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Show 25 September 2, 1999 3 REAL ESTATE 240 ACREAGE & LOTS bdrm, 1 bath Townhouse, 1119 N Navon (1250 E) in Layton. No smokingpets $600, $500 dep Gina u Park acre Parkwood (fall 543-327- 233 W 650 S. 627-72- V R.E. Investments Syracuse orbuilding lot, your ours, your plan or r builder or ours. 859-15- 00 bage, 775-41- 775-00- $750 APARTMENTS Goldstone Place Luxury Apartments Check out the New Goldstone Year-roun- d heated pool and Jacuzzi r. laundry facility Great monthly specials Military discount. 1200 S. 1500 E. Clearfield LUXURY RECREATION PROPERTY 250 pets. MEMCAMPGROUND BERSHIP and timeshare re- sale clearinghouse!! Don't We'll take Buy! Sell! Rent! Resort Sales Int'l Must sell. Private, remote 40 want yours? no pets. Call 731-34- MANUFACTURED HOMES 394-38- By owner, '98 Brookfield 1500 2 3 bdrm, park wpool. $72,000. sq ft, Nice Call $51,900. 625-352- $700mo. Tom at FR, 2 FP, big laundry and storage area, 2 car gaIg. now! Estates 7. smoking. New 2 bdrm, townhouse con-d1 bath, central air, garage plus parking stall, incl wd, microwave, range, fridge. Canyon Place Condos. $1000. Hidden 75 W. 250 N. Clearfield. Marilee A 12x56, very good cond,. nice area, see to appreciate, 9. or $15,960. IV2 bath, wap- '78 3 bdrm. rilanroc tin nut. 3 sheds. $26,500offer. 825-75- 24 393-63- ' 900 sq ft of affordable tailoffice space avail. Call bdrm, 2 589-28- 593-013- 8, HOUSES FOR RENT 440 100's of available vacancies from No. Ogden to Mo. Salt Lake. CALL 25 fee T. www.browz.comut-rental- s 02 cent RedWhiteBlue Slot Machine, $2000 best offer. 612-244- 5. MOST HAVE LOT e 3 bdrm Must sell! bath, dbl carport, ac, shed. stove. $35,900offer. Must sell! 14x70, 2 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home i. Very $16,500offer. good cond, leave msg (435)734-208- 6, 1 2 bath, great bdrm, Ogden, rond. inside and out. Big fenced yd, to many new items to list, must see! $23,000offer 782-35- a 13 i 2- - i AAA 50 38".... 69 92 5 8 S (res.) Accredited Realtors of America 776-843- 8 This week only, while apartments last , APIS. UASL COVE Located in Layton at 2100 N. Hill Field Rd. or call 773-230- Real Estate 0. from $499 2- - bed. from $559 3- - bed. from $659 r.JLEc$TATEc EATHEO. 2-Bedr- oom 5-Bedr- oom 4-Bedro- orn d. Deposit only $99 $565 $599 $719 New Units & Central Air Beautiful WasherDryers available in some apartments Fitness Center PoolSpa Central air Tanning salon Free video library Racquetball Basketball Tennis Conveniently located s Hook-up- JT- - MILITARY DISCOUNTS www.EQR.com Rents and specials subject to change. Restrictions apply. ff 25 E. 18QO S. Clearfield STEEL SHEETS "HI-RI- Gnn42t$.f.' BUY II LSW57WS METAL-MAR1200 E t oeUVEKYAVAMMLE Visit our Web sites! www.mcfrugal.com T 100 S. LEW, UT Call For FREE StockPrice Llstl SPECIAL FINANCING www.metalsales.com AVAILABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS UTAH'S I5ES1 & BIGGEST STORAGE CONTAINERS For Sale Or Rent UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS ; " PAYMENTS BELOW rftl area. 977-888- 5 (800) 370-011- AMD INTEREST 1850 West Roy, UT 395-14- (801) 600 PRINCIPLE SHEFFIELD COMMONS 4800 South 20'. 40' & 48' Units No One Else In Utah Guarantees Their Containers! We Do For Two Full Years! bdrm, brand new nice Riverdale I STOW-I- T $490mo. Nn pets. bdrm, 1 bath bsmt apt, nice Lavton area, no smoking$200 pets, $450 monrincl util dep (cell) 808-800- 2 N 69 479-56- 06 duplex, 1 78' ": 1 Cherrell Thomas (office) 782-140- 2 ..44 - c aaKai hnmo. WD. cable, garage, storage, S4M) pari uin. mu-o- 290 listing of homes for sole in the area Cover your own with tt. 37 ROOMMATE WANTED 544-87- 57 panels etc. QMitiq Dimension 622-93- 46 280 aates. portable .Save your 2 Dbl-wid- From Cottages to Castles Your Home Connection! Prudential Spacious SHEDS, BARNS & HOMES Make your own sjAx--r BH&G DONT KNOW WHERE TO START? FREE equipment and supplies they need in Classified "Serving Your Real Estate Needs with Integrity, Enthusiasm, & Professionalism" Affordable FOR DETAILS CALL STEEL PIPE MOVING TO THE ARiA? Hobbyists find the unam 6 394-54- 25 525-20- 19 uoaea tzniryiNeai isictnu view am CALL ABOUT FINANCING. ROBERT BISSELL 4, 782-694- batteriescharger, all accessories - SATTERWHITE LOG HOMES RENT ALLOWANCE. WARDLEY camcorder, used INSURED! & PROVEN TWICE AS SAFE AS SAND OR GRAVEL FOR PLAYGROUNDS! MOST HAVE HOME WARRANTY. 774-678- Panasonic 24x4 t0 PV Mackie4 STEREOS $5.00CUBIC YARD! $41,500. PA System from SP-everything in between.1. Call after 5:30pm 1908 upright piano, great cond, must see, $900. Lecia Complete 776-266- 1. T.V.'S, VIDEO, 612-92- 84 MUS'.CAL INSTRUMENTS 489 460 reCon- MISCELLANEOUS Call IMPACT TESTED Center Clearfield, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, '99 Guerdon, vacant, many other Beautiful washer and dryer, excellent working condition, wbag, $225offer dr 3 icimaker, fridge, freezer, items. WASHERS AND DRYERS once, EQUIPMENT Misc restaurant equ p. 334-94- $250. OFFICEBUSIXESS 467 Almost new, Kenmore fridge. White, Ig. capacity, glass shelves. Pd $650, Must sell, $400offer 456 897-252- 5. 3 email: olsonravitrex.net '.marilvnolson.com WOODCHIPS $31,500. Call 393-100- 8. 02 (801)540-840- 4 $41,500. Layton, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Ig storage shedshop, $23,000. Center Clearfield, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, '99 Guerdon, vacant, monitor. 17 STORAGE 430-12- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Lakeview, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, vaulted ceilings, many ex- or 399-42- Free APPLIANCES Keypers Self Storage AFFORDABLE RENTALS $19,500. $475offer. sound, keyboard,$799.mouse. $200. ed 1-be- 310 6 striped 985-316- 4. 627-23- 37 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR 2 yrs old, excell cond $1700 ($3600 new). 479-53- 370 $575 mo. Avail, now. Call $500 2 match- New Book Case Waterbed, complete, any size, Dark or light, $269. Free night tables w purchase. Crown Queen size log bed frame, MEDICAL SUPPLIES venient So. Ogden location IV2 bath New carpet and tile, lots of storage, cool. 41 mauvewhite A, OFFICE & BUSINESS 360 394-58- Lakeview, iust listed, '95 Champion, 2 bdrm, 1 bath, new carport, 8x10 shed, tras, Pipe and Wire100--Plow Puller, excell Pied Piper cond $5500 731-24- 479-82- Like new, matching ing love seats, 92 MARILYN OLSON to WSU, ski areas, downtown. Sale $83,900. Rent $625mo. 1305 S. Monroe Nice Call 782-050- Close Mobile Market 774-678- 394-00- o. 612-153- 782-16- 737-058- 5. rage, No quiet neighborhood. at hide-a-b- KILLER!!! III 985-53- 43 775-97- Lg. Ice Cream Freezer. Small Ice Cream Freezer. Both $1200. Call P 450 MHZ. 64 MB, PC 100, 8.5 GB. 8MB Video, 5X CD, 56 V.96, PCI Sound, 320 watt 546-08- 11 622-839- 9. bdrm 2 bath, 3 semi-wavele- ss Wood Burning Heritageexcellent condition, Stove, 442 782-82- 86 Canopied solid oak king waterbed wwrought iron accents, mattress $500offer Dining Set, 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, table pad, and lighted china cabinet $800. private parties onlv, price must appear in the ad $350 $3000 wlights 771-27- 09 589-99- 90 Sept or Misty at 589-99- 90 East Layton New, beautiful, 3 bdrm, 2 bath,ct 14x66 Guerdon. Won't Glen last-a- attached baths, 2 622-839- 9. A OPEN HOUSE il500mo. Classified Dept. j950. Queen si waterbed wmatch- ing nightstand and desk, $300offer. 1880s English highback bed, $775. Sofa COMPUTERS Pentium 350, new, 17xl monisoftware, asking tor, printer, Rob (801)295-610- 0 4. All-wo- er 479-31- lease or Lease option. lease to purchase. 5 yr old, split level home in Syracuse,4 2700 sq ft, dbl garage, bdrm, 3 baths, vaulted ceilCall Tom ings, $1095mo. or Murray at Misty at Stop paving rent forever! Purchase a home now. 5 ways with no money down. Call Reva, garage, storage rm, all apincl fridge WD. pliances Avail 1st. Call REAL ESTATE MOBILE HOMES Mobile lot. FOR RENT schools, 4, Fri-S- bdrm, no Full bsmt. E. Layton 5 bdrm 4 bath formal LR and DR, Ig eat-i- n kitchen, 2 FR, office, wopd-e- d 2 bdrm townhouse in Clearfield, close to HAFB and Steve 260 4. 731-22- 737-41- dbl-wi- 479-399- 8, Ogden 791-100- Will home in Immac Layton, 3 bdrm 2 bath. Gas FP, laundry rm, WD incl. Secluded back yd, custom shed, dbl carport, Ig deck wawning. 5 2 Standard-Examin- 625-430- 0 smokepets. evesweekends. 03 CCK30MIXIUMS 305 bath, den. 4-- 728-93- CALL 525-018- 455 ALL SOLID OAK Kincaid 8 piece bdrm set. Entertainment center, 6 piece dining set, lateral file cabinet, TV cart and tile top dining fable. Call medium oak Belgian shrunk IV x 8', glass shelves addt'l days 7 FURNITURE & CARPET 450 FREE 392-438- GlenAgent, Cozy ar 255 plus 1 bdrm, clean, gas, dep, lights, 0. bdrm, FR, LR, 4 car garage, new int, nicely landscaped yard, outside pets ok. $1200mo. Riverdale, very nice 3 bdrm, no smokepets, carport, storage. $625 So. Ogden - large 2 bdrm garage, formal dining, WD, $690 dep. $25,000offer. OwnerAgent. 33 days Only $26 The Eden. in 776-68- 87 acres near Bear Lake. 7 Beautiful Ogden Valley Home 24-h- it1! 392-64- 773-774- 3 lines 9-- 2 bdrms, 2 $450 $325 1 Baby items, toys, waterbed set, clothes, bikes, lots more! METABOLIFE tm, independent distributor, now at Motor-V- u Swap Meet, 3. Saturdays, space 39, local Free delivery, great price! Distributors Wanted (items for sale under $10,000) pd. $750mo. No dep. SouthMon-F-Ogden n, 5 399-51- -? SPECIAL 465 Matching couch, loveseat. chair wend table $350 Colony Circle Yard Sale Sat, Sept. 4, 8- BIG BARGAIN with Queen sz shadow box headboard wmirror, 6 drawer dresser wshadow box mirror and night stand. $350. AREA EARASE SALES 445 KISCEUAXEOUS Stuff? A call to Classified Will help Ig. LR, 3 bdrm, laundry, storage, FR, water,, garsewer 782-76- 45 t. acres-Laytor- 440 731-383- 82 Overstocked 801-393- -1 Great opportunity! Nick Dorosh 1 295-478- FREE RENT 1 and 2 bdrm, close to WSU. Pool, exercise and club room 103 3290 Van Buren. acre, prime N. Ogden site, near mnior highelementary schools, unencumbered view, secondary water, all 13 9.7 5. Spacious bdrm, schools. ups, carport. Near 1. $58,900. 6. util's ready $42,000 $585-$61- hook- 2 bath Roy twin incl covered patio, 1 home, fenced yard, 2 car garage wauto opener, swamp cooler, dishwasher, disposal, WD hookups, $775 mo FP,dep, no pets, avail Oct.l, for call appt. to1. see or 546-80- 53 Bountiful-Chatea- Estatesl Syracuse. bdrm, 3 1 2438 W. 1100 S. Salt Lake City Call Don Crockett 546-6"S- O 1 A Realty A 540-- 1 Brough 295 Decorated Model Open Daily 1- -7 including Sunday. New Homes With Garage Y:J:A Kent Pea One Month's Bedrooms Fully Landscaped 2 To 3 Central Air RfHT) 1 4 . &2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bedroom Apartments laut OIL, rOrirTI7S APARTMENTS 2) 1, V i 825-180- ptAiir 0 lyiOClSJ I .tnn sl s ADDliance rr Package includes: Refrigerator, Washer and Dryer, f V WflVG Also $2,000 towards Closing Costs. Across from Layton Hills Mall kiNotram "' , "'" '"I""y 'immmMMM. I |