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Show Hi!!topi September 2, 1999 to Y2K kind a of four deals September said Clifford Hall, chief ofAFMC's Materiel Support Group Software Factory at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. "Though Sept. 9th is on our Y2K list of high-ris- k dates, we without and to it come any serigo expect AFB, Ohio Four of a kind is usually a winning hand in poker. But when Sept. 9, 1999 WRIGHT-PATTERSO- "For the 9th of September to be problematic, the date first would have to be misformatted as an uninterrupted string of four nines," Hall said. Hall said nines were never as popular as the year field associated with millennium the bug, but his team included this condition in its testing and observed no problems. problems, they're highly unlikely," Air Force Materiel Command Y2K Program Office N ous incidents. If anything were to happen on the ninth, I would first associate it with something other than the 'nines of September.'" In case there were to be any difficulty, Hall said the factory will have a small contingency team in place to respond immediately. According to Hall incidents caused by the "nines of September" should be the 9th day of the 9th rolls around month in the 99th year Y2K watchers are confident they will beat its four nines. The date resembles a previously popular programming convention of using "9999" in the date field as an command. There is concern that even end-of-fi- le without the backslash marks, the four nines can cause programs to a rare. "While there is a slight potential for by Bill Lubera While there is a slight potential for problems, they're highly unlikely "We're very confident that the four nines of September are nothing but a bluff that we'll beat hands down," Hall said. "Our systems will run uninterrupted not only through the ninth of Sep-tembe- r, but through the entire new Clifford Hall millennium." Ethnic festival features classes, entertainment Hispanic Heritage Month Observance. This year's observance will run from Sept 14 through Oct 15 and is sponsored by the Hispanic Heritage Subcommittee. The Ethnic Festival is set for Sept. 14 from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the 405th Combat Logistics Support Squadron, Bldg. 295 and will include seminars, lunch and entertainment. The hour-lon- g 75th torate, Shirley Gonzales, Ext. 2443 Kiesel Ave., Ogden ) & American BANQUETS OPEN PARTIES SATURDAY 11 00 9:00 P.M. A.M.-9:0- 0 03 South State, 531-886- MONDAY-FRIDA- 10:30 A.M. : 'wmmm mmmw 625-023- 3 11 s ogy and Industrial Support Directorate, Anita Contracting DirecEdmondson, Ext. TATTOOS Do Q Oriental - Commodities Directorate, Tyrone Aranda, Ext. Training Systems Management, Leo Garcia, Ext 74207; 75th Air Base Wing, Merry Stow-el- l, 34th Fighter Squadron, TSgt Ext. Defense Depot Hill Luis Pena, Ext. Area ComExt. Utah, Mary Wilson, mand Ogden, Anthony Archuleta, Ext. then Ext 3041; ICBM System Program Office, Rose Marie Fuentes, Ext. Dave Martinez, Ext. Why Haven't You Coiled Yot? Restaurant With Drink! 3I -- 10-1- lest Teriyalci $9.75 As Low As is 1-- strations from 1 a.m.; an opening ceremony and welcoming address from Maj. Gen. Richard Roellig, Ogden Air Logis impaired will be available in a variety of classes. Classes will cover topics includ LUNCH SPECIALS p.m.; the Pinata breaking from 12:30-- 1 p.m. and classes from 3 p.m. There is no charge for training classes or admittance to see booth displays. Lunch tickets are $5. Lunch will be held from 11 a.m. 1 p.m. , and includes a chili verde burrito, rice, refried beans, chips, salsa and a drink. Tickets for the lunch are available from the following representatives: Technol- 30 basis. An interpreter for the hearing Communications Squadron, Bob Reyna, Ext. Plans and Programs, Barbara Garcia, Aircraft Directorate, Arcy MarExt. and Pablo Sanchez, Ext. Ext. tinez, C-Space and Systems Directorate, 30 a.m.; a lunch break from 11:30 a.m. 12:30 The tentative agenda has scheduled classes from a.m.; free time to and demonbooths at look displays, classes 11-11:- -- half-hou- will be available on a first come, first serve TAKE-OU- T tics Center commander, from ing interviewing skills, relocating and readjusting, family relationships, and domestic violence. Two buses will transport personnel r from 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. every The following are designated pick-u- p and drop-of- f points: south side of Bldg. 238, west side of bldg. 507, north side of Bldg. 1231 and the south side of Bldg. 1239. An Ethnic Festival titled "Visions of the 21st Century" will kickoff the Hill AFB P.M. O SLC 3 State Health Department Approved. Oldest Established Tattoo Company in SL. HIGH ENERGY WORK THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. 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