Show JUETT ANSWERS WHEELER OF KY KYlo KYto J s to lo His Attack on Secy Hay HayAnd HayAnd HayAnd And the Ilio Administration UlMUS A nOT hOT HOUSE ii VS the fan t I I Oft I d U ma III 11 1 o or of Feb washington he It t III H the lIr Jr assailed when heu eu he h I bitterly d Friday and hay lIay iid Ilyn Sit official ll 8 for tor torm forth th reception Ot of had iad IL a m th today during the he IB In th the I hoURI u Ate on the th W In Ia a IL Mr Ir Ol Gillett lf o ot HI till hour ip ch tho lan Ion lanEt S ol of Mr carried Us Its lt own condemnation rt Et de delored he h illicit ored lored such sueh sUC an to a n foreign for Durio the Iho th course courso of at tho the speech two of ot Indiana nm and Tyer of ot with Mr Mt Wheelers ut lit lily any ty drew from France teran Thew The e lIr hr Talbert of South Carolina tho thu ho t that he lie desired dc to In III Inthe me the responsibility of at o tho speech every evory word ord of which witch he lie said ho endorsed Mr r Wheeler himself subsequently replied 10 to Mr fr n what shat h b he had bad ad aid ald and Gud declaring that ho lie twill by b his hili words whether they tte were discreet or not lIot Earlier Earll t In Iii Ih the he Mr Hill of ot ut and Mr of ot Colo Cob udo Ido the Hie formers lull Jill to re ia reo IIer wIth lIh gold The Indian bill of which wn was begun w was not nol touched on In the thu speechmaking Mr fr Sherman of York who wino ID Is In chr it Qt f the bill announced that III In KV of o the tact act that many nanny members In Is recant debate desired to speak on trait not germane to tho ho bill ho noali reserve his opening address Mr Ir Burleson of ot Texas then mudo mado a 1 on the tho th subject ct of ot trusts fists Ho lIo pike of the th strenuous one Olle who wIno had to 10 the presidency last fall tall lid lad contrasted contral d his speech In 1111 summer ummer with Ith tho tine utterances In hl bile hili on tIns the trust truit question lie Ha Boter HaIr ter Ir hla I secessIon accession to lathe the presidency he ho heM M hed spoken of trust and mo inn monopolists afterward or ot of ot industry all of ot which ho declared In III that tho Iho was OS con lon by the forces force In III the time r billy IUt rt bIch mad laId In tn the Inlet protected trail Wt WhIt t Is the Democratic tic governor ct of doing Coing to prevent the big bis bl merger In tho tine northwest Mr bir of ot Minneapolis 11 lt li h he u It 1 not riot In lint lino with the gov gol t or Dr your state slate responded Sir Mi Ir lon Hen iben hen I repudiate him mini Ihu 1 Is not retorted Mr Mm fawney HI eia I t lt you yuu ia hop mep of at 1 took Wha on to 10 o refer t tt the till attack of ot Iii lIr aro Wheeler or K S Uey a 11 few days Ito epo the e for Cor its It f Preparations lo 1 n c r with the e forthcoming visit II of at PrInce r nee Henry and andrt th te ot or I FIng Ing Ho lie rt i r reh J Mr Mi Wh eller tot for thin tho eh that Ih the secretary of ot slate state UR Wit uI I pitiable and t Iy houW should be ho b beote oled out ot of the th state department tot for making flicking tan un u of tho lerma nation and st sayIng a rill h he did did not care for tor the tho rood foal wIll of o the the German 0 erma people Time Tho a t U 1 utterances were Wert tho th r MO ney achieved ho meld IBid SUr Suh h addressed to a V foreign n ou naturally made mado an nn Im un l there know nothing of the nina who guvo utter ance ne to them they only knoll knos ot of hl his POsition us na a n lumbar of ot the tho ii an house ot of On OnD the lii that 51 1 ho he D akl ak the tho stIgma a of ot of or gentl mana SJ attn II attached to 10 all nit the m lm here It very every one ono Cf at Ih the rn gentleman hat hal told him he thought of him Mr tr Gillett sU ItU Ih r n i hs Would be some strained friendships Mr Ir aille said Hald the good emIl of r every the was IM valuable to tu anti that It H Willi cx UnWise to thing a Il taunt In the Ia arl ot f u great People Personally he said laid he hI h I thy wa was not pot In ln n nh with win the l worship ot of royalty There th h re w Were n only orn two tw cs I In III this bile Country th the a ell l birth One Olie was Led and elites nt ot the great Atoot r cities the to 10 othel the which reu refused ed tatton cation culture or edu lip he If n It Was vas tainted with sit lIh color henry Henr belled that ul the tho Visit ot of I 7 a 0 caslon fur for Our ot of f wood good will willi had with h recently been i and lion hero am a an to 10 Gui tur Ish It wOUld be chair and not to welcome rl th r ree of the Ocr Oer l opi pi lie Mr hr WhIr u o Mr r ali OlI tt Inlay on any that on nn i last t tr be h hl bJ r t sPoken for tor r nn anyone ono cx clear though lie he ll helleved that I Ie hart barb un he dId LIllI lIe salt Innumerable letters and tele ide COuntry parts ot of I the tho Itis Ph UnstInted praise o tiC For lOL Ito ho sob lie he preferred how ew to tell tei the truth no matter It might lIe he ir Adverting to the statement malle b by J RI al ant and Mr t lASt l IrI rl Yie Jut Ut the vIsit of f tIne the Prince ot of durin during It tb Mr fr Wheeler d declared that those 11 lie eam Were pre Incorrect correct r the te had re cc I prince as n a Private I W tai I had I tilt bi own SS SSi borne the expense ou out ot of I lie be hat Cost CIt even Paid paP the of n it i K revenue te O cutter on that Peter said that lie ho to receiving a ft ore lIon Wl WIth Proper con la lata What n he t of objected ta to lo w was 8 the tho 0 that hall tj alit anil na thIs am tho thin pro pre administration t of c P lally in the slate department th t 11 hint had to this the received he of or thi J era ern a We were W re from and ami a majorIty from Before DIot the hc American l he ht L I ElY any hut traI I i 1 hare hae not n a Word to reo ic believe that we 1 to p a PosItion are nIAm hOStile to I do eU u J I ant boll eve that to oe no fl flu rat Trat l ap r olion In the It for Us U to sacrIfice our tra I I tor I nm am the SOn ot of I Ic C as and my love of the tho ren n born ti ond In the bre t In I havo een n an ai press with or i I am led Ih mi ton Ibl lion op ot of 1 a farmer of the Ihl ot of 1 forel ner but I am be thia char 1 l I 1 till In the 8 be an to S C communIcations some ot of he laid ball In reply lc to n II question by Mr Hep iou Ky Jy J he lie said salt that a few of ut them were lell from Kentucky Ho lie list rein a u telegram from trout N Y signed lOA A LifeLong loIt Republican then lien a I cablegram from London also signed lOA A LifeLong Republican Ito saute same man cried out Mr Mc This remark ismark convulsed tho Republican side eldo of at tho the house Have you ou anything there thore from Kd Hd Hdward ward Atkinson asked Mr Rep 0 No not nut yet yot ul replied Mr Wheeler amid derisive jeers on the Republican sIde Bide OhI Ohl you 01 may laugh ho tie added but hut when those who laugh so derisively liMe have been gathered lo tu oblivion the name minnie of at HUward AtkInson will be ro roo Anything tram train asked Mr Mercer of ot Nebraska To ono one who would bo o guilty of ot tho the discourtesy of or that question retorted Mr Wheeler I will ray fay II I had hall rather number among my friends than thun such uch OB as he In n conclusion he lie salt that ho lie hail had meant m no dUi dl to Henry or to tu the German Germin peo pea pie plo and abc ha lie did 1111 not nol see ece p how what ho he said could bo ho tortured t Into Inlo such an nil Interpretation The Tho Incident closet closed with a n tow ten re ic remarks reo marks from Mr forcing Borel of at Kentucky who disavowed on behalf ot of o tho the PeoPle of or his state any ony sympathy s with Mr position Tho The senate amendments to the cen census censUS sus sue bill 1411 were Vero disagreed agreed to and the bill was sent to conference At GW 1 S the tho house adjourned lIner to tu Washington Feb rob Cochran of Missouri two weeks ago ogo Introduced 1 a n resolution Inviting Paul 1 ruger to tho thu United States as ns aslie the lie guest of thin his country Yesterday Mr Mn Cochran received a n let letter letten ten ter by J three members of or the tho floor Door quartered nt at Brussels him and all who are nN support supporting In ing his hili efforts for tor tho the noble Interest they are Ire taking In tho the two hoer Doer re rePublics Publics The Time letter better reviews front from the tho Hoer fiber standpoint the causes which led lell up to tho time war anil ant declares that Great Grant Unit ala Invented pretext after otter pretext to liming bring on the tho conflict candid und nut that her purpose WItS was to secure the tine ex ox extensive gold mines mincH of ot the Transvaal al alIn In pursuance pur of ot a n settled national policy to control nil alt gold mines wherever ever ver I possible either by purchase or orI I In order that butt Great Greot zany may command the worlds Industries The letter Itter In closing appeals to He lie Heroic role and generous America to Inter Intervene vane vene ene In behalf of ot the tho Doers Boers rs |