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Show DAILY JOURNAL. IKaOD ' PACIFtS TUAI LC23D Mr. Dicfendorf is having a wharf built I.. LKBEXBAUM. J. GOLDBERG. it Lake Point, 24 feet wide, 'and 400 L. CO. long, covered with three inch plank, - CORINNE. AGENTH. MONTANA STREET, Montana Street, ' Tho follow ing HrionK are authorized to receive gives six feet of water. It is his intenand subscriptions nt our very low advert DEALERS IN tion to use a traction or road engine beWholesale and Retail Dealer In CORINXE, ft rates, to receive money for the name, and to UTAH, tween ur in stead. Lake Point and themines. They receipt GROCERIES, can he procured either in New York or GROCERIES, COOK, COBURN Si, CO,, (east or the opera house,) 87 Dearborn Street, Chicago. CIGARS, CIGARS, San cost will and Francisco, $7,000, GEO. P. ROWELL fc CO., " AND 40 Park Row, New York, haul 30 tons of freight at a speed of a Wholesale and Retail dealers In . TOBACCO, TOBACCO, L. p. FISHER, half miles an liour. It is thought California St., San Francisco. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, o Constantly receiving a fine assortment will 1I.-be needed ELLSWORTH, want because of the they CONFECTIONERY Helton, of transportation in the country, and J. W. SIMPSON, P. M.t OF Brigbam City. their availability and success, economiJ. F. BF.IDLER, SADDLERY. ; AV. F. fc Co.s Messenger. cally, has been amply demonstrated. CALIF0RNIA A E US, Work on the steamboat is progressing II. F. WHITE, Malad City, Idaho. satisfactorily, and it.is expected she will n solit ited from g-Correspondence be ready to launch by the first of June every of the Territory, as well as from adjoining Tobbers in nil kind. of at the very latest. and Territories. The writers name, in all ftat'-- CORINNE J. W. LESHEBi LEBENBAUM & D. CONWAY, -- Platt Volley' Router Furniture and Bedding, two-and-- ' t , DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS) . -- M. ammo tp now ft . la Forming QUEENSWARE, t r C cotnMotlov wUk .PACIFIC (W-CENTR- AIi QAHtlOAI i CIIAIRS, CHINA, BUR ana , ' , ! GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, -o- g Tables, Bedsteads, sec-lio- s rates, nui't accompany tlio manuscript to nis giwnl fiitli. Make short and newsy. guara- Messrs. Ad. Ktfhn & Brother, corner Montana and 4th streets, have on sale OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. undoubtedly the mo-- t extensive variety of Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, UNITED STATES OFFICERS FOIt UTAH : llats, Boots, &e., ever brought to Utah. (:,rrrttrr George L. Woods, Oregon. Their stock embraces the latest styles, jvrrrfary George 15.A. MDhu k, Utah. Kean, New Yolk. Chief Justice J. . Justices-OF. Strickland, Mich., and just as they are presented on Broadway Asts-iat(i. 1. Ilawh V, 111, and Montgomery street. Avail yourself Marshal M. T. 1atriik, Nebraska. C. II. Hempstead, Cal. ,v. A lloriiri of the present opportunity and procure a ' Surveyor ( uv vn I O. C. Cleineiit-r-15. I ml. Overton. Pa. m2 Jlneirt-- (if 1nldic M'rurys J. suit, becoming and very useful. llnjutrr of Land Office George 11. Maxwell, Mih. The Silver Cloud. Mr. S. IV. IIow r. S. Assessor John P. Taggart, HI. 0. J. Hollister, Cal. V, S. Collector land got back from a trip to Camp Floyd district, yesterday evening, bring- TEUHITOUIAI. OFFICERS: ing with him a number of very fine specPr ley ale to ('nil res Win. H. Hooper. Snow. Zerulihalsd G nrrul imens. Pieces of rock from the surface Attorney Marshal J. . T. McAllister. m. Clavtoii. of tiro Silver Cloud, a vein thirty-fiv- e Auditor m es dark. Ja r Treasuri feet wide, showing native silver Jill ,Vys riu ten'll nt of Vuuimon Schools Kobett L Campla II. through, and the surface rock will go from $1G to $100, with an immense SALT LAKE COUNTY OFFICERS: deposit of the ore. The rock is like that l'rohote Jiolie Elias Smith. Ueiilwii Miller, Isaac M. Stewait, of the Comstock, Virginia, Nevada, free ,vi Uctinen Pui id Drmtoii. Coroner- - II. SA5e.if io. milling ore, and can he easily worked. ,Shi riff K. T. Burton. He also brought in with him a fine prirsfcutiii' Attorney Z. Snow. U. J. Golding. Assessor and Colin tor specimen of einnebar Treasurer Theodore Mi Keau. e r ' FB'TJIT MATTRA88ES it to tlitir son, s el Kerry a ntuiT in oat THE i:i)S and are therefore E a aided UNDERSELL to CHOICEST OF sot. brown. PRINTER WANT FI). -- Fx-Attorne- General y- m m tfm2 AND- H. BROWN SON. General Freight Agent, Omaaa. T. B. SICKLES, Omaha. General Superintendent, Massachusetts is said to be in training for the Govornoivhip of that State. FRANCIS COLTON, General Ticket Agent, Omaha. my2-dt- -- OF C. CORYF.M.. K. C. AI.U.V. . YV1 1 OHISALiK LAKE SHORE AXD GROCERS, . MICHIGAN SOUTHERN R. R. BETWEEN Groceries, Liquors, Tobaccos, Long HxxMience. CHICAGO HGY All the principal Railways of the North west and Southwest connect at Chicago with the great LAKE SHORE LINE -- AND- RUNNING THROUGH BSTWSSN -o- CHICAGO, GRAND RAPIDS, U11 -- -- FRUIT SHIPPED Cleveland, BufThlo, Rochester AND I. M. BARRATT, NEW YORK CORINNE, i y, , i, Passenger trains on this lino are equipped with all modern improvements for the comfort and safety of passenger!, inch aa GROCERIES, -- CORINNE CITY OUTFITS Insurance Co., 1 w Millerss Patent Coupler and Platwni Baker Smiths Patent (Car Heater f Creamer Patent Safety Brakes, and Ca ills llators. cn These combined with elaborate and elegantly OFFER G1SEAT furnished and fitted DAY AND NIGHT COACHES, Make this the most popular and desirable between the West and Kwst. INDUCEMENTS GREAT OF THROUGH TICKETS TO TIT IS Can he procured at all principal Ticket OSom to. tho Northwest and Louthweat, and at theJCompo-ny- s Offices, No. 56 Clark street, Chicago. F. X. MORSE, GeneT Western Passenger Agent. Chicago. . 7 ADB! INSURES s roM-rt- aUt-ntim- li i - y. H. ELLIOTT, 1 W. W. HULL, s, Nuts, Plasterer, nty2-dt- 45-1- STANLEY, Ooiimto, 3Xcyitnii PROVISIONS, R. 3IAIITIN & SON, Auction Prices by that firm. -- M iiy don't sonic of the swarm of in Salt Lake City open shop in .Corinne?.. There is a fine field here, entirely unoccupied, so far as wo know. As-jsaye- . : rs FRUITS o- T. .T. FAllWCLL. COKINNE, MONTANA STREET, FFERS TO THE OITIKEXS OF THIS CITY iu his rurifty of AT AUCTION PRICES! COSSISTISG OF Books, Cutlery, Dry Goods, etc The street conducts arc being cleaned Scliool Second Hand Goods Bouyht and Sold. out and deepened. uij--d3- in AND CONEE CTI ONEUY. Corner .'th and Montana streets, AIM TO KEEP A GENERAL APSORT- no'iit of lri.-!-i Gno,ri-t- , Loth lor Family and the Jobbing Trade. ORDERS PROMPTLY nU.KD.'T. A -. from ilu- mines aie ivjUMed to exTo r mjZdtf amine our puceu. he.-er- - I and Freighters j Merchants ' are Invited to Call CoBlXXE. Choice Muds for O Families Exhiniiic tlioii Stock and Prices. , ala-ay- s on hand. All orders promptly attended to. Tlie highest Prices puid for fat stock. : - uy2-dt- f TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY!. . my2dtf COUNCIL BLUFFS TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. The Shortest and most Desirable Xonte to SWETT LEONARD & (C0.? Ottumwa, JJes Moines, Hurlln Importers and Jobbers of , WIUES, Foreign Liquors, eoJcuJt It Galesburg, leoria, Jjogansporf, , Laufayette, Indianapolis, l 0T Proprietors and Manufacturers of German Kochncs 111 SOUTH Bitters, WAER STREET,- - PHILIP WAPSWORTII. Detroit, Toledo, B. B. W. LOCKS. G. R. SMITH. 1 Pittsburg, CHICAGO. mv-VdC- Buffalo j ihiladeiplUa, Baltimore, Albany York, Washington, PHILIP WADSWORTH Cl Co. AUl) ALL EASTERll CITiZCC JOBBERS OF . 1 milE only line between ,1 ran AXD Gents Furnishing Goods, ul J. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Ol.'PICE, Cor. 1th and Montana, , . Conncil BlalSi and Cht-- -- Pullman! palace Sleeping r0n. .. combined with Pnllmans Dining Oar. - myo-dGi- ( Chicago, Burlington Cl . Lliscouri niver RAILROAD LINE r -- AND- Nos.' 31 and 3G Lake Street, MUTTON sold and PORK, BEEF, CHICAGO, Illinois. ly tlie Carcass, Side or quarter. . viTK - - - , NEW TRUNK LINE! i ;tc. ite satts-f.utor- my2dtwtf 0--0 E1AST AND WEST. Glatviirt, lljir jj, W ithoutUOhane, $ niV-MC-m t-- BUFFALO. & y - Fire f STAPLE AND FANCY DAY, ALLEN & CO., - It-w- C. W. MEADS, Afisistant General Superintendent. i 1855. 93 WalmU Avenue, Chicago. YM. T. AI.I.EV. HOUCO KW" FOR THROUGH RATES ON FREIGHT to Montana, Sweetwater Mines and other points, apply to myVdOm C. I VY. BATING Drawing Room Can Ae company all Trains. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS A man has just paid $30 to a New York steamship company for the pas sage of a dog apioss the ocean. And give tlic Trade tlie Benefit of onr 34 & 36 Randolph St., Chicago, The Spanish government of Cuba has (Comer of AVabaali Avenue.) already borrowed $150,000,000 for its war funds to suppress the' Cuban insurFROM UTAH TERRITORYORDERS and its losses in troops, regular rection, rates than Just received at G. Goldbergs and volunteer, exceed 70,000. During tUtpALL ORDERS 1ROMLTLY ATT ENDED TO. any other rate. aliall he filled at low or niy'cdGm forty thousand Cigars of the choicest the past two years 107,000 troops have m- brands." been employed on tlic Island, of which nine favorite Base Ball. Corinnes DIRECT FROM THE ORCHARDS, 37,000 remain. "Willard the of number meet a similar The Salt Lake papers speak very -- OR, on the hitters grounds, City club (TWO DOORS EAST OF METROPOLIAN HOTEL,) to contest for the honors. Excursionists highly of Wines & Kimballs stage line HZ' Jtepielced here , as JJesircd. '"701 Wholesale and Retail dealer in leave between eight and nine, and si to Stockton and Tintic. They have numWy of vehicles are provided to stocked it so that they can run a double FAMILY ill be needed, at lea 4 betransmit those who may desire to witness daily. the contest. A press rrjioi ter will boon tween the city and Lake Point within PROVISIONS, the grounds. We don't, cant, nor wont, two or three weeks. SUPPLIES, BRANCH OF THE take that tile bet. J WINES and LIQUORS, The local of the evening liepot tir of Go to L. Hoffmans if you want tho 5th says while the passenger train XVICWTIBII.IS' Miners and I?eighters some good Clothes made to order. He stood at the station last evening, a genhas si fine stock of Cassimcres, etc. Op- tleman on board stated that he was one m2tf of Ji large party, iu the ears, who cjune posite Metropolitan llutel. "" wFt-- o go on an excursion over, the lake ; kindness the By but upon learning at Wasjitch that the Receipts. Freight C. P. the steamer was not tiubhed, they concluded &1 of F. G. Bush, freight TOBACCO and CIGARS, agent of j will and be San to to on n Francisco, the of go R. It., we are placed in possc.-sioI in two weeks to carry out their back ILLINOIS. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS durCHICAGO, this total lounge received at place original designs. Excursions on Great follows as of month the April, Salt Lnlco, we think, will lie the favorite ing Lumtl IS recreation of travelers this summer. pounds: Merchandise, 3,005, SUPPLIES RECEIVED FROM Cunilnl Stock,- -5,000.000 ber, 117.550 feet; Shingles, 115,000. AT OUR DOORS. 1,000,000 Cuiitnl, and best J. Strauss & Co. keep the Somebody writes to the Salt Lake Brancli Ofllcers, Corinne, U. T. Gents and Boots of stock Slices, largest Tribune from our very doors, to wit, from President, - X. S. RANS0II0FF. Goods Packed to Insure Safety and - that can ' etc.,Goods, llats, Furnishing Luciue mining district, about six miles Director, - XAT STEIN. A be found, in the West. Store on Mom south of Tecoma stJition, C. P. 1L R., GLASCOTT. H. W. Agents for Ilarratt & Co., Crystal lami street, between Fourth and Fifth and ju.t within the western boundary of Manager, Palace, Salt Lake City, ADVISORY BOARD m3 Utah, jis follows : DEALERS IN CONWAY, , S. L. TIBBALS. The parties owning the Tecoma EI). M. Brown A. Antimony. Captain feet, jmd the lode arc down about Attorney E. P. JOHNSON. Queensw'ure, has brought in from the Louden mine, vein is perfectly definedfifty and fully seven r feet wide. The ore resembles finely Camp Floydfsomc fine specimens of Silverwrare, HSK, DWELLINGS, not pulverized-nn- d and silver, which show all the crushed stone-coa- l iff javraimn. nt fair r.iJ-Fixtures, thT into sacks, I'aitxMiIar the from to the iiiuraiico of shoveled is ledge gien richness. of evidences Canlp great and their roiitcnt'. priiato Hums not requiring grinding, blasting nor Dv i llimr- and ledul-eleadat rates. We would of ot the one forntenn myidtf as years rank will soon llovd picking, and carries about 70 per cent, most resjaa tfuily invite the attention of all wisli-i- n to this Home tVimjiunr, ing districts in this region. of lead and 15 ounces of silver per ton. is ntmut knowin" whose iiisiunnee those The same company own several other that we tan gne ratts that willto Ihjexpire, O. enttiely Grochoicest are Large Invoices of the galena mines, and the indications TelYlioleiiale anti Retail Dealer in ceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors, To- that all are equally as good as the ;iV. II. GLASCOTT, Manager. ntv2dtf baccos and Cigars received daily at the coma. APPLES, TEACHES, .T. W. Howto ore The shipped copper Mammoth Outfitting Depot of G. Gold ORANGES and LEMONS, land & Co., of this city and San Franberg. the in latter tliem sold and cisco by the most desirable declared was AND ALL OTHER Running. The smelting works of place, that had ever reached that marand Bricklayer grade Buel& Co., hnd those of Bateman and ket. It is the finest carbonate of cop- None Imt Good Workmen TROPICAL PRODUCTIONS, Employctl. United the in found and Cottonwood at itates, Buel, Little Bingham per ore ever f ' - - UTAH COUIXXE, metallic of 5 copcent, and per carrying Canyon, are now running steadily Speciper "in a lot of over six tons. fifty-fivdoing good work. e as have jis N. & G. W. mens high assjiyed exwith mine this vet and Book and Stationery Store. Quartz Mill. Yesterday's freight per cent., fine THREE DOORS WEST OF POST OFFICE, for a large vein prospects ceedingly train had four platform cars loaded with Always on hand the Latest or body, 'lies idle because of the inability Mill at of the owuers to w'opk it for want of ipachincrv for erecting a Quartz MAGAZINES, iu dealers sold in anti Retail .lYholcsule Moun-tian was Sjiu ore of & Periodicals. lot 3 his moans. asatch, addressed, to the Rocky Newspapers the my2dtf Francisco for $114, coin, per ton, Coal Company. GROCERIKS, coin, $D0, jibout per owners realizing Me ton. Mr. thank to heretofore neglected LIQUORS, TOBACCO, Dewey, of the Diamond 11. Line, for a CIGARS, ! WHOLESALE BUTCHERS. tabular statement of freight reshipped CAN to-da- - COMMISSION of ESTABLISHED AND Pnllmoni Palace, Sleeping and f The Celebrated Sam Brown Shirt Made a Specialty. I. -o- ran cl.im At convenient point on the line. MERCHANTS. 3Yo. Hoar of !. Packets to and from all principal Eastern and Southern Cities. Wholesale Grocers HAND. Fine Furnishing Goods 1855. A IE3I j&. Zb HOTELS W. A. TRIOR. jX u n u f n cturors co ICE CREAM. mySdtf IMPORTERS AND K-i'- SODA WATER AND O i and Northwestern, Chicago, Kosk With Chicago and Podfie and St. Joseph awl CounHouse Furnishing Goods I! cil llluffs Railrmuls, and Mlssoaii River Lins of BROWN & PRIOR, FRUIT, A good compositor wanted immediate. y at this olfice. Direct communication made at RANS0H0FF & CO., niy2-dt- County Clerk E. W. County lieconle r Edwin 1). Woolley. riitfendi nt Roliert L. Caniplsdl. ,NJ hoot Su 0 ANOGEXERU, STYLES , ALWAYS ON MIRRORS, and at the same time famish the , . Through to Soar Fmaeifoo WITH A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ANYBODY, J , PACIFIC COAOT Bar Furniture, TOGETHER roc-k.'- :Tni: Biggest Yet. Discoverers ef ordinary i'.ed Jind argentiferous galena may stand from under. A gentleman just from southern Utah reports not :i vein, nor ledge, nor ordinary deposit, nor pocket, but a mountain of silver Think of that! And he looks as serious as a grand juror. Me wont say as to the whole mountain being Mexican dollars, but our informant is satisfied tliere is an immensely big tiling there and a sure thing at that. CHANDALIKRS, PLATED WARE, OF OF ALL , All Rail fRoute to OoUftnrti zr LAMPS, BEDDING, FURNITURE, O CARRIAGF.fi . . Avoiding tho dangert of tfte Sea. 1 BABY 1 IN LESS THAN FOUR DATS I Metalic Burial Cases. Shipping by the Car Load, I IV- - AXD ALSO, A VARIETY Advantage to Jl IT Ob' IrS, os one of one J'irm isf tlnri ng the Sea(Hie II A LOUNGES, m ; AOT TH Wash stands, Cribs, a yy'E make fruit speciality And Dealers, will find SAFES , KITCHEN T S s Corinne. cago that Baggage checked through, atm handled, finee afz charge. Ask for tickets via the BurUagto-JEUntc- . A sjsicial train is now running between FociAc Junction and Plattimouth, leaving PndAfi Jnne tion on the arrival of the afternoon .train from ' Comicil Blnlfo. A. B. TOUZALIN, Genl Ticket Agent. - J. W. c. X. FES5IXS, Genl Sap't. MORSE, General Agent. my2-dAw- tf MADE A SPECIALTY PRINTING IN COLORS Call and examine our facilities for Job Work. attention. All order will receive prompt |