Freighters Merchants f Cache, designs to start a photographic gallery t in Corinne, before long. He is said to be a good man, and to do good work. Such an institution is among our wants, and we welcome Mr. Martineau speares portrait Thrc tv thl in th L A s. - b , Oil, Shake-- KELTON, UTAH TERRITORY, -o- -o- , f , AZID REFERENCES: -O- I L. LED EN BAUM. I)RR PD HI7TI TTX DDDD RHllR I DPDDP KKKTC A. V ItRKRR LLLL LL.L. KKK KFiTG LLL 3.X ll y, "r 122 -- I W. H. LOUTHAN. Herchants, 0s. JD HI T1R; C A. BROADWATER, -- stock, bulls, calves and horses, for his extensive range on the Snake River, mo. di1 OVERLAND Street, J. W. McNUTT Mr. Taylor, of Tailor's Bridge, is taking out some Kentucky thoroughbred ON wjtttt FORWARDING TO THE V2S-J- ALWAYS MIRRORS, 12to- - Commission 1 TOGETHER DEALERS IN- -, A most commendable enterprise, since i i 1 is Ao' fheaply grown than PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, The Steamer, Citv ot of Corinne' G. MACLAY ft CO., Proprietors. E. aml is worth fxr inore at that' Corinne;; and Lake Point and the PQr Tins' is The Paints, j Window Utah Mines. -- On the east wall Varnislics, Glass, of , rtincau, yK learn that J. A. Over the stage surrounding f t CARROLL SACRAMENTO mv.Vdr.m Etc., Agents Wells, Fargo ft Co.s Exp. OF ALL STYLES, CARRIAGES U. G. MACLAY, LIQUORS, K st I! A BY WITH A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTERS,' Wholesale very prominent position was to be seen Rnpt, Jas. Campbell, through whose strumentality the excursion proved a errand success. in-tno- KLKIXSOKOK to Lindley k Ldiman,) (SucvesMir-- I J WM. LINDLEY & CO., recreation.' s, FRY. F.. M. Bar Flxtnrsa, Etc., INDUCEMENTS J . T. M. I.IXOLKT. The excursion party from Salt Lake Citv numbered about six hundred per The graild ball at the Opera House, SOns, and it was augmented at 0 gden at the hour of our putting the paper to hetweeu one and two hundred. In a was a perfect blaze of beauty and gaiety . The hall was decora fed in a tasteful manner. Everything that could be done to make it a grand success by the parties having it in charge, had been done. We have space only for a few of the inscriptions, which were taste-full- v arranged ; In front, over the maiu entrance within, are Three golden links, Our Seaport, City with the sentences, Queenaware, Glaaaware, Silverware, OFFER . JIotici! The proprietor of tlii jmper will not fur the act of any j n n not fully he utlioi ixed, or who luvv iiot uu order fiom i: in peraou. p-es- U m y- m. DEALERS IN , - SALT LAKE HOUSE Corinne. Afimts fbr Borratt A Co, Palace, Balt Lake City, ELLSWORTH & LOUTHAH. BUREAUS, Tublcs, BcdwtoadH, CHAIRS, Lake. Messrs. Duff, Ham- Chrouic Disease, by Animal Magnetism and the Movement Cure giving medicines only when Swedish mond, Sickles, and other Union Pacific absolutely Dr. Koborts ha established rs:2o!ror.e.fmm; r"1' Ituilrouil men, were at Salt Lake jester-- his office onnecessary. Second South street, opposite the Re; t Uf,ComsxK, May &i, 5 a. m. until day. The Committee appointed to con- - vere House, Salt Lake City, jscrmanently, KITCIIEX SAFES , LOUNGES, my20-3suit with them as to the tariff on oresj further notice. got but little satisfaction, as we learn A. F. TILDEN. 9f J. C. LAWRENCE. Trt-fai- r Lake the Salt of Mr. from Sawyer, pJk was in town yesterday to see "'ho U,nnti MATTRASSES AND BEDDING, 1 V lair the boat launched of course. r 4 East Temple Htreet, At I Corinne .w .c Extra YTeljlit Sur- treat successfully all Curable Dr. Roberta geon. I tn. Fran. Avoid H. M. ELLSWORTH. m $:i. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITO. Goods Packed to Insnro Oefsty end SEGARS i DR.' R. R. ROBERTS, M. D., TOBACCO and CIGARS, SUPPLIES RECEIVED BEDE Furniture and Redding, ' . 'TSSSXSE' : la and Retail Deader Wholesale : A m. CORHItn, OTIHi . i OF- w;tar: REV. EDWARD E. BAYLISS, m LIQUOR' Iliners end Frsij a Treasurer Theodore McKean. County Clerk K. W. East. County Recorder Edwin D. Woolley. ' School Sujteriutendent Robert L. Campbell. WINES and - --AND- r ? to Hpecinl Notices. , g35db&con, EAST AND WEGT. n ICE CHEAM ; SUPPLIES, . Liquors, Fall term will commence . -- PROVISIONS, 1 A WORD with the Traveler,4 Sportsmen, the invited the C. B. of Corinne have --rp , ' Man of Bnslneftrf, the Miner, tlj Immigrant end ' Csuipbtdl. B. C. to a free picnic dinner on the occa- Tourist, will find it to their advantage to remain sion , Those wishing to go to Salt Lake over at Ogden, at the Ogden House, so a to be ' SALT IKE COUNTY' OFFICERS ; AND Protmte Judge Klin Smith. will leave here on the morning passen- fresh to take train for the East or alt Like City. We offer os good accommodation us any house n Selectmen KvuIh-- Miller, Isaac M. Stewart, ri traTn, going directly to the citv, and Utuli Territory. Free hucks to and ' from the Ia il ltrinton. ger Constantly receiving a Jine assortment Cortmtr II. S. Beatie. the in excursionists with ' the JOHN depot. MAHON, 1L T. Burton. returning SheriJT i iuy20-3Prosecuting Attorney Z. Snow. Proprietor. evening. Round trip to Salt Lake City, OF Assessor and Collector H. J. Golding. 1 Vi A tc.i Itc., Kite.. GROCEniEO FAQILY CSSSSteS, i SODA 1VATER..C0NFECTI0NERY, :; Phyilologjr, , Y a DEALERS IN ALL KINDS -- esm, (TWO D00E3 EA8T OF MBTBCFCSUa e j. r 5 STAPLE AND FANCY Brick dwelling to rent, between Seventh and Eighth streets.. Ap' ply to T. D. Conway." myl'i W1 I UathematlM To Rent. w' r u, English Llterataret mi , tt : IMERCHANTSi v fea-tur- e. ' John P. Taggart, & v- - COMMISSION ? There will be a grand picnic excursion of the citizens of Lormne to Ogden, next Saturday, the 27th. A special train will leave here at :30 a. m. and return at 7 p. M. Fare for the round trip, $1 50 e children half-pricAn attractive of the excursion will be a match game of base ball between the Corinne and Ogden Clubs. Tliercitizens of Ogden will join heartily in the festivities ofthe'YIay. The picnic will be held in a grove in the vicinity of the city: The G. M. iiawlu.v. 111. Marshal M. T. Patrick, Nebraska. I S. Attorney C. II. lIemptoad,-Ca- L f V . , X ,TTp srms&s?.- --AND- Grand Picnic Excursion. Oorrmor George L. Woods, Oregon. Srcrrtary (loorge A. black, Utah. Chief Justice J. B. McKean, Nw York. Ajvjeiate Justice o. F. Strickland, Mich.,, and . e -j T Corinne, Utciy J. Strauss 1 .Mich. nr Y, 1 nr - -- ncc!;y.:r.22T FRUIT, IMPORTERS OF i - 5 A f Co., IRON, STEEL, i ,rrr Powdor, ' ; ;rJFHxae, Some of the mauy o,d 'Improvements are to be seen going Montana Street, AND ALL OTHER XSeltinir. f visited who Corinne, icstcrdai, friends of different forvvan portions niany" TROPICAL PRODH CTIOHS, cau be enumerated, among them . Mi. towu Several , residences are in differ CORINNE, ( ..UTAH, : Ttibunc Lake , Salt the of editor UTAH CORINNE, 'Sawyer, MINING eut stages of erection MILLING, J H. M. Ellsworth, J. B. Keeney, Mr. ' : or ornu tub house,) (bast nammr r g , t0 f ? did not set' .for race PortThe , of yesterday D. Kelton of Rathhun, ; Lewis, too hus Book and Stationery Store. Wholesale and Retell dealers In No. 54 XT. Street, land,' Oregon, now of Kelton; Captain take place, as all hands cre We did not affairs. on Latent . the hand v other Lawto Alirage , attending t Roberts, of Dee$ Lodge. City Mr T . . t the for settlement time set the MAGAZINES, .. 4 , jrencc.'and wife, of tke Salt Lake House ; j ascertain s. snyVdflm & the of Periodicals. dispute. Newspapers Savage & Ottinger, and we might go on j my2dtf ANL-EY- , S-- T :.0V W.. for an unlimited space ierc it not for . . t vrith several If teams AKTiialoadiug. fcJ C. TKmks J. X. Kmur, , our space being limited tb.s mormng. I THRE3 DOORS EST OF POST OFCE, for the Sn,kc Uiver prm.ision5 OSCEOLA SALOON is still Xmr Disco veaiES. We hear of sev- - and Cariboo mines, Goldberg re to 'oad !?"eral AND nd Wheleealesuad Retell dealew in oral new mines! being discovered on the And give the Trade the Benefit af 'Vth. mid to .do it haathe goods base of the East Mountain, some snppoaed.tQ.be, very rich4n: galena and! Deceived, daily, at the wholesale and MONTANA ST., - - CORINNE, Y IS , silver. Mr. House reports his men find. retriii Fouse 'of' G, Goldbergs, V large tr o--o 0 TTR vztoopoutax aorm.. XZXT DOO 'U 1 s ing large pieces of pure mineral, tboth asSOrt'nieut of Groceries, Fresh dried ALL ORDERS FROSSFTLY ATTENDFTO. T-.galena and copper, and everything pros- - fru;t diret fr0 Cafe&rnia. T5AR IE ALWAYS STOCKED 1VJTII THE f rfUIE my 10 ., Lana' ' I J brand of Choicest A of . AND ,r M ( pects well for a rich camp iu sight LAMPS, FURNITURE, -- I "vi!! rii'.4''- iT v ( W d f rr ( town. Go to L. Hoffman's if you want Wines, Liquors and. Cigars, ' direct from Ssa Francisco, CAla ' some good Clothes made to order. - He DIRECT FROM THE ORCHARDS, ' flaTEHnt'On him C. B. Mansfield, Esq., Speeial Agent . , c as ft gne stock of Cassimeres, etc. a Coehtails TOerf? Am A Speciality. TITS CNT3AL ACXTChampagne Central Pacific R. IL, located in m2tf ite Mctpopoiitail Hofel. . , ' .j this valley, visited Corinne yesterday, ! -- 3 GIVE US A CALL. UA .' r fr : I 01 I r JM j irrV A?.I ! I 4nd is now stopping at the Metropolitan IZbucb Mules for Sale At Hardenbrook ' vt Gzziz hero, me Desired. KA2IADY O THOniS, Prwpa. l. r th Itepaehed Furrhaanri the ntaea ora reqaenti ae fmt : , ! mvlO j Bros. stables. Hotel. mrldbm pyySitf anlmetur prices. my2d3m K7tU .. . 1 Personals. 1 - HOSE, :ROPE, &C., I J , . ' V - m 4 J BUILDING MATERIAL, 8 dctniinento. 4 QUEENSWAJtE, CHINi -- v -i CLUB ROOMS, CUTLERY, nt Lone Experience. ohandaliare, J Op-oft- . he " -- I 1 . 1 3 4 . f Jb V i M'rti - - v OOlVMTSCrIOBIISISY, - m Fumbling i W r R a-''- - - - MontOnd St., Corinne, uW loisriiii3u,r PROVISIONS, LIQUpRfL vr FRUIT SHIPPED S 1 " O '' 'O" 1 ! .1 ' , - , ' , 5 w( |