Show Washington Feb Peb after the time senate satiate convened today tOlla a I resolution of offered fared by b Mr Ir w WAS s adapted di ill directing meeting time the service commission to 10 transmit to the tIme f lale a n statement showing the apportionment or of the time em In the th various of or orthe the time government from rom the thus several states stated and the time District of or Columbia together with the lie ell of or In the time department dela m nt At the conclusion of ot routine busl bust new flees Mr tr of Michigan ad addressed I dressed dreMMl the senate upon the time Philippine i tariff hill bill He lie saul said It was not hits hI pur poll note 10 to In dIscuss fully the tIme Philippine question but to lo how simply how time the United Stales Slates w was In time the Philippine anti anil Ill It U should remain In Iii the he lel Island lelande and ande He ifs J e Mid saul that Iha t Congress now was wan dealing with as they were found toun today and not AS AI they tile had bait beers been In the lie past InRI er r might be In tIme the future HP lie felt relt that the iso nation was confronted by bv a condition atal not by a theory We e hold sold he the Philippine Islands Island by b n a title that lint cannot be dual dial longed by hy any court In Christendom We Vt harm become responsible re for them to the hue nations ot world The pond pend pending pen penIn log ing In bill simply provIdes provide revenues Buill cleat clent to meet the needs of or the gov government government of ot the Philippines After he his had un compared briefly tie pending lend In bill and the time substitute offered by lq y the th minority he lie entered upon n a dig of ot time the events which led I I up to lo th lh war with The war he lie Mill was In response to the popular demand In tw tIme United States and nit no people were more for a war titan than those who now constituted the minor It Mr reviewed time the b of time the war In the tho Philippines and sold said the occupation of time the Island by the United States was with witha witha a due regard to the obit Mr Mc Burrow Darrows saId the Philip pines hines deserved a good government but did not deserve independence because V Van I an practicable Independent government was not |