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Show Firs AF of heros today's T sergeantunsung By Airman I st Class Cindy Huston Editor, Fighter Country From the 3 a.m. wake up calls to the constant mentoring they provide, the role of the first sergeant is as diverse and unique as the squadrons and airmen they represent. "The first sergeants have the potential of being the second most influencial person in their units," said Command Chief Master Sgt. T.J. Love, 388th Fighter Wing. "I rely heavily on the Shirts to keep the people programs healthy and provide recommendations to improve to improve good programs and eliminate those that don't make sense." "I truly believe there are few people who are willing to take the time, energy, and resources to do the job effectively and first sergeants take pride in that," said Senior Master Sgt. Allen Niksich, 34th Fighter Squadron first sergeant. Sergeant Niksich has been a first sergeant for over 10 years in six different squadrons to include the logistic group, operations and support groups. "Unfortunately, I spent a lot of time in my first sergeant's office as an airman and since they were not social visits, I learned a lot about what the job was about," said Sergeant Niksich. "I have always enjoyed working with people and it just seemed like the most suitable job for me to enjoy my work and to help make a difference for others." According to the sergeant, his favorite part of the j ob is when he has a hand in turning airmen around that have trouble adjusting to Air Force standards. "While we discharge airmen who cannot maintain standards, it's always a great feeling when you can turn someone around and see a person who now meets and exceeds standards because someone took the time to care about them," said Sergeant Niksich. Master Sgt. Raymond Driskell, 388th Operations Support Squadron first sergeant, agrees and adds being involved in the lives and career progression of the squadron personnel can also be very rewarding. "It's exciting to watch someone grow and mature through promotions, achievements, marriage, births, assignments and relationships," said Sergeant Driskell. Of course the job of the first sergeant isn't always filled with rewarding issues or positive outlooks. From finding 'v. 1 : is - vi f. If Photo by Airman 1st Class Cindy Huston Master Sgt. Ray Switzer, 4th Fighter Squadron first sergeant, gives change to Capt. Scott Sheppard, 4th FS pilot, during a burger burn Thursday in front of Hangar 37. Procedes from the cookout will be donated to charity. solid role models to trying to be there for everybody who needs help, the role of the first sergeant can also be a very challenging one. "A challenge for me is finding solid role models for our young troops because we are so mission oriented," said Sergeant Niksich. "We sometimes forget to mentor our subordinates and show them what it takes to make it to the senior NCOtier." A lot of the younger troops separate because they haven't had good career counseling and are not making educated decisions about whether to stay in, add the sergeant. Sergeant Driskell addecl that airman who are feeling "de RANK from Page A from Page A A3XX (airborne communications system) 1 A300 (chief enlisted manager airborne communication system) 1 A500 (chief enlisted manager airborne missions systems) . . tions) 1CXXX (command control systems operations) 1N0X1 (intelligence applications) 1N000 (chief enlisted manager intelligence applica1T0X1 (survival, evasion, resistance, and escape train- ing) 1T1X1 (life support) 1T100 (chief enlisted manager life support) 2A0X1 (avionics test station and components) 2A1X1 (avionics sensors maintenance) 2 A 1X2 (avionics guidance and control systems) 2 A 1 X3 (communications and navigation systems) 2A 1 X4 (airborne surveillance radar systems) 2A1X7 andX2AlX7 (electronic warfare systems) 2A3X2 (F-- 1 6 avionic systems) 2A3X3 (tactical aircraftmaintenance) 2A4X1 (aircraft guidance and control systems) 2 A4X2 (aircraft communication and navigation systems) j 2A4X3 (aircraft command control and communications and navigation systems) 2A5X3 (bomber avionics systems) 2 A6X3 (aircrew egress systems) 2 A6X4 (aircraft fuel systems) 2A6X5 (aircraft hydraulic systems) 2 A6X6 (aircraft electrical and environmental systems) 2A7X1 (aircraft metals technology) 2A7X2 (nondestructive inspection) 2A7X3 (aircraft structural maintenance) 2 A7X4 (survival equipment) 2R1X1 (maintenance scheduling) 2W0X1 (munitions systems) 2W1X1,K2W1X1,Q2W1X1 and X2W1X1 (aircraft armament systems) 5 , STOP 1 I" Stephen Daigle, 729th ACS John Daly, 729th ACS Ronald Gorham, 729th ACS Brian Howard, 729th ACS Scott Long, 729th ACS Robert Schildt, 729th ACS Spencer Shelmire, 729th ACS Ernesto Cintado, 421st FS Frank Hernandez, 421st FS Jeffrey Howard, 421st FS Richard Humphrey, 421st FS Walter Kowalski, 421st FS Steven Melnick, 421st FS William Minson, 421st FS Ronald NeaL 421st FS Terry Nelson, 421st FS Eric Romelfanger, 421st FS Jerald White, 421st FS SonjaWhittington, 388th FW John Barriball, 4th FS James Bell, 4th FS Ruben Flowers, 4th FS Robert Keichline, 4th FS Wayne Reighard, 4th FS Kenton Romero, 4th FS Jeffrey Armstrong, 388th LSS Linda Assenco, 388th LSS Linda Miller, 388th LSS William Doss, 388th OSS Kris Enos, 388th OSS Dameda McCoy, 388th OSS Dale Greer, 388th LG Kevin Lynn, 388th LG Robert Sellin, 388th LG Vermis Riley, 388th OG Paul AbeL 388th MXS Mark Bonne, 388th MXS Curtis Borovetz, 388th MXS William Camden, 388th MXS feated" by the Air Force or their individual bases should find someone who can offer opinions of both the good and bad sides. Sometimes just being able to open up to someone you can trust can make a world of difference, added Sergeant Driskell. Whether they're dealing with the troop everybody loves or the airmen who tried to burn their house down, both sergeants agree, first sergeants are a breed who just like to help people. "You win some and you lose some, but there's never a dull moment," said Sergeant Niksich. Joseph Ferguson, 388th MXS MatthewGyte,-388thMX- Scott Keiflin,388th MXS EricMcaellan,388thMXS Michael Murphy, 388thMXS NormanNorthcut, 388thMXS David Otis,388th MXS David Poarch, 388th MXS Jeffrey Smith, 388thMXS KoryStow,388thMXS Joseph Syromi, 388th MXS Jose Vazquez, 388th MXS Kenneth Whitten, 388th MXS Rex Black, 34th FS Ross Brown, 34th FS Steven Gethers, 34th FS John Hart, 34lhFS Robert Kolp, 34th FS Howard Miller, 34th FS Richard Westerfield, 34th FS Melissa Wilson, 34th FS |