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Show v. 4 ' f ' J . i M, ' C v I ' CORINNE DAILY JOURNAL. Wednesday Morning, May 23.187L THE LAUNCHING. Two thousand to three thousand people assembled on the banks of Bear River, yesterday, to see the City of humched. Earlv in the mum-In- g the scene was all life and bustle. The sound of the axe, saw and hammer, was unceasingly heard, and men swarmed all aVcf and under the boat, preparing the wavs, and putting the finishing touches on the cabin and wheel house. The national colors were floating gaily from the flagstafF on the prow, and a streamer from the peak j bore the name Crowds of citizens City of Corinne. lined the river banks, watching the proceedings with great interest, admiring the nerve of the builder, Mr. Dieiendorf, the strength and beauty of the boat, wondering as to the ways and means of moving into the water, remarking tlio contract between the present ship yard and the "shiftless Tittle rope-ferrlanding of two years ago, and the progress since that time, so strikingly marked by the steaming past of the ' Kate Counor, just arrived from the Jordan lliver, speculating as to the prospects of the enterprise in a business sense, the results likely to follow, the effect on the currents of the interior trade of Ctah, etc. Savage & Ortinger, of Salt Lake, were taking photographic Ivate and stereoscopic views of the Connor, now riding at anchor in the river, and the City of Corinne. sitting on the way?, seemingly impatient to take '.the flying leap, for Harpers, as an indication of the progress of the past two rears in the heart of the mountains. Men were present already from all parts of the surrounding region, and teams were continually stringing in from the country, reminding one of Conference week in Salt Lake. Everybody was in At good humor; exultation, almost. -- 11:45 the train from Salt Lake arrived, twelve cars, well loaded with the brave and fair. Among them were Chief Justice McKean, Gen. Maxwell, Marshal Patrick, Assessor Taggart, Messrs. Hempstead, ' Robertson, Williamson, Tinman, and other distinguished gentle- men, too numerous to mention. Crox-all- s band struck up an inspiring air and . headed the procession from the depot to the town. There everybody busied himself with getting dinner for an hour, when the band assembled at the Opera House, .and marshaled the crowd to the m ( y , i f . nver. The boat was readv-t- o launch at 11 oclock, hut the Salt Lake people had not arrived, and so the starting was postponed. The men who did the work ob- jeeted, fearing they would have trouble innnediatelv. But it , if it was not done was thought best to wait. On cutting the lashings which held the wavs she did not start, and an hour was exhausted in ' hard work with lever, screw, wedge. hammer and hawser. Then she started slowly, and glided with gradually aecel- erating speed for fifty or sixty feet. Here the weight coming on the soft ground, near the waters edge, the blocks under the ways sank so as to bring the boat down on the ground, and she stopped. The spectators waited half an to be no hour or so, and prospect of getting her off soon, then began to disperse. Some went to the race track, and some to the base ball ' game between the Ogden and Corinife bovs. The train left for Salt Lake with - the excursionists about half-pas-t five oclock, everybody not a little disap. : . there-seem- , s ing pointed. Meanwhile the earth had been dug out underneath the keelof the boat, and by the use of the capstan she was" sent off the ways at 6 oclock, resting of her own accord some ten feet from the shore. By this time people began to return. Miss Jennie Black, who had been selected to offer the libation to old Neptune, proceeded to do it in the 44 accepted style, christening her the City of Corinne, as she broke a bottle of was wine on the" prow. Thus successful, aud hundreds went down to the wharf about sunset and saw the 44 setting the water as City of Corinne gracefully as a swan. The day was closed by a ball at the Opera House, in which the townspeople generally trail many strangers participated. Everything went off pleasantly, as usual, mirth and festivity crowuing Tuesday, the 23d day of May, 1871, as no other day in the history of Utah, except that of May 10, 18G9, is worthy to becrowned. - i ? ; i - I , the-launc- 1 I-- ! !!s The German Parliament has adopted the second clause of the Alsace and Lorraine bill, which declares those provinces incorporated in the German Empire forevermore. The Polish and Danish members abstained from voting. DelbrucW stated that the conquered territory was not to be annexed to any particular State of the Empire, because aone coveted it. i fU i 1 Hu ! Ill t to Injury Trusting a Adding iaan and then asking him to pay you. 1 nsult looks now as though we would have one half as much to spare as we had last veur. The Bariev harvest has now been r tf commenced in Alameda County, several fine erops having already been cut at the close of last week across the Bay in Centerville, and also on Mormon Island. The knowledge of this cutting has exerted a depressing effect upon the grain market generally. Hay is also depressed, and the values of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Hay and Beans have all been sensibly diminished during the week past. It is 0 now stated that wc have a surplus of tons old w heat yet remaining on hand in the State, besides considerable Flour, etc. Arrivals from Oregon continue free for the season, and prices seemed to Lave reached their highest point. There is no export demand for Flour or grain at the high rates demanded, and we will soon enter upon the new crop in good earnest. Since the grain market began to exhibit weakness, several farmers holding each several hundred tons, have made their appearance, anxious to sell out ; but they have come too late to obtain the highest rate of the season. Within the current weak a distiller entered the market, and purchased 100 tons choice Wheat at $3 15 per ct. (the highest price paid here in six years); but since then like parcels of choice grain have been Jreely offered at $3, without finding purchasers. Two steamers from Portland have arrived within the past three days, bringing upwards of 6,900 bids Oregon Flour, 1,000 ctls Wheat, Bran etc. y J. C. Merrill & Co. have advertised an additional line of steamers between this port and Australia, consisting of the Wonga Wonga and the City of Melbourne, the pioneer vessels of the Hall line. The first vessel will be the City of Melbourne, now on her way here, and will leave on the 20th of June. She will touch at Honolulu, Fiji Island, Aucland, Sydney and Melbourne, from which port she will return here. Bullion is in good supply. Gold bars, par to I per cent, 910915; Silver bars, bills on Atlantic ; premium currency 110 ; sight drafts, payable in coin, cities, cent, If per premium ; telegraphic trans11 fers, percent premium; sterling exchange, 48 d ; commercial exchange, 49d ; gold in New York, May 18th, 112 legal tenders in San Francisco, 90 Qf, 901. 20,-00- A compromise has been effected between the Anthracite Board of Trade and the Miners and Laborers Association, or between the capitalists and workingmen of the Schuykill region, by which the men resume work, the railroads reduce tolls, and a steady production of coal for the rest of the year is promised, with every prospect that the promise will be fulfilled. The feature in this compromise which is most important, and amounts in principle to a triumph of the miners, is that hereafter they are to receive a certain price ($2 50 per ton at Port Carbon), and an addition of 1 cent on evcry3 cents of advance which-ma- y occur in the price of coal per ton over its present price, and to suffer a corresponding decline of wages equivalent to one third of any decline that may take place in the price of coal. This renders the labor which mines the coal a sort of partner in the price of coal above a certian minium. one-thir- d The curious calculations of Mr Rug bies.I xur delegate to the International O Congress which met at the Hague in 1869, credit the United States with a ITERS. ZXCT7S ttPOBTRt rKCI.I.LT . hr Till ATLANTIC A50 PACtne COMFAJty. r f THE VERT LATEST DI8PATQE3. oMIDN1GIIT REPORTS. New York, May 23. The Erie mystery is still pert in Wall street. The prevalent impression is that Thomas Scott is negotiating with Gould aud Fisk, who are struggling for the best terms. Meautime Vanderbilt is actively engaged making terms with Fisk and Gould, and both, itfis generally conceded, will finally be absorbed by the Pennsylvania Central or New York Central. Versailles, May 23. Advices from Paris report a terrible fire of canuon and musketry since k this morning in the direction of fort Mont Morte. The isolation of Paris by the Prussians is not complete. Dombresphi was wounded and to make his escape from Versailles troops, but was prevented by the Prussians. The enthusiam among the population is immense. The battnll ions of friends of the order are the Mayors of Paris assemble at Chateau Muett. The Versaillists have occupied Place De Elicky at the junction of the Bolevard I)es Batigralles to Elicky on the very verge of Mont Martre ; also St. Lavires, a statiou of the Western railroad : also Palace dlndustrie, Chambers of Corps ' Legislatiif. Chicago, May 23. Alfred Liegne-mexe- r, the alleged murderer of Wm. Gumbleton arrived here this morning. Baltimore, May 23. James Clark, a policeman, was shot dead last night in a saloon on the corner of Holliday and Central street. The officer was called in to quell the disturbance, and a man he attempted to arre-- t was shot dead by him. Washington, May 23. But few visitors are admitted to the room of Vice President Colfax. Ills physicians report him easier. The Grand Duke Alexis, of Russia, is contemplating a visit to this country during the summer. New York. May 23. Lieut. Gen. Sheridan and GeuForsyth left yesterday for Chicago. Jt is reported that a new telegraph company is' forming, of New York and European capitalists, who intend laying a submarine cable from some point ou the coast of Georgia to Sun Domingo, West India Islands, and various points in South America. . Indianapolis, May 23. Robert S. Haskell, one of the old Board of Direct ors of the Southern State Prison, 1ms bceu to that positiou by Gov. Baker, to succeed Levi Marks, who is deemed ineligible, he being Mayor of Jeffersonville. Paris, May 23. Everybody is in the day-brea- , en-deavor- ed y. v street to-da- - Marshal McMahon had a narrow escape while riding down the Champs Klysees, from torpedoes, which exploded betweeu his horsess legs. pied by the W. U. Telegnaph Co., north of Hossev, Dahler ii Co.s bank on Main street They are going to reconstruct tweutv weeks. We are permitted to copy the following result of an assay made by J. Tier-naof Salt 'Lake City, of some rock from our mines, situated on East Hill, about seven or eight miles' from this city, for Mr. H House : n, E. P. Johnson, Corinne. D, J. Toohy, Corltine. Fitch 4 Mean. Salt lake City. Lake City. A. 22-10- - JBrfWfi i L. Demers, KlrkendaUs block. Aim THE CARO. 27EOIX , nsBtrffRkfiNltiOtkiJSNf - - v e , a v- - W DTO'.i.J'-uU.- -- - ' V , GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, e w LIQUORS, s. I f TOBACCO, , CLOTHING, De-lask- y, J HARDWARE, A f Fnrnisking AND -- V . V i Kuhn Bros., Montana street. The Auburn Herald (Placer county) Sisson, Wallace 4 Co., Montana street. House furnishing D. Conway. twencrushed Greene and that Co., says Brown and Prior, Chicago. in mill last Philip Wadsworth Co., Chicago. of their tons week, O. ty quartz D. Richmond, Montana street. and without cleaning their batteries J. Strauss k Co- - Montana street. Chin eoe Goods. IIATINO RESIDENT PARTNERS 1- 5- took out $8,000 in melted gold, making Fast Frcigkt, $400 per ton. This makes some $22, Diamond "R" Line.' Hugh Kirkendall. 000 in gold taken from some thirty-twFruit. p mill L. Lebejihnnm k Co, Montana street, tons of quartz ,with this O. II. Klliott, Montana street. in less than ten davs work. Henry Denhalter, Moutaua strset. Chicago and San Francisco, - o IMPORTING DIRECT FROM four-stam- CHINA ANI) J A PA. Furniture. A. HUGG AN, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. mv2otf GERRISH & MILES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS J. W. Lesher, Montana street. D. Conway, Montana street. Bnrmtt. Montana street. Sisson, Wallace k CoM Montana street. Stanley Bns, Moo tana street. Ransohoff k Co, Montana street. Goldberg, Montana street. Henry Lelwes, Fourth street. L. Ilemers, North Front street. O. D. Richmond, Montana street. Day, Allen k Co., Chicago. G. City. Ogden llonsc, . e ; O. John Heil. Agent. ; 51. j , Farming Implements. m TIUULBUT BROS., w : . P ROS PE y , C T . - te to call aud examine Stock and Price. 'Liquors. strset. PRINCIPAL OFFICES 3 Callfbruia Etreet? San street. T Livery 8 tableau Ilardenhrook Brosn Front street. J. R. Tagcrt, Montana street. ' - Meekanies. II. II. Shephard, House aud Sign Painter. Machinery. Agricultural Geo. A. Lowe, near the depot. Steam Engine Hawkins A Cart roll, Baa Frtmcisou Powder. . Parkhurst, amr dipot. '' ' myj-dfi- m i'I v AJhMBXogth A '' pro-r- i- Tbooas, pre tbek I i , Si i ; . - luul! war. VI 1 taCft 'Ii r flhKfXk., rtf..?, n 1 - Nczi Coachesy I ,H "n irJoC AND 44- : A 3Xnil t CtanJUao. Geo. montan a V Georg. JL X r Lowe, near t Fcrco Ci Coo Express IVcTa, tfr. ? ' . United Otatoii Lewis, n tnU Carrying the ' ! - Jt . Fountain. OsoertsMootaim street, Kanady , FORT BENTON, , South wick. New York. The Arctic, Mfintam street. HELENA, , i Rubber Coda. s LINE FROM A. . Occidental H. F. Fuller, lroprietor, Moataaast. asauiSS? f VIROINrA, CITY, , Reatanrant. L. IXofimea, mv2-4t- TO Daily journal OSce, Fifth street. wuxi aitt ettojr.. Sacratncn1 STAGE Ci EXPRESS Hntlnff. Bodn - Salisburys ; 4 J. Bauer A Co, Chicago. , Piefcqti. FranelK- , t , t - - Chbp ' ' u A. W. Taylor, Montana street. - m, 44 Mleklgam Avenuet ' Newspaper Amenta. third page of this paper. O' . Caoc3, Cttfei, Gilmer W. W. Unit, Bricklayer and Plasterer. ''V flgnra 4V Orders promptly flllrd. Purchasen fms Itanma raming to Corinne, are reqnntol i MONTANA STREET, J y Market Lumber. Stanley Bros., A Point! Gian-cot- t. k Co Sacramento, Breeden Thio here from Uarratt, D. W. attention ' AND Bank of Corinne. Bweet. Leonard k Co Chicago. Bisson, Sllaea k Co Montana See at t Parkhurst, west of depot. LLndsiy y . Bam. L. Tibbals, cor. Fifth and Montana RansoliolT k Con I. Largo Stock Int. Rev. Collector. ' t Oflr them our Goode at as low t the Great Western, W. IL Office, the i TO OUR Insurance. J. Hollister, D. W. Auction Prices Ice. . Corinno Branch of SHEET IRON WARE. . Montana Dcalprx Hotels. John Mahon, Ogden, Utah. ALSO AND ; OF Metropolitan Mslsh k Greenewald, Proprietors, Montana street. , Bear River House, E. A. Stahn, Proprietor, opposite tlie Depot. Corinne House, Roht. Colwell, Proprietor, opposite Diamond R dv(Kt. Masonic House, George Cliaplow, Proprietor, North Front street. verVta ffotel, Lewis Silvers, Proprietor, Montana street. Salt Take House, Tildcn k Lawrence, Balt Lake t Copper call Respectfully ' ' IN Gerrish k Miles, Montana stret. Huntington, Hopkins k Co., Sacramento. Implements. FARWELL, We Hardware " of Tin, Our fhcillties in Trade are not hjssIM ky any otker Hauer In the country. Groceries. T. M. . r to Balk Honan. Saint Lonis Bath House, H. W, P, Spencer, Montanas troot. , i Boots and Ck BUHM , to-da- millions in population of seventy-fiv- e 1900. This calculation is on a basis, however of 2 per cent, yearly increase, East Temple Street , - - Salt Eahe City. which we believe to be less than the acSHEET COPPER. RO&KER IRONS, Opposite Salt Lalce House. tual rate, inducing the increase from and immigration. There is no Ores and Bullion marriage O Bought Gold Pans, Gold Scales, Quicksilver, good reason apparent why the ratio with i mylS-t- f us should at present decrease as it is do1 SPRING ROIMT SHOVELS , ing in Europe, for outside of New England, the birth rate is not materially diP..T. minishing while the United States is MONTANA - CORINNE, ROCKER DIPPERS, u PICKS, STREET, will be for to a and century always still, TO THE CITIBENS OF THIS CITY of resort chief the European im- 01 variety of goods in his Hue, come, AT AUCTION PRICES! migrants. But even at the low rate up-f- ojaistwi or on which Mr. Ruggles bases his calcula Books, Cutlery, Pry Goods, etc. AND tion we shall nearly double our popula- School Second Hand Good Bought and Sold. tion in the next thirty years. A7 j JT ' HOUSE FURHISHIHG GOODS. ' . Several persons were killed by the explosion of an engine at a fire in Bal- WHOLESALE s and RETAIL Distinct timore, on Sunday morning. Dealers in JEyERYTHING FOR A OOMPLSTS OUTFIT TO Towere in felt shocks of an earthquake ' PAINTS, ", DRUGS, 1 ronto, Ontario, on Sunday morning; OILS, PERFUMERY, FREIGHT, HUNT TUNE also at Quebec, Ottawa, and other places. TOILET ARTICLES, ; dispatch of the 22d, from Paris, OR Etc. Etc., Or; says : This morning all is over. Several thousand Yersaillists entered, and more South side of. Montana Street r near 5 (k. it now enroute. They marched in all night a through six gates, and mcetiug with but v , V slight resistance. The Commune have made a last stand in front of the Hotel de Ville. The Versaillists behaved BJET WEEN FO URTH A ND FIFTH, splendidly, committing no excesses. Surgical and. Mechanical Dentistry".ft - , - Utah. S3 Corinno, Nilsson sang last Monday night at S3 teeth inserted on Sold, Silver r Davenport, Iowa, and left next morning Artificial Base. for New York, Strakosch having aband49 All Operations Warranted. "kA oned thp idea of a California tour. The MONTANA STREET, Particular attention paid to orders by matt. 0C2INNE, v is to : 1 ' ; ' be for ' the disbanded company west of Dost Office. Tkrre doors - s x summer. aaylStf , , . , FKKE City Brewery, CsniplwU k Stowell, Colorado street. Montana Brtmviy, E. P. Winscbeil, Fonrtk stmt. ihe Iiny2-d- tf - Coacks, start from tkls lit stmt Ctah Granite, E. P. Winscbeil, Fonvth Corinne. Dentist, A San Fuakcisco dispatch of last Dr. H. Hadley, Montana street. . . news of the new railDruggists Saturday says W. McNutt k Co., Montana street. road combination for building a through J. Hurl but liras., Montana street. Doctors.' line from San Francisco to Salt Lake, street. created quite a sensation in New York. ,TW. Graham, M. D. Montana Mrs, II. K. Painter, B. R. Deimt. Jay Cooke came out in a card denying K. R. Robert, M. D'Salt Lake City. the whole story; nevertheless, the facts Dry Goods. A1. Kuhn Montana street. k are as stated, and may be relied on. P. J. Farwell,'Bn., Montana strict. WnllacK k Co., Montana street. The articles of incorporation would have Sisson, L. Deiuers, KirkendaU's block. been filed y but for the abseuce of Directory. Mr. Roelofson, who is out with Mr. See third page of this palter. ' Implements. Farming agent for the European, capitalnear A. Geo. Lowe, depot. ists, inspecting the road. They were to Gerrish k Miles, Montana street. , be filed last Monday. Goods. Etc. Ysl-esni- UTAH, All Hail mad fixyr DnUdinfitMW. M. House, DENTISTRY. Dr. H.HADLEY, - CORINNE' . Mining my2-d3- 1 4 LARD, , , BUTTER, EGGS, . Manufacturers CORNER BEEF, VEGETABLES, ' hyS-dfi- STQEET, QoTnpA. 0 AND Assaycrs, ! copper per cent, C. P. Market, D. J., Heyfton, Klrkendalls block. and LIQUORS ounces of silver to the ton. lf North Front street, i CIGARh Total value of silver to the ton, $17 10. R. Martin & Son, Montana street. BsildsA Hntarftad. The table is always supplied with the be When we consider the fact that this D. W. la the market. west of depot. Farkburst, ; - rooms dad good, fln is not choice or selected rock, and that 44 Neatly tarnished' Commission. a beds. . , . mytdtl San 1. D. Francisco, Hnntoon, they have not suuk deep? not to exceed Ellsworth ; , k 8oithaa, Ksiton two or three feet bn the ledge, we think Crockery and Glassware. SISSON, WALLAOE Ct CO. this a good showing. Mr. House informs I, M. Barrett, Montana street. D. Conway, Montana street. us that the company, of which he is a 8isson, Wallace k CoH Montana street. Ransohoff k Co., Montana street. - - ' . -Utah: member, propose prosecuting their work Corinne, Clotking. with zeal, to see what there is in the Ad. Knhn k Bro., Montana street. case. Sisson, Wallace k Co., Montana strset. JOBBERS IN 13 IRON; STOVES, NAILS, & WILLIAMS, - V.- Trovolcro will find till Bkicsl to any r lujtho ICtptppy, A. Gnnn, Maanlhctory, Monts Dear Sir I have carefully assayed J.II. StmnM A Ct, Montana Street. . Samples of ore, and fitid it to contain as Bnteknr Bkops. and follows: 18 of , TIERNAN V. :3 , 1 MUTTON, PORK, SAUSAGE, BACON, 'Etc., EuAlD, Attorneys. ' Kwp constantly on liuml the choicest cuts of Etc., 4 WfllisiiMoii, Salt Lake City. -j- -n , J. HEYFROH, Fropr. y X North Side of tho Track. I kn,U and xccnpy the building. Success to l(n8klt Good qfartz ; has Ranks and Stationary. you, gentlemen.-0. n. Elliott, Montana street. been found in Bear Lake Valley. About G. L. Holt, Poet Office Baikiing. 199 tons of ore' .were shipped last week Timmy, Dahler 4 Of-- . Corinne. by Howland & Co., and Woods A Co. Sank of Corinne, Not much of a falling off, that being Billiard Hall. near the average for the last twelve to J.C. K u ncyv OdrtuM. C. P, MAltlvET. BEEF, " tpMe J D. : Psopl visiting this city to tends, or wsiiiy for fad goods, or desiring anything from far Cd con senger depot of the Ui C. near the Town- !pM foxing list with beisg hOnUy send Hcaae- .- fTbe f!ty is building a rely to o sscrag to nay efuss pni3L ty S- 'pew meat market in tthe same vicinity, S ? A xiocatcti Tesssie AotLay, Err, E.& Eny --The Rocky PccUshing Company i lud JPriacal. ! j have bought the. premises formerly occu- : Shelf and Heavy Hardware, y. Kirkemliill's Block, Bucineca DIrootory. f- -- to-da- a-- We leantfroa the Salt Lake' Tribune that there is talk of establishing the pas- DAILTJWtXAX TOR TREJXJONN ''at - Jt- s Co-rin- ne ! CALIFORNIA. We have received the Real Estate and Market Report of I. D. lluntoon, Commission Merchant, for the week ending Mav 1 !)th, and make extracts. The weather for a week past has been favorable to the growing crops of cereals, and we see no reason to modify the statement made by us in our previous issue, to the end that we would probably harvest Wheat enough this summer to admit of a surplus of about 100,000 tons of Breadstuff's for export, preserving of course, enough for Bread and Seed. It ' A , i M" - Tin TB& tid:QUICE h ttf.lu, h 44 V A I 'liM jrtj ft nySf , i |